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The Coral, The Panama Canal and LA - An Aussie viewpoint!

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A lot of my friends on these threads wanted me to do a review of our recent travels. To those friends, enjoy. To everyone else, enjoy! I hope I don't bore you too much. :D


I am writing this review from an Aussie viewpoint so please bear with me. My husband Clive, and I have never been to USA before and couldn’t wait.


We left our home on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia around 1pm on 18th February to pick our friends Rob and Beth up from their home around 5 mins away. Managed to fit all the luggage in the car and off we went on our journey south to Brisbane a 45 minute easy drive. Dropped our car into a long term undercover parking facility and were shuttled over to the airport.




The plane from Brisbane was delayed for 45 mins which made our connection in Sydney very tight as we had to be shuttled over to the international terminal from the domestic terminal. I was amazed that we could all run so fast, our names were being called out over the intercom and of course we had to go through security too. Sheesh!! We made the plane just in time and settled down for our next leg, 13+ hours.


We flew V Australia and for anyone who is intending to come to Australia or fly to America - give them a go. We will use them again. The seats were wider, the food was great and the free entertainment was wonderful, such a good range of choices.


I took a sleeping pill and had a lovely long sleep, the others didn't and needless to say, they wished they had.


Arrived into LAX at 4.30pm on 18th February (gained a day ) Collected our bags, went through customs with no problems and walked to another terminal and checked in for our next leg to Fort Lauderdale with Delta Airlines. We had around 6 hours to kill - we needed food! And somewhere comfortable to sit and wait.



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What can I say - LAX - what a poor excuse for a large airport. Our little airport at Maroochydore is even 100% better. The choice of food was pathetic, there was nowhere comfortable to sit and wait. There were no showers for us to clean up after the long flight. I could go on, but we made the best of it and had McDonalds


After the wait, we boarded our Delta flight and tried to sleep, I decided not to pop the little pill this time and of course I didn't sleep (idiot - you live and learn). This flight was ok I suppose ( we just pretended we were sardines) and arrived in pretty good form considering, at Fort Lauderdale airport at 6 am in the morning of 19th Feb.

We grabbed our luggage and went to the hire car counter. I had booked and paid for our car in Australia about 3 months prior. I made sure all the insurance etc was included. When we were signing all the paperwork the guy said $66 please. Since I had all the receipts I couldn’t understand why he wanted more money. They said they filled the tank up with gas and we had to pay for the full tank. What! We only hired it for one day to do a bit of sightseeing around FLL. No way would we use a full tank of gas. What we didn’t use, we forfeited.

We hire a lot of cars in Aust and the deal there is you fill it back up to full just before you hand the car in. Nice little rip-off for the car hire company. We paid up but were not happy. More about that later. We went out to find that we were given a medium sized sedan! We ordered a large station wagon or SUV. Back inside. More haggling, finally we were given a really beat up station wagon that was dirty. Welcome to America!

Off we went. Rob was driving and went right instead of left. Good grief. Lost in FLL on freeways that us yobbo’s in our part of Australia have only seen on TV. The hotel was 2kms from the airport. It took us 2 and a half hours to get there! There was nearly two divorces and quite a few thoughts of murder during those 2 and a half hours.


Finally we arrived at the Hampton Inn Airport North Hotel. We found only one room was nearly ready so we were directed to the breakfast area to eat until it was ready. The breakfast was welcome, I can tell you. The room was finally ready, we took our bags up and left all the luggage in that room and set off to Sawgrass Mills for some retail therapy.


We spent a few hours at sawgrass and then went back to the motel. Clive and I were expecting a visit from Pia (most of you will know her from the Princess threads) and her husband Mike. She wanted to meet the person who made her addicted to Tim Tams LOL. Needless to say we all enjoyed meeting each other and pressies were exchanged. For me, some of the princess paraphernalia she has collected in her travels and for her, packets of Tim Tams in flavours that she can’t get in USA.

