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Miracle 12-14-09 Western Review w/Pics


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Monday, 12/21/09, 4th Fun Day at Sea - Part III


We went right down the clear staircase to Horatio’s for lunch. I wanted to pay another visit to the hot tub in the gym, so went down and changed into my swimsuit and headed for the spa. When I went in, there were about 8 people in the tub, and they had stuff on every lounger, so I turned around and went in the steam room instead. I maybe lasted 10 minutes, then went in the sauna for only about 5, then jumped in the shower.


At some point in the afternoon, I was going up the aft staircase from Deck 2 to our deck (Main, Deck 4), and thought I smelled something burning. Interesting! I walked the short way down our hall to the stern, and when I turned the corner, there were three men in firefighter garb, and another man in a blue crew uniform. :eek: There is a laundry room across from those mid-aft cabins, but I think they had the door next to that open. Anyway, the first thing I thought of was that “Abandon Ship” button I’d seen earlier!


The head chef sent a plate of yummy chocolate-covered strawberries to everyone who had been on the Behind the Fun tour. Unfortunately, we didn’t find room for all of them or the little muffin thingies that were on the plate. Hard to believe, I know. But I’m not much of a sweets person. I did have one the next morning before we disembarked.


We realized we’d only had sushi on the first night, so we went down and had a snack. DD decided she needed some more, and I decided I needed to go to the Farewell Party and get a beverage (although I knew I had a full bottle of wine waiting in the dining room). When I walked in, the place was pretty full and the only thing going on was the band playing and some people dancing on the stage. While standing there, I looked over and there was Diane and Malcolm. Diane came over and asked if I needed a drink, and stuck her head in the door to tell someone she needed a white wine. I thanked her again for helping me out with the seasick meds and we talked about the tour some more. I did tell her I thought it would be great if it could be scheduled on a day other than the last, since it would be nice to have that last day at sea to get in those last few hours of relaxation.


We then started talking about disembarkation, and about the snowstorm that had hit much of the country while we were in the sunny (mostly) Caribbean. I had read conflicting accounts of how Platinum disembarkation was handled. I had booked an 11:10 am return flight, and was a little concerned, although I knew it was a short taxi ride to the airport. I had been told that Platinum had their own luggage tags that were silver #1 tags and would be the first called, even before self-assist. She asked Malcolm and he stated that this was not the case. He said that in Port Everglades, customs wanted all the self-assist, then the others. We had received a letter in our cabin detailing instructions, along with two blue #1 tags. The letter stated that if we were doing self-assist, we should meet in Frankie & Johnnie’s at 7:20. If we were doing regular, we should put the tags on our bags and meet in F&J’s at 8:20. I decided I needed to do the self-assist.


Sadly, it was time to pack (sigh), so we started throwing our dirty clothes in one bag, our not-dirty-but-not-clean clothes in another, and gathering and separating the things that couldn’t go in our carry-on bags. We had most of it done, but there was still a lot to put away in the morning. It was nice to not have to spend too much time on our last evening packing to put our bags out in the hallway, though.


It was time for our last dinner on board the ship. Only one of our tablemates joined us. He had a lot of interesting things to say about his time in the Navy, so it was a good evening, even if I was sad that it was all coming to an end. I had the Mango Cream soup, a Caesar salad, the chicken breast on fettucine as the entrée, and the cappuccino pie for dessert. DD had the crab cakes and prime rib.


We finished most of the remaining wine, and took a couple of glasses to the casino. We both managed to cash out with some funds on our cards, but no big win like I had last time on Miracle. On the way back to the cabin, as we passed the lobby bar, we saw CWcruisers and went over for a goodbye hug. It was good to see them again!




Our last awesome towel animal!

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It was probably about 4 hours. Yes, photos, beverages, the goody bags and the chocolate-covered strawberries were all included.


If I were on a 7-day with only 2 sea days, I'm not sure I would want to spend that much time unless I'd done very little in the ports. But you know me! I'm all about getting out there and seeing the ports, so having 4 sea days also factored into my decision.


We really saw just about everything there was to see except the crew and officers' actual cabins, the engine room, and the offices (I'm sure there are offices for the purser, CD, and other staff).


I know it costs less on shorter cruisers/older ships, but since I didn't know if/when I'd get to cruise again, I decided to go ahead and do it.


