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I have also followed Egon's travels from the beginning and feel like I know him. I pray that he makes a full recovery and is back to himself sooner rather than later.


Thank you Steve for letting us know about Egon and thank yellowbird23 and partyofone for keeping us updated.


My prayers are with Egon and his family and Steve please let Egon know he is still a part of our prayer circle.



I was just going to type the same thing.

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I totally agree. That's why we're here...to root him on. We need our Energizer bunny back.


My sentiments exactly!! Our thoughts and prayers should be with Egon. I'm also so happy he didn't have the stroke halfway around the world on a cruise ship. And thanks to Pat and Sam for keeping us up to date, wow, 118,000 hits - that's a testament to how much he is loved! :)



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I received this message from Steve Landsberg this evening with sadness. I was about to leave Cruise Critics and have Doug continue with the updates, but have decided to stay. I am doing this for my friend Egon.


I will ask Doug to put up the picture that was enclosed with the e-mail.


Pat, please do stay on with Cruise Critic, I have high hopes of cruising with you someday! Plus you have to keep me posted on how Sugar is doing.


Wow, well I concur with everyone, thank God Egon was home with Steve when this happened. I can only imagine what must be going through Egon's mind now, I sure hope he finds a way to communicate, that has to be extremely frustrating, not to even mention what the future holds for him making beautiful music again. I'm very anxious to hear an update, hope we know something soon.


And again, as others mentioned, a huge thank you to Pat and Doug for all of the updates and pictures. This has been more than just an interesting read for me, it's been a huge treat to get to (somewhat) know an amazing man that I never would have known about otherwise, and to take inspiration from his spirit and strength. I've actually found myself in tough spots and thought "would Egon wimp out?", and thinking about his tenacity and courage makes me feel stronger. I think Egon will never know how many lives he's affected.


I'm joining in the prayer circle, and hope to hear some positive news soon.



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I am saddened to read of Egon's stroke and his physical condition (at the moment.) I am also thankful that he was at least back in Canada, and with Steve, when it happened.


What a truelly remarkable man he is, and hopefully still will be, as it is early days yet. The power of prayer is great as I have been on the receiving end of them from the wonderful people of the Cruise Critic Community.


His own strength and willpower have got him this far, and with our prayers I'm sure he will succeed in communicating with others, and playing the piano again.


God Bless you Pat, and others who have posted his photos, so that we at home have been able to follow his cruising journeys.


He will have lots of good wishes to read when he's able.


May God bless you and heal you Egon!



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My sentiments exactly!! Our thoughts and prayers should be with Egon. I'm also so happy he didn't have the stroke halfway around the world on a cruise ship. And thanks to Pat and Sam for keeping us up to date, wow, 118,000 hits - that's a testament to how much he is loved! :)




I'm so sorry, my fingers messed up - meant to type thanks to Pat and Doug (kitty man)! :o I too appreciate all you've done and have taken such inspiration from Egon. I pray he is able to cruise again and, if so, we should try to do a group cruise with him for a week or so, I'm not able to do 5 or 6 months yet!! :)



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Keep praying folks. It appears to be working...pat.

Hi Folks, ... four days now... Dad has a fine disposition, is fully aware and appears ok with his situation.

He is now able to write some words, and has also used the computer I brought in to try and type some things. He can navigate on his Netbook, however he is unable still to actually compose proper phrases and so sentences are out of the question at this time. Actually he has difficulty writing or typing most anything he is thinking so we are some distance from his writing of another report or even emails.

He is however very aware (and has read some) of all the emails and good wishes he has received and expresses his gratitude to all of you (as do I). That he can read is wonderful, however what is most wonderful is that his musical abilities have been minimally impacted. Today he played a piano situated in the mental ward of our hospital and this was a delight to both patients and staff and surely must have brought some satisfaction to my father as well. The speech pathologist is also making some effort to tie in some musical expression with speech expression. I also brought in a scrabble board, so imagine it will not be long before he attempts to corral a nurse to a bedside game lol.

He has also seen a urologist regarding the bladder tumor and it is likely that this will be addressed (removed) while he is in hospital, possibly as early as next week but nothing is confirmed in this respect. This tumor is of course what necessitated his abononing ship and the return to Canada. It is still no clear to me if this is cancerous or not. It is about 4cm x 2.5cm and as I understandit, quite large.

So, all-in-all things are looking up and we go day by day. Please know that you are all in his thoughts and heart. Warm Regards ~ Steve

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Bless you, Steve, for tending to your father. My late wife was brain injured and I was her caregiver for 12 years. She did recover mostly, including her musical talent.

We are praying for a speedy recovery for Egon. He has still much cruising to do!

Edited by Talisker92
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Keep praying folks. It appears to be working...pat.


Hi Folks, ... four days now... Dad has a fine disposition, is fully aware and appears ok with his situation.

He is now able to write some words, and has also used the computer I brought in to try and type some things. He can navigate on his Netbook, however he is unable still to actually compose proper phrases and so sentences are out of the question at this time. Actually he has difficulty writing or typing most anything he is thinking so we are some distance from his writing of another report or even emails.

