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The things I HATE about cruises...

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Cabins too small, shower is tiny, have dine with people you don't know, everything is too structured. It's my vacation, I want to eat when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it, choose who I dine with, eat alone if I want, there's limited time at port or ship leaves without you, cannot relax at all in those circumstances. Never again, thank you.:([/quote)


If you truly believe what you wrote, then in all probability cruise ships are better off without you.



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Cabins too small, shower is tiny, have dine with people you don't know, everything is too structured. It's my vacation, I want to eat when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it, choose who I dine with, eat alone if I want, there's limited time at port or ship leaves without you, cannot relax at all in those circumstances. Never again, thank you.:(


You had to find a two year old thread for a negative post??


You CAN eat when you feel like it. -- 24 hour cabin service if the MDR or buffet aren't open.

You CAN sleep when you feel like it -- just put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

With Anytime Dining or Freestlye Dining you can eat alone, or with new friends you meet on the ship. Your choice.

True, there is a limited time at port, but that way you can experience lots of new places.

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Thank you.

My parents lived 2,000 mi. away until our son was around 8, so we has to take him on a plane quite often when he was small. Fortunetly he usually slept most of the flights. All you have to do is walk onto a plane carrying a baby and people start glaring at you. The first flight, he was 18 months and as I said, he slept most of the way and didn't really fuss. The woman in front of me had a very small infant who only fussed a little. A young woman sitting across from us stared daggers at the woman every time the baby made any kind of a sound. Obviously, the woman and I were in cahoots to ruin the flight.

Let's ban babies from airplanes or make the parents take fussing babies out on the wing till they stop fussing.


It's never the little babies that bother me on a flight it's the older kids that are wailing and yelling and kicking the seat while the dad (yes this is true) sat in the seat across the isle with his ear phones in ignoring all the shenanigans of his son and daughter. Babies they cry sometimes but usually someone is trying to calm them. Lots of babies sleep. Sat beside a little one who didn't make a peep the whole way but ears can hurt sometimes. No probs just control the bratty behavior of the older ones.

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Cabins too small, shower is tiny, have dine with people you don't know, everything is too structured. It's my vacation, I want to eat when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it, choose who I dine with, eat alone if I want, there's limited time at port or ship leaves without you, cannot relax at all in those circumstances. Never again, thank you.:(


Normally, I would welcome a first time poster to Cruise Critic but I can't figure out why you joined a group of people who love cruising to tell us you hate it!:confused:

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Not only is this an old thread, but it started out as a lighthearted spoof.

Posters complained about hating having to leave at the end of the cruise, getting used to being spoiled, being forced to have fun, etc.

Don't people read what a thread is about before they jump in?

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I hate "Rail Hogs" Sailing out of Venice last year with Bocelli singing in the background, there was a "rail hog" who literally stretched her arms so far out because she was saving a place for her husband. OK, I get it that she was saving a place for him and because it was so crowded on the upper deck, we had to stand behind other people. When her husband finally arrived, there was plenty of room left on either side of them and I asked if they would mind moving over so that we could get to the rail and see everything. She said "No!" They didn't want to be crowded. What a pain! We moved on and eventually found an opening at the rail.


I saw her later being rude to a staff member and just glared at her.


So, I hate rude people that can't show consideration to others, and, particularly, are rude and condescending to the staff.


IMO, If you are going to cruise, be nice, be polite, and be thankful that you are doing something most people in this world may never be able to do. When I think about it like that, it is sort of humbling.


We love to cruise and I will always try to be kind.


We are on vacation!!!:)

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Cabins too small, shower is tiny, have dine with people you don't know, everything is too structured. It's my vacation, I want to eat when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it, choose who I dine with, eat alone if I want, there's limited time at port or ship leaves without you, cannot relax at all in those circumstances. Never again, thank you.:(


So, please explain what you're doing on this website, on this board, if you hate cruising? You must have WAY too much time on your hands if you go searching for places to comment on things you truly hate and never plan to do again. Is it safe to assume you won't be on my next cruise?