I certainly wouldn't see the need to do another one, but it was very, very interesting & informative, and I'm glad I decided to spend that extra money. I do wish we could've taken photos, but totally understand why we couldn't.


I'll finish this thing tomorrow. I just need to try to remember all those little things that keep popping into my head, but then vanish as soon as I sit down at the computer! :o

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I did say I'd finish this today, didn't I? Guess I could do that instead of watching football games that don't matter to me. :o


kenrod, I really didn't take any pics of the ship this time. We only had one camera (DD's got damp in May on Victory while in Harrison's Cave in Barbados and the zoom quit working), so I decided to "save" my memory for other photos. I do have a few ship photos in my Webshots album from the cruise two years ago. I'll post the link to Webshots when I finalize this thing.


nunu, the books are "River of Ruin" by Jack DuBrul and "Panama" by Eric Zencey. River of Ruin is the one I read on the ship, and I'm glad I started with that one as I'm not enjoying the 2nd as much, but I haven't really gotten into it. It's just that the language is a little archaic and flowery, for effect, I think, because it's set in the 1890s.


Wendy, I'm so bad. I was sitting last night looking at prices of cruises next fall from LA & San Diego. Guess I need to work this spring, move and get a job before I let myself start thinking about cruising again. :p

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nunu, the books are "River of Ruin" by Jack DuBrul and "Panama" by Eric Zencey. River of Ruin is the one I read on the ship, and I'm glad I started with that one as I'm not enjoying the 2nd as much, but I haven't really gotten into it. It's just that the language is a little archaic and flowery, for effect, I think, because it's set in the 1890s.


Awesome thanks,. yeah I don't do flowery either. :p

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Thanks so much for your review. We are leaving Wednesday for the same New Years cruise!!! I enjoyed all of your photos and tips about the ins and outs of this cruise.I am glad you had a great time and I'm sure you and your daughter will have memories of this cruise for years to come.:D

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Tuesday, 12/22/09, Disembarkation Day and home to Durham, NC


We again put the breakfast card out the previous night, and it arrived promptly at 6:30 am. I scarfed down my smoked salmon & croissant, and worked on getting the remaining clothes, toiletries, shoes, papers, etc. in the various suitcases.


The letter for Platinum cruises had said to be in Frankie & Johnnie’s at “approximately” 7:20 for self-assist debarkation. Well, I had heard various announcements while we were getting ready, but they aren’t broadcast in the cabins, so I didn’t know what was being said. Apparently, they were already calling self-assist! We walked into F&Js right at 7:20. There was one couple standing there who said the Platinum group had already left, going through Mcguire’s and through the casino. Their kids were late, so they were still waiting for them. We decided to go that way and see what happened. As we were going through the casino, a Carnival staff member came over to see what we were doing. I told him we were Platinum and that the group had left early, and he said to just go around and to the front of the line, so that’s what we did.


We were off the ship in minutes, down the escalator in the terminal building, and into the line for immigrations. There were two lines for non-US, and three for US passport holders. We were in the line next to the non-US, and just when we got to the front, the gentleman stopped us and started letting more non-US up to the counter, although there were many more in the US lines. I know a lot of the non-US were crew members, but if they wanted to clear them first, they should’ve just made an extra line for them. We waited only a few minutes, and then were outside, heading for the line of taxis. After two taxis were loaded, we were next.


We were at the airport by 7:45! Sure, we were flying from Terminal 1, but still! Twenty-five minutes from the time we entered Frankie & Johnnie’s until we entered the airport. That’s pretty good. And hauling the bags wasn’t difficult at all. Next time, though, I’ll walk down the cabin hall to the elevator nearest the meeting point rather than take the elevator near the cabin and then fight the traffic on the deck crowded with everyone waiting to disembark. Taxi was $13.70 plus tip.


It took us twice as long to get checked in for our flight and through security as it had to get off the ship and to the airport. The line at Southwest was very, very long and they were pulling people out of line for a flight leaving fairly soon. Considering the length and the confusion, it moved along pretty quickly. Then it was through security and to the gate. The flight at that gate was being held up because they couldn’t land in Chicago due to ice on the runways. Got some coffee and picked up a sandwich for us to split while we were on the flight (can you believe I had to PAY $7.50 for a turkey sandwich after a week of stuffing them in my face for free?) and sat down to read.