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That night the four of us went to the Rustic Inn (a seafood restaurant I found online). Fantastic place! We didn’t get lost either (well we sort of stumbled onto it when we were about to give up).





After dinner, we decided to take the car back instead of waiting for the morning. We had used less than ¼ of the petrol. I was ready to battle! Lets just say I won a minor victory because we had $40 refunded. Beware if you are hiring a car from Dollar rentals. Back to the hotel to the best beds we have ever slept in outside of our own.

Our first day in USA came to a close. Our cruise tomorrow. Can’t wait.

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A great dialogue! I love the 2.5hrs to the hotel LOL! Sounds like you certainly have the right frame of mind and I hope you have a lovely cruise. Keep the ship tidy please since we get on Apr 21.

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Hi Billy and Charlies Mum, so much enjoying your report. We live just down the road from you in Brisbane and will be cruising the Panama in October, you were sooo brave hiring a car, we wouldnt attempt it,

hope you have a great cruise

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Embarkation Day – Saturday 20th February Fort Lauderdale

Set the alarm for 9am as we had the shuttle booked for 11.30. Went downstairs and enjoyed another fabulous breakfast. What is it with the pastries? Pastries for breakfast? I can see some serious kilos attaching themselves to my body!



The shuttle was only half an hour late which was pretty good. Embarkation process was the best organised we have experienced. Very organised. Maybe it was the early hour but we weren’t complaining. We purchased a coffee card for Clive and an ultimate kids soda card for me as I don't drink alcohol much.

Went to our cabins B422 for us and B420 for Rob and Beth. (Midship bumpout – balcony). We met our steward Rommel and asked for an eggcrate for the bed and for the balcony dividers to be opened. Rommel, by the way, turned out to be the best steward we have had so far. A cheery welcome everytime he saw us and nothing was too much trouble. He was always around too, which sometimes is not the case with other stewards.



Tried to get into the dining room. The guy outside said it had just closed 1pm. Bummer, off to Horizon Court. We don’t particularly like Horizon Court. We tend to eat too much so we try to steer clear of it. Yep, you guessed it – we ate too much. Sigh!


Took a walk around the ship to take some photos and try to walk off a bit of lunch. There were 8 ships in port that day (Oasis of the Seas was opposite) What a huge ship. I am not sure if it is too big for me.




Back to our stateroom to unpack. We were having a few people from our roll call coming to our staterooms for a sailaway party soon so wanted to be all unpacked for them.


Linda and Stu from NY, Jim and Kath from England and Moira and Vin from England, together with Beth and Rob and us had a great time at sailaway. The captain sounded the horn and the apartment dwellers rang bells and waved. We all then decided to go to dinner together in the dining room.




Early night as jet lag was starting to rear it’s ugly head.


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Excellent review so far, Eileen!


What's up with Dollar? There's no way you should have had to pay for a full tank. It should be full when you get it and full when you return it. That's the way it works! Good thing you got a refund or I would say time for a letter to corporate.

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At sea – 21st February

Woke up at 11.45am – good grief, we must have been tired! Our roll call Meet and Greet was scheduled for 12noon in the dining room. Panic stations. Raced downstairs and made it just in time. Everyone was friendly and got on well together. Thank heavens say I, we had all our tours planned together!




Walked around the ship to discover places that our ships based in Australia don’t have like the Lotus Pool, and all the bars (shame I don’t drink)!


Tonight is our first formal night so we went back to the stateroom to start getting ready as we are booked into Traditional dining 5.30 (why so early? – 6 would have been more reasonable). Beth and Rob were seated with us of course and we met our other tablemates Jack and Lillian. Everyone looked lovely, lots of bling on the ladies and lots of tuxedos on the men. (gotta love a man in a tux! – Yum) As this was our 20th Anniversary cruise they sang to us and gave us a little cake to share.



