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Posts posted by bigjeter312

  1. Does Celebrity offer formal Bridge play on their ships? If so, do they offer

    duplicate bridge. I traveled Celebrity several years ago and they had a bridge

    session both in the morning and afternoon that was run by a bridge expert who was employed by the cruise line. Does Celebrity offer this on trans-Atlantic

  2. Jane - love the review so far. We had such a great cruise with you, John, Gerry

    Sandy, the pink Boa's (Windy and kaye) and all the other really nice people we met. The two dinners in the specialty dining rooms were really fun with the four of us. Look forward to seeing you and John on the "Independence" in December.

    Phyllis and I have done the laundry, gone to the dry cleaners and caught up on our lost sleep. We are ready to go again.



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