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Posts posted by EBFURR

  1. Good luck today EB. Are you flying out of RDU or Charlotte? Keep us updated.


    CLT. We originally had a direct flight this morning at 5:45 (ugh!) but that was cancelled. We re-booked an 8:15 AM y way of Baltimore but since RCI postponed update until noon today (yesterday's noon update came at 2 PM) we rescheduled to a 4:15 by way of Chicago with a 9:30 PM arrival. Our concern with that is that we may get to Chicago and if things were to get worse we would then have to turn tail for home. We just go along and complain.

  2. 1qmov7.png


    Looks good to me


    You know I was trying to be positive, but wonder what that is going to look like after another 24 hours of rain. I am still trying to juggle flights, hotel, etc "just in case" but truthfully had they offered the chance to re-book or cancel with refund I would have done it. If I knew I was getting compensation I could have tried to book something else for now instead of weeks from now. I also know from experience that there are often tornado spin offs from the feeder bands which is already happening in the Houston area. May or may not affect us, but all things considered I am not thrilled about the prospect of flying into that area later today. Some sort of resolution one way or the other would be welcomed. I will still toast you with the boat drink if I make it that far. :)

  3. What's much more amazing is how people book a cruise in the middle of hurricane season...and then when one shows up...they're all upset at the airlines and cruise companies.


    The PASSENGERS took that risk of booking during this highly-risky time period. While some cruises remain...many cruise ships are deployed elsewhere around the world for that same reason. The airlines and cruise companies do their best to adjust to the bad conditions. POOR CHOICES are the fault of the people making the choices.


    We have cruised this time of year for 23 years as have a lot of other people. The only two times in all those years we had weather issues were not in August but on June 4 sailings coincidentally. Does that make anyone who cruises from June to September an idiot?


    I am sure that none of us are as smart as you though. We do appreciate your pointing out our stupidity for us. Especially since you have absolutely nothing at stake here.

  4. EBFURR I have to ask. What made you book a cruise out of Galviston?


    I always think of the Gulf Cruise ports as being for local people who can't be bothered to travel to Florida, Maryland or NY/NJ. The itineraries are far more limited that those of ships leaving from Canaveral, Everglades, and Miami. At least those from Maryland, and NY/NJ often have Bermuda cruises. I'll look at Seattle for Alaska cruises, but not L.A. because there are really only Baja Mexico cruises.


    After the first few cruises hitting the more popular ports it just seems like the gulf cruises would be repetitive with ports. Then again, I'm 30 miles from I-95, Five hours from Port Canaveral, 7 hours from Port Everglades and 8 hours from Port Miami, and 10 from the Maryland port so Maybe I'm spoiled by being within a reasonable driving distance. In a pinch I'll cruise out of Jacksonville, which is two hours away, but I've never actually wanted to go back to Freeport after the first trip there, and Nassau after maybe the second.


    Good question. We try to cruise the last week of August each year for our anniversary. We on board last year and looking at this year with the Next Cruise lady. This particular sailing was a really good deal at the time. We did not know anything about Galveston logistics at the time but thought it would be a nice change of venue. By the time I figured out the airfare, hotel, transportation, etc. we could not re-book without losing a lot of our perks. I did the best I could with the logistics, of course not knowing that the gulf would have it's worst hurricane in many years. In other words, I plead ignorance.


    We prefer to drive to Port Canaveral and we should have done that again. Lesson learned.

  5. In case I'm missing something today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday whereby most of the next cruise passengers would probably under normal circumstances be making their way to Houston / Galveston area.


    By saying it s okay not to make an update until Saturday means that if there are any changes to be made they are not giving the customer any room for change. They are asking those that drive down to drive into a potentially deadly situation whilst rescue teams and emergency responders try to head into these affected areas.


    Also by not advising people on board they are diminishing their opportunities to change their travel plans back out especially if flying. If they can't get into port until Tuesday tell them now so they can try to get alternative arrangements made.


    You state no one will know what it's like at this stage - it's a Hurricane and a very strong one at that. The enormity of it is not unexpected. You may be okay with having your plans changed by last minute decisions, but I feel for all those that have been trying to switch to other sailings etc to try to salvage what they can, whilst those on board have little idea of what will happen over the next few days.


    My thoughts are with all those affected by Harvey.


    Thank you. As one of those affected by the Sunday indecision you captured it perfectly.

  6. I know it's not what you want to hear, but it would probably be best for you if your cruise is actually canceled rather than shortened. That way you can get a full refund (not just a credit) and book with a different line moving forward. Good luck.


