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Happy Birthday - belatedly. May there be many, many more.


Pat - I felt the same way last January 1st, then we booked our April cruise to Mexico. My husband's company required him to have some updated shots because of the trip. We figured why not - so I went ahead and got the same ones.


Between Medicare and the supplement that my husband pays for thru his work place (he is still working as he is younger than me) :>), my shots didn't cost a penny. No co-pay or out of pocket expenses. It turned out to be a pretty good deal.


I soon realized that I may be at that "magical" age physically (and the body shows it), but mentally I am still 25 and in my prime :D. Besides, my grandmother used to tell me that "the older you get physically, the more things you can get away with. You keep the youngsters on their toes all the time." At the time she was a YOUNG 85. :cool: Amazing how smart she got the older I got.:eek:



Okie? So you're a cougar???? lol....lots of encouragement there and thanks! I really don't turn 65 until the 23rd. I think once I said I was going skinny dippin' someone took it for my birthday (or birthday suit) so still very, very young until that day. :D BTW...Bill Clinton turns 65 three days before me!!!

Edited by yellowbird23
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I am officially an "old geezer" too on Monday. I turn 65 and will join all the people on Medicare. Hope I don't have to use it!:D


Okie? So you're a cougar???? lol....lots of encouragement there and thanks! I really don't turn 65 until the 23rd. I think once I said I was going skinny dippin' someone took it for my birthday (or birthday suit) so still very, very young until that day. :D BTW...Bill Clinton turns 65 three days before me!!!


Sorry Pat, I must be the culprit that wrongly interpreted the day of your birthday! When you wrote about joining Medicare on Monday, I presumed you meant this past Monday -- the 1st of August:o


Now you can just celebrate it twice:D.

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Ah heck...it isn't our birthday everyday, but we can act like it is...and why not...birthdays bring happiness, a good feeling, and lots of smiles and memories.

It does seem true that only our physical bodies age....our mind seems to stay put in the days when we are able, healthy, full of fun and energy.....and what a great place to 'be' everyday!!!!


As my Grandma used to say....she read the obits everyday looking for her name...and if it wasn't there...then it was going to be a good day!!!!


Happy Birthday everyday, Pat, until the 23rd!!! :D

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Okie? So you're a cougar???? lol....lots of encouragement there and thanks! I really don't turn 65 until the 23rd. I think once I said I was going skinny dippin' someone took it for my birthday (or birthday suit) so still very, very young until that day. :D BTW...Bill Clinton turns 65 three days before me!!!


Guess I hadn't thought of it that way. When we got married 37 years ago - I just scandalized my friends because he is 4 years younger than me. But it's been fun, I have been able to train him (half way reasonably) and he hasn't died on me.


And it hasn't been boring.


And if you want to go skinny dippin' in the kiddie pool out back - go for it. It could give the neighbors a chance to see a different side of you.

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More wonderful pics to follow...

July 30 Kiel: I met Lea and Bill outside the ship, went with them with the shuttle bus to the station and accompanied them to the train. Sorry to see them go. Spent time at "my" cafe and Skyped with Beatrice twice because she had a train schedule from Trier to Kiel which was very bad; I found 2 better ones on line and phoned her back and she'll let me know which one she takes. It'll all come together eventually.

At the table one elderly German brother/sister couple who tried to make conversion with Scott, who 20 years ago was for 10 days in Germany and did his best and of course I had to translate frequently. Anyway, I talked with Ivan about them and he'll move them to a better environment (after I had ascertained that they would prefer German speaking company). Scott and Gerri, Thomas and Dicl leave tomorrow in Copenhagen and there will be a new crop.