He is however very aware (and has read some) of all the emails and good wishes he has received and expresses his gratitude to all of you (as do I). That he can read is wonderful, however what is most wonderful is that his musical abilities have been minimally impacted. Today he played a piano situated in the mental ward of our hospital and this was a delight to both patients and staff and surely must have brought some satisfaction to my father as well. The speech pathologist is also making some effort to tie in some musical expression with speech expression. I also brought in a scrabble board, so imagine it will not be long before he attempts to corral a nurse to a bedside game lol.

He has also seen a urologist regarding the bladder tumor and it is likely that this will be addressed (removed) while he is in hospital, possibly as early as next week but nothing is confirmed in this respect. This tumor is of course what necessitated his abononing ship and the return to Canada. It is still no clear to me if this is cancerous or not. It is about 4cm x 2.5cm and as I understandit, quite large.

So, all-in-all things are looking up and we go day by day. Please know that you are all in his thoughts and heart. Warm Regards ~ Steve



Just goes to show that prayers do work. Thanks for passing on the update.

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Wonderful news, we'll keep praying! :) Thanks to Steve for keeping us in the loop.


Pat, at the risk of offending you :rolleyes: you need to quit the cigarettes. I know, I know, who does she think she is you're thinking. I smoked for 20 years, quit 20 years ago and have never felt better. I had bronchitis, colds, etc. and could not believe the difference, although it took 6 months to a year before I began to feel different. It was also a long, hard journey. I am not a "reformed" smoker, in fact, I would still kill for one!! :D Ok, I'm off my "Mom" lecture now! :);) Hope you feel better soon.



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Wonderful news, we'll keep praying! :) Thanks to Steve for keeping us in the loop.


Pat, at the risk of offending you :rolleyes: you need to quit the cigarettes. I know, I know, who does she think she is you're thinking. I smoked for 20 years, quit 20 years ago and have never felt better. I had bronchitis, colds, etc. and could not believe the difference, although it took 6 months to a year before I began to feel different. It was also a long, hard journey. I am not a "reformed" smoker, in fact, I would still kill for one!! :D Ok, I'm off my "Mom" lecture now! :);) Hope you feel better soon.



Not offended at all Sue. How well I'm aware.

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So glad to hear that Egon can still play his music. That has to be a real boost for his spirits! I am still remembering him in my prayers as many of us are. Isn't he amazing? Just imagine being the kind of person that inspires so many people so late in life! So much for the "over the hill" attitude of so many people.

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I am so happy that this seems to be a mild stroke. I am wondering if he could have gotten a blood clot on that long flight home, and the fact that they had him sitting for so long in the wheel chair just waiting for his flights. This is a big problem with long flights and it is recommended that we get up and walk up and down the aisle and do leg flexions exercises in out seats.

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I too have thought he may have had a blood clot from the long flight.


It was wonderful to read the positive email from Steve, and that Egon can still play the piano. Let's continue to pray for our amazing friend that he make a full recovery and that the tumour in his bladder is benign.


Keep up the fight Egon and may God continue to bless you and your family.

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Here's the latest - From Egon to Steve to Pat to You...


Egon 29 July 2012



Hi again everyone, my father asked that I send the item below out to his groups. (He composed these on his netbook). By way of clarification, in this combo of somewhat disjointed English and German he wishes to convey that he will have the bladder tumor removed, likely on Wednesday and as I understand it, his biggest concern lies with the lack of blood thinners prior to the operation and post-operative. He says a heartfelt thank-you to all of you. Please do not be alarmed by his writing style; while his speech is still absent, his typing has improved dramatically from day to day. Lets make it through the coming week... Warm regards ~ Steve ps... the attached photo was 18 July @ my place ( http://torbay.net )



(Google translation/uebersetzung) : Hallo alle wieder, fragte mein Vater, dass ich den Artikel unten senden, um seine Gruppen. (Er komponierte diese auf seinem Netbook). Zur Klarstellung, in dieser Combo von etwas unzusammenhängenden Deutsch und Englisch will er vermitteln, dass er dann die Gelegenheit Blasentumor entfernt, wahrscheinlich am Mittwoch und wie ich es verstehe, liegt seine größte Sorge mit dem Mangel an Blutverdünner vor der Operation und post-operative. Er sagt, ein herzliches Dankeschön an euch alle. Bitte nicht von seinem Schreibstil alarmiert werden, während seiner Rede noch fehlt, hat seine Schreibarbeiten dramatisch von Tag zu Tag verbessert. Lets machen es durch die kommende Woche ... Herzliche Grüße von Steve ps ... Das beigefügte Foto war 18 Juli @ meinen Platz (http://torbay.net)




(I'm written was mit stroke)


I'm struck speechless and am fustratred. But wie mir groose wunsche gesended habt, hopisital, Steve, Joyce, peatchepholgist, aber is eine langer weg. Dann wird blasen/tomur operiert. Wish me luck. Will keep you in my heart.




The urologist Sobern . I am operating Tuensbay oh Wednesery.