    Duck, I know that and you are correct in a sense. My issue is that RCI had the same information that Carnival did yesterday and refused to deal with it. We have planned this for a year and as of yesterday if we had the option we could have possibly booked another cruise for tomorrow. Not that it matters, but this is our 35th anniversary so we wanted to do something. We have all of the plans in place including juggling work schedules, care for our pets, etc. Had they given us options in time we could salvage something. By waiting until the last minute they remove most all of those options. True that if they cancel and refund later today we can book another vacation later, but we would have preferred to be able to be able to do something different now if this cruise is not to be. I agree that at this time a full cancellation situation might be better than keeping the situation in flux, but it would been much better yesterday when C did it. The probability of getting into Galveston Sunday was probably 10-20% at most as of yesterday. Rather than face the 80-90%, RCI chose to bet on the 10-20% at our expense. A bad choice IMO. I begged them to give us some options yesterday but they were adamant.


    As I sit here we still have an un-cancelled late flight today and hotel etc. Based on reports of power outages, etc. around Houston that is not looking so good. We will deal with whatever comes along but it is very difficult to be positive about the way things have been handled.

  7. I felt that way last year with Matthew. I live 45 miles inland and 196 miles from the landfall point yet I lost power at ~1:30 am on the night of landfall. Thankfully Georgia got my power back on after only 33 hours. Comcast took 10 days to restore TV/Internet. The local EMC customer were without power for up to 8 days. The company I work for has it's own substations and lost power for less than an hour and never lost the backup internet connection from AT&T Fiber Services.


    I never realized just how far away the damage could get so severe until the morning after when every Leland cypress on my property was partially uprooted then drove through town to discover pine trees on roofs, commercial signposts bent and broken, debris blocking roads etc.


    Luckily, the city sewage drained well enough without the pumps working for those 33 hours and the water tower that feeds my house never fully emptied. so I had toliet facilities and warm enough water to shower for the first day.


    I feel for you guys in the area. We have been through our share of hurricanes over the years with the worst being Hugo way back in 1989. We lost power for 15 miserable days and lost several oak trees, one of which missed our bedroom by 4 feet and ripped up the gas lines. spewing natural gas until they got out there (in the height of the storm) and repaired it. I am whining about my vacation while you guys are having real problems. That said, I am still upset with the way the cruise line is handling it. Best of luck to all. Please stay safe.

  8. Carnival have got their PR right, clearly, and their cancellation option is to be applauded.


    But on ship placement and deployment, they are no wiser than Royal - their statement amounts to the same (ships heading to Galveston) and they too see a possible window - this from their website currently:


    "Our intention is to be in position to take advantage of any docking opportunity that may become available in Galveston late Sunday evening or Monday."



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    Right. And those of us who have dangling flight reservation, hotel, rental car, shuttle, and other arrangements are left hanging. Carnival allowed their customers the option of trying to stay with an abbreviated cruise or cancel and make other plans. It is more than PR if you have skin in the game.

  9. Seriously, phone back and let them know that your flight has been cancelled and won't be rebooked due to a cat4 storm coming.


    Ya never know.

    I did that. In layman's terms I was told "It sucks to be you". He said if the ship sails I need to be there. When I pointed out the weather he kept saying things might change by Sunday. He asked me several times if I knew for sure that it would be dangerous on Sunday. A real tool.

  10. I have been married for 19 years, with my wife for 23 years. Correct me if wrong but I think at some point today your wife got ahold of you and had a convo. I know that is how it would have worked if I was in your situation. GL

    Actually no. She leaves all the logistics to me. I just keep her posted. Our anniversary cruise is our big vacation each year that we save and plan for. I am doing my best to salvage it but RCI is not helping. We have paid flights, hotel, rental car, shuttle, etc and I was trying to make it work. If they would have let us transfer to another ship I could have probably gotten all of it switched. The longer they wait the slimmer the chance. She wants to go as much as I do,

  11. Actually it does due to the fact that RCI has the same info as Carnival and they have refused to step up to the plate. Last night no one knew for sure what was going to happen or how long it would impact the area. So again you are left grasping.


    Agreed. Yesterday was 48 hours from landfall. More margin for variation in path. Now we are at the point of landfall and the storm has increased 2 categories. Totally different set of parameters today.

  12. Very small amount of the overall cruiser base in on CC.



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    True but maybe not inconsequential. For everyone's continued amusement and entertainment, I will update. I just found a flight that leaves at 4:25 tomorrow, goes to Chicago and gets to HOU around 9:30. If at their promised noon update tomorrow RCI still insists that they are going we have a choice to try it assuming the flight is not cancelled. If they offer cancellation I can cancel the flight and cruise but it may be too late to book another. Yes, me and coopdog are becoming close. He can take it as well as dish it and I respect that

  13. I have been on royal alot but have been considering a Carnival cruise again. Im not eve effected by this but the way they are handling this makes me wont to go poke around the Carnival website



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    We enjoyed our cruise in June on the Sunshine. We are switching to the C. Truthfully, we are not fans of RCIs newer ships. We are finding that we prefer Carnival and this has pretty much sealed it. I do want to try MSC though.

