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Everything posted by uneamie

  1. Thanks....I don't do cannabis. I just have 2 pescription meds and a ton of supplements. I guess I will just use my pill minder/organizer then. Thanks again.
  2. Boy does it ever pay to "call back" if you want "different answers". I called right back and got better show hours for those 2days. 9:30 for the Price is Right and 10PM for Donna Summer. So bottom line.......if it didnt work the first time, try try again! LOL
  3. I still could not book online after logging out, so I called and they had 1 available for Donna Summers on the 8th at 6:30. That conflicts with dinning reservations. That is not a good time for a show for us because we'd be eating dinner way too late. And they had 1 available for the Price is right at 7pm on the 12th that also conflicts with dining. Ugh. I wish they would open up the restaurants earlier than 5:30, like 4 or 4:30, so one could make it to the early shows. I don't want to eat at 8 or 9 o'clock at night. Oh well....I will see what they have available once on board. Thanks for all your advise. I appreciate it.
  4. Thanks.....I tried it at midnight and it was not letting me reserve. ugh!
  5. It was my understanding that they opened up booking shows online if it was at least 21 days before your cruise. What happened to that ability? I wish they would be more consistant with all this. I dread the thought of racing to the box office to get in line to book a show. And we would not have to race to do that on PRIMA if we were not competing for seating. Since I've never been on this ship all I have to go by is other peoples experience....too many complaints of not being able to reserve a seat a few hours after boarding. Never had that problem on any othe ship.
  6. I did a search and could not find anything about this. How do you all take your medications and supplements on board? Do you have a pill organizer for them or do you bring their original bottles they came in? I don't remember how we did it on our last cruise and I don't know if there is a rule about it. I have sooo many pills I take daily and I keep them in a weekly organizer and that's what I want to take. I don't want my carry-on to go through the scarnner and they see all the pills and expect me to supply the original containers to prove the pills are not illegal. ugh! 2 pills are medications and the rest are vitamins etc. If I have to bring original containers then I will leave all the supplements home and just bring the 2 medications.
  7. But keep in mind there's a small "up charge" for the ice bucket. You want to pack your own.
  8. Thanks for the motivation support. I am good at adjusting to the situation, which I did when I was on the Breakaway, even though I'd never do that class ship again, I tried to make the most of it. It was a long cruise of 14 days of wall to wall people so I think the length of he cruise just made it worse. This cruise on the Prima is 7 days. We do have a balcony so if need be that is where we will find our peace during down times. I think going to Bermuda and being in port for 3 days is also a plus. Thanks again!
  9. Ugh....this is very disheartening because our last cruise was on the "Breakaway" and I hated it. Way too big, too many people. I felt like I was at "Woodstock" whenever we went anywhere near the pool deck. We waited sooo long to cruise again and Prima is it for us in May. I just hope we didn't make the wrong choice. We are not all that picky and Interent is not a top priority for us but I don't want to feel like I am competing for a place to sit for the entire cruise and I have a feeling that's exactly what is going to happen.
  10. Figures....ugh! We will be on her in May! How do you build a brand new ship and not focus on things being a bit "better" than the last one your built? How difficult is it to get decent Internet? Sometimes I think they do this on purpose to get people to buy "upgrades".
  11. So they plan on installing it on Viva before Prima? Hmm! I'm sure there are all kinds of technical reasons for it that never seems to be explained. In the back of my mind I keep wondering why it has taken THIS long for it to begin with.
  12. 100% agree......and it would behoove them to actually have a working "Customer Resolution" department devoted to all customer issues. It should include a level of employees who are able to resolve tihngs without climbing a long ladder of supervisors before an issue can be resolved. I worked in customer service at a large bank. Sooo many customer issues had to be sent to my supervisor who simply "approved" of a fix that I could have done myself saving time and frustration. Companies do not want their employees to have too much power and I get that where money is concerned but in the end they are losing money by creating "unhappy customers". I really hated that job and eventually had to quit after 10 years due to the stress of being the "in between' person dealing with angry customers. It was insane.
  13. True....but I wonder how many people opted for the drink package. If you are a casual drinker then it's not worth the price of the "service charge" you have to pay. In any event....I am hoping they extended the hours.
  14. Which means NCL will never do it. I would think they'd want people to hang out drinking and spending money in the ship's casino.
  15. Curious.....did you ask WHY? I would have to know the reason WHY they cannot honor it. Ask them if you should ignore any future ads or coupons that come in the mail and only consider sales and coupons offered by other cruise lines from now on.
  16. Know there is not a lot open and or much to do after 6PM...I don't understand why the ships casions can't open up earlier than 9PM.
  17. We are right behind you on May 7th to Bermuda. We've sailed on NCL several times and always always had wonderful experiences.........althought I was not a big fan of the Breakaway. It was too big for us....too many people. I am hoping Prima will not be the same but I am going to start out with a positive attitude and not let the small stuff bother us. Have fun and enjoy your cruise.
  18. I guess you will need to be very careful and babysit your charging phone. Oh wait....half the ship will be charging their phones.....Oh my! I will have to add a "fire extinquisher" to my packing list.
  19. Well to keep yourself from worring. Pack your fan and take a copy of the new rule with you, just in case there's an issue about it.
  20. Maybe I should bring a "side of beef" and come join you!
  21. Well I guess that ends this discussion..........thank you for posting this! Yahoo!
  22. Mine came in a little box and so I am going to but the little box in my carry on bag. The xray will likely pick up the box but I don't know if it will pick up what's inside it if it's all made our of plastic.
  23. I use them for my knees...but they don't work for my back. I wish they did.
  24. I didn't check the list.....but I'm guessing "heating pads" are out too! I use one every single day for bad back issues. I guess I will have to resort to a "hot water bottle" and extra Advil!
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