I moved twice to try to get away from the little groups of friends/family who (again) feel as though they must bellow at the top of their lungs even though they’re sitting right next to each other. I just got tired of re-reading the same paragraph over and over because I couldn’t concentrate. I was tired, I had gotten up early, and I wasn’t happy that my cruise was over. Shortly before we boarded, a couple with a little boy sat near us. I was sitting at the end of a row of seats, with my back to the window. Little boy came over to look at the plane and the luggage carts and proceeded to scream MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!! MOMMY!! You get the idea. Then Mommy said, “Oh no, Caleb, don’t spit on the nice lady!” What? Yes, the little darling had been standing behind me spitting on the back of my jacket. I was not happy. Not one little bit and let her know it by informing her that she needed to keep him away from me. I don’t expect children to sit quietly every second, but they need to be taught the difference between acceptable behavior at home and how you can behave in public.


Since we checked in shortly before the flight, we didn’t have one of the coveted “A” boarding passes on Southwest (we had B31 & B32). When we boarded, we got the exact same seats as we had had on the way down (when we had A34 & A34). It was an uneventful flight and we arrived when we were scheduled to arrive. We retrieved the bags and headed out to the taxi stand. Taxi home was about $24 plus tip.


I had to go pick up the dog and stop for milk so we could have a nice cup of tea. DD had to return home the next day, so she immediately started on the laundry. I sat and did nothing!




I had been carrying around sticky things to decorate my door for a couple of years and finally pulled some out and slapped them on a piece of paper.

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Final Thoughts - Part I




I love the layout of this ship. Just love it and really want to sail her sister ships, as I think I’d really enjoy them. I don’t care for her décor, but that’s just me. I didn’t see many signs of wear & tear, and there were always people cleaning. Every crew member you pass smiles and says Hello. I do so wish Carnival would add more ships of this size and layout, although we all know that isn’t going to happen, which I think is a shame. I loved our Glory cruise, but I don’t want more big floating boxes added to the fleet. The space ratio is so much better on the Spirit class that you rarely feel crowded (OK, Horatio’s on that last day for lunch was a madhouse), but there were always empty spaces to get away from the mobs.




Such a pretty area but so underutilized. I've never seen anyone up there. Maybe they need to put a small bar there to draw people.




The Ariadne section of the Bacchus Dining Room.




I really enjoyed the aft cabin and balcony. When I booked, it was “just” an 8C (originally on Deck 5). Shortly after I booked the cruise, the cabins were re-categorized, and it became an 8I (I think). Then, after the last change, it became an 8M. If that category is significantly more expensive than a regular balcony, I probably won’t book another one. Even with the 4 sea days, I don’t know that I can justify the additional expense. After all, there is plenty of open seating on the Lido and Sun decks. If I just want to sit and read, a regular side balcony would be fine.




There was quite a lot of movement. Besides the up-and-down that you expect in an aft cabin, there was a lot of side-to-side lateral shaking. It didn’t bother me, but just something to note. Honestly, I think I preferred that to the movement we had in 7192. Because that was a side cabin, the beds were head-to-toe lined up bow-to-stern. I described the side movement in that cabin as a pronounced “ticking” like from 11 over to 1 on a clock, with about 6 ticks each way. We didn’t have that in this cabin although there was considerable up & down motion back there.


As far as noise, there really wasn’t any. The wake was SO loud that I didn’t even consider trying to prop the door open at night, and I’m someone who has to have a fan or a white noise machine going when I sleep. However, we DID hear the waiters singing during the first dinner service. Not a big deal because we were usually getting ready for dinner. It was loudest in the bathroom, for whatever reason.


I thought the cabin was too cold most of the time during the day, even with turning the thermostat all the way out of the blue but trying to not turn it over to heat. But at night, under those comfy comforters, it was too hot, even when turned all the way down.




I thought the food was overall better than on my previous Miracle cruise. As I’ve already pointed out, I pretty much avoided the steaks, based on my past experiences. I don’t “do” the regular buffet, so can’t comment on that. I’ve described my breakfast buffet choices. I also didn’t have any salads or desserts from the buffet. Room service was varied. The food was fine, but the order wasn’t always correct. But since we obviously we not going to starve if the order wasn’t correct, it was no big deal. I had wanted to have lunch in the MDR on one of the sea days but it just didn’t happen. We only had sushi twice, but enjoyed it.

