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Posts posted by Ken711

  1. Not sure whether you are aware but there is a webcam in Genoa Port.

    Clarity isn't brilliant but it updates every 2 seconds, you can move the camera up/down, left/right, zoom in/out using the controls underneath the picture (they are a bit slow to react!)

    I have to use Google Chrome as opposed to standard Google for it to work.

    Costa Concordia is over to the left hand side of the port.




    Thanks for the links Lightman.


    They have made a lot of progress dismantling the upper decks. Looks like they are down to the top attachment points of the sponsons.

  2. Not much news going on I guess, but the recycling website finally posted a status update this week.


    July 27 marked the 1-year date since the ship arrived in Genoa.






    Meanwhile in Giglio, M30 also removed the first of the underwater platforms Monday.




    Wish they had photos of the dismantling to go along with the update report.

  3. Work to remove underwater platforms and cement bags on schedule.


    The restoration work of the seabed Giglio proceed on schedule. The confirmation came directly yesterday on the island where the Observatory for the removal work coordinated by the Tuscany Region has met the population for an update on the state of the art after the removal of the wrecked Costa Concordia Gabbianara January 13, 2012.


    The removal of debris " Since work began - said Carlo Femiani Project Manager Site Remediation Project Micoperi, the company contracted by Costa Crociere environmental restoration - were removed 80 thousand tons of debris (iron concrete materials the most varied) in an area of 30 thousand square meters; percent dead bodies with chains that at the time of the yard were are placed have now been completely eliminated (4 to 9 tons each); ten thousand tons of bags of cement and mortar were taken to dispose the port of Piombino and many will soon be disposed of. It 'also started the cutting phase of the six platforms positioned as false bottom and on which it was lying belly of Concordia after rotation. Between July and mid-August - he confirmed the coach - will begin the removal .

  4. From Giglio News




    Gabbianara: start of the removal of bags of cement


    It took place yesterday on the island, as announced, a public meeting between Costa Cruises, Tuscany Region and city administration on the progress of remediation of the seabed of Punta Gabbianara where it settled in the sinking of the Costa Concordia January 13, 2012.


    platforms cleaning seabed region Tuscan island lily giglionewsAccording to the findings have already begun tests to remove the bags of mortar and concrete that had been installed on the spurs of rock to create a false bottom where the vessel is rotated during the operation of 'parbuckling' for subsequent removal.


    According to evaluations of Micoperi, the company that deals Ravenna recovery of the seabed, it will take three to four months to remove all the bags. Then, it's up to the 'anchor block' and finally the steel platforms.


    "It's going to be all right - said the mayor of Giglio, Sergio Ortelli - the bags of mortar and concrete are intact and are coming off in a correct way."

  5. I think they were hoping to move the ship from the seawall to a wet dock sometime in March. It will probably take the better part of a year to remove the upper decks, make the hull watertight, and remove the caissons before they move it to the dry dock.


    Thanks Cheng!

  6. From Giglio News:

    [QUOTE]Costa Cruises has signed the contract on Friday evening with the company Micoperi, thus allowing the ' official start of the restoration activities of the seabed of the site affected by the removal of the Concordia Giglio Island, with a budget of over $ 85 million . The mobilization of equipment and personnel will begin as early as next week and the work will start within a very short time for a total estimated duration of approximately 15 months. The staff employed, consisting of engineers, divers and crews of vessels, will increase from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of about 150 people. As was done for the removal project, the Observatory will monitor set up within the Region of Tuscany to track and monitor the progress of work and authorize all phases of work.

    The project is divided into four consecutive phases that include the following activities: you will start with the removal of debris left on the seabed of the site area, and then continue with the anchor block served installation of towers used for restraints wreck, the removal of bags of cement used to make the false bottom support of the wreck during rotation and until the phase of rigalleggiamento and, thereafter, of the six steel platforms on which rested the wreck after its rotation, for finally end with the removal of sediments deposited on the seabed.

    A detailed environmental monitoring plan, shared with the authorities, will be launched in parallel operations to minimize the environmental impact. The Monitoring Plan, coordinated by the University La Sapienza of Rome provides constant checks on processes and water quality, biological and ecotoxicological tests on fish with even the placement of monitoring stations "mussel watch", periodical analyzes of the sediments, monitoring protected habitats and coral reefs and sea grass in particular a monitoring of cetaceans in the case of activities that may generate noise.[/QUOTE]
  7. [quote name='Carol_Hill']Does anyone have an idea why Russell was inside a passenger cabin? That doesn't make sense to me. Also, how would he have gotten access to a cabin anyway? Unless someone let him in?[/QUOTE]

    Maybe he was searching for or assisting passengers in the evacuation.
  8. Latest news on the underwater platforms:


    State Bar: "Get rid of the platforms!"

    Written by: Ilaria Bonucelli, Il Tirreno November 12, 2014 in News 4 Comments


    State Bar: "Get rid of the platforms!"


