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Injured on Cruise Ship?


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Momdabomb- You are not going to win on these boards, too many cheerleaders and experts here, you got the info you need now do what you need to do.. I am sorry for your accident and I do not think it was your fault you slipped and fell.


I can tell you that going into the dining room I slipped on water too although I did not fall it was close but with hundreds of people around I was more focused on where I was trying to go and not what was on the floor. At very least you should in my opinion get a nice letter from the CEO with some sort of peace offering.:)


Good Luck

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An elderly friend of mine walked in the front door of a supermarket and slipped and fell in some sort of liquid that had been spilled on the floor. He injured his back. He hired an attorney but never got anywhere with it. He finally dropped it after the expense of the attorney got to be too much.


That surprises me. Here at least, personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. That is, you pay nothing unless you get a settlement, at which time you pay the lawyer a certain percentage of the settlement.

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That surprises me. Here at least, personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. That is, you pay nothing unless you get a settlement, at which time you pay the lawyer a certain percentage of the settlement.



Shister Lawyer probably did not believe that they had a winnable case and was just trying to get as much out of their friend as possible. Happens everyday.:(

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Are we not responsible AT ALL any longer, for looking out for ourselves to some degree?? Come ON!! There was some water spilled on the floor!! And you slipped! Have you never slipped on your kitchen or bathroom floor? What about a slippery walkway? It is unfortunate and I am sorry you got hurt, but to look at it as a cash cow is just completely representative of our overly litigious society of today. This is why our insurance premiums have skyrocketed. If you were well enough to get back up and clean up the spill yourself, I'm not surprised that the staff carried on with their business. It likely didn't look like you were seriously injured if your main concern was cleaning up the mess and not complaining about your injury. I'm sorry that the staff didn't stop what they were doing to check on your well-being, (that is unfortunate) but what do you want out of this? At some point I think we need to take some responsibility for not watching what we are doing! It was an ACCIDENT!!!

Well said. However, I see that you are Canadian, as am I. We don't have the concern of how to pay for a medical injury as much because our healthcare is covered no matter what. From what I understand, in the US a lot of the injury lawsuits at least start as a way to get the "guilty" party to pay for the medical bills. That is a non issue for us as they are covered but could be a concern for an American with limited or no insurance.

I never said I was well enough to get back up....i was on the ground for 10 minutes until the party I was with helped me into a chair that was nearby. I was also taken to the infirmary in a wheelchair. My ankle was exremely swollen and bruised and I was in a lot of pain. How is this MY fault?? There was a patch of water on the floor that I didn't see until after I was laying on the ground. I did grab a napkin that was on a table next to me and threw it over the water so nobody else would fall....so this means I wasn't injured?


What do I want out of this? I want recognition by them that I was hurt due to their negligence. I want an apology for the Maiter D calling me a liar to my face when I explained to him how the dining room staff reacted when I fell. You are wrongly assuming that I'm looking at this as a cash cow.

I don't think the poster was saying that it was your fault, rather, she was saying it was an accident. If no one knew the water was there prior to your fall, then it is just an unfortunate situation. What is HORRIBLE though, is how the staff did not attend to you and that is unexcusable.
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I never said I was well enough to get back up....i was on the ground for 10 minutes until the party I was with helped me into a chair that was nearby. I was also taken to the infirmary in a wheelchair. My ankle was exremely swollen and bruised and I was in a lot of pain. How is this MY fault?? There was a patch of water on the floor that I didn't see until after I was laying on the ground. I did grab a napkin that was on a table next to me and threw it over the water so nobody else would fall....so this means I wasn't injured?


What do I want out of this? I want recognition by them that I was hurt due to their negligence. I want an apology for the Maiter D calling me a liar to my face when I explained to him how the dining room staff reacted when I fell. You are wrongly assuming that I'm looking at this as a cash cow.



