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Posts posted by winewanderer

  1. Hi Everyone,


    FYI from me.....I'm taking a cruisecritic break. Sorry, I'm bored and tired of talking about nothing. 


    Sadly I'm so doubtful cruises will sail from the U.S. for many months, maybe not even in 2021. I'm not even sure about our 2 cruises in 2022.


    When it looks like hubby and I will be able to cruise again I'll be back. 


    Thanks Belle for the poems and everyone for the support. 


    Stay well, Diana

    • Like 1
  2. Hello everyone,


    Belle, great poem, thanks.


    I stayed the same.


    Mel, oops on the gain. Sounds like you had great food though. Sometimes we need a little splurge....


    Yes, with all that cake, I wouldn't want anymore either.


    Jan, stay the same is ok. Glad you got your first shot.


    Rainy day here today. Good for my roses and veggies seeds. 


    Hope everyone does well this week. 







  3. Belle, I know how you feel....


    Mel, great the medication will work for you. Nice for your family to have a cake artist wife/mother...Tough decision what to do for your October cruise, so much uncertainty still. 


    I'm ready for Spring. This morning we had heavy frost. We have more cool temps. then rain later this week then low/mid 70's next week. Yeah.


    Take care, Diana



    • Like 1
  4. Hope everyone is doing well. 


    Mel, at least breakfast is at the beginning of the day, so lots of time to burn it off. You could go for something light. I can't live without breakfast. 


    Izena, score, more dogs to walk. Really getting in your miles. 


    Ombud, bummer on the gain. Darn. Nice you can plan a trip.


    My hubby would love to go somewhere but I've told him to stop asking me until AT LEAST I get vaccinated. He gets his 2nd shot next week but I am not yet eligible. 


    Jan, big loss this week. I know the up, down, up, down too well but you are making progress, yeah!


    Alabaster, I pick up trash in front of our house too when I see it. Bugs me....


    Belle, hope you're doing well. 


    Take care everyone, Diana












  5. Belle, sorry you gained. I'm sure it will come off soon. 


    Mel, gee, so busy. Nice you cleaned out your pantry. Nice to do those tyoes of things. Sorry your meal kits were messed up. 


    Izena, yikes, fire ants? That is not fun. Hope you kill the little buggers. Nice you bought some new clothes for spring/summer weather. In a couple of months we'll all be complaining it's too hot.....


    Ombud, we had a nice day yesterday too, 68. Today 66. 


    Are we all ready for the time change? I am. With it comes warmer weather, which I'm looking forward to. Just hate the 100 degree temps. of summer.....


    Our area moves to the red tier this week. Our gym should reopen. We're going to risk going, we're so bored! Will do like last summer.......go during the day...very few people, wear mask, etc.


    Have a good day, Diana







  6. Izena, so great you are walking so much!


    Alabastercruiser, good loss for the week. The hard part is always keeping at the weight loss, maintence.


    Ombud, we got a ton of rain and there was ahil in the area. the foothills, 1/2 hour from us, got some snow. Very chilly this a.m. Let's hope the gain goes away soon.


    Wow, Mel, great loss and total. Yippee, congrats, that is so great. 


    Take care, Diana



  7. Hi everyone,


    Good everyone is doing well.


    I was busy the past couple of days. Hubby and I were shoveling dirt at a neighbor's. They had some extra dirt from a project. Then shoveled it into our raised beds. After all that, I forgot to plant our seeds. Duh. So did that yesterday.


    Try to get my water in. Warmer weather helps.....which we don't have yet.....It got cold today. We might even get some hail.


    Belle, sorry you were not well but good it was short lived. Nice you had a visit with your kids. 


    My close friends and family will all get vaccinated so looking forward to being with people, probably in summer. 


    Ombud, great you got rid of the unwelcomed guest. 


    Izena, good you are doing your walking. 


    Mel, so glad you can visit your MIL. 


    Take care, stay safe, Diana



  8. Good to read everyone is doing well. Been busy answering tax questions for our CPA. I went to the dentist today for a cleaning. Was supposed to go early Jan. but was too scared, COVID cases too high in our area. Felt better today (our cases now are down 75%). Only a handful of people in the office. 


    Tomorrow hubby and I are planting some seeds: lettuce, tomatoes, etc. 


    Belle, good you stayed the same. My hubby only had a sore arm for his 1 st shot. I'm nervous about how he will feel after the 2nd. 


    Not sure how my weight will do on Thursday as junk finds it's way into our shopping cart......


    Jo, sorry you gained, small gain though.


    Susan, congrats on the grandbaby. Sorry you had bad symptoms with your 2nd shot. 


    Mel, you are so busy. Enjoy your big breakfast with your kids tomorrow. 


    Izena, great you get your walks in. Sorry your friend's songot COVID but fortunate as you say a mild case.


    Ombud, eek, rats. Hopefully you can get that rectified soon! I agree, get rid of the cake. You have done so well, don't want to gain back.....


    Have a good weekend.



  9. Jan, you and I must have been posting st the same time. I didn't see your post until now.


    So sorry to hear you fell. Darn ice. Glad the injuries were not too bad. Hope you're all better soon.


    Belle, wow, great your daugter can get the vaccine. Glad she has been able to stay healthy.


    I'll have to wait for the vaccine (because of my age), hopefully not more than a couple of months.


    Sounds like your cruises are a bit of a money pain. After all that I hope they sail!


    Not much new here. Same old......


    Stay well everyone, Diana

  10. Hello,


    Happy March 1st, Spring right around the corner.......


    Belle, sorry you're sad. Your dad and husband sound like lovely people. I think loss is amplified with the virus and all the changes it has posed to our lives. 


    I'm glad you are able to see your daughter and saw her Friday, very comforting I know.


    Hopefully the scale is nice to you.😊


    Ombud, I know how you feel. Still we are not quite to the point of reopening anything. Close though.


    Izena, hope you don't get too much rain. I think road trips are a good way to go for now. 


    70's for us. Nice. Rain this weekend.


    Have a good day, Diana





  11. Belle, hard to believe what you were dealing with 1 years ago.


    I'm down a bit too as this thing drags on. Was watching on a news program today, the medical expert, said we should expect more ups and downs of cases, surges, then drops.


    Read CA has it's own variant that they say may lead to a surge in April or May. Ugh.


    You're right we have to be thankful, we are healthy, etc. Others have it worse. 


    My hubby's appt. was rescheduled to this Sat. 


    Susan, hopefully you know about your cruises soon. So many unknowns still. 


    Take care everyone, Diana



  12. Ombud, nice you're enjoying the dog park....and like Belle says I'm sure your dog is too. 


    Belle, yes, the days go by, not much to say. I feel that way too. 


    It's been especially hard these past few months because everything closed in our area around Thanksgiving and are still closed.


    It's just everyday, nothing is open, nowhere to go, nothing to do. Except yard work, a walk, shopping now and then.


    We can only hope things keep improving and maybe in a couple of months we are in a better place. 


    Hang in there. 





  13. Hubby's vaccine that was supposed to happen today is rescheduled for this Saturday due to a delay of vaccine shipments caused by weather. 


    Hope everyone is having a good day. I've been watching what I eat. Hopefully I lose this Thursday.


    About 75 here today, very windy. I ended up weeding our whole backyard today (it's all bark plus plants, trees so easy to pull the weeds, just a lot of them). It was too nice to be inside. Hey, exercise right?


    Take care, stay safe, Diana



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