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I really hate the experience of having to fly both to and from every cruise I take. Flying has become more and more unpleasant over the years, and I now look at it as a necessary evil. We arrive way too early, stand in lineup after meaningless lineup. We have to take off parts of our clothing, unload and load back up, submit to scans, pay for baggage, pay for food (if it hasn't run out by the time the cart reaches us).... etc,etc. I hate flying sooo much.


BTW, I feel sorry for the crying babies - their immature ears hurt because of the pressure. And I really feel sorry for their parents, most of whom are more sensitive to the crying than anyone else.


After my customary horrible flight experiences, I love everything about cruising. To me, it is a civilized, pleasurable way to travel.

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Cabins too small, shower is tiny, have dine with people you don't know, everything is too structured. It's my vacation, I want to eat when I feel like it, sleep when I feel like it, choose who I dine with, eat alone if I want, there's limited time at port or ship leaves without you, cannot relax at all in those circumstances. Never again, thank you.:(


I'm surprised that this fellow didn't mention hating goats crossing his bridge...:rolleyes:

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I really hate the flying to and from, and the money I've got to cough up for it too! The packing on the last night doesn't bother me so much, but the sight of everyone's luggage in the hallway is down right depressing.

I hate that they make me get off the ship! :p

I hate the waiting for the next cruise. Come on April!

Edited by mrsd912
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I do feel sad when I wake up to see a rainy day (or worse, week) which will negatively affect our long-awaited excursion plans.


Also, finding out that certain stops at ports will be cancelled for various reasons after I've planned and looked forward to them for so long.


We had planned to cruise on the NCL Dawn years ago. When I woke up at 4am that morning, I discovered on CC, that it was "floating without power in the sea" and couldn't get word about our cruise scheduled to leave the next day.


Since we had a hotel awaiting us in Miami for the night before the cruise, we decided to drive there anyway. Enroute we were able to reach NCL and found that indeed the cruise was cancelled.


So I grabbed my cellphone and managed to book two short Nassau cruises that would give us the same amount of cruise days as the cancelled Dawn cruise. This worked out OK, but we definitely were disappointed at not being able to do the excursions planned previously for the Dawn itinerary.


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Well.....so far I agree with everything everyone has posted here! lol!


But I'd probably have to say...the packing on the last night is HORRIBLE!!! I literally put my luggage out the last minute before they pick it up.....mostly because I do everything except pack! lol! I feel like once I pack...it's over! :(


And I also hate having to figure out what I'm gonna need for that last night and the next morning...I'm always wondering "what if I didn't leave myself any shoes, or my toothbrush, or my wallet...lol" Too much to think about when all I wanna do is go enjoy the last night on my cruise!! :(


A friend of mine packed all of her husband's shoes the night before, and he had to walk off the ship in a pair of socks. He still fusses at her about that. :p

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Rail Hogs! I totally agree with that one. Last year, going out of NYC at sunset, sailing past the Statue of Liberty there's this guy on the rail with his camera just taking up way to much space. Jerk!:(

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Hate rude people who just cannot find a way to relax and have fun, so they go out of their way to ruin it for everyone.


I hate the stress of making it to the airport/port on time.


I hate when passengers are rude or abusive to crew who are doing their best.


I hate when children are allowed to run amok and cause vandalism


I hate when people do not listen during muster drill, making it take longer and making me think "there is no way in heck I am getting in a lifeboat with you."


I hate hearing people complain about being tired of always taking the same ship, because they don't/won't want to fly elsewhere. We ALWAYS have to fly, being in the midwest. So it is more expensive for us, and we cannot go as often/easily. Plus we lose vacation days just traveling there/home. They don't know how great they have it!


I hate hearing people complain about food quality. If I did not have to cook it and clean up, it is a feast.


I hate people who do not wash their hands in the bathroom. This is bad anywhere, but especially bad to do on a ship.


I hate highly incompatible tablemates. I am sorry I am a biology professor, please do not damn me to hell over our salad on the first night.


Things I love about cruising (to end positively): Food, sleep, wonderful memories, sea days, entertainment, music, service, planning the next trip, and... well everything. Oddly, yes, I love rough weather (no lines or crowds!) and i have become partial to red-eye flights. they are rarely booked full, the TSA folks are in better moods, almost always on time, and very few children (but they can be fun too, like the 2 hour game of peek-a-boo we had once. The parents bought us breakfast afterwards for keeping their toddler happy the whole trip).