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Final Thoughts - Part II




Wow. I don’t remember this being the case at all two years ago, but there were SO MANY old folks on the ship. We’re talking a whole lot of old folks. It does make me wonder if I could stand a 10-day cruise. I’m not young, but I’ll tell you what. I felt like the proverbial spring chicken!


I don’t really want to go very in depth on this, because I think the people may have been on our roll call and may read this, and my intent is not really to insult anyone. But there were a couple of girls on one of the excursions (I figured they were around DD’s age – early 20s) who were just dumb as a box of rocks. Seriously. And they thought the universe revolved around them. Not ready to get on the bus? That’s OK. Everyone will wait for you because you’re special! Someone didn’t take the photo you wanted them to capture? It’s OK to criticize a total stranger, loudly, because you didn’t get exactly what you wanted.


And speaking of excursions, please people. Make an attempt to arrive at the meeting point on time. And when it’s time to go, or get back on the bus, be ready to go. What makes you think it’s ok to keep a bus full of people waiting while you take your time doing whatever you want? It’s rude. It’s bad manners. But, of course, since no one ever tells anyone that they are being rude and ill-mannered, then why should they make any attempt to change their behaviour? I’ll include the bellowing to each other as part of this. Just because there are several of you on a tour doesn’t mean it’s OK to talk over the tour guide while having your own private conversations. Some of us don’t give a damn what you have to say to each other and actually want to hear what the tour guide is saying! Then ask a question that has already been asked and answered but you didn’t hear it because you were having your not-very-private conversation! You didn’t book a private tour, so please allow the rest of us to enjoy ourselves, too. Nothing wrong with talking while you’re just riding along, but when the guide is speaking, it’s time to shut up and listen!


Speaking of rudeness – as far as on the ship, the only place I encountered true rudeness was in the casino. This happened twice and I was so astounded both times that all I did was turn and walk away. On two different nights, I spotted an empty seat at a bank of popular penny slots. Both times, I actually had my hand on the back of the chair, just about to pull it out and sit down, and some obnoxious woman shoved me out of the way and literally jumped onto the chair. :eek: Both said something along the lines of “You were too slow, honey.” I was astounded. Seriously, is playing a penny slot that important to you? That’s pretty pathetic!


Hygiene – the very first morning, I was in line to get my omelette behind a little old woman and little old man. A couple of times, he coughed into his elbow. Good job, I thought! But then, once they were in front of the counter, the poor little guy was on his tip-toes, trying to see what was available to put in the omelette, I guess. And while he was trying to peer over the counter, he was coughing directly onto the counter and the handles of the spoons that were on top of it. And, of course, he coughed into his hand and then reached over and got a plate. At that point, I took a step back (thankfully, I already had my tray, plate and utensils). The woman behind me was also grossed out and said she wasn’t sure she wanted an omelette any more. Not much point in using the hand sanitizer at the beginning of the line and then coughing all over the counter and your hands and touching everything. Ewwww.




I’ve talked about the one show (Ticket to Ride). Music Motion, the band in Frankie & Johnny’s wasn’t quite as good as Music Manila had been 2 years ago, but the female drummer was just great. She was the cutest thing and had a great voice. She definitely was the star.


I had really wanted to check out the piano bar 2 years ago, but Larry’s voice made me think my ears would bleed. So, I stuck my head and gave a listen to Rick, and wasn’t impressed. I am the only person who thinks that someone who sings for a living should have a somewhat decent voice?


Heard Paul on guitar a couple of times when passing through Jeeves Lounge, and he sounded OK. Also heard Jay on piano several times in the lobby bar, and while his piano playing was very good, his voice was very feeble. He isn’t a singer and shouldn’t have to sing. If he just played, he’d be very entertaining, so why ruin it with sub-standard vocals? Alison was the pianist during the two afternoon teas we attending and was quite good although she looked like she’d rather be anywhere else.

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Final Thoughts - Final, finally!




I just don’t attend the activities, so can’t comment on many of them. I must say, though, that I thought Malcolm was nice and unobtrusive, for the most part. In talking with him briefly that last evening, he seems like a genuinely nice person. I thought the girls in the Spa were pretty snotty. I didn’t waste anyone’s time in the shops, so can’t comment on them, either.