After dinner we went to the theatre to watch a comedian named Fred Klett. I don’t usually like comedians, especially American comedians because there seems to be a difference in what we in Australia find funny to what you guys think is funny. (2 ½ men drives me nuts with all the canned laughter after every sentence – sorry to all you lovers of 2 ½ men!) Fred however, was very funny and appealed to everyone in the audience.


In bed by 10.30pm.

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At sea – 22nd February

Another sea day, love those sea days! Didn’t do much, just wandered around the ship and tried to get our bearings. Had a lovely breakfast in the dining room – my lord, those pastries! Is that normal for you Americans? Pastries every morning?


Popped in to watch the Bingo. I don’t think I will play, as much as I like playing bingo, it looks pretty slow and boring. I like it fast and furious.

Lunch and dinner in the dining room, still tired so went to bed early to watch some TV and drift off to sleep. Aruba in the morning. How exciting, another foreign country to add to our list visited.

I collect pins and attach them to our backpack. I forgot to get one in Fort Lauderdale, which I am kicking myself about. So I have to find somewhere that sells pins in Aruba.

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Aruba – 23rd February

We woke up to a view of a pretty port – Aruba. Had no tour booked so just decided to wander around the port


Lots of shopping, T-shirts for Heath (our grandson), Pixie (our granddaughter), Eli (our daughter Jaime’s boyfriend) and Clive. Necklace for Jaime. Found a pin! I also bought a long kaftan for myself. Back on board at 12.30 as sailaway was scheduled for 1pm.


My impression of Aruba – Aruba is a very pretty little island – very laid back. A lot of the shops were very similar. Lots of jewellery and souvenier shops. The shopkeepers tended to be a bit pushy. If they had been less pushy I probably would have bought a lot more than I did. Australians like their space and hate getting hassled. They missed out with me.

Went back to our room and had a nanna nap. Dinner in the dining room. Bed reasonably early.

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Had a lovely breakfast in the dining room – my lord' date=' those pastries! Is that normal for you Americans? Pastries every morning?[/size']


LOL. Yes, at most American hotels that serve breakfast, there will be pastries available. We don't regularly eat them at home though (at least I don't).


When I travel, I prefer a nice roll (brotchen) with cheese, and some fruit. Maybe flavored yogurt.


What can I expect at my Australian hotels? :confused:

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Cartagena, Columbia – 24th February

Arrived in Cartagena around 7am. Went and had breakfast in the dining room. Those pastries were there again! Linda from our roll call arranged a tour with Mr Emerald tours so everyone met at 8.30 at the Patisserie on Level 5. We timed it perfectly because we were the first ones off the ship. YAY. Lee Miles the tour organiser was there to greet us. Our tour guide was Julio. He was excellent, very informative and spoke excellent English.

Cartagena is a very poor country. 85% catholic. We went to the fortress first up but didn’t walk up to the top. We then went to La Popa Monastry. Fantastic views of Cartagena. Took a photo of a sloth.



Next we went to the Museum of the Inquisition. Pretty barbaric, had all sorts of torture apparatus.


Jim being an idiot!

We also went to the local markets called “the dungeons”. Lots of jewellery shops and touristy things. Found a pin! Took a walk around the old Town. Cartagena is renowned for their emeralds and coffee.


It is supposed to be good luck to rub her boobs! LOL

There were all these statues around which turned out to be alive! I took a photo and then proceeded to give them all the change I had (which was about $6 in coins) and they said - notes only! What! They are telling me what to donate? I walked away, no money was given! No-one tells me what to donate. They missed out silly people. There were lots of other "statues" that gladly took our money!


I think what annoyed everyone most were the hawkers. They just didn’t give up! You just had to be downright rude so they would go away!


She got paid!

We were all exhausted by the time we got back to the ship. The humidity was very high and a number of the Canadians and English were suffering quite badly. We are used to the humidity so it wasn’t as bad for us but it was still uncomfortable.

