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EMERGENCY advice needed! :(


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You CAN purchase Carnival's Trip Protection up to 14 Days before sailing and you CAN buy 3rd Party Policies up to day of sailing. UNFORTUNATELY you (1) have to be medically fit to travel the day you purchase the Insurance (which Husband isn't), and (2) you would have a pre-existing Medical condition which would invalidate any claims based on Husband's medical condition. So, IMO purchasing Insurance last-minute isn't going to work.


Looks like you have no choice but to cancel. IMO your only hope is a letter to Carnival begging for future Cruise Credit - having said that, I wouldn't expect much as all their Cruise documentation suggests that you purchase Insurance for just this occurrence, and that they will NOT give refunds.





???????? It is the OP's dad that is ill not the husband or other traveler. In this case insurance would probably not cover the situation anyway.

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???????? It is the OP's dad that is ill not the husband or other traveler. In this case insurance would probably not cover the situation anyway.

Most 3d party insurance covers family members NOT traveling with you i.e. parents, grandparents, etc.... but even still if they purchase the travel insurance today and then file a claim, they will most likely be denied payment simply because the father was diagnosed with medical issues BEFORE the the trip insurance was purchased, therefore would not be covered under the pre exsisting clause waiver. Insurance I do not believe is an option here at all, UNLESS they found some expensive coverage that would allow them to cancel for any reason... which again may be challenged since so close to sailing date. I think the only options the OP has here is to hope they can find space available to add the children (but probably unlikely this close to sailing), find someone else to watch the children, or just cancel and plead their case with the cruiseline in hopes for some recovery of their cruise costs or being allowed to move the funds to a later sailing date (which I do not think the cruiseline will do, but there is always a chance I guess).


Best of luck to the OP and keep us posted on the outcome of this dilemma.

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I'd call everyone- aunts, uncles, cousins, church members, anyone you could trust that likes your kids. If you can get 3 people to each take one kid, then the burden wouldn't be that much.




Call your kids bestest friends parents and ask if it's possible that they can take one of your kids for the week and you would be happy to take theirs if they would like to go on a vaction. My parents went to Peru for 2 weeks and left us (4 kids) with the pastors family who had 5 kids (this was planned ahead of time though).


Hope things work out.

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My Father had a 4 heart attacks and a stent put in....he was home 2 days later and doing great. Medical advances are amazing. I would still go on the cruise. As for a baby sitter....I would beg another family member.

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If it's a closed loop cruise (begins and ends in the same port) you don't need a passport, just birth certificates, although it is recommended and customs may say something when you return. We took our DD on a cruise to Canada/New England last summer and she did not have a passport (neither did we, for that matter). Here is the paragraph from the State Department:



Note: Cruise Ship Passengers: U.S. citizens on closed-loop cruises (cruises that begin and end at the same U.S. port) will be able to enter or depart the country with a birth certificate and government-issued photo ID. Please be aware that you may still be required to present a passport to enter the countries your cruise ship is visiting. Check with your cruise line to ensure you have the appropriate documents.




I was going to go into the speech about how if you need to fly back they will need passports, then I noticed this:


Please Note: Children under age 16 will be able to continue crossing land and sea borders using only a U.S. birth certificate (or other form of U.S. citizenship such as a naturalization certificate.). The original birth certificate or a copy may be used. See the Department of Homeland Security's Ready, Set.. Go! for more information on the changing travel requirements.




Interesting, I didn't realize that.


Unless I am mistaken it is not correct that taking kids does not cost much more. You have to pay the same for a kid as you do for an adult.


Also I doubt your room is set up to accommodate five people. Maybe you could change/upgrade to a room that is or look at changing to two adjoining rooms.


I would obviously not recommend getting a nanny while you go out of the country - yikes!!! Not to flame the person who posted that, maybe they don't have kids, but...yikes.


The members on these boards are awesome and I've gotten a lot of great info, but of course don't take anything anyone says as gospel (especially me :rolleyes:). Your best bet is to talk with Carnival. If you don't feel confident that your question was answered thoroughly or correctly, call again.


Good luck and I hope your Dad is okay!!

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Similar thing happend to us a couple years ago, except it was about 3 weeks out. GM had a heart problem, but it wasn't known at the time how serious it would be and if they would be able to have the kids for our 7-day cruise. Knowing that we would lose so much $ if we cancelled, she offered to book a second cabin for the kids (yes, she is a saint). There were no quads left. That was the only option at the time. Maybe Carnival can work with you. For example, someone may have booked a guarantee and been assigned a quad when there are only two of them in it? Of course, I'd feel rotten if I was the one bumped, but...


Hope your dad will be OK and you are happy with whatever decision you make. My MIL turned out fine. They couldn't find anything wrong with her heart! She could have kept the boys after all, but the cruise was already paid for! We ended up having a grand time anyway, even though it was supposed to be an anniversary cruise with just DH and me..


Let us know what happens.



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You could put 4 total in a room IF there is enough space and time, to put you in a quad room, I don't think 5 is doable, without booking a second room, which would NOT be the cheaper option.


Would it be easier for the 11 year old to stay with some friends for the week? Could the 11 year old help grandma, and be less of a bother than younger children?


