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Everything posted by cbfb

  1. Wow it’s really good size. Looks wonderful. Thank you!!!!
  2. Your enthusiasm definitely helped my decision along with the cabin being stand alone. I would love to see a picture if you are able to post it. Thanks so much!
  3. After sleeping on it I called and changed the cabin to 19016. I love the idea of not having other cabins next to us!!!
  4. Thank you for all the info. I pulled the trigger on 18029. I should have gone with 19016 as cellfree suggested but I was worried with the pool being on deck 20. Now I understand why it is quiet. Next time!!
  5. Again, I appreciate your help! We are very excited. So nice chatting with you too!
  6. We are booking a quick 3 day cruise 7/3/25 to test out the interior cabin. I’ve only done balconies but I don’t want to spend what the YC balconies cost. But I’m not sure how I’ll feel about an interior. We decided on 18029. I know I’d be worried being under the pool.
  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to look. I do love that 19016 doesn’t have any cabins adjacent to it. Will let you know what we decide.
  8. I am looking at 18021. It’s the first cabin. Any idea what is next to it. Looks like open space. 19016 looks amazing but I’m a little worried to be below the pool deck. I’m such a light sleeper.
  9. Thank you so much!!!
  10. I am now considering an inside YC cabin on Seashore. I have read a lot of complaints about noise above the cabins on deck 16. Does anyone have any thoughts on which deck would be quietest? Thinking 18? Thanks for any help!
  11. Considering a YC inside cabin on Seashore. I have read a lot of complaints that deck 16 can be noisy due to a kitchen being above these cabins. Can anyone give any first hand advice for which deck/cabins would be quietest?
  12. Thank you! I realize we need to vacate the cabin and do the whole turnaround thing, I was just hoping it would be later. 9 would be awesome!
  13. We are doing a b2b in a concierge SV keeping the same cabin. Do we need to be out of the cabin at 7:30 since we are not switching cabins? I will, of course, talk to the room steward and see what they say but curious as to others experience.
  14. That looks amazing! What cabin type is this?
  15. It must. I haven’t heard anyone say the chairs are comfortable. I wish I felt the same.
  16. cbfb

    MSC Grandiosa YC

    Thank you! I will take a look at both suggestions.
  17. Thank you I must have missed that. I was hoping for more comfortable furniture on the balcony!
  18. We are looking at booking a YC deluxe suite. This is our first YC booking. We are pretty loyal to Celebrity but want to try something new. Is this ship in good shape or should we go for something newer? I’m trying to get an idea of the balcony. Does it have loungers or just chairs and a table? Is it good size? Anything else I should know before booking? Also, I think the deposit is non refundable. Is this correct? thanks so much for any help!
  19. Do you have any pictures of the balcony of the YC suite?
  20. Loving this comparison. Thanks for posting and sharing pictures as well.
  21. We are trying princess in November too. 8 of us that would have normally been on Celebrity. Hoping we love it!
  22. I absolutely think you might very well be able to get one if you ask but I also believe you may not. So frustrating! And ridiculous. And for those that think this isn’t an issue I’m assuming they book inside or ocean view cabins! No one who spends the money on SV and suites wants a balcony that’s uncomfortable to use.
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