I don’t spend a lot of time in the lounges, but the handful of bar waiters I encountered were pleasant enough.


Initial Platinum Experience


Embarkation was so much better than it had been 2 years ago. Of course, we were at the pier much earlier, so even the regular embarkation would probably have been a vast improvement. No one made a big deal about my Platinum card, except the man I sat next to at the PG party wanted to see it and made me show it to his wife and friends. I did have several staff members say “Welcome Home” when I handed it to them. I needed change before we went ashore in Panama, and got in the Platinum line at the Pursers Desk, even though there was only one other couple there and I would’ve been next in line anyway. Hey, I earned the right to be there! :p


We did receive the Petit Fours and canapés, although I don’t remember which days, and all the other Platinum things (photo frame, stationery, slot tourney entry).


And Finally…


Don’t you just love how the months and months you’re waiting for your cruise just drag on forever, then, once you board, it’s over in a flash? It’s been a couple of years since I returned home from a cruise and didn’t have another cruise already booked. But given my current situation, I’m just going to have to wait and see how things work out for me. I could be bankrupt and homeless in six months, or I could be living in Phoenix and have a good job which will allow me to cruise at least once a year. Of course, if I can cruise, I’m either going to have to sail solo or find a cruise buddy.


I’m so glad I decided to go ahead and go on the cruise with DD. She loved it, too. It was so wonderful to see Panama and Costa Rica. I really think I need to take a Panama Canal cruise (if I can deal with all the oldsters that will be on the ship). But before that happens, I’ll happily sail from LA or SD and visit the other side of Mexico. I’ve wanted to go to Cabo for year and years, so that seems like a good plan. Right? :D


Here's the link to my Webshots album. Feel free to browse the photos and look through those from my prior cruises, if you're interested. Thanks for reading!



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Joan slight correction on your review of Paul and Jay. Jay was the guitar player and Paul was the piano player. Chris and I stopped and listened to Jay several times and he had a very good voice. Biggest problem with him is he took several minutes between songs, even with a request having been made.


And don't worry about the Spirit Dawg cruise for Thanksgiving. It does not fill up quickly and several people still got good prices late in booking. Get moved and then we'll see how the fates flow.

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After re-reading what I wrote, I realize that what I said about people on excursions may come across as a bit harsh. I have a tendency to do that.


I know that we're all on vacation and we all want to have a good time.


My problem is just that I also paid for my excursion, and I'm very interested in finding out as much as possible from the guides about the port, the people, the history, the culture, etc.


I cruise specifically to get to these places! I want to feel I got my money's worth when the tour is over. It isn't necessary to sit quietly, as though we're in a classroom. All I'm asking is that people pay attention to their surroundings and realize that it isn't All About Them. Really. It isn't. I know that's hard for some to believe! ;)


If you aren't interested, please just show a little consideration to your fellow travelers and sit and daydream rather than chit-chat.


And what is with "old people" who sit on the bus, look out the window, and read the signs out loud? No discussion, just read the words on the building or the sign. Do they not realize they're saying something? Do they no longer have any inner monologue so everything that comes into their head is verbalized? :eek:


Of course, by the time I'm old enough that I start doing that, I won't think there's anything wrong with it! Or worse, I won't even realize I'm doing it. :p

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I went on a road trip to SD with my DH and his parents once. His father read every word he saw out loud. I thought I would lose my mind! lol

I enjoyed your review. We are going on the Freedom in a little over 2 weeks and I was very interested in your accounts of Panama and Costa Rica. We are taking the same tours, except I am going to zipline. Thank you for taking the time to do this.



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And what is with "old people" who sit on the bus, look out the window, and read the signs out loud? No discussion, just read the words on the building or the sign. Do they not realize they're saying something? Do they no longer have any inner monologue so everything that comes into their head is verbalized? :eek:




I think you nailed it. There's not much going on in their own heads so they don't realize they are interrupting other people's trains of thought. My DH has several relatives who do this (and they're not all old, either!). They are the same folks who chatter incessantly about the weather, what their dog ate for lunch yesterday, etc. They believe they are just being friendly and sociable. Silence makes them nervous and they are a bit suspicious of people who actually read books:eek:


Thanks for the great review and I hope things work out for you career wise this year.