10 minutes on the floor and not one person tried to help you up:confused:

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Hello everyone, I'm a RCI cruiser, not a Carnival cruiser, but, I popped on over to this board just to see what you CCers were up to. I was on RCI's Freedom the week of Jan 10. They do a game called Quest-it is an adult scavenger hunt which is usually held in a lounge. On this ship, it was held in the icerink with a wooden floor over the ice. They broke the audience into 10 teams based on where you were sitting, I was in the last team near the stage. When they called for something, our team and most of the other teams hopped over the ice rink wall( you know the wall, it's like 3 feet tall, I guess) because we were not near the stairs. Only the people on the aisles could use the stairs. Well, I got hurt hopping over and made it back to my seat leaning on the wall. At the end of the show, I let the crowds clear out and then I tried to get up. It hurt like HELL!! I made it up a few stairs and a man in uniform (not an officer) asked if I was ok. I said no, I got hurt, I need a wheelchair back to my room. He said, you have a wheelchair in your room, we can go get it ? I said no, i need one, i can't walk. He said, sorry, we don't have wheelchairs for you to use. So, I struggled on until a bar waitress stopped me and said are you OK. I was in tears at this point and told her I was in agony and she said sit down, I'll call a wheelchair for you. She got me a glass of water and held my hand while we waited. Several employees came while we were waiting for the WC and asked my name and cabin number and what happened. I told the story several times and finally, look who comes along--THE ORIGINAL MAN who refused to help me. Now, he tells me he is the head of security, takes all my info and escorts me to my cabin along with the girl from the medical office. They asked if I needed medical attention and I said no, I'm just going to put my leg up and put ice on it. This was midnight, by, the way. I had to crawl around my cabin that night until I went to bed. The next morning, I still couldn't walk so I did call the medical office. They came and got me with a wheelchair and I told the story again several more times. I was charged 250.00 for the visit and the x-ray. They let me keep the WC until disembarking the next day. I saw an orthopaedist Monday morning back home. It took 3 weeks to get an MRI and a diagnosis, I had torn my meniscus. I had surgery February 11th and am still out of work. I am sitting in a wheelchair as I type this. Just to top it all off, I don't get paid sick time so I haven't received a paycheck in over a month and the medical office did the math wrong and overcharged me 16.00. The pursers desk was packed on that last day so I called the med office about the math error, but, it still has not been corrected. Should I write a letter to RCI? I suppose they should at least correct the math error, but, maybe I can get them to refund all the money I spent. Obviously, the ship is "out-of-network" for my Anthem insurance, so, that didn't reduce my $500.00 deductible that I am paying for all the services back home. I've had such a hard time since I got back home ( I live alone) that I haven't really worried too much about the 250.00, bit, I sure could use that now...Any thoughts...Sorry so long...Maureen

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I agree, well said.


I cant imagine water being on a cruise ship thats has pools and thats surrounded by water.


I agree, but if the water from the pool is getting on the floor in the MDR there is another problem, even if it was tracked by kids/adults it should be cleaned up by the time the MDR is open, and I have never seen anyone in swim suits "wet"

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I'm sorry to hear you were injured and ignored. I'm surprised and disappointed that no one checked on you when it happened, as the injuries I've witnessed have always been met with a speedy response from the crew.


On my last cruise, my 3-year-old accidently walked into a knife that the head waiter was holding. (It left a little red mark on her shoulder, but didn't break the skin and cleared up pretty quickly.) Anyway, right after it happened, the dining room staff swarmed in around us to make sure she was ok. When they found out that she wasn't seriously hurt, they then buzzed around her and doted on her like she was royalty, presenting her with chocolate milk, cookies and ice cream, one treat right after the other.


That same cruise, I saw a fellow passenger slip and fall on the lido deck right next to the "Caution: Wet Floor" pylon. She sent a plate full of food crashing to the floor, and since she was just a teen, she was more embarrassed than injured. The crew swarmed around her as well, including security. They sat her in a chair at one of the tables and asked her a bunch of questions about what happened and whether she was injured and needed medical attention. She was fine, but as I mentioned, just really embarrassed.


