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What have you forgotten or left ON the ship?


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Last year I had to take a cruise with my best friend's mother' date=' because my friend's work cancelled her vacation due to some Department of Energy emergency. Anyway, we got on the Maasdam in Fort Lauderdale, and my friend's mom realized she didn't have her brand new camera. This was one her boyfriend had given her just for this cruise - a Canon digital. We checked everywhere we had been (security, picture taking, etc.) before I started getting specific about when she had last had it. Yes, she had it at the hotel, yes, she had it on the shuttle bus. She couldn't remember picking it up off the seat on the shuttle. So I used my cell phone (roaming, peak minutes) to call the hotel, who in turn called the shuttle driver, who then called me. I described the camera and he said he had it. He pulled up in front of the terminal 30 minutes later, we had to get off the ship (again!) and go through security (again!), back through the terminal and out to the curb to meet the driver. Than I had to give him a tip because my traveling companion had nothing smaller than a $100 with her.


She proceeded to also lose a pair of diamond earrings later that week. She still thinks the steward stole them, but I'm more apt to believe that she either knocked them off the night stand and they got sucked into the vacuum cleaner - or they're lying on the bottom of her purse.


Moral of the story: Never travel with someone you don't know REALLY WELL.





cool story...



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You will never believe this but it is true!!!! Any clothes that are left behind are given to the individuals who don't have any clothes because their luggage was lost. In January my husband, daughter and I didn't have any clothes for 3 days except what cruise care covered - (roughly 1 outfit a day). The concierge was so sweet and gave us a whole trash bag full of clothes to try on and we got to keep what fit. These clothes had been laundered and were in great shape. I had 1 pair of new shoes that hurt my feet so I gave them to the concierge for the next guests who were in our shoes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband left a brand new Braun electric shaver in our cabin. We realized it when we got home, called Celebrity and they said no one found it. So, either the cabin steward is getting nice close shaves, or the next passenger enjoyed it. Guess we need to check everything before leaving the room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On our last trip, I thought I had forgotten our Minolta while waiting for disembarking instructions. I was frantic-unbelievably more disappointed and sad that I wouldn't get to see the photos I had taken! I called the cruise line and they took all the info and told me MANY things are left on the ships and are collected and put into 'Lost and Found'. Fortunately, we found our camera in the car. I called the cruise line and of course let them know. Yes, our photos were great!;)

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I had a nice brand new (t-shirt fabric) jacket and I almost left it at the pool one night and then I dropped it, but picked it up. I left it on the bed by my feet that night and the next day, much later in the day I realized I didn't have it. I think it was wrapped up in the linens when they changed the bedclothes and took it by mistake. It was reported as missing, but it was never found. Not like I paid much for it, but I liked it a lot. Perfect for slightly cool nights on board. 8-(

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  • 1 month later...

Last year on Carnival's Glory, my cabin-mate Glory (Yes, that is her real name!) accidently left her checkbook in the safe. The next passengers in the cabin contacted her and then mailed it to her. They felt it was best to handle it themselves than to trust the Steward or Carnival.

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We seem to make a donation every cruise or vacation. We have left: CD cases filled with CDs, formal night photos, a shirt, a Game Boy, lost a camera at an airport (our own fault, we allowed our friends daughter to carry it for us), my son lost his fanny pack, hat and anything else that wasn't stapled to his body. As careful as we are, it always seems something goes missing every trip. We check the room thoroughly, looking under beds, behind doors, under the linens. It just happens, we have learned to just get over it and actually joke about what we may leave behind each trip.:rolleyes:

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Dh left a pr of Nike tennis shoes in the closet on the Conquest last year. He thought I packed them. I told him it was up to him to get his stuff and I would get mine. He found out he left them after we got home-in Ohio. I guess whoever found them kept them. Brand new only wore once on the cruise. Nice gift to leave behind huh? This time I am checking ALL closets and cabinets the day we leave to make sure this doens't happen again.


I left some awesome Nikes on board the Imagination too. they were sooo comfortable and kinda new:o( I have actually lost about 4 pr of shoes on cruises, mostly sandals I left somewhere on the deck at the deck party or in the disco.

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A buddy of mine and I left a wrapped condom for some female friends that were cruising in 4 months, as a joke. We hid the item on the ship, then took a picture of the location from VERY close up...they didn't know what we left them or where it was...but the scavenger hunt apparently was fun, even if the prize wasn't.




Grand Princess Western Carribean

Grand Princess Western Carribean (diverted from Eastern)


Victory Eastern Carribean 3/6/05



That is totally awesome. I wrote a friend who was sailing (actually working) on another ship a note on a phone booth in Nassau with a sharpie. He got there 3 days later and saw it and called me.