July 31 Copenhagen: a gorgeous day, warm and sunny. Parked behind us is the "Jewel of the sea" and looks nice. I make a little sightseeing trip before going to the Longeline Cafe but the WiFi is pretty weak and often cuts out altogether. But I manage to read and answer Beatrice's email and a few others, have a coffee which at DKK 28 costs much too much, and then set out at about 1, sit on a bench overlooking a part of the harbour and see a very large and clever sign on a building accross the water which reads "C OPEN hagen", have my yoghurt and continue on past the little yacht harbour with some good sized boats and finally find the Museum of the Danish Resistance during the last war which is well documented and interesting. On the way I pass the Norwegean Embassy, in front of which is a big Tribute to the Oslo victims in form from hundreds of flower bouquets and some teddybears - very touching. Back to old Poesia at 3.30 for a little nap and now it's close to 5 and I am looking forward to a drink but not to the Emergency Drill at 5.15 where, while I don't go to it, the announcements are earsplittingly piped into my cabin.

At the table a new mixture: A Danish Lady with grownup son, widely traveled and lives most of the time in Ohio but also in Montana above the Rhone Valley in Switzerland. A mother-daughter team from Brazil; the somewhat overweight but very lively daughter easily makes up for mother's lack of English. Lastly a couple from New Jersey with an also overweight son. I am curious how this will delelop. In any case, the champagne loosened the tongues and helped a lot.

August 1, at sea: Dutyfully swam my 20 laps and now I am sitting in the Grappolo d'oro lounge, with the Scrabble box invitingly displayed, but have little hope of snagging a player. Just got the Nationality breakdown of the 2700 passengers and predictably Germany with 617 is in the vanguard, followed by Italy (421). There are also 179 Swiss. After a 2-martini cocktail party and subsequent Dinner, I sat for half an hour at the balcony overlooking the atrium and did people watching - there was a steady stream passing by, partially because several stands of watches and jewellery were laid out. There was the usual parade of mostly uninteresting looking people, many overweight and even the occasional tank. As a man, I quite naturally concentrate on woman and in several hundred saw only two who could be called good looking. Never mind, girls: I am sure that, were you looking at the men, you would no doubt be able to match the score - with luck. By and large I love dogs.

Aug 3. Tallinn: Another beautiful day but I take only little advantage of it since the drive is not far to my very best WiFi location anywhere, at the big Spa building (with the pretty nudes outside)(stutues, that is) where I even can plug in and sit in quiet and comfort with excellent WiFi for free. But paradise is not easy to come by: Window invites me to download latest upgrade, which I dutyfully agree to and what happens? It takes 20 minutes in the first place("don't shut off your computer!") and when 100% has been reached, I am advised that the installation failed and continues to revert the downloaded files for another 20 minutes, during which I can do nothing but twiddle my thumbs and watch the world go by. And so it goes.

Later, back at the ship I go to deck No.7 to watch our 4 o'clock departure and hear Andrea Bocelli sing "Time to say goodbye" which always wells up within me, however, he sang and I welled, but we are not leaving. There are two Italian women missing from the roster. and while the ship waits for them, an ambulance drives up and I get to take a few snapshots of the proceedings down below where the poor Schmo is loaded into the ambulance and carted off. And still we wait until the two woman arrive, presumably with red faces and greeted by the ship's and people's whistles and we push off, over half an hour late. And so it goes again. Goodbye Tallinn.

August 4, 2011- St Petersburg. We arrive at 7 AM and will stay all of 12 hours. In the big man made and square harbour are two other cruisehips, but there's still room for more. After my swim I wanted to sit in the jaccuzzi in hopes to alleviate my constant backpain, but for the past 3 days it's so hot you could cook an egg in it - unuseable. I spoke with a pool attendant about it and he'll pass it on to whomever. At the cafeteria had a very simple breakfast (some watermelon, cornflakes with milk and a yoghurt) and then started the job of providing room for Beatrice, which continued after lunch (peasoup, half a hamburger and a few fries). Of course siesta in between and now, close to 5pm and a drink with Alan, the big suitcase is packed and ready to be stored but I cannot find the little keys for the lock and just will leave it as is. Yesterday evening I spoke to Ivan, the assistant maitre d', and he'll move me to a smaller table at one of the windows - this will be much nicer for Beatrice and also for me - the table I was at adjoined the preparation area of the waiters which, although separated by a screen, added to the high noise level which exists in the restaurant anyway and it also was situated right at a step up, over which people constantly tripped, despite two big signs.