I wonder (or missed it) what day of the cruise did this happen, and when did she go to the infermery for help, right then or the next day because it was hurting her?


Not trying to say it didn't happen or wasn't as bad as she said, but these could play into why no response from the crew.

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In regards to not offering you a spa pass or some other compensation. That in and of itself can be seen as an acceptance of blame by a court. Most likely they are not allowed to offer you anything for just that reason.

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My limited understanding of personal injury law is that the minute someone says "I'm sorry" they've taken responsibility and are liable. Probably why the management didn't say it... yet.


not true.



in fact, in the standard commercial general liability policy, there's a provsion that allows an isnured to pay the injured party's medical bills without an assignment of fault.


we often counsel insureds that being nice and being sympathetic without admitting fault is a good way to avoid a lawsuit in the event of a minor injury.

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All though this thread is completely off topic now I would like to ask "MAUREENCRUISER how on earth she thinks the ship is responsible in any way when SHE CHOOSE to leap over the boards of the ice rink. Yes, they may have been able to be more helpful but she turned down help when it was offered.

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All though this thread is completely off topic now I would like to ask "MAUREENCRUISER how on earth she thinks the ship is responsible in any way when SHE CHOOSE to leap over the boards of the ice rink. Yes, they may have been able to be more helpful but she turned down help when it was offered.


I have to agree with you there.. I was on the winning team of Quest on Freedom of the Seas in Oct. and yes it was crowded but most people did not want to play and we were in the center of the isle and nobody had a problem letting us out they all stood up and cheered us out on the floor.


Jumping over the wall although at the time sounds like a good idea sadly did not work out for her. I am sure she is in alot of pain and for that I am sorry:(

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Has anyone gotten hurt on a ship due to negligence? What, if anything, was done for you? In addition to being injured, I feel that I was treated badly by the staff and NEED to start writing letters, but don't know where to start. Any ideas?

You should write letters if you feel the need, but don't expect and compensation, besides an apology.


If that's all you seek, you should be OK.. If you want money for a sprained ankle, lotsa luck!:D

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Hello everyone, I'm a RCI cruiser, not a Carnival cruiser, but, I popped on over to this board just to see what you CCers were up to. I was on RCI's Freedom the week of Jan 10. They do a game called Quest-it is an adult scavenger hunt which is usually held in a lounge. On this ship, it was held in the icerink with a wooden floor over the ice. They broke the audience into 10 teams based on where you were sitting, I was in the last team near the stage. When they called for something, our team and most of the other teams hopped over the ice rink wall( you know the wall, it's like 3 feet tall, I guess) because we were not near the stairs. Only the people on the aisles could use the stairs. Well, I got hurt hopping over and made it back to my seat leaning on the wall. At the end of the show, I let the crowds clear out and then I tried to get up. It hurt like HELL!! I made it up a few stairs and a man in uniform (not an officer) asked if I was ok. I said no, I got hurt, I need a wheelchair back to my room. He said, you have a wheelchair in your room, we can go get it ? I said no, i need one, i can't walk. He said, sorry, we don't have wheelchairs for you to use. So, I struggled on until a bar waitress stopped me and said are you OK. I was in tears at this point and told her I was in agony and she said sit down, I'll call a wheelchair for you. She got me a glass of water and held my hand while we waited. Several employees came while we were waiting for the WC and asked my name and cabin number and what happened. I told the story several times and finally, look who comes along--THE ORIGINAL MAN who refused to help me. Now, he tells me he is the head of security, takes all my info and escorts me to my cabin along with the girl from the medical office. They asked if I needed medical attention and I said no, I'm just going to put my leg up and put ice on it. This was midnight, by, the way. I had to crawl around my cabin that night until I went to bed. The next morning, I still couldn't walk so I did call the medical office. They came and got me with a wheelchair and I told the story again several more times. I was charged 250.00 for the visit and the x-ray. They let me keep the WC until disembarking the next day. I saw an orthopaedist Monday morning back home. It took 3 weeks to get an MRI and a diagnosis, I had torn my meniscus. I had surgery February 11th and am still out of work. I am sitting in a wheelchair as I type this. Just to top it all off, I don't get paid sick time so I haven't received a paycheck in over a month and the medical office did the math wrong and overcharged me 16.00. The pursers desk was packed on that last day so I called the med office about the math error, but, it still has not been corrected. Should I write a letter to RCI? I suppose they should at least correct the math error, but, maybe I can get them to refund all the money I spent. Obviously, the ship is "out-of-network" for my Anthem insurance, so, that didn't reduce my $500.00 deductible that I am paying for all the services back home. I've had such a hard time since I got back home ( I live alone) that I haven't really worried too much about the 250.00, bit, I sure could use that now...Any thoughts...Sorry so long...Maureen


