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Is the Non Smoking Policy on Balconies Strictly Enforced?


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They are making progress on the smoking on balconies but there are still people who will flaunt the rules and ignore the smoking ban on balconies. However it is much better and if they lite up next door, that makes it easy to rat them out. (I have no problem doing that. Tired of having a balcony ruined by people smoking)

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"As an adult non smoker I can choose to either stay by the second hand smoke or walk away, nice to have that choice"



The words above are your own. MANY of us who pick Celebrity do so because WE CHOOSE TO WALK AWAY FROM THE SECOND HAND SMOKE.


It IS NOT OKAY for smokers to pick Celebrity and then have the gall to smoke on their balconies.


Got it?

Couldn't agree more. We love Celebrity anyway, but one of the reasons we no longer sail on their sister ships on Royal Carribbean is due to the difference in smoking policies. On our last RCCL cruise, our balcony was so filled with smoke virtually every waking minute of every day (NO exaggeration!) that we could not even use it - so we paid all that extra money for nothing. I told my husband it was back to Celebrity. I choose Celebrity for many reasons, but the smoking policy is one of the top. I do NOT want to get on my balcony in my upcoming ships and smell smoke. Follow the rules, or don't cruise.


Not that I condone any rule-breaking, but smoking is alot different than, for example, sneaking in a little bit of liquor in your suitcase. Smoking on balconies affects everyone around you, and many people choose this line not only because they don't like smoke, but they may have allergies, or asthma, or other breathing difficulties.

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I am a smoker. Yes it is a horrible habbit and one I wished I never picked up. I know about X's policy on smoking and I still choose to sail with them.


As a smoker I realize that my habbit is harmful to others. That is why when I am in public I will only smoke in the designated areas. I do not smoke in front of children as I do not want to be a bad influence and when others are around me I always ask if my smoking will bother them.


What right do I have to allow my smoking to ruin someone elses enjoyment of their vacation. If I had booked a non-smoking hotel room on land that doesn't mean I get to go ahead and smoke in the room just because I want to "enjoy what I paid for". Same applies with my non-smoking cabin.


As an adult I do get to make the choice to smoke or not, but with that choice comes responsibilities. Just as someone earlier said, you can choose to drink as long as your actions are not harmful or bothering others. Same goes for smoking.


JMHO...flame away.

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.... JMHO...flame away.


So no Flame from us and only wish you would not feel guilty about a habit that is perfectly legal ... so many other ones that are not.


Naturally, always know and respect the rules of a cruise line on their smoking policy. It's totally our choice to sail within their rules or not.

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I am a smoker. Yes it is a horrible habbit and one I wished I never picked up. I know about X's policy on smoking and I still choose to sail with them.


As a smoker I realize that my habbit is harmful to others. That is why when I am in public I will only smoke in the designated areas. I do not smoke in front of children as I do not want to be a bad influence and when others are around me I always ask if my smoking will bother them.


What right do I have to allow my smoking to ruin someone elses enjoyment of their vacation. If I had booked a non-smoking hotel room on land that doesn't mean I get to go ahead and smoke in the room just because I want to "enjoy what I paid for". Same applies with my non-smoking cabin.


As an adult I do get to make the choice to smoke or not, but with that choice comes responsibilities. Just as someone earlier said, you can choose to drink as long as your actions are not harmful or bothering others. Same goes for smoking.


JMHO...flame away.

No flames, just thanks for your consideration, If others had your attitude we wouldn't be having this discussion. Good luck:cool:
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I am a smoker. Yes it is a horrible habbit and one I wished I never picked up. I know about X's policy on smoking and I still choose to sail with them.


As a smoker I realize that my habbit is harmful to others. That is why when I am in public I will only smoke in the designated areas. I do not smoke in front of children as I do not want to be a bad influence and when others are around me I always ask if my smoking will bother them.


What right do I have to allow my smoking to ruin someone elses enjoyment of their vacation. If I had booked a non-smoking hotel room on land that doesn't mean I get to go ahead and smoke in the room just because I want to "enjoy what I paid for". Same applies with my non-smoking cabin.


As an adult I do get to make the choice to smoke or not, but with that choice comes responsibilities. Just as someone earlier said, you can choose to drink as long as your actions are not harmful or bothering others. Same goes for smoking.


JMHO...flame away.


You will receive no flames from me. I have no issue at all with people smoking if they do it responsibly and not affect people who do not care for it. Rather, I respect the consideration and thoughtfulness that many smokers show us non-smokers. I am grateful to you for understanding our side of the equation and will never condem you for smoking. I only wish that all smokers had the same values as you do. Thank you!

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JMHO...flame away.


I find Justakitten's attitute to be typical of most smokers-- courteous and considerate of others. If that's a flame, then FLAME ON! It's the relative few that think they're somehow special or have a persecution complex that are a problem. One thing to consider is that some smokers feel that the world is picking on them, and they develop a defiant attitude. This doesn't excuse their behavior, but explains it, in some cases.

