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Is this too "cheesy"?


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What bothers me about the question of wearing the wedding dress........at a wedding, the bride is the center of attention.........and her dress reinforces that fact on her behalf..........and that is not needed again...........at a non wedding event.........formal dinner on a cruise ship..........



Just looking to have some fun. Over the years I have had may people look at me in my formal gowns on the cruises we have been on. I've pretty much decided, "Who cares?" I think it will be fun, I'll get use out of the dress again, and I will have a memory (not sure what that will be though?) of the event.

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Just looking to have some fun. Over the years I have had may people look at me in my formal gowns on the cruises we have been on. I've pretty much decided, "Who cares?" I think it will be fun, I'll get use out of the dress again, and I will have a memory (not sure what that will be though?) of the event.


I think you should go for it! It's your cruise, you paid for it. What you are wearing is not offensive to anyone else so why should anyone else care? I do think you should think about renewing your vows, that would be special! When we go on a cruise we go to enjoy ourselves not try and please everyone else. Actually that is how we live day to day also!

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We're gonna do that too. Unfortunately, Phyl won't be able to smoke and I have to leave Old Blue home, but the good news is she still fits in her gown and shoes.





I'm one of the ones who voted for cheesy (it would be interesting to see how the votes went men versus women), but if you are going to do it, I hope you have a blast:).


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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We're gonna do that too. Unfortunately, Phyl won't be able to smoke and I have to leave Old Blue home, but the good news is she still fits in her gown and shoes.





I'm one of the ones who voted for cheesy (it would be interesting to see how the votes went men versus women), but if you are going to do it, I hope you have a blast:).


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl




You two make a handsome couple...and what a fine loking doublewide!!!

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1. This is the best comment in this thread.

2. You will be the loveliest couple on the entire ship.

3. A bride is supposed to be the center of our attention.

4. Have the second best day of your life.

5. Have many pictures taken.

6. Post them HERE!!




well said!

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Let's see now, we are talking about if something related to a wedding is 'cheesy'? Some think the OP wearing her wedding dress for formal night on an anniversary cruise is 'cheesy'??


This is related to a ceremony where:

- people walk down an aisle to some of the most hokey music trying to look happy with their choice?

- a crowd of people in church have to act that Aunt Martha's rendition of 'You are My Love' isn't off-key and way too long??

- Someone sticks their hands up some woman's dress and takes a garter off and throws it to a bunch of drunk guys???

- a couple takes pieces of cake and 'feed' each other, usually ending with one of them pushing the cake into the other's face???

- A woman turns her back on a group of woman and throws a bunch of flowers the women fight over or run away from????

- some drunk stands up and tries to embarrass their must-married friends by telling 'secrets' about them?????

- a woman exausted from planning her 'ultimate' ceremony then has to stand in the middle of the dance floor and dance cheek-cheek with every drunk in the room.

- a poor woman has to sit there and open the third toaster and make excited noises.

- some idiot ties stuff to the back of a couple's car, and puts stupid words all over it to embarrass the couple.


But yes, I think wearing your beautiful wedding dress again is sooooo 'cheesy'. Right.




Since you put the weddings into context you would have to agree then that wearing it to formal night is indeed "cheesy." Seriously, if that is what people think of weddings, then why even dare wear it on formal night when the dress would be associated with a "ceremony" of that nature- totally embarrassing in that context.

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Why are there so many cruisers that do not care what others think? I quickly tire of those that have little or no respect for others on the ship. I think that is why we have many behavior issues on cruise critic as there are some that do not care about others. Now back to the question and what do others think of the post. The idea is cute in a way if the wedding vows were once again repeated in a formal way. What about the table that you may have dinner at that evening, would this impact the others at the table, yes maybe no? What are you trying to achieve by wearing your wedding gown once again? Are you trying to draw attention to yourselves on your anniversary? Other posters have said you might get free drinks, hope that is not the reason. What about those that are just married "honeymooners" and those that may be married that day at sea for the first time. They are celebrating the marriage you would be celebrating an anniversary...unless repeating vows once again. I congratulate you for being able to fit your gown many years after your wedding. As it is called a wedding gown I would reserve it for weddings. Your husband wearing a tux and black bowtie and you in a cocktail dress or gown would be most appropriate over the wedding gown.