Would it be easier to find a place for one or two of your younger children during the week? I'm sorry I'm not able to offer an option that sounds ideal...just trying to help think outside the box.


On a closed loop cruise (American port to American Port) passports are recommended, but not needed. You can check with Carnival for further clarification on what you need.


As for the insurance issues that Ken mentioned... There is no national health registry (although the government is currently trying to create one) so nobody is going to know anything about your father's preexisting condition if you buy insurance, and if I understand the contract...it specifically relates to the health of you, and those traveling with you.


It IS possible however that if you filed a claim...you could run into a challenge...and I have to agree with those that say buying the insurance is not a very good option...but you don't really have a lot of those.


Years ago, my wife and I had a trip planned to Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the SARS virus hit, and on top of that...my wife found out she was pregnant. We discussed the options, and although...I wasn't too worried about getting infected, my wife didn't want to take the risk. Even though our non-refundable plane tickets were already paid for, we ended up canceling the trip.


Insurance wouldn't have covered us for something like that...but unfortunately...life just happens sometimes, even with a very expensive inconvenience.


I wish you and yours the best!


5 in a cabin is doable on the Triumph. Ships built after the year 2000 it's not allowable.


Somebody else said this sailing is sold out so their cabin with have to be a quad probably and the ship not at it's berth quota.



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I think the best option is finding someone else to take the kids. Others have suggested various options, including splitting them up, or having some take them for a few days and others for a few days.


I know it can be pretty complicated, especially if the kids have sports, lessons, or other places they need to be, although with the younger ones, they can probably miss and it's not a big deal.


If you've had a reliable babysitter in the past who is beyond babysitting years (e.g., 18-22), you may be comfortable getting her (him?) to live in your home with your kids for a week. Obviously it has to be someone your kids are very comfortable with, someone you trust and someone who is responsible. We did that once when we flew across the country for a week (to a wedding). We paid our babysitter $500 for the week and everyone was happy. I'm pretty sure that would be a lot less than paying three more cruise fares (if you can even do that at this point) or cancelling the cruise altogether.

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???????? It is the OP's dad that is ill not the husband or other traveler. In this case insurance would probably not cover the situation anyway.


It's more clearcut had it been the OP's Husband!


You're Correct it's OP's Father - an Immediate Family Member (at home)



I researched this a bit:


Carnival's Policy applies the Pre-Existing Conditions limitation only to Immediate Family traveling with you. But...the Policy also states that the event that necessitated the cancellation must occur after purchase of the plan".


IMO the other popular 3rd Party Policies apply the Pre-Existing Conditions limitation to Immediate Family travelling with you and to Immediate Family staying home. These Policies ALSO have words to the effect that to get Cancellation Benefits the injury/illnes must be life-threatening or require the (insured) to stay home to care for the Family member.


Unless you have the Waiver of Pre-Existing Conditions (impossible in this situation) when you submit a Cancellation Claim for this situation, the Insurance Company immediately demands access to all Medical Records (for Father) and would quickly find the pre-existing condition.


Ditto to travelInTreats comments.



AS someone just mentioned, there IS the option of seeing if by change a party of two has a Quad booked, in the OP's Category.




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I have experience cancelling a cruise when my father-in-law got ill with a verious serious condition (we thought surgery was imminent). We had purchased the insurance when we booked the cruise. It was about 4-6 weeks out. The paperworks was simple - but they did ask: when you bought the insurance and required documentation from the doctor about when the diagnosis was made. So I don't think the last-minute insurance option would work for you.


I would find someone to watch the kids. If you don't have another relative or close friend who could help, think of a single teacher at the school who you would trust. That's what I would do....


Good luck. I hope you get to enjoy your cruise and your dad is ok.

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I just cancelled an aft balcony cabin today on this cruise for a client - unfortunately they had a death in the family - don't know if its still available and how close it might be to your booked cabin for you to use, could always put 1 adult in each cabin with the kids? Good luck - hope it works out.

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i contacted carnival just for Shiggles... that cruise is sold out.. so no other cabins are available, your only option would be to see if you can add your munchkins to the cabin you already have... i wish you the best


If the OP is in a double Cabin there's no option for adding the kids to that cabin. ken

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My dad has not been feeling well. He just found out today after tests this wk with a cardiologist that "His heart is sluggish, not contracting good, valves leaking & calicium is on the outside of his heart...say his heart is working 30% capacity right now" So he will be having a heart cath this week to find out whether stints or open heart surgery is needed.


My husband & i are suppose to leave Sunday to drive down to New Orleans for our cruise on the Triumph. (which leaves MONDAY)


The problem is that they were our babysitters. We have called Carnival & they say we cannot get our money back or transfer to another cruise. :(


Any ideas or other options? Some friends of ours had a medical emergency come up 3 days before their cruise & Carnival told them they could buy insurance-which we were told we can't do this late.


Thanks for any and all help!