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  • 6 months later...

1. Too many people in too small a space

2. At ports having a few ships with thousands of tourist totally ruining any local culture

3. Being told when to eat and having to put on what I consider uncomfortable clothing

4. Noisy neighbors across a thin wall

5. Paying many thousands of $$ for the trip and then being charged for ANY drink including water

6. Room is off limits when cleaning

7. Food rarely comes up to the standards of food that we make at home or the restaurants that we go to.... And we go to cheap restaurants

8. Waiting in line a few times EVERY day

9. food served luke warm or cooler

10. Internet speeds that go back to the 1990s with the gaul to overcharge for usage

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1. Too many people in too small a space

2. At ports having a few ships with thousands of tourist totally ruining any local culture

3. Being told when to eat and having to put on what I consider uncomfortable clothing

4. Noisy neighbors across a thin wall

5. Paying many thousands of $$ for the trip and then being charged for ANY drink including water

6. Room is off limits when cleaning

7. Food rarely comes up to the standards of food that we make at home or the restaurants that we go to.... And we go to cheap restaurants

8. Waiting in line a few times EVERY day

9. food served luke warm or cooler

10. Internet speeds that go back to the 1990s with the gaul to overcharge for usage


With due respect why do you continue cruising?



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The worst thing about cruising for us is the last day / evening. Packing up, saying your goodbyes. Tough to get up early the next day having to grind out a trip home after a great vacation.



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A cruise would be the perfect vacation without the people.


Okay, 5% of the people.


Here is a partial list that make me ashamed to be part of the human race and/or ashamed of my nationality.


Hands down my #1 complaint is the incredible amount of food wasted at the buffet. I can't help but walk past those empty tables piled with food and want to ask the diners . . . why? Maybe it's none of my business, but if so many people didn't waste so much food the cruise might be less expensive for everyone else. My travel companions and I are always members of the clean plate club, on purpose. If there is the possibility I won't like something, I will only take a tiny sample. Maybe some people don't understand that the buffet isn't one-trip only, you are allowed to return for seconds rather than waste the firsts. I read that some cruises don't have trays at the buffet anymore. That's a step in the right direction. If you don't want the pigs to waste so much give them a smaller trough.


Passengers rude or condescending to the staff. How about a "please" and "thank you" rather than an order. Enough said.


Passengers rude or condescending to fellow passengers. A cruise is a social and public vacation. If you don't realize that going into the trip and can't behave with respect and manners then just go hiking in the middle of nowhere.


Passengers with no self-respect. You dress for yourself and the respect of others. We don't care to see your sweaty muscle shirt and hairy armpits in the dining room. Is it too much to ask to take one minute checking your wardrobe and not look like a slob? It's one thing to be comfortable but you don't have to look sloppy to do so. We have to look at you, you don't. Show some respect and represent.


Passengers with unsupervised and/or misbehaving children. It's not a vacation from parental responsibility. Maybe you are immune to your kid's behaviors, we're not. Throttle your brats or take them to Wallyworld.


Passengers who won't follow the rules. Didn't we learn that in kindergarten? Don't block the stairwells disembarking means don't block the stairwells disembarking. Pay attention during the muster drill . . . and probably 100's of other misdemeanors that passengers feel exempt from following. I'd love to be hall monitor with disciplinary impunity for the duration of the trip.


Passengers who can't quit their bitching and keep their negativity to themselves. None of the passengers want to hear it, don't bring me down with your complaints.


Speedos and Bikinis on people who should not wear speedos and bikinis. Gross.


Passengers who leave their trash anywhere on the ship they feel like. Is it that much to ask that you take your empty glasses/dirty dishes to the nearest bar or at least a dining table?


Passengers who block or disrupt normal passenger flow on the ship. If you must stop in the middle of the crowded hallway during the stampede to the buffet, how about moving to the side? Keep to the right when walking, right? I find the face-to-face dance annoying when you can't keep to my left.



As for the cruise for the sake of the cruise? I've never found anything worth complaining about.


Well said. Totally agree.

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