Well said. Also, I'll be more impressed after the 25th and 50th anniversaries. I'll be more impressed if you fit into your dress at 25 and 50. But 10 years, c'mon. You'll find out on cruises that many people there have been married A LOT longer than you have. If people find out you did not just get married then it could make you look like an immature attention seeker (time to grow up). That is what wedding photos are for- to commemorate that special moment. Just sayin' what others might think- also, show us the dress already.

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Why are there so many cruisers that do not care what others think? I quickly tire of those that have little or no respect for others on the ship. I think that is why we have many behavior issues on cruise critic as there are some that do not care about others. Now back to the question and what do others think of the post. The idea is cute in a way if the wedding vows were once again repeated in a formal way. What about the table that you may have dinner at that evening, would this impact the others at the table, yes maybe no? What are you trying to achieve by wearing your wedding gown once again? Are you trying to draw attention to yourselves on your anniversary? Other posters have said you might get free drinks, hope that is not the reason. What about those that are just married "honeymooners" and those that may be married that day at sea for the first time. They are celebrating the marriage you would be celebrating an anniversary...unless repeating vows once again. I congratulate you for being able to fit your gown many years after your wedding. As it is called a wedding gown I would reserve it for weddings. Your husband wearing a tux and black bowtie and you in a cocktail dress or gown would be most appropriate over the wedding gown.


You asked: "Why are there so many cruisers that do not care what others think? I quickly tire of those that have little or no respect for others on the ship." I'd like to discuss this.


There is a time and a place for caring about what other people think. If I decided to argue loudly in public with my DH, that would have an impact on other people's enjoyment of their cruise, and I should care what others think.


If I had unruly kids and did not discipline them, or if I smacked them too hard, that would impact on other cruisers, and I should care what other people think, and modify my behavior.


In circumstances like those, other people would justifiably pass some sort of judgment on my behavior. I would hope that, if a child was being hit too hard, they would also intervene.


But, concerning what I wear to dinner, no, I would not care what other people think. It is none of their d*** business.


The OP is proposing to follow the suggested dress code - her DH would wear a tux and she would wear a formal gown. Although intended for a different type of formal occasion, a wedding dress is a formal gown. It might not be to everyone's taste, but then some of the other formal attire I have seen is also pretty tasteless. It isn't my job to comment on, or criticize, what others are wearing.


To the OP, I say go for it. It is special for you. It is your cruise. Wear the wedding gown and enjoy the occasion.

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To be honest, I think that it would be a little strange to wear you wedding dress when you have been married for 10 years and I know that my husband would not go along with something like that. He would think I was crazy.


However, I do not really give to much thought to what others wear and do not care what others think about what I wear.

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I honestly think it would be kind of weird. We went to the honeymoon/anniversary party and couples there had been married for 60+ years. If you were in that situation I could possibly see wearing it.


If you really want to wear it, why not dye it or renew your vows?

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Hubby is turning 65 this year, I'm a bit younger but definitely not a "spring chicken". I see us possibly making it to 30 years married but I don't think I can expect to hit the 50 or 60 year mark. Unfortunately, we didn't find each other until later in life. We both got married at an older age. If I didn't tell people we got married later in life they may think we have been married 20 or more years. Anyway, this is the reason I kind of want to do it for this significant anniversary, even though I realize it is "only" 10 years married. No one ever knows what life will bring.


I have enjoyed this thread. I like humor. I hope others have gotten a bit of a kick out of it. If you see a couple in wedding attire during your Alaska cruise out of Seattle....it just might be us!




P.S. I chuckle at the blow-up doll reference!

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Your ages don't make any difference- I thought the idea was sweet anyway. I think that , as you said, people will think you have been married longer. I also agree with the person that said that what someone else (that I don't even know) wears is unimportant to MY enjoyment of MY cruise.

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Guest Seacruzn

I did get quite a chuckle from this thread.....my vote since you asked for opinions on this thread is for cheesy. With that said, I don't find it rude, disruptive or offensive so it goes in the category of if you want to do it, feel free to do it! And yes, please post pics for us :)


Thanks for giving me a fun idea for Valentine's Day! I surprised my DH(yep-dress still fits!) and DD by playing dress up. DH followed in on the act(this was in the privacy of our own home). We were married in 1995 on our first cruise and he rented his tux on the ship so doesn't have his tux. The first is the wedding pics, the second is the 15 year later pic......and we had a fun "2nd honeymoon" on Valentines day:D (click on the pics to make them larger)


We will keep pretending to be newlyweds!!