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On a Voyager cruise in November of 2003, my DW picked up all of our passports from the room desk when we were getting off the ship. When we got to Immigration she only had two of them, mine was missing. Talk about panic. I immediately returned to the ship, they let me back on, went back to the room and there it was, a dark blue passport lying on the black countertop. She had only picked up two of them, instead of all three. Now I keep the passports, (until I lose one of them LOL).




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I didnt actually lose this on the ship..but I lost it while packing to depart. I bought a small gift for my daughter and put it inside a shoe for safe keeping. Well we looked and looked for that thing. I had to apologize to her for losing it. Six months later it showed up when I went to wear those shoes again. All are happy now! haha:D

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My darling husband is wonderful, but on the trip in question, it became HIS

responsibility to pack HIS OWN things. (I think you get the drift of where this is going.) Well, we got home fine.


However, the following cruise when I went to pack all of his Tuxedo "stuff" I

was unable to find the bow ties, cumberbuns, studs, cuff links, etc. He had four sets of everything and they were no where to be found. When I asked him where they were all I got was a "deer in the head lights" look, that immediately indicated they were left on our last cruise. Since this was six months later, there was no way they would ever be found.


So, there was an immediate "rush" to find replacements in a VERY SHORT time frame. Now, unfortunately, I'm back to doing all the packing, both coming and going. It's cheaper that way.


Looking forward to our next cruise: Summit (Alaska) 9-16-05

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It's amazing how many things I have found on cruisehips. I don't know if it's just me or if everyone finds lots of cool stuff. I'll just list some of the things here due to space limitations. Here goes:


Portraits of some lovely people - Have them for sale on e-bay now


Bath & Beauty Gel - Gave it to Sonny my cabin steward


Sanity - Kept it during my cruise, then lost it


Nike tennis shoes - Also on e-bay


VCR rechargeable battery base - e-bay for sure, it must be worth $100 at least


Sonny - My cabin steward who was lost for awhile, believe he was bathing


Men's dress shoes - told Sonny to take them but he wanted a different style


Cell phone - used it in St. Thomas for awhile, then it wouldn't connect


Camcorder charger - left it for next cabin occupant since I have no camcorder


Spotty Puppy - (found in airport wandering lost) took to animal shelter


men's bathing suit - found in changing room on St Martin beach. Looks new, not sure so gave it to Goodwill


Females with condom - said they found it on scavenger hunt (likely story)


Whip & handcuffs - (see Females with condom above)


Crock pot & blender - what wine goes good with beef stew? Maybe I'll just blend up some margaritas.


men's shoes & used socks - Sonny had to use a whole can of Lysol in the room - sure hope they wash these socks before giving to a clothesless passenger - they can have the shoes also


Diamond earrings - funny, found them in closet stuck in a picture of a nice looking lady. Background looks like Bay Area in California.


Size 8 body - donated it to a teaching hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio


used duct tape - see whip & handcuffs above


white jacket, alarm clock & socks - Used white jacket for "White Night" at "Cirque du Soleil" in Bar at the Edge of the Earth on Celebrity Summit & Constellation. Needed alarm clock to wake up following morning. Gave socks to passenger who forgot to bring any.


Kid's shoes - (looked new) gave to kid who threw his overboard in a tantrum


Braun Electric Shaver - (looked new) tried it, but prefer Norelco I found in airport


Jacket - (looked new, it's just a glorified t-shirt) Sonny said his assistant would love it


CD Cases with some cool CDs inside - Now I need to find a CD player


Formal Night Photos - Will put on E-Bay and maybe owner will see them


Game Boy - Sonny said he could use it to pass the time while he is supposed to be working


Camera - (at airport) had a picture of same people in Formal Night Photos and one had a Game Boy just like the one I found.


Nikes, female, I think - they are awesome. Sonny wants them so bad he said I wouldn't have to tip him if he could have them.


Sandals (4 or so pair) - Sonny's assistant wants these. No tip for him either.


Tux accessories sets (4) - I never even had 1 set before, what do I do with 4 ? Never mind, just saw 3 guys who forgot to pack theirs and made a deal. They sure have good taste in wine.


Well, that's it. Have to get another cruise booked so I can see how my new tuxedo (which I found in airport restroom) goes with the accessories I found on last cruise.

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I was on the Pacific Princess about 3 years ago and couldn't find my black bra. I asked the room steward, he said he didn't find it & he asked the laundry people and they said they didn't find it. It's just so strange how it just disappeared.

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my father had a white shirt go missing, a tie and gold tie clip. He asked the cabin stewards both times and neither ever turned up. Wonder where all these things go. It is weird that they disappear from the room never to be seen again. I understand that the white shirt might go to the laundry but did the dryer eat it?



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It's amazing how many things I have found on cruisehips. I don't know if it's just me or if everyone finds lots of cool stuff. I'll just list some of the things here due to space limitations.



Wow. You made out like a bandit on your cruise!;)

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Goodwill!! Goodwill!! You gave my husbands brand new baithing suite to Goodwill??????????? Ok what state am I driving to to get back??