This neurogolist is stopping all Boodthiners including Babyasperins - slight chance of seond stoke - or of uncultviertel beedings during operation.


Take your pick!


The anetheatliotigst was also here and we have agreed on in spinal tap. I am the operation must be an Wednesday to lemint bleeding. What lack Bloodethiners after und post opertivace concern my most.


Chest xarys of protocoll on operation








Egon at Steve's July 18 2012











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Wonderfull to see Egon is able to use his netbook for typing. It is a start of recovery.


I hope things go well for him.


As someone who is prone to blood clots during surgery I understand about having to come off heparin/coumadin prior to surgery. They take me off them too. HOWEVER the day before surgery they give me a shot in the stomach, also the day afterwards, as well as vitamin K. I'm glad he is having a spinal.


Hopefully he now has the surgery behind him, and is on the road to recovery.


God bless Egon.

Edited by lindalans
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News of Egon, from Steve to Yellowbird to you...

Egon 02 August 2012


Hi all you wonderful people... I have only good news to report (well, mostly good news): Egon went through the surgery without significant difficulties. The tumor was large and deeply embedded and the procedure took twice as long as expected but was fully successful. There is no doubt this was cancerous (and they have sent the entire scrapings for testing to determine the type of cancer), but there will be no radiation treatment due to his age and the inherent side effects.


The operation was actually on Tuesday, and it now appears that he may be released from prison tomorrow since next Monday is a holiday in Canada and so there will be no services for the three day weekend. It is best that he be home then where he can receive some stimulation. It has however not been decided for sure that he is well enough to be discharged and i will not know until sometime tomorrow.


While his speech is still essentially non existent, his writing and typing has improved some. I do not see though that he will be able to compose and send an email on his own for a few more days at least. I am also unsure that his cognitive abilities have not been affected to some degree by the stroke as his thinking processes seem to be just a little less than optimum. Physically he is close to where he was before both significant events of the past eleven days.


And that is about it. He has read most all of the many emails of concern and good wishes & prayers and is most appreciative - as am I. I am quite sure that he will want to communicate directly as soon as he is more able to do so. Meantime know that he is aware of you all and that he will be most pleased to have a home cooked meal (yes, prepared by me ;-) )


Warm Regards ~ Steve



Durch Google Uebersetzung:



Hallo alles, was Sie wunderbare Menschen ... Ich habe nur gute Nachrichten zu vermelden (na ja, meistens gute Nachricht): Egon ging durch die Operation ohne nennenswerte Schwierigkeiten. Der Tumor war groß und tief eingebetteten, und die Prozedur dauerte doppelt so lange wie erwartet, aber war wirklich erfolgreich. Es besteht kein Zweifel war dies krebsartige (und sie haben die ganze scrapings zum Testen, um die Art von Krebs festzustellen geschickt), aber es wird keine Strahlenbehandlung wegen seines Alters und die damit verbundenen Nebenwirkungen.



Die Operation war eigentlich am Dienstag, und es scheint jetzt, dass er aus dem Gefängnis befreien kann morgen da am kommenden Montag ist ein Feiertag in Kanada und so wird es keine Dienstleistungen für die 3 Tage Wochenende. Am besten ist es, dass er zu Hause sein, wo er dann einige Anregung empfangen können. Es hat sich jedoch nicht mit Sicherheit entschieden worden, dass er gut genug, um entlassen werden soll, und ich werde erst irgendwann morgen wissen.


Während seiner Rede ist noch immer im wesentlichen nicht existent, hat sein Schreiben und Tippen etwas verbessert. Ich sehe nicht, obwohl, die er in der Lage zu schreiben und senden Sie eine E-Mail auf seinem eigenen für ein paar Tage wenigstens. Ich bin auch nicht sicher, dass seine kognitiven Fähigkeiten nicht haben zu einem gewissen Grad wurde vom Schlaganfall betroffenen als seine Denkprozesse zu sein nur ein wenig kleiner als optimale scheinen. Körperlich ist er in der Nähe, wo er war, bevor beide bedeutende Ereignisse der letzten 11 Tage.


Und das ist über es. Er hat fast alle der vielen E-Mails von Sorge und die guten Wünsche und Gebete zu lesen und ist sehr dankbar - wie auch Ich. Ich glaube sicher, dass er möchte direkt, sobald er mehr dazu in der Lage ist zu kommunizieren bin. Inzwischen wissen, dass er von Ihnen ist alles, und dass er sich Freut, eine hausgemachte Mahlzeit haben (ja, vorbereitet von mir ;-) )


Herzliche Grüße von Steve







Egon with Brandy at Steve's (2) July 18 2012












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They power of prayer is great! Hang in there Egon, we love you and miss your emails. Typing and the thought process will get easier when he is home with his family.


Don't give up Egon, you are an inspiration to all of us.


Thanks Steve, Pat and Doug for the updates.

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Steve, Pat and Doug - Thank you so much for the update.


Egon - I am so glad to hear the good news. My prayers are with you everyday. Our prayer circle will keep our arms wrapped around you with prayers for you and your family.


God Bless You, Egon!!!

Edited by nonna5
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