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To all non-tippers!

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I just have one question. Why did you wait until the last day to complain :confused:


Personally, I would have been on the phone the FIRST evening I did not get room service, but that just me.....

The lines were very long at the purcer's office on day two, day three we were on shore and then dinner, day 4 I complained to the purcer's office...then the toilets broke down, so I went back, with my list and received an appointment with the hotel director, for day 5 at four o'clock...so it wasn't the last day...but it was the last day that the problem was rectified.

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The lines were very long at the purcer's office on day two, day three we were on shore and then dinner, day 4 I complained to the purcer's office...then the toilets broke down, so I went back, with my list and received an appointment with the hotel director, for day 5 at four o'clock...so it wasn't the last day...but it was the last day that the problem was rectified.


You do know there is a phone in the room?

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I just have one question. Why did you wait until the last day to complain :confused:


Personally, I would have been on the phone the FIRST evening I did not get room service, but that just me.....


Things just kept going wrong...it was what I refer to as the cruise from "h#ll. It was also my very first cruise on Royal, and I wasn't sure how they operated. I became fascinated with the fact that all these things were happening:

they canceled my trip and re booked me, last minute

lost my luggage, gave me the wrong table assignment...we spent the first night trying to find our table, finally did, switched the itinerary at the last minute, the toilets on about three decks broke down for five hours, my husband got food poisoning, room service brought the wrong breakfast every morning. And so much more, I can't remember, however I do remember we could not get into our room until after dinner the first night.

I did call, many, many times, and nothing was done. Then the lines were so long on day two, day three we were on in port, and off the ship for the day. Day four I waited on line, then husband got sick and toilets broke down. Day five, brought list of things gone wrong...got appointment with hotel manager.

Finally on the last day all was well...actually technically it was the second to last night that everything started to change for the better...by then we were exhausted from everything that at happened.

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I would rather pay the $20 with no tipping. That way everyone pay their fair share.


Some tip, some don't.


I think those that love tipping really just like the staff kissing their butts to get a tip.


Well then, good thing RCI allows you to pre-pay your tips. Have at it.


Your last sentence is ridiculous.

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Seriously? I don't need anyone to kiss my butt, and if they do, they're more likely to get less of a tip. I imagine some people LOVE to tip because it makes them feel good that they can repay someone for their good service, or they LOVE to tip because it's a nice thing to do, or they LOVE to tip because the person did something nice and they deserve to be recognized. I'm more likely to tip someone to stay the heck out of my way and let me enjoy my meal in peace.


So why is it better to tip where only some people pay?


What is so bad about a service charge where everyone pays?


Maybe some folks who claim to tip really don't.:(

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Hello all,


-We tipped the porters $5 when they took our bags prior to boarding and we got our bags before loads of other passengers on our same floor did. They were also placed in our room rather than outside of our door.


-My Time Dining w/ prepaid gratuities is a great way to go to avoid the big tip debate. In comparison to not prepaying, I feel like our attendants at dinner were a little bit more accommodating than in the Main Dining room. Probably since one tip is guaranteed and they know they can only get more $$.


-My friend and I realized during our cruise last week that a generous tip to the bartender goes a lonnnng way. We continued going to the same bar and received many perks...

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Okay, I confess... I LOATHE tipping. With a deadly passion! To me, I see it as a cultural creep of 'acceptable begging' or 'personalized bribery'. There. I said it. Flame away.


Since I immigrated to the USA from a non-tipping country (South Africa) many years ago, I naturally did the 'when in Rome..' policy towards tipping. Nevertheless, I detest it. I hate having to add a little extra cash to people for 'simply doing their jobs'. Their job description states a certain thing...I am a customer... they do their job (be it reaching around for a beer in bar or bringing me my dinner etc)... and I pay for the service. But having to dole 20% extra for service from poor to mediocre to 'just okay' just gets me riled up!


And for those people who say...'well you have to tip those people regardless as they earn a low wage'... my response is 'Dont make your problems my problem' .. take it up with your boss to get him to pay you properly for what you are worth!