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I did get quite a chuckle from this thread.....my vote since you asked for opinions on this thread is for cheesy. With that said, I don't find it rude, disruptive or offensive so it goes in the category of if you want to do it, feel free to do it! And yes, please post pics for us :)


Thanks for giving me a fun idea for Valentine's Day! I surprised my DH(yep-dress still fits!) and DD by playing dress up. DH followed in on the act(this was in the privacy of our own home). We were married in 1995 on our first cruise and he rented his tux on the ship so doesn't have his tux. The first is the wedding pics, the second is the 15 year later pic......and we had a fun "2nd honeymoon" on Valentines day:D (click on the pics to make them larger)


We will keep pretending to be newlyweds!!


Thank you so much for sharing! I love it! You guys look absolutely fabulous! I can only hope we look as great!


Cheryl and Bill

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You asked: "Why are there so many cruisers that do not care what others think? I quickly tire of those that have little or no respect for others on the ship." I'd like to discuss this.


There is a time and a place for caring about what other people think. If I decided to argue loudly in public with my DH, that would have an impact on other people's enjoyment of their cruise, and I should care what others think.


If I had unruly kids and did not discipline them, or if I smacked them too hard, that would impact on other cruisers, and I should care what other people think, and modify my behavior.


In circumstances like those, other people would justifiably pass some sort of judgment on my behavior. I would hope that, if a child was being hit too hard, they would also intervene.


But, concerning what I wear to dinner, no, I would not care what other people think. It is none of their d*** business.


The OP is proposing to follow the suggested dress code - her DH would wear a tux and she would wear a formal gown. Although intended for a different type of formal occasion, a wedding dress is a formal gown. It might not be to everyone's taste, but then some of the other formal attire I have seen is also pretty tasteless. It isn't my job to comment on, or criticize, what others are wearing.


To the OP, I say go for it. It is special for you. It is your cruise. Wear the wedding gown and enjoy the occasion.


Well said. I think Spartan Tartan *somewhat* overreacted. Like if a lady is wearing a dress she loves loves loves, but it's from 1981, and clearly from 1981, then although people with think that's out of style, the reality is - who cares?! She's wearing a dress, she likes it - who cares?


If a lady decided to wear cameltoe stretch pants and a see-through bra-top for dinner, then people will think it's inappropriate, and in this case, yes, it does matter what people think.


Just people someone says "who cares what people think!" doesn't mean it applies to EVERY cirumstance imaginable. I know my comment was related to her having fun, wearing obvious formal attire, and honestly, I do feel it warrants a "who cares" moment.

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Well said. I think Spartan Tartan *somewhat* overreacted. Like if a lady is wearing a dress she loves loves loves, but it's from 1981, and clearly from 1981, then although people with think that's out of style, the reality is - who cares?! She's wearing a dress, she likes it - who cares?


If a lady decided to wear cameltoe stretch pants and a see-through bra-top for dinner, then people will think it's inappropriate, and in this case, yes, it does matter what people think.


Just people someone says "who cares what people think!" doesn't mean it applies to EVERY cirumstance imaginable. I know my comment was related to her having fun, wearing obvious formal attire, and honestly, I do feel it warrants a "who cares" moment.


I will be "discreet". We will be having fun. I wouldn't go over-the-top. I personally think wearing my wedding dress will be fun for some people...ok, eyes rolling for others. Too bad for them. I would NEVER be over-the-top or too disruptive.



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Just realized a typo...my last sentence should read:


Just because someone says "who cares what people think!" doesn't mean it applies to EVERY cirumstance imaginable. I know my comment was related to her having fun, wearing obvious formal attire, and honestly, I do feel it warrants a "who cares" moment.

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I think it sounds absolutely charming. Besides unless you plan to wear the veil and train, some folks will only wonder if it is a formal gown or wedding gown.... either way Go for it!


We never know what tomorrow may bring - in fact we are not even guaranteed a tomorrow. Carpe Diem!

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