  14. But not yet for Liberty OTS.


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    "Liberty OTS" is Royal Caribbean. ALL Carnival cruisers for the weekend were offered credits earlier today, including Sunday.

  15. "Haters gonna hate."


    I think people are just stressed about the circumstances and emoting. It's fine as long as it's kept in perspective


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    Says someone who has nothing on the table. I tend to "emote" when I lose a couple thousand dollar vacation. I think I am completely within perspective. Carnival has offered people options for both days. RCI has done nothing and refuses to. Defend that if you wish, but as I say it is not your money nor your vacation.

  16. It appears Carnival has learned some lessons and RCL is on the verge of a PR nightmare



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    The RCI rep I talked said they were not worried about it. Also, when I mentioned angry Cruise Critic members he said (very sarcastically) "I'm not even going to address Cruise Critic". They really don't see a problem. "At this point the hurricane is just a prediction. No one knows what Sunday will be like." Honest, he said that.

  17. Carnival's turnovers are Saturday and Royal Caribbean's are Sunday, so the announcement that you're praising Carnival for having made today would not be expected from Royal Caribbean tomorrow. People were saying about Carnival what you're saying about Royal Caribbean today. The problem is neither cruise line... It is the industry, and specifically the economy segment of the market.


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    Actually, they are doing the credits for Breeze on Sunday as well. some folks have already received credits.

  18. Exactly when was last time you cruised Royal?



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    Last August. We went on Carnival for the first time in June and have another carnival booked in October. We had a Jan 18 RCI cruise booked but I just cancelled. We have been during this week 9 previous times since our anniversary is the 28th and earlier in August a couple of times. We will not be doing business with RCI any longer after this. You would not believe the attitude I got from one of their "supervisors". I think it is evident that I had a positive outlook but that was of no consequence. They dismiss the weather forecast and deny that Carnival is offering credits. They have no concern for cancelled flights and told me that if the ship sails and I am not there that I just miss it. I tried to be a happy camper.

  19. EB glad you are trying to cancel vs. head to Galveston. Continue to be positive. As I said last night these cruises should have already been cancelled. At least carnival has stepped up. Hopefully RC will to sincethey are a day behind and port Sunday vs Saturday, although I think carnival is allowing people on breeze who port Sunday take credit and cancel. GL


    I guess you can say "I told you so."' now. :D Don't worry, I will not be offended. I really, really try to give things the benefit if the doubt. When pushed too far I tend to push back. RCI is pushing this too far in my book. We could still make other plans if they would make a decision now as Carnival has. By the time they do anything we will be out of options. No longer happy. :(

  20. I am just appalled by RCL total lack of guidance and response. I just empathize so much for those booked on the Liberty for next week; I can't imagine the anguish they must be going through. RCL's lack of communication is deplorable.


    Carnival seems to be so much superior in how they are handling this. I have lost a great of deal of confidence and respect in RCL.


    Absolutely. See my previous post. You would not believe the rhetoric that I am getting from them. At this point I could still make another cruise this weekend for our anniversary. They will string this out so long before making a decision that we will have no alternative. Appalling is the word.

  21. Excellent! Keep elevating your issues if you don't get the answer you should. I really hope it works out for you. Tell them you're madder than a wet hen and you want service! NOW!


    I did all that and more. I went through two "supervisors" and one of them was really condescending. He refused to answer any questions and kept telling me that the hurricane was "just a prediction" at this point. They flat refuse to discuss transferring the booking to another ship. He denied that Carnival is doing anything for their booked passengers even though the Port of Galveston website has a notice saying that they will give future cruise credits. The Carnival CC board has several people who were booked Sunday for Breeze and have already received refunds or credits. I cancelled our January 18 cruise with RCI that I had already paid in full and got a refund. If I get through this mess I am finished with Royal Caribbean.

  22. I was supposed to cruise on the Breeze on Sunday.

    I just called to cancel.

    I cannot stress enough how helpful carnival customer service can be.

    I got refunded all the port fees, taxes, and pre paid items (transportation, wifi) straight to my card.

    The the rest of the money will remain a carnival credit for 24 months. Knowing me, that is great news. This credit will be for sure used.


    .....as for the airlines, that will have to figured out. They offered 2/3rd's of what I paid as a credit that had to be used within 60 days.


    Just to let you guys know, we are booked on RCI Liberty of the Seas on Sunday. I have been on the phone twice today with RCI including just now with two "supervisors". They refuse to do anything for us. We have already had one flight canceled and the rest seem to be headed that way. RCI is still "wait and see". I tried to get them to transfer my booking to a ship that is not at a port in a tropical storm but they refuse. They are very unsympathetic and condescending. We are diamond with them but I canceled our upcoming cruise in January with them. Once I get this mess straightened out I will never do business with them again. We are Carnival from now on. I am sincerely glad the Carnival is taking care of it's passengers. My airline - Southwest - has been super helpful and offered no cost flight reschedule or full refund.

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