We had lunch in the Horizon Court with Kath and Jim as the dining room was closed. Ate too much of course! Relaxed in the afternoon. Saw dolphins off our balcony. Had dinner in the dining room – surf and turf.

Went to bed early because we will be up early with the Panama Canal tomorrow.

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LOL. Yes, at most American hotels that serve breakfast, there will be pastries available. We don't regularly eat them at home though (at least I don't).


When I travel, I prefer a nice roll (brotchen) with cheese, and some fruit. Maybe flavored yogurt.


What can I expect at my Australian hotels? :confused:


Expect bacon and eggs, sausages, grilled tomatoes etc...... as well as cereal, fruit and yoghurt. I'd say the usual but no pastries! We do have croissants though! And pancakes!

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Eileen, just 'cause they were there didn't mean you actually had to eat the pastries!!

I'm loving your photos -- I'm reliving my own trip through them. It's way cool to see again through your camera lens the same things I saw. Every now and then (especially when I went hunting to check on the availability of green tea for you!), I'd think, wow, just wait 'til Eileen sees this! I'm excited now to hear how you liked it all. Can't wait for the rest of the story!

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Expect bacon and eggs' date=' sausages, grilled tomatoes etc...... as well as cereal, fruit and yoghurt. I'd say the usual but no pastries! We do have croissants though! And pancakes![/quote']


Oh goody! I love croissants :D

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I won't drive the the U.S. of A. They drive on the wrong side of the road for a start, and it's funny changing gear with your right hand.


We are going to Aruba on a cruise in July, I think, it looks very nice, and it's good to know that the ship docks right up close to the town.


That means no 'Princess Scam'!


I look forward to further episodes.



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Bill & Charlies Mum, Eileen, great photos and review. I have got withdrawal symptoms already. NOW, you have not mentioned the Automatic Wage Subsidy yet, have you ? Get your flak jacket on if you do and maybe a helmet, tin, soldiers for the use of. You may need it on here.! LOL.

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Panama Canal – 25th February

We set the alarm for 6.15am and woke up to the Coral in front of the first locks (Gatun). Our breakfast arrived at 7am and we sat down to a lovely champagne breakfast as we traversed the first set of three locks.



On the menu: Warm basket of homemade pastries (of course!)

Cold Smoked salmon with dill cream cheese and toasted brioche, Medley of fresh fruits and forest berries with clover honey chantilly creme, Bacon and Onion Quiche Lorraine with tomato and fontina cheese gratin with of course a half bottle of chilled french champagne. The cost was $32 per couple and worth every penny.


It was supposed to take 2 hours but only took 1 ½ hours. We travelled through Gatun Lake, under the Centenary bridge and through the Calbera cut. We decided to go to the Lotus Pool for a swim and enjoyed a lunch from Horizon Court (I know, we actually chose to eat from Horizon Court because we didn’t want to miss anything) which we ate at the Lotus Pool, anyway it was handy for our desert (ice-cream) I must say that I did frequent the ice-cream parlour on occasion and between that and the pastries my pants were getting a tad tight.



By this time we had gone through the Pedro Miguel lock and on towards the Miraflores locks. We were running around 45 mins early by this time so we decided it was an opportune moment to check out the secret door and go to the front of the ship. We arrived to be greeted by half of our roll call. Not many other people there either so it is really a great place to be if you are actually going through a lock.

To the left is a building that locals gather to watch the ships go through the locks. If you look at the Panama Canal webcam you can see the building overlooking the locks. There were hundreds of people cheering us through – great but quite bizarre!


Many people have commented on the engineering marvel that is the Panama canal so I will not bore you with that, but I must say if you ever have the chance to traverse the canal, jump at the chance you won't be sorry.


Panama city around the corner.

12 of us decided to have dinner together in the Bordeaux dining room. Everyone had a great time and we got to bed around midnight.

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