I am sorry for all your troubles but you could become a commercial for cruise insurance

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After 5 posts from the OP notice the the post count does not change?




Just a point of interest - at one time I probably did about 10 posts before my post count went up 1 - I personally think the post count should be taken out. I think sometimes the advice I get from a poster with 10 posts is better than the one I get from 5,000 plus but we tend to sway to the one with the big post count.

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I just returned yesterday from a week on the Carnival Splendor. On Monday night (first elegant night), I slipped on water on the floor walking into the dining room. I ended up spraining my ankle pretty badly (ended up on crutches). I am very upset about what happened as well as how I was treated by the staff after the fall (dining room staff left me laying on the ground, stepped around me, and continued business as usual).


Has anyone gotten hurt on a ship due to negligence? What, if anything, was done for you? In addition to being injured, I feel that I was treated badly by the staff and NEED to start writing letters, but don't know where to start. Any ideas?



I agree with Cat.. send a registered letter..


They are responsible.. that is what insurance is for.. ON THEIR END ALSO!


Your cruise was ruined through no fault of your own.. Don't listen to the cheerleaders.. they were negligent in not cleaning it up...


If someone fell on your property because you were negligent in not repairing something or removing ice.. you would be sued..



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I agree with Cat.. send a registered letter..


They are responsible.. that is what insurance is for.. ON THEIR END ALSO!


Your cruise was ruined through no fault of your own.. Don't listen to the cheerleaders.. they were negligent in not cleaning it up...


If someone fell on your property because you were negligent in not repairing something or removing ice.. you would be sued..




How do you figure that? Were you there? I would like to know what kind of shoes she was wearing.


And for the record, I do not believe for one minute she was laying on the floor for 10 minutes.


I don't think she has a leg to stand on, so to speak, but if all she wants is an apology, she should start writing those letters and I bet she gets a sorry this happened out of them, then the matter can be settled.

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I agree with Cat.. send a registered letter..


They are responsible.. that is what insurance is for.. ON THEIR END ALSO!


Your cruise was ruined through no fault of your own.. Don't listen to the cheerleaders.. they were negligent in not cleaning it up...


If someone fell on your property because you were negligent in not repairing something or removing ice.. you would be sued..




Do they have enough employees to stand every 10 feet all over the ship to make sure that there is no liquid on the floor. Just because it was there does not make them liable. They had to have had time to remove it after they became aware of it.

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exactly. usually, when you pursue a case for negligence you have to prove that the defendant's conduct was unreasonable. it's not necessarily enough to show that there was water on the floor, you may have to show that Carnival knew or should have known that the water was there and failed to clean it up in a tiemly manner. you also have to deal with comparative negligence issues -- whether and to what extent the plaintiff caused or contributed to her own accident, such as the type of shoes she was wearing. most of the time it comes down to credibility, i.e, whose testimony about what happened is more believable.

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I love these threads that bring out all the "sea lawyers" especially when no one here actually knows what happened to the OP or anything about marine or tort law. All very entertaining.:D


That is because most of the people are not lawyers, but they play one on board the ship, (and on tv)

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Are you kidding me, that is your only response is to sue, you people have to learn that not everything is worth suing over. All she wants to do is file a complaint (which I personally don't blame her), but sue over a sprained ankle is going just a bit to far.

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