Now, I certainly believe in tipping for exceptional service. That service that is 'above and beyond' what is expected as normal service. What a pleasure to be dealt well - and I do tip well in those cases.


I just work too damn hard for my money - to simply give it away.


I just have never gotten used to tipping another person simply for them having done their job...


This is what the rest of the world in non-tipping cultures probably feel....



Phew! I certainly feel better getting this off my chest. And if you think I am a cheapskate, low-life etc etc - then you must have mistaken me for someone who cares. :D


How would you feel if your employer said to you that he/she would pay you 1/10th of what you now make, and the rest will be made up by the people who deal with you or however else you are perceived by whomever decides to pay the rest?


I'm sure your attitude would be different. Having said that, I do wish and I have said this repeatedly that I wish Royal Caribbean would change the "tips" to a mandatory, non-removable (except with a good reason and given a chance to correct the problem, and not on the last day) service charge.


That way, those who feel as you do won't be "tipping" but will have to pay just as the rest of us do. I am NOT saying you don't tip, but there are so many people who don't and use every/any excuse possible. Hotels use service charges and people pay them---End of discussion.


Royal Caribbean already forces people to pay tips in advance in some countries as well as those of us in the US who choose to use My Time Dining. For those of us in the USA, it is a discriminatory policy in that we must pre-pay tips to use that service. We aren't "forced" to do so if we choose to use the set dining times. I think everyone should be "forced", not just some people thus, the service charge.

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Hello all,


-We tipped the porters $5 when they took our bags prior to boarding and we got our bags before loads of other passengers on our same floor did. They were also placed in our room rather than outside of our door.

Those workers have NOTHING to do with the transport of your luggage to or into your cabin. They just put it on racks that are lifted into the ships. Shipboard personnel - ship's crew - get the bags to the cabins.
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Okay, I confess... I LOATHE tipping. With a deadly passion! To me, I see it as a cultural creep of 'acceptable begging' or 'personalized bribery'. There. I said it. Flame away.


Since I immigrated to the USA from a non-tipping country (South Africa) many years ago, I naturally did the 'when in Rome..' policy towards tipping. Nevertheless, I detest it. I hate having to add a little extra cash to people for 'simply doing their jobs'. Their job description states a certain thing...I am a customer... they do their job (be it reaching around for a beer in bar or bringing me my dinner etc)... and I pay for the service. But having to dole 20% extra for service from poor to mediocre to 'just okay' just gets me riled up!


And for those people who say...'well you have to tip those people regardless as they earn a low wage'... my response is 'Dont make your problems my problem' .. take it up with your boss to get him to pay you properly for what you are worth!


Now, I certainly believe in tipping for exceptional service. That service that is 'above and beyond' what is expected as normal service. What a pleasure to be dealt well - and I do tip well in those cases.


I just work too damn hard for my money - to simply give it away.


I just have never gotten used to tipping another person simply for them having done their job...


This is what the rest of the world in non-tipping cultures probably feel....



Phew! I certainly feel better getting this off my chest. And if you think I am a cheapskate, low-life etc etc - then you must have mistaken me for someone who cares. :D


I still fail to see the difference if I give the server a 20% tip or the price of my meal is 20% more. :confused:

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I still fail to see the difference if I give the server a 20% tip or the price of my meal is 20% more. :confused:


And I agree, but the problem with cruiseship marketing is that they present tipping as "expected", e.g. guidelines apply "...to passengers of all ages", and yet they will answer your direct question with the answer that tipping is "completely optional". No wonder people without a tipping culture feel it's ok to skip the tips. They are being told it's ok!


I don't like tipping when it is fairly obvious that certain groups are not expected to tip because of "cultural differences" and other groups are. Just institute a service charge and be done with it. I'm sick of subsidizing other cultures.

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tipping the head waiter.


what does he do? in truth, i am sure he does something, I just have no idea. i know he gets bribes, i know he looks nice in his jacket, but really? i would rather give his share to my waiter/cabin steward.


the ONLY time on ships (note more then one cruise) I ever see or hear from him is on tipping day.




