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Posts posted by junior1220

  1. What drives me nuts is these people that booked during hurricane season, did not purchase insurance, obviously did not read any of the Carnival paperwork, ran into a hurricane, were unable to make ports, had a rocking ship, got an apology from Carnival, got a discount on a new cruise, got credits for ports missed or days shorted and yet they still complain and whine about wanting more! Then when people don't agree with them they complain more, say that people are yelling at them and that they are being called spoiled brats!


    Come on! Read your paperwork. It has been stated over and over in this thread that Carnival does not have to give any compensation, yet they have not only given compensation they are offering discounts on a future cruise. That is great! So what if someone got more than you did? So what if you paid more than you originally did with the discount? You got more than was required and you still aren't happy. What will it take to make you guys happy? You want Carnival to refund your full fare and give you another free cruise? Lots of people have tried to put things into perspective for you guys reminding you about people who have lost their lives and all the people with a lot of damage to their property and person. Yet, you complain about it all.


    Why would anyone expect Carnival to give you more credit because you booked the very next cruise and paid more than your originally did? They have already given you a lot. I do understand about having kids and getting the grandparents to sit, but you know what? Stuff Happens! Mother Nature Happens! You need to go with the flow and make the best of it. Who cares if you have taken (or should I say wasted) the time to compare your exact cruise with the other two and you deserve exactly what someone on the other cruise got? Be happy with what was offered and if you aren't then maybe cruising isn't for you. Or, next time don't book during hurricane season and not get insurance! And yes - not getting insurance and then complaining about a hurricane messing up your vacation is all about taking personal responsibility.


    I guess some of this was directed at me...for me it was more about the rude way in which some of you replied. I wasn't looking for people to agree with me, I was asking the opinion of people with cruise experience. I think if you were to read my original post you would see this.

  2. I am not being self righteous whatsoever. Feel free to speak your mind/vent/discuss. I will do the same thing.

    I just find it a bit disheartening that people want to b*tch about coming home a day early because of MOTHER NATURE. These same people are whining about not being reimbursed for hotels/food/travel, yet chose to decline the travelers insurance that Carnival stresses they buy.


    Had Carnival of kept the same itineraries and came home the day they were suppose to, then these same people would be on here complaining that Carnival put their lives into jeopardy.


    So, you lost a day at sea and missed a port or two..

    Be thankful that you're safe, dry and have a house to go home to.


    That's all.


    Cool, I don't think anyone is saying they're ungrateful for their safety and dry homes...none of your other comments above apply to me as I never left a port and didn't complain about my food/gas/lodging.

  3. While most of you are whining about what you did or didn't get from Carnival because you decided to book a cruise during hurricane season without travel insurance, at least 38 families in the United States and many more in the Caribbean are grieving the loss of loved ones.

    I'd consider myself lucky that a shortened cruise and 25% off was the least of my worries.



    Come on man, this self-righteous attitude from some of you is a little over the top. Horrible things are happening to good and bad people all across the globe every day. Are we blessed to be alive? Absolutely. But can we not also come onto a cruise forum to discuss/vent/seek advice, etc concering our cruises? Geez.

  4. No - Carnival has gone above what they had to do (as stated repeatedly in various previous posts). You made the decision to change to the Pride and then when they did not leave, you made the decision to go on the very next cruise. Carnival did not say you had to use your 25% off on the very next cruise even if it was more expensive. You could have held off and planned another cruise at a different time that might have been cheaper. Would you then owe Carnival the extra money since it was cheaper than your first cruise?


    Enjoy your cruise and enjoy what discount Carnival had given you. Honestly, I don't understand why you drove further north knowing about Sandy and expected to cruise?


    Thank you so much for reminding me of my decision, it's a tremendous help at this time because I continue to forget exactly what happened over the course of this past weekend. Paying Carnival additional money would defeat the purpose of a 25% discount, would it not? I didn't offer to pay extra for my next booking as I left the ship Sunday if that's what you're asking.


    My only question to experienced cruisers was whether I should request the same rate I was originally intending to pay considering the 25% discount does not cover that amount. I really don't need all of the extra sarcastic questions.


    Of course all of this was our decision. We were beyond excited for it, and when the Glory canceled we stayed positive and looked for an alternative. We would have driven to Charleston SC but that ship was leaving Saturday so it was too late. We knew there was a chance the Pride would be canceled as well, but when you have a 5, 3, and 1 year old who are at home with their grandparents with their lunches packed and clothes picked out for the week, and all kinds of various plans made for them that you can't begin to understand we were going to do everything within our power to board a ship that weekend. I'm not asking anyone whether Carnival should reimburse our gas/hotel money, I mentioned it only to convey the time/expenses that we incurred over the course of the weekend--to help you all help me decide whether I should ask for anything more from Carnival. I understand your points and the points made by others, and I hear your resounding "NOs" that we should not ask for anything further. Thanks for your kind, gracious, and understanding responses.

  5. Brenna's Mom, please don't tell me you're "giggling" about the situation. It was a very disappointing weekend for 4,000+ people, some of whom have come here to vent and look for some suggestions and advice. To answer your question, apparently Carnival felt a 25% discount would be fair...so my question was whether I should come out of pocket more for the same cruise 1 week later even after that 25% discount. Your sarcastic opinion has been noted, I'd like to hear from others as well.

  6. My wife and I were originally scheduled to leave from Norfolk Va on Sunday 10/28 aboard the Carnival Glory. We left our home in Richmond on Saturday with the intention of staying the night in Va Beach Saturday night, and boarding the ship Sunday. After driving an hour and a half to Va Beach and almost making it to our hotel we received word via text alert that the Glory sailing was being canceled. We continued ahead to the hotel to weigh our options. Upon arrival we checked around and found that the Carnival Pride was still scheduled to leave out of Baltimore on Sunday, we were able to book a room on the Pride. So we back-tracked, and drove another 4 hours or so to Baltimore, stayed overnight, woke up the next day to find that the Pride was still scheduled for departure. Excited, we made our way to the port to find that we didn't have a room assignment yet and still weren't guaranteed one. After about an hour, they assigned us a room and gave us the option of taking our own luggage on board, which we did. We made it to our room and began unpacking only to have the Cruise Director notify everyone over the intercom that the Coast Guard would not allow us to leave the Chesapeake Bay, with no estimate as to when they would lift that "ban". Considering the circumstances, the cruise was being canceled. Fortunately we were able to leave the ship almost immediately since we had all of our luggage with us; many others I'm sure had to wait to have the luggage situation sorted out. All in all this was probably a blessing as the cruise may have been rather rocky the first few days. We are now scheduled for the the Pride out of Baltimore again this Sunday, 11/4. Carnival is allowing a discount of 25% off this cruise due to the 10/28 Pride cancellation. However, because our rate on the 11/4 sailing is higher (still an inner-stateroom), we will still have to come out of pocket about $100 more even after the 25% discount. In your expert opinions, should we contact Carnival to request a deeper discount or maybe shipboard credit. I understand this wasn't Carnival's fault, but it wasn't our fault either. I would think at the very least we shouldn't have to pay any more than we were originally planning to spend...but it sure would be nice to have that bigger discount considering our difficult weekend (along with $80 in gas and a $160 hotel stay). Sorry for the long post, I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks.

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