    "The platforms must be removed." The bottom of Giglio must go on as before the wreck of the Concordia. The opinion of the Attorney Florence State leaves no doubt confirms the position taken by the Ministry of Environment in the spring, when there was still to decide on the destination port of the wreck of the Costa. The ship - the ministry wrote in its opinion, accompanied by requirements - could be transferred to Genoa, as long as Costa eliminate the platforms of metal, almost as big as two football fields, on which had been lying for more than two years, the Concordia.


    Platform 2 removal costa concordia island lily giglionewsCarried away the wreckage, opened a debate on whether to keep these platforms. Even as a "memorial" of the event. Even the city council of Isola del Giglio approved an agenda to encourage the maintenance of platforms.


    The Attorney General, however, feeds more than one legal doubts about this place. According to EU legislation, it looks like it is necessary to completely eliminate the consequences of damage (also to avoid any complaints or procedures by the European Union); Second, if the removal was determined with a procedure developed at the Conference of the services (the one who identified the final destination of the wreck), can not be an agenda of a city council to change your selection. It is necessary that decision to the contrary - the maintenance of the diving platforms - is always decided by the Conference of service. It would take even a decision of the Centre regional monitoring the work of environmental restoration to Lily that meets today in Florence, in the region, to assess the work that will begin in a few days. The contract, in fact, was entrusted by Coast to Micoperi, Ravenna company that will work closely with the US company Titan with which it has already done and rigalleggiamento recovery of the wreck.


    There is, however, to note that the opinion of the Attorney - sent a few days ago the ministry - is not binding. The final decision on the position to be taken that it is for the requested advice on the platforms. And in recent months, thanks Avvocatura, it was also claimed damages for environmental damage in the ongoing process for the sinking del12 January 2012. Other government departments have been set up plaintiffs for damage to the image and the damage because of the disaster of the Concordia: these include the Coast Guard and the Presidency of the Council. Just think, for example, the costs incurred for the mobilization of civil protection. In this regard, Costa presented a draft transaction from which, however, excludes the costs incurred by the State for the transport of Concord by Lily in Genoa. The objective is to find a shipowner settled out of court (which is excluded from the image damage) and obtain the revocation of a civil government servants. The agreement, however, appears far. The reputational damage is not yet defined and, in any case, would be paid by way of "fairness" being difficult to calculate on objective parameters.

  9. Body of missing crewman found.


    Nov 3 (Reuters) - A corpse found in the wreck of the Costa Concordia is thought to be that of the last person unaccounted for almost three years after the luxury liner sank, Italy's coast guard said on Monday.


    Russel Rebello, an Indian who worked as a waiter on the ship when it hit rocks and sank off the Tuscan coast in January 2012, killing 32 people, had been the only person missing after the disaster whose body has not yet been found.


    A Coast Guard spokeswoman in the northern port city of Genoa, where the 290-metre-long (957-foot-long) hulk was towed for scrap in July, told Reuters a body found on the ship was "assumed to be the last victim, Russel Rebello."


    In August, authorities announced they had found remains on the ship and would test them to see if they belonged to Rebello. Italian media later reported that those remains were determined to be lamb bones.


    The sinking of the Concordia, a floating hotel as long as three football pitches laid end-to-end, prompted a chaotic night-time evacuation and one of the largest maritime salvage operations in history. (Reporting by Isla Binnie; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

  10. From Giglio News:


    "Well Titan-Micoperi but nobody touches platforms"


    With reference to the news published in the press on yesterday on the assignment of cleaning the bottoms of the Consortium Titan - Micoperi, The National Association of Memorial Concordia seeks to clarify certain points which it deems crucial.


    In the given situation there are two levels of intervention. The first is the removal of concrete mattresses and various pollutants, and trash left on the bottom of the Consortium Titan - Micoperi himself, due to his work in the yard of the removal of the Costa Concordia. The second cleaning "end" date from the shedding of debris, furniture, bags and various materials distributed by the ship hit the seabed in its final route and other pollution from 'improvident decay of biological material topicale, lost from the hulls of the means of work Consortium on the platform to Giglio and dropped to the bottom.


    A distinction would become part of a proper design of the interventions since it is obvious that, while the first operation belongs to an organization of industrial type, which in our opinion, as it is public money, it should also answer the damage caused during the execution the work of removing the wreck, the second should be left to a more extensive and prolonged.


    Our proposal to involve the volunteer of the underwater world of sports this second phase, it would become an occasion not to be missed which would allow elements of participation, widespread growth of expertise and wide distribution of part of the resources made available by Costa Cruises, to the people of Giglio, associations and sports clubs divers local and national, who already have extensive experience of cleaning up the waters in their territories, and to local businesses catering, sleeps and how many other businesses of the City of 'island of Giglio, even with the benefit of the loyalty of large groups of visitors to the island.