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Last year 2009 , my family and myself were on board Navigator of the Seas situated on the very back of the ship in a Junior suite, above a family of around 8, most of them adults who smoked.

They occupied 2 adjoining cabins, opened up in order to be together. They drank and smoked into the early hours, at times very loud...no consideration for their fellow passengers. It was most annoying but being fairly new to sailing we knew nothing of the smoking rules and just put up with it for the duration of the cruise.

There always seemed to be one of them (if not all) out on balcony at some point of the day and night allowing the strong odour of smoke waft towards us. Because of this we didn't spent as much time on our lovely balcony as we would have liked.

These cabins are wonderful BUT you do have the view of much of the balcony below along with the odours.


We are booked on Eclipse in October in one of the hump cabins....fingers crossed we aren't so unlucky again.

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Last year 2009 , my family and myself were on board Navigator of the Seas situated on the very back of the ship in a Junior suite, above a family of around 8, most of them adults who smoked.


They occupied 2 adjoining cabins, opened up in order to be together. They drank and smoked into the early hours, at times very loud...no consideration for their fellow passengers. It was most annoying but being fairly new to sailing we knew nothing of the smoking rules and just put up with it for the duration of the cruise.


There always seemed to be one of them (if not all) out on balcony at some point of the day and night allowing the strong odour of smoke waft towards us. Because of this we didn't spent as much time on our lovely balcony as we would have liked.


These cabins are wonderful BUT you do have the view of much of the balcony below along with the odours.


We are booked on Eclipse in October in one of the hump cabins....fingers crossed we aren't so unlucky again.


RCCL allows smoking on the balconies, so your fellow cruisers were well within their rights to be smoking. Being loud into the early hours is another thing. If it happens on Eclipse, either noise or smoking, notify your cabin steward and/or call Guest Services.

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I'm on Equinox right now. The person next to us has been smoking constantly from the moment we sailed. It blows into our cabin and is offensive and the danger of fire worries me. Yesterday morning - first full day of the cruise - I complained to Guest Services. Yesterday evening she was there again. I took a picture of her as evidence and complained again. So far I haven't seen or smelt them there again.


Quite frankly I don't give a damn about how much her cabin cost or her addiction issues. My right to safety and comfort trumps her right to puff her noxious weed.


The end!

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I'm on Equinox right now. The person next to us has been smoking constantly from the moment we sailed. It blows into our cabin and is offensive and the danger of fire worries me. Yesterday morning - first full day of the cruise - I complained to Guest Services. Yesterday evening she was there again. I took a picture of her as evidence and complained again. So far I haven't seen or smelt them there again.


Quite frankly I don't give a damn about how much her cabin cost or her addiction issues. My right to safety and comfort trumps her right to puff her noxious weed.


The end!


Hi David, so sorry you have such an inconsiderate neighbor:(

but happy to read they enforced the rules and now you can

sit on your balcony in peace:)

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You will receive no flames from me. I have no issue at all with people smoking if they do it responsibly and not affect people who do not care for it. Rather, I respect the consideration and thoughtfulness that many smokers show us non-smokers. I am grateful to you for understanding our side of the equation and will never condem you for smoking. I only wish that all smokers had the same values as you do. Thank you!


Most smokers, I believe, do have that consideration. If soneone smells smoke, try just going to the rail and saying " I smell smoke and it is bothering me. Please stop". I'm sure that in 99/100 cases it will stop with no further problems.


If you are intent on causing a fracus, involving the cabin steward ( who worries about getting his/her tip) go right ahead if lording over others is how you get your kicks. I have always found that confrontation often involves future confrontation.


One last note to the self-appointed investigators, If you poke your head around the partition to look on my balcony, you will definitely NOT like the consequences

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We love Celebrity anyway, but one of the reasons we no longer sail on their sister ships on Royal Carribbean is due to the difference in smoking policies. quote]


This has been a good thread for me to stumble upon. Now I know which cruise lines to book and which ones to not book....


We cruised on Princess and smelled smoke (including cigars) about half the time we were on out the baclony. Hopefully our experience on our upcoming Celebrity TA cruise will be better.


PS: One of the lesser known facts is that sidestream smoke is far worse than what the smoker is inhaling. It's far more toxic and being unfiltered, full of particulate matter, so if you are sitting next to a smoker, for every cigarette he is smoking, you are getting 10!


Thank you all,


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Yesterday morning - first full day of the cruise - I complained to Guest Services. Yesterday evening she was there again. I took a picture of her as evidence and complained again. So far I haven't seen or smelt them there again.


Most smokers, I believe, do have that consideration. If soneone smells smoke, try just going to the rail and saying " I smell smoke and it is bothering me. Please stop". I'm sure that in 99/100 cases it will stop with no further problems.