August 5, at sea and just loafing after the morning swim. The suitcase has ben stored somewhere and everything is ready for the great event. Everyone in the Reception (some 10 or more young women and men) are anxious to see Beatrice - it sure talked itself around among the staff who all know me that I will have female company. Like a small village really.

Once again I am invited to dine with the Captain tonight. While I assume this to be an honour, I also think that for MSC it is good PR because there will be other Repeat Passengers invited, but I am always the only one being aboard for an entire year.

The Dinner tunred out to be with the Hotel Manager Angelo, with whom I am befriended, especially since we found out that his birthday is just days away from mine (only I am nearly 50 years older than he is). He and his Melanie sat to the right of me; to the left an Italian lady with a plunging and somehwat disconcerting cleavage who showed quite a bit of interest in myself until, in the course of the evening, my age became known - she then cooled down noticeably. Next to her a couple from Istanbul and next to them one from Mexico City. It turned out to be quite an interesting evening.





: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm

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Hi everyone. Ok, what is going on with Egon and Beatrice? I can not remember who she is. Isn't she the friend who is cruising with him as his guest? He sounds excited about it. ;) I can't wait to get the 4-1-1 on this cruise!

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Hi everyone. Ok, what is going on with Egon and Beatrice? I can not remember who she is. Isn't she the friend who is cruising with him as his guest? He sounds excited about it. ;) I can't wait to get the 4-1-1 on this cruise!


Beatrice looks to be a lovely lady from Switzerland. I think that she is in one of the photos that Joyce posted previously.


And -- a table for two at a window, WOW! Egon will be smiling from "ear to ear" in the next set of photos, hopefully.:D

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#66 August 6-14, 2011


August 6, Kiel: She arrived! Not only that, she, having taken an earlier train and then doing some sightseeing in Kiel, she was outside the station waiting for my arrival on the scooter! What a wonderful reunion! My plan to receive her with a red rose of course didn't materialize (neither did my dream to carry her over the threshold into the cabin!!). She established herself easily and in the evening, after considerable mix-up due to the general chaos prevailing the first evening in Kiel with many newcomers, we got a table for two at the restaurant. But tomorrow we'll have my new permanent table #620 near a window, for 6 people.


August 7, Copenhagen: The night went very well and we did not disturb each other. (darn it). But when I went to swim just after 7.30, it was pouring rain and I refrained. We had breakfast in the restaurant and then, around 11, went off the ship to await the arrival of Lisbet and Mogens who came a bit later because they did not know that the ship had docked somewhere different from the usual. As I expected, Lisbet and Beatrice got on like a house on fire and I was so happy to see these two dear people again. The rain had mostly stopped by then and we had a complete tour of the city, swarming with tour buses and people - there were at least 4 cruiseships in port. Eventually we went over 40km along the beautiful coast North to a little town whose name I forgot, but it's very quaint and there is a famous castle. We found a restaurant where I invited us all for Lunch. We got back to the ship before 4pm and this really had been a wonderful day with wonderful people whom I am so glad to know. In the evening we greeted two new couples at our table, one from Arizona, another from Utah who as Mormons do not drink alcohol which meant that the bottle of Moet only served four people. Naturally the strawberries were most welcome, also later by Angelica whom we visited on the way to the theatre where I left Beatrice and went back to the cabin to write reports and then go to bed.


August 8, at Sea. It was a wild night, not in bed but outside and the ship was a-rocking but we both slept well. There are a total of 2974 passengers from 45 nations aboard. Germany (799+) Austria (139), Italy (662) leading the pack, but there are also 210 Swiss. We went again to the Theatre and saw the production "Euphoria", highlighted with the instant-costume-change act which has become an international sensation.