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Goodwill!! Goodwill!! You gave my husbands brand new baithing suite to Goodwill??????????? Ok what state am I driving to to get back??




Sorry, I asked at the beach bar if anyone knew who owned it and all I got was big smiles icon10.gif and blank stares icon8.gif. I'm not sure if anyone there could speak english or not. They seemed to slur their speech when talking to each other or ordering "smore whishkey" for "everbuddy".


I know, I should have turned it in to "lost & found", but I couldn't find lost & found.


So I gave it to Goodwill. A few days later I saw a guy at the local pool wearing it. The weirdest thing, he was also wearing a white shirt and a tie with a gold tie clip. The girl with him appeared to be wearing a black bra for a bathing suit top and I must confess, she was stunning in it.


The guy said he was thinking about moving to Vienna, Ohio (near Youngstown). Is that near you?

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So I gave it to Goodwill. A few days later I saw a guy at the local pool wearing it. The weirdest thing, he was also wearing a white shirt and a tie with a gold tie clip. The girl with him appeared to be wearing a black bra for a bathing suit top and I must confess, she was stunning in it.


The guy said he was thinking about moving to Vienna, Ohio (near Youngstown). Is that near you?


LOL:D :D Love your last two posts and your humor! Keep up the laughs.


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John I wish you had taken a picture of the man with the white shirt,tie and gold tie clip. My father would love to see it put to good use! You have a great sense of humor. We all need to laugh more.



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I actually did get a picture of him wearing the white shirt, tie & gold clip. I remember taking the camera with me on the Summit and when I returned home could not find it anywhere. The digital image is still in the camera. Is it possible that I left it on the ship ? Oh well, find some, lose some.

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It's amazing how many things I have found on cruisehips. I don't know if it's just me or if everyone finds lots of cool stuff. I'll just list some of the things here due to space limitations. Here goes:


Portraits of some lovely people - Have them for sale on e-bay now


Bath & Beauty Gel - Gave it to Sonny my cabin steward


Sanity - Kept it during my cruise, then lost it


Nike tennis shoes - Also on e-bay


VCR rechargeable battery base - e-bay for sure, it must be worth $100 at least


Sonny - My cabin steward who was lost for awhile, believe he was bathing


Men's dress shoes - told Sonny to take them but he wanted a different style


Cell phone - used it in St. Thomas for awhile, then it wouldn't connect


Camcorder charger - left it for next cabin occupant since I have no camcorder


Spotty Puppy - (found in airport wandering lost) took to animal shelter


men's bathing suit - found in changing room on St Martin beach. Looks new, not sure so gave it to Goodwill


Females with condom - said they found it on scavenger hunt (likely story)


Whip & handcuffs - (see Females with condom above)


Crock pot & blender - what wine goes good with beef stew? Maybe I'll just blend up some margaritas.


men's shoes & used socks - Sonny had to use a whole can of Lysol in the room - sure hope they wash these socks before giving to a clothesless passenger - they can have the shoes also


Diamond earrings - funny, found them in closet stuck in a picture of a nice looking lady. Background looks like Bay Area in California.


Size 8 body - donated it to a teaching hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio


used duct tape - see whip & handcuffs above


white jacket, alarm clock & socks - Used white jacket for "White Night" at "Cirque du Soleil" in Bar at the Edge of the Earth on Celebrity Summit & Constellation. Needed alarm clock to wake up following morning. Gave socks to passenger who forgot to bring any.


Kid's shoes - (looked new) gave to kid who threw his overboard in a tantrum


Braun Electric Shaver - (looked new) tried it, but prefer Norelco I found in airport


Jacket - (looked new, it's just a glorified t-shirt) Sonny said his assistant would love it


CD Cases with some cool CDs inside - Now I need to find a CD player


Formal Night Photos - Will put on E-Bay and maybe owner will see them


Game Boy - Sonny said he could use it to pass the time while he is supposed to be working


Camera - (at airport) had a picture of same people in Formal Night Photos and one had a Game Boy just like the one I found.


Nikes, female, I think - they are awesome. Sonny wants them so bad he said I wouldn't have to tip him if he could have them.


Sandals (4 or so pair) - Sonny's assistant wants these. No tip for him either.


Tux accessories sets (4) - I never even had 1 set before, what do I do with 4 ? Never mind, just saw 3 guys who forgot to pack theirs and made a deal. They sure have good taste in wine.


Well, that's it. Have to get another cruise booked so I can see how my new tuxedo (which I found in airport restroom) goes with the accessories I found on last cruise.

Wow! It sounds like you "found" our lost Tux stuff. Too bad you didn't announce it here. Maybe I would have seen it and had you ship the stuff to us.


But, if you made out on a good deal, great for you!


Starting to pack for the Summit to Alaska, 9-16-05.


Bon Voyage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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