    The National Association of Memorial Concordia invites all get good deal, to act with the utmost transparency, to fully inform the public about the real conditions of the contract, and remembers the previously announced September 29: "Whoever wishes to touch the structures we protected will have to deal personally with the judiciary that will bring harm to the environment, the economy of the City of Giglio and the National for the next fifty years. "


    We basically need to open a debate with the "Coordinator for the activities of environmental restoration of the Lily", appointed by the Government, from whom expect a response to our specific request of 19 October last, you can build projects for participation and sharing protection the platforms.

  11. [quote name='luisrp']Ciclope has been there since the CC was taken out. Looking at the kielmonitor site time lapses from about 7 AM thorugh 3 PM it appears to spend most of the time picking up something from the water and putting them on board another ship that comes alonside for the day. Then at the end of the day that ship departs but sometimes stays alongside overnight. Since it is Giglio the panoramic camera I cannot tell what is being picked up and I have been guessing it was the cement bags. Probably they were still picking up debris and stuff that spilled from the CC.[/QUOTE]

    Read through the weekly report I posted above and below. It includes some photos of the cement bags being lifted out.

  12. They are testing the removal of the cement bags as reported in Gigilo News. Also the start of the weekly report on the clean-up.

    [QUOTE]Waiting to know the outcome of that race around the middle of September assign to one of the four consortia were the contract for the cleaning and restoration of the seabed under the Gabbianara, we publish below the report that Costa Cruises has sent Observatory Monitoring report for the institutions concerned about the tests conducted for the removal of cement bags.[/QUOTE]

  13. [B]The last crew of the Costa Concordia, 10 seamen on a wreck[/B]

    [QUOTE]The Costa Concordia will meet its demolition with a crew on board. A real crew, consisting of ten seamen, including a captain steering the vessel. Sure, seafarers aboard the wreck and in service since the day of docking to the dam of Vte not retrace the tragic exploits of "Novecento", the protagonist of an extraordinary book by Alessandro Baricco also made ​​famous by the film version ("The Legend of the Pianist on 'ocean'). Then, the musician who had spent every day of his life on the "Virginian" chose not to even get off the ship at the time of demolition. But that was fiction. The reality, however, speaks of a real crew of ten seamen, all of Genoa, selected by ESA Group, a company specializing in this type of activity and guided by Gianenzo Captains, volcanic President shipbrokers Genoa. Esa To contact the Group has been San Giorgio del Porto shipyard, in this case in the unusual guise of owner of the Concordia. The site, in fact, according to the agreements has become the owner of the vessel at the time of docking (the shipping activities was provided for in the statute and did not need to change it) and therefore must have a crew. Hence the choice of a team formed in all respects by sea: a captain, Francesco Schettino inevitably happens in the government of the vessel; a chief engineer, an officer and seven seamen. In contrast to the multi-racial crews that have become synonymous with the Italian ships, this is totally formed by the Genoese and encourage this choice is the fact that, doing the rounds, they can go back to sleep in their home. ago But the crew of a ship that does not sail , is a wreck and is still on the dock waiting to go to meet his destiny? "It's a long, long - answers Duci who selected the team - Ensures compliance with the security protocol and in the case of the recent weather alert immediately called the mooring rinforzassero precisely because the mooring of the ship. Monitors vessel stability, activity which will be even more sensitive when they start the demolition work and is obviously of support to all those who come aboard. A work purely by seafarers.'s men's team do guard duty so as to never leave the ship unguarded, at 8 , at 16 and 24. " A crew "normal", in fact, called to a special task indeed. The typical institution of seafarers, in fact, the so-called "controlled" covers activities of construction and navigation, but until now had never contemplated in Italy that of demolition, so even from the legal point of view it is addressing this aspect that will be important for future activities, in the case Genova really able to get back into business. [/QUOTE]
  14. Touring the Costa Concordia at Gemoa.

    [QUOTE]Whatever you put, the wreck of the Concordia news. Love it. Attracts. Slanted first, then back on his feet and finally parked awaiting demolition. At the Port of Genoa have understood immediately. Besides, tourists now go to the point: come and ask to see the ship. From the harbor in Old Voltri, 6 euro, the line of boats was already there. Pegli from the wreck parked in Pra'-Voltri you see, about 400 meters away, and why not lengthen in a bit to get a little 'closer. Let's say 200 meters (also something less judging from the pictures circulating), great location for a photo with the phone. 's local co-op did not want to disappoint the expectations of tourists poignant "selfisti" (lovers selfie ), and proposed a special tour. With 10 € you exceed Pegli just enough to see the Costa Concordia closer. A tour focused, with lots of explanation on board, to watch for signs of rust and salt as well as possible. And documenting on Facebook that he had seen before no longer exists, the carcass of the giant shipwrecked in 2012, drowning 32 people, including one of which will never be found the remains. Giglio To know it well: I have seen tourists come to sea ​​affixed the time to make a trip to the ship, buy - not always - a bottle of water at the Port, and come back. At the end there were too loyal to quell'ingombrante piece of history of the island. The Genoese perhaps they will not have the time. Or maybe yes. The demolition will take months, and the business was timely: tourists increased by 15%.

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