August 9, Olden: I wanted to swim, but not only was the pool overflowing because it had rained heavily during the night and threatened more of it with everything pretty much clouded in; also the decks were awash and the water was too cold for me so that I just sat in the warm Jacuzzi for a while. After breakfast we did go out, I on the scooter, and went together to the village, a bit over one kilometer away. Some of the clouds had dispersed and we could see the lovely meadows and farm houses on both sides of the fjord. After some time at the WiFi spot at the ICA grocery store, we trotted back to the ship, had a banana each and shared a yogurt for lunch. This afternoon, while I write reports etc., she is on one one of the many offered excursions for 4 hours. Tonight we'll eat in style at the Obelisk and I fervently hope that the weather will have improved sufficiently that the long trip out of the fjord can really be enjoyed through the huge panorama windows which our dinner table will face. The ever attentive Alex is waiting for us - he is one of the star waiters. Five stars.


Beatrice is such a wonderful companion and such a joy to be with. Last night was a Gala Evening and we were dressed up which only enhanced her natural good looks; people probably think one of two things: either she is his daughter or he has money. Whatever. I am proud to be and be seen with her and love her. Does anyone know of an alchemist who could brew a 30-year-rejuvenation-potion for me?


10. August, Bergen: Beatrice made a big excursion and I my usual trip to McD's. I transferred a lot of pics from her camera to my computer and had to resize them all before sorting and labelling them - a long and somewhat tedious job.


August 11, Kristiansand: Unfortunately, Beatrice had a somewhat disappointing excursion which took her by boat up the coast to various other places, so that she actually saw preciously little of the beautiful Kristiansand, and on top of it t was also pretty cold. I of course was at my favourite McD's. But in the evening we ate at the Kaito Sushi Restaurant which was very good and once again I am enthused over B's spontaneity and enjoyment of every moment. We seem to "fit each other like a pair of gloves", have the same sense of humour and can laugh together a great deal.


August 12, Oslo: This time, the excursion Beatrice had was very good and she returned full of enthusiasm. I had my usual time at McD's after cruising the city for quite a while because we had landed at a different pier and I had to find my way. I was very happy to find an invitation to "dine with the captain tonight" because it was another new experience for Beatrice. Of course it turned out to be with the very nice hotel manager Angelo and his sidekick Melanie, two men with whom I only exchanged a few words but Beatrice had an animated conversation since they were on her side, and then we were joined by two German ladies who were just dying to find out about the relation Beatrice and I had (but wound up having to guess). It was a nice last evening.


August 13, Kiel: The usual chaos with 1600 passengers disembarking and we had to wait quite a while for her suitcase to appear. Eventually we made it to the station, put it in a locker, went to the Post Office and wound up for a little while at 'my' cafe, where then we said our good byes to avoid tear jerking moments at the station later. I sure will miss her presence for a long time to come, just as I do now.

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August 6, Kiel: She arrived! Not only that, she, having taken an earlier train and then doing some sightseeing in Kiel, she was outside the station waiting for my arrival on the scooter! What a wonderful reuinion! My plan to receive her with a red rose of course didn't materialize (neither did my dream to carry her over the threshold into the cabin!!). She established herself easily and in the evening, after considerable mixup due to the general chaos prevailing the first evening in Kiel with many newcomers, we got a table for two at the restaurant. But tomorrow we'll have my new premanent table #620 near a window, for 6 people.