Sounds like you're not really comfortable leaving your dad while you cruise. One option could be to cancel the cruise, get a note from Dad's doctor regarding his condition and write to Carnival explaining the situation. They won't refund your money but are likely to give you a credit towards a future cruise, though that is not guaranteed. Take good care of Grandpa.. he comes first, cruise comes later... all my best to all of you

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I would call CCl again,ask for a manager and explain your medical hardship, then ask if you could get a credit or partial credit for a future cruise. And/Or ask if it is possible to buy up to a 4 person cabin or 2 inside cabins for 2 people each. Most schools will consider a week trip like this an educational experience. You could also ask trusted friends or other relatives to watch your kids at home. I am also deeply sorry for your dad, but heart surgeries and heart rehab are creating great results.

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You can't buy insurance for a problem after it happens... insurance has to be bought before you know about a problem, otherwise it won't pay.


It's like rolling the dice. You rolled the dice by not buying insurance and trying to save money. You could also have rolled the dice, bought the insurance, and nothing happened on or before the trip, so you would have spent money you did not need to.


It's all about taking chances. You probably had a very small chance of something happening but the penalty is losing all your cruise payment. If you had bought the insurance, worst case you would have been out $89 or so.


There's really no point in seeking assistance in this situation because the rules are pretty clear. Your Dad is more important than the cruise, and you are doing the right thing. Just remember to buy the insurance next time, that is all you can do right now... so go be with your Dad and forget about the cruise.

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Hey we agreed on this !!!


<---raising my Michelobe Ultra in the air to you !


We only disagreed once - and THAT was when I was Incoherent!!!!!


I don't see many options for the OP. Bunking the kids with relatives or trusted, full-time babysitter/nanny seems the best all around option.


If OP cancels, I could see a letter to Carnival resulting in some token future cruise credit or future OBC.




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We only disagreed once - and THAT was when I was Incoherent!!!!!


I don't see many options for the OP. Bunking the kids with relatives or trusted, full-time babysitter/nanny seems the best all around option.


If OP cancels, I could see a letter to Carnival resulting in some token future cruise credit or future OBC.




I aggree... the OP really is basically SOL on this w/out having insurance... they have the suggested options to consider (repeated NUMEROUS TIMES !) and now it is up to them to proceed as they see fit.


Hopefully there will be a happy ending to this for them and maybe on a glimmer of hope the cruiseline will show some compassion to them, but I would certainly not be looking for it and very grateful if they did anything for them on this. It's not like the cruiselines do not hear this story numerous times in any given year where folks plead and plead for money back or some other type of reimbursement !

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You CAN purchase Carnival's Trip Protection up to 14 Days before sailing and you CAN buy 3rd Party Policies up to day of sailing. UNFORTUNATELY you (1) have to be medically fit to travel the day you purchase the Insurance (which Husband isn't), and (2) you would have a pre-existing Medical condition which would invalidate any claims based on Husband's medical condition. So, IMO purchasing Insurance last-minute isn't going to work.


Looks like you have no choice but to cancel. IMO your only hope is a letter to Carnival begging for future Cruise Credit - having said that, I wouldn't expect much as all their Cruise documentation suggests that you purchase Insurance for just this occurrence, and that they will NOT give refunds.



it's not her husband..it is her father

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no one has mentioned what the cost of the trip for the 2 of them is, have they? But it could be something like $1500 or so right? Maybe less...but we are not talking $4000 now are we? From what I gather, no one pays that kind of money for 2 anymore. So everybody is saying take the kids...it will be cheaper....ok, 3 more pax...tips...excursions...crap in ports...whatever....adds up...


Then everyone is saying...find someone else to watch them....oh, sure..just what someone is looking to do...be it an aunt or a best friend....come on...take 3 kids at the last minute so the parents can cruise.....really...oh, I forgot everyone always wants to help out...and every pareant is comfortable asking them for such a big favor...right....:rolleyes:



Face it...3 young kids will be an extreme burden on the grandmother...what with a husband recuperating...oh that's right...it is only a one day procedure....and I am just positive that he will be up and around the next day and glad to help with the kids.:rolleyes:


So let's use some logic here and just deal with the facts....the babysitters are no longer available...and the op has no insurance....now why didn't they get insurance? They have 3 yound kids FTLOG....they could have gotten sick or hurt....and the op would be in the same situation...sorry but the op has to eat the loss if the babysitters are no longer available.


And one more time....what are we talking about here? $1500 or $4000? people lose or wastet that kind of money all the time....sorry but true.


Kids drop out of college after tuition is paid....cars get totaled with weeks of purchase and do not get fully reimbursed....people lose engagement rings....make stupid investments......get scammed...whatever...it wouldn't be the first time that someone has had to lose money...wether they can afford it or not...wether it was their doing or not.



Sorry to be harsh...and I do wish her dad a speedy and healthy recovery...but the simple fact is that there were too many variables in her planning to not buy insurance...the kids ages....the fact that there are 3 of them...the grandparents....and the fact that there was no thought given to the what ifs........sorry, but true:(

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Several of your points are very valid.... but a tad :::harsh::: in my eyes and completely unnecessary !

I should have sugar coated it then and given her false hope? We all learn from mistakes...they are a very wise teacher. No rose colored glasses here...especially when the facts are so clearly stated by the op.

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