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We Go Cruise Brah

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Posts posted by We Go Cruise Brah

  1. The only thing better is if you would sit in the back seat of our car!




    A question. Last October we drove around and somewhere in the north end there was a detour on one of the highways because a bridge was under repair. Any idea where that was & if it's been repaired by now?


    We really got turned around and confused there.


    Sorry! I couldnt tell you which bridge that was, it could have been the one near Haleiwa Town because they were doing repairs at some point, but I dont know the status of it at the moment.


    Yes Spurt, you can make the trip in one day if you start in the morning. You can also do the half day trip coming back into Waikiki after the Pali Lookout if you're short on time. If you have a full day you can easily hit all the spots and spend some time at each one. As a reference, if you were to drive the whole thing without stopping it would probably take you 2-3 hours.

  2. YES! & Thank You.


    Love your map.


    We drove around last year and missed a lot as we did not know where some of the spots were. This year we will certainly stop to see the giant turtles. If you can, please provide data relating to the points you have placed on the map.




    Great! I'm updating it with more points and more details. I made an extended note for Turtle beach.

  3. Aloha all,


    Since I see many people asking whats the best way to drive around the island of Oahu, I made a quick Google Map of one possible route you may take. I placed markers at scenic sites and freeway changes. I've lived in Oahu for 15 years and this is the way I take anyone who comes to visit me around the island. It starts and ends in Waikiki and skips the west side of the island where there isnt much to see besides Ko'olina and the Disney Resort.


    If you have questions as to where the famous places to stop are along this route, then I can add them in if people are interested, like the shrimp truck, shave ice places, best beaches, etc.



  4. Applied online at the official immi website.


    Paid AUS$20 each.


    I was instructed to recheck 12 hrs later because my info was being further assessed by the Aussie govt.

    That has since been accepted.


    However, on Hubby's receipt, it states:


    "This document is not your authority to enter Australia and cannot be used as such. It is not required at airport checkin nor on arrival in Australia."




    Neither visa has our names on it...only a reference number.


    Anyone else have experience with this?


    I hope there won't be a problem getting off the ship, because Hubby is already upset with me for doing this rather than going for the $9.95 special that was previously mentioned on this thread.


    I opted to do the immi ETA online in hopes of having everything official.


    BTW, we are Americans.


    That just means that piece of paper (the receipt) can't be used to enter the country. If you got a number you're fine. That number is now attached to your passport electronically so Customs can look it up. There is no need for any papers.


    You did it the right way.

  5. No, it just doen't go with YOUR flow. There have been many, many others who have posted here both in favor and not in favor of, and you seem to want to target me for your disagreement with the unfavorable part. I'd suggest you lay-off at this point.:)


    And BTW its not one experiece its three in a row, and I'm sorry if your beloved Celebrity is not being shone in its most favorable light. I'll bet I've been cruising this line longer than you have and the disappointment is entirely mine.


    Like it says in my countdown clock, I've never been on a cruise before.


    I have however been familiar with the Internet since the early 90's and I know how to tell whether people have a chip on their shoulder. Nowadays we call them trolls. I don't feed the trolls so I will lay off, but not because you told me to. :cool:

  6. I'm not new to cruising so lets set that as a fact right off. And I'm not new to Suites so lets get that out of the way as well.


    If you want to be a cheerleader for all great things suites including no Butler defamation than that's your position.


    Butlers are there to do a job, THEIR JOB, not just be a static part of the more expensive real estate.


    If you guys want to accept that dumbed down approach to Customer Service, that BTW is built into Auto-Tips with Celebrity, then go ahead.


    If on a cruise they say the Real Esate comes with a Butler, then give me the Butler too.


    I'm buying the high rent district and the service combined. If you guys are OK to settle and compromise with a less than approach, then don't bash me for not being a follower of that shortfall idea for what ever yada-yada-yada idea comes to your mind.




    Calm down, take a breath. We heard your opinions and even stated we were sorry you had a bad experience. Move on.


    It's your incessant arguing and complaining that really reveals what type of personality you have and discredits anything you have to say.

  7. What ever you say.


    But if you are saying in some sort of covert/code lingo that suggests that I am a liar...then we'll have to have a different sort of discussion.




    What I said is pretty straightforward, you can interpret it however you like.


    At any rate, judging from the number of times you have complained in this thread you seem to be one of "those" people, whose opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.

  8. They don't answer the phone or return messages no matter who writes the numbers down. :(


    I read your previous posts and am sorry you did not have a good experience with your butler, but reading other posts you seem to be a statistical outlier.


    I find it very hard to believe they would not answer the phone or return any messages.

  9. I'm curious to know when and how often the butler pays you visits? I'd hate to be running around the suite in my underwear and suddenly get a knock on the door. I may hurt myself scrambling for some clothes to put on.


    Can you just pick up the phone and call them at any time? I think I may feel weird summoning someone and asking them for things as I am usually quite independent.

  10. Thanks Terry for the GREAT photos! I know how time consuming it is to sift through 100's of photos trying to pick out the best ones, and then editing them all to make them look their best. On top of that you have to order them, post them, and put comments!


    People only see the finished product and may take the process for granted, but I'm sure everyone appreciates the end result and how great they look.

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