The head waiters job is to supervise and facilitate. Most do that well. Doing one's job does not mean they are entitled to a tip.


Now if I request to be seated in a specific section, or ask the head waiter for something not on the menu then I pass along a tip at that time - for service above and beyond.

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Let me ask all you tipping experts this:


When in the casino do you tip the dealers for doing their job? They provide a service right?


I suspect that it would not be allowed because of certain conflict of interest issues. RCI wants to make sure they take in as much of your money as possible. RCI does not want their money flowing to you.

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Its funny how some and I repeat some non tippers get aggresive with people who tip. I tip becuase I want to and I tip because yes they are doing thier jobs so why not give them a tip?. I am on vacation having a great time and yes the head waiter is helping in 99% of the cases making that happen. I have no problem tipping the head waiter if my food is deliverd efficently and so on. If thier is a problem they take care of it and work it out. I dont have to meet the Head waiter but will know they are doing thier job is everything is going great. I dont come up with reasons or excuses not to tip at all.



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Let me ask all you tipping experts this:


When in the casino do you tip the dealers for doing their job? They provide a service right?


yes as a matter of a fact I do tip, it I am winning. But to me, that is part of the culture of playing in vegas, I am not sure about on a ship

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I would rather pay the $20 with no tipping. That way everyone pay their fair share.


Some tip, some don't.


I think those that love tipping really just like the staff kissing their butts to get a tip.




So then, you're not in favor of tipping?

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If you get a good hand or two of course the dealers should be tipped.




They appreciate tips and happily accept them. They do pool them with the other dealers because when one is winning more tips to that dealer and when one is losing, less tips to that dealer.


When I get a blackjack, I put the extra 1/2 bet to one side. When I leave, I give that to the dealer jokingly telling him/her "if I had gotten more blackjacks, it would have been more." I usually bet the minimum, so it is seldom more than two or three bucks. It's entertainment not a money making deal for me. Takes longer to lose my money there than at the slots.


Tucker in Texas

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Wow, I don't gamble but I never would have thought it appropriate to tip a dealer. Why do you tip for a good hand? It isn't like the dealer had any input into deciding to give it to you.


Hey OB :) The dealers and even the Roulette folks at any casino gladly accept and appreciate tips. Sometimes you and a particular dealer have a lucky streak. If you ask them most times they want you to "bet" their tip because they know the odds.


I'm sure that was really confusing for those who don't gamble :D



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And I agree, but the problem with cruiseship marketing is that they present tipping as "expected", e.g. guidelines apply "...to passengers of all ages", and yet they will answer your direct question with the answer that tipping is "completely optional". No wonder people without a tipping culture feel it's ok to skip the tips. They are being told it's ok!


I don't like tipping when it is fairly obvious that certain groups are not expected to tip because of "cultural differences" and other groups are. Just institute a service charge and be done with it. I'm sick of subsidizing other cultures.


Oh, I agree with you about this; my comment was on tipping in general.

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The key to the word "tip" is that it's in addition to something, a bonus for good service. Unless we are charged a mandatory service charge, like we are on drinks and MTD, no one is forced to pay tips. There are "suggested" but if you don't want to tip, you're going to get off the ship just fine and not suffer any consequences from the cruiseline. People who take the kinds of jobs that require tips for their income know this going in.


I don't think about nor care about what any one else tips. I tip what I feel is right, and that's it. I have no way to know what anyone else does, nor should I nor is it anyone's business. It has no impact on me. If someone feels that they have to tip extra because they think someone else isn't tipping, that's their issue. Why should my tipping be impacted by my perception that my neighbor isn't tipping? That's absurd. " Oh, the Jones's aren't tipping, so I better pay extra." Do you do that at a restaurant? No. Why is a cruise ship like a different planet?


No one's forcing these folks to take these jobs and no one's forcing any of us to tip. You can say that it's laid out in the documents, but you are not forced to tip.

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