August 7, Copenhagen: The night went very well and we did not disturb each other. (darn it). But when I went to swim just after 7.30, it was pouring rain and I refrained. We had breakfast in the resaurant and then, aound 11, went off the ship to await the arrival of Lisbet and Mogens who came a bit later because they did not know that the ship had docked somewhere different from the usual. As I expected, Lisbet and Beatrice got on like a house on fire and I was so happy to see these two dear people again. The rain had mostly stopped by then and we had a complete tour of the city, swarming with tourbuses and people - there were at least 4 cruiseships in port. Eventually we went over 40km along the beautiful coast North to a little town whose name I forgot, but it's very quaint and there is a famous castle. We found a restaurant where I invited us all for Lunch. We got back to the ship before 4pm and this really had been a wonderful day with wonderful people whom I am so glad to know.In the evening we greeted two new couples at our table, one from Arizona, another from Utah who as Mormons do not drink alcohol which meant that the bottle of Moet only served four people. Naturally the strawberries were most welcome, also later by Angelica whom we visited on the way to the theater where I left Beatrice and went back to the cabin to write reports and then go to bed..


August 8, at Sea. It was a wild night, not in bed but outside and the ship was a-rocking but we both slept well. There are a toal of 2974 passengers from 45 nations aboard. Germany (799+Austria 139), Italy (662) leading the pack, but there are also 210 Swiss. We went again to the Theater and saw the production "Euphoria", highlighted with the instant-costume-change act which has become an international sensation.

August 9, Olden: I wanted to swim, but not only was the pool overflowing because it had rained heavily during the night and threatened more of it with everything pretty much clouded in; also the decks were awash and the water was too cold for me so that I just sat in the warm jaccuzzi for a while. After breakfast we did go out, I on the scooter, and went together to the village, a bit over one kilometer away. Some of the clouds had dispersed and we could see the lovely meadows and farm houses on both sides of the fjord. After some time at the WiFi spot at the ICA grocery store, we trotted bck to the ship, had a banana each and shared a yoghurt for lunch. This afternoon, while I write reports etc., she is one one of the many offered excurisons for 4 hours.Tonight we'll eat in style at the Obelisk and I fervently hope that the weather will have improved sufficiently that the long trip out of the fjord can really be enjoyed through the huge panorama windows which our dinner table will face.The ever attentive Alex is waiting for us - he is one of the star waiters. Five stars.

Beatrice is such a wonderful companion and such a joy to be with. Last night was a Gala Evening and we were dressed up which only enhanced her natural good looks; people probably think one of two things: either she is his daughter or he has money. Whatever. I am proud to be and be seen with her and love her. Does anyone know of an alchemist who could brew a 30-year-rejuvenation-potion for me?


10. August, Bergen: Beatrice made a big excursion and I my usual trip to McD's. I transferrred a lot of pics from her camera to my computer and had to resize them all before sorting and labeling them - a long and somewhat tedious job.


August 11, Kristiansand: Unfortunately, Beatrice had a somewhat disappointing excursion which took her by boat up the coast to various other places, so gthat she actually saw preciously little of the beautiful Kristiansand, and on top of it t was also pretty cold. I of course was at my favorite McD's. But in the evening we ate at the Kaito Sushi Restaurant which was very good and once again I am enthused over B's spontanuity and enjoyment of every nmoment. We seem to "fit each other like a pair of gloves", have the same sense of humour and can laugh together a great deal.


August 12, Oslo: This time, the excursion Beatrice had was very good and she returned full of enthusiasm. I had my usual time at McD's after cruising the city for quite a while because we had landed at a different pier and I had to find my way. I was very happy to find an invitation to "dine with the captain tonight" because it was another new experience for Beatrice. Of course it turned out to be with the very nice hotel manager Angelo and his sidekick Melanie, two men with whom I only exchanged a few words but Beatrice had an animated conversation since they were on her side, and then we were joined by two German ladies who were just dying to find out about the relation Beatrice and I had (but wound up having to guess). It was a nice last evening.


August 13, Kiel: The usual chaos with 1600 passengers disembarking and we had to wait quite a while for her suitcase to appear. Eventually we made it to the station, put it in a locker, went to the Post Office and wound up for a little while at 'my" cafe, where then we said our good byes to avoid tear jerking moments at the station later. I sure will miss her presence for a long time to come, just as I do now.





: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm

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