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Thanks for the review NC! I went to Panama and Costa Rica on the Freedom in October. I enjoyed the ports since they were a bit different then your ordinary Caribbean stops. I will be on the Miracle next October and actually have the wrap that is next to your cabin, 4228. I hope things work out for you so you will be cruising more soon.

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Ah, thanks for the correction on the entertainment staff, Wendy. I just glanced at my Capers and mixed them up. Just some preparation for sailing with the oldies in the future. :p


We were actually running late that morning in Panama, and I was furious with DD for not hurrying up. She rarely gets in a hurry (got that gene from her father). But, of course, she's been on many excursions where we arrived on time and then stood around and waited forever for the laggards, so I guess she thought it was her turn.


I informed her the other day that she'll be Platinum on her next cruise. Now that Carnival is going to sail from Charleston, it would be an easy drive from where she is in Greenville, NC. I bet she could talk her BF into going on a cruise from there. It's even quicker up to Norfolk, but they will probably both be in grad school when the fares are cheap.


If anyone's interested, I'll scan the Capers and upload them to Webshots, too. It takes forever on my little scanner, but I know lots of people like to see them.


I came across some capers from one of our early cruises recently. I had to laugh at how little things change. I used to try to do a lot more on sea days than I do now. Now, I use those days to rest, because I like to get out there on the port days and hardly even look at the Capers (you know, I'm such a seasoned cruisers that I already know everything that's happening ;)).


Post Cruise Depression is no fun. :o

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This is the first PVP I've had who calls me a few days before I sail, and then calls me when I get back to see how I enjoyed the cruise.


I only have him now because when I called to make final payment near the end of September, I couldn't reach my other guy. I was told he had been promoted to a trainer, and they'd have my new PVP call me back.


Anyway, I love this guy! While I was on the phone with him that first time, I booked the Triumph CTN. He was so impressed because I actually knew the ship, the date, the port, the cabin I wanted, and the price it was going to cost me. :D


When he called the week before we cruised this time, it was the day all the drama with my DD had happened, and I was so stressed out. Of course, I spilled my guts to him, so he knows all about what happened.


He had called to be sure I didn't have any last-minute questions; that I knew my documents now said VIP and that I had printed the latest version; etc.


Just off the phone with him. He wanted to know all about the cruise, what I enjoyed most, how my aft cabin was, what excursions I liked best (Panama!), how the food was, how the weather was, did I get my Platinum goodies, how VIP embarkation went, just about everything! He also asked if my DD was aware that she would be Platinum on her next cruise.


We also talked about the Spirit-class ships and I told him how much I wish Carnival could add more ships like them instead of just bigger boxes with so many people. We talked about how Pride out of Baltimore and Miracle out of NY are more expensive because they can fill the ship pretty much with people who drive to the ports and don't have to pay air, so their total price is still decent.


I told him I'd posted a review here and he could let the Powers That Be at Carnival know, just in case anyone there wants to read it. :D


He's aware of my current jobless state and said he knows I probably can't cruise for a while, but he'll let me know if he sees any super-fantastic deals for a solo cruiser from a port within driving distance. Too bad Fascination is going into dry-dock. I could zip down I-95 and head to Half Moon Cay! :p


You know how when you work long hours and are so busy yet you manage to get things done? It's the exact opposite with me not working. Knowing I have no pressure to do ANYTHING, I end up doing NOTHING. Not a good habit to get into, but that's me.


So, if I'm not quite so lazy tomorrow, I'll haul my butt upstairs and scan the Capers.

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NC we were on your cruise too. The maitre D's name was Manuel. We really liked him too. Usually we don't care one way or the other about the maitre D, but this guy was good. Love your review,,,it's like living my cruise over again. We had an afy balcony cabin on 6. We love those rooms. Wish I could have meet you on the cruise. We met Loonyhiker & her DH and 2addicted2xmas and her family. They were all great. Hope the job market looks up for you and have a Happy & Blessed New Year. Nana10(Jackie)

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Thanks for a great and thorough review! We are thinking of sailing the Miracle this March (mainly because of the unique ports), so I really appreciate your details.....now, because of you, I think we are goingto book it!


We cruised the Legend last year and loved the size of the ship! We are afraid to go to the "bigger" ships, for fear of the crowded buffet lines!


Thanks again for spending your time on such an honest and helpful review.

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