If you are intent on causing a fracus, involving the cabin steward ( who worries about getting his/her tip) go right ahead if lording over others is how you get your kicks. I have always found that confrontation often involves future confrontation.


One last note to the self-appointed investigators, If you poke your head around the partition to look on my balcony, you will definitely NOT like the consequences


David, good for you! From what I've gathered on the boards, Guest Services will do nothing to a general "I smell smoke from somewhere" complaint. It makes sense. What are they going to do, knock on doors on that whole side of the ship? I've always wondered if getting a picture would be seen by Celebrity as helpful or as an intrusion into another guest's privacy.


In threads relating to "How private are the balconies?" for the purposes of sunbathing or-- ahem-- more intimate activities, the consensus seems to be that you can't have the expectation of complete privacy. Some people like to be friendly and will poke their heads around the partition to see if their neighbors are out and want to visit. I've never heard of anyone being reported for this behavior, so I conclude that there's not a reasonable expectation of enough privacy to conceal illicit activity. If I smell smoke, and it appears to be coming from the balcony next door, I'm going to be ready. Smile! You're on Candid Camera!


Honestly, why should I have to request someone stop doing something they shouldn't be doing in the first place? I disagree with 99% being cooperative and stopping-- I'd estimate it more like 80%. If I report it without speaking with the offender first, and if they're the vindictive, confrontational type, there's a chance that they won't find out it was me who filed the complaint. If I politely ask them first, they'll know it was me who fingered them. This, then, is a good argument for not politely bringing it up with them first.


In fact, I would first try asking them nicely to put it out. As has been pointed out, many are blissfully ignorant that smoking on the balcony is against the rules, but if that fails, it's on. If you want to put it in terms of confrontation, who started it? I'm supposed to just take it, forsake the balcony while you're out there, and say, "Well, I didn't want to cause a confrontation?" Not likely.


As for the cabin stewards risking losing their tips, ED&DI makes a good point. He/she faces the possibility of losing a tip from the smoker who childishly takes it out on the steward for doing his/her job. But it's either that or lose the tip from me for not doing his/her job. I would not consider this "lording over" someone, but simply looking out for my wife's health.

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Most smokers, I believe, do have that consideration. If soneone smells smoke, try just going to the rail and saying " I smell smoke and it is bothering me. Please stop". I'm sure that in 99/100 cases it will stop with no further problems.


If you are intent on causing a fracus, involving the cabin steward ( who worries about getting his/her tip) go right ahead if lording over others is how you get your kicks. I have always found that confrontation often involves future confrontation.


One last note to the self-appointed investigators, If you poke your head around the partition to look on my balcony, you will definitely NOT like the consequences


Another amusing post. Pray tell, if I poke my head around the partition, what will my consequences be? Better yet, ask yourself what will your consequences be? I'm a fairly well mannered, civilized person, but if I choose to ask you politely to your face to stop smoking, and if I left my X-ray vision glasses at home (so that I cannot see through the partition! :rolleyes:), and I don't wish to overburden the cabin steward, my only other option is to call Guest Services or perhaps Security. I'm sure as heck not just "going to try just going to the rail and saying ' I smell smoke and it is bothering me. Please stop' ". Unless I look at you directly, how will you know I'm speaking to you and not just daydreaming out loud to the ocean?? I'm sorry, but your borderline aggressive stance is not conducive to a pleasant cruise experience!

Here's a novel idea- don't smoke on your balcony or in your cabin on a Celebrity ship!

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I have always found that confrontation often involves future confrontation.




You mean like, when you confront someone by stating "I smell smoke and it is bothering me, please stop?"






One last note to the self-appointed investigators, If you poke your head around the partition to look on my balcony, you will definitely NOT like the consequences




People have a tendency to poke their heads around the partitions all the time on cruise ships....I too, am interested in hearing about said consequences.

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People have a tendency to poke their heads around the partitions all the time on cruise ships....I too, am interested in hearing about said consequences.


I'm hoping the consequences are Speedo related:eek::D!


Well, not hoping-- oh, heck, you know what I mean!

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One last note to the self-appointed investigators, If you poke your head around the partition to look on my balcony, you will definitely NOT like the consequences


What, are you that scary looking? :confused:


Pray tell.

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I am glad others replied to that particular post. If we poke our heads

around to see who is on the balcony? What sort of consequences

are we going to have done to us?:eek::(.....is something going to happen

to us? Are we going to have violent act done to us?:mad:



I actually thought most times if people are out on their balconies,

they might say hello to each other and then go back to relaxing:confused:

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Well, maybe for you and me, but apparently ED&DI have a different agenda. :D ;)


Hi Karen:)..this is the 2nd post with that type of response.

Remember on the chair hog thread? Didn't someone say something

about a "physical altercation"?.....now maybe we are misreading

what ED&DI are talking about:confused: but I will make sure if they are my

neighbors not to say hello:(...would not would to cause myself any

dire consequences.

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