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Problem with Porters

Cruisin 4 Ever

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I worked for a Federal Union (NEA) and a Local Union (AEA) for 27 years, and never ONCE received a tip!! Tips to these union porters are just undeclared under-the-table income which they're not required to report or pay taxes on. They just demand it. And pocket it. Sad.


I pay it just like everyone else, though. So I don't get thugged by not having my luggage boarded, or my luggage ransacked, or my luggage tag ripped off (Port Canaveral 2002...a great American Flag luggage tag..never to be seen again) Where do these guys get off demanding tips? Apparently, there's strength in numbers.

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I worked for a Federal Union (NEA) and a Local Union (AEA) for 27 years, and never ONCE received a tip!! Tips to these union porters are just undeclared under-the-table income which they're not required to report or pay taxes on. They just demand it. And pocket it. Sad.


I pay it just like everyone else, though. So I don't get thugged by not having my luggage boarded, or my luggage ransacked, or my luggage tag ripped off (Port Canaveral 2002...a great American Flag luggage tag..never to be seen again) Where do these guys get off demanding tips? Apparently, there's strength in numbers.


I probably would not tip if they demanded it. I have read instances where the porter has said that it was not enough. If this has happened to me I would have said "that is all your getting".

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Or have seen it floating away in the water as you sail away?

One one of our cruises we had a balcony on the dock side of the ship so we could watch the dock workers with the fork lifts moving those large cages of luggage from the terminal into the hold of the ship. Those cages were mostly over-full and the fork lift drivers were really whipping around the dock - one time, the driver misjudged the ramp onto the ship and had to stop quickly causing the luggage at the very top to shift around and one went right into the water between the ship and the dock. They fished it out but I would have hated to be the people that it belonged to.... I just know it wasn't us.


I say all that because if tipping the porters in any small way causes our luggage to be placed more securely in those cages (maybe near the middle?), then it's dollars well spent. :)

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I hope you do not fall off your high horse one day and find yourself working as one of these porters. In this bad economy you just never know what you will have to do to pay the bills. I would much rather see someone working a job as a porter then expecting the government to bail them out.




In 27 years, NO government agency ever bailed ME out! I haven't received an annual increase in my state retirement pension for THREE years (thanks, GWB!), and have not received an increase in SS for TWO years. I live within my means (which I paid for, and without receiving any tips!) I just think these guys are in it for the money - including tips - and I'd sure like to find the porter who STOLE my American Flag luggage tag! Working as a porter is a Union job with benefits, including health insurance (which many Americans don't have) and a guaranteed pay increase over time. I'd LOVE to give that guy some personal "Karma"!! Get off your own high horse.

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I hope you do not fall off your high horse one day and find yourself working as one of these porters. In this bad economy you just never know what you will have to do to pay the bills. I would much rather see someone working a job as a porter then expecting the government to bail them out.




Should I fall from grace one day, you can be sure of one thing. I won't expect others to take care of me, or feel sorry for me.


I know what's it like to be unemployed, and have very limited resources, but you know what? Me and my attitude did something about. I didn't sit around feeling sorry for myself, or take handouts from strangers, family, or the government.


No, I worked my a$$ off, at various dead-end jobs, went to school, raised my kids, kept my marriage together, and got on with my life, all at the same time.


You know what this has done for me? It has allowed me to:


1) have no mortgage on my house

2) have no car payments

3) carry $0 balance on all of my credit cards

4) take 3 or 4 vacations every year

5) fly private aircraft when I want too

6) give my family most anything they would like


Am I bragging, yeah I guess I'm a bit. But I got what I have today, by taking care of myself -- not feeling sorry for myself for the bad situations I have been in, or having others feel sorry for me. Also be assured that if I should one day fall off of my "High-Horse" I'll get right back on.



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Wow all i can say, Ok these porters work for tips and giving them a few bucks aint going to hurt you, And people wonder why somtimes there bags get lost. Just an idea tip the porters they do help before and after the trip.


What gives them the right to do ANYTHING with your bag other than take it to it's designated area? That's the mentality that I don't get. You shouldn't fear that you'll lose anything. I should have the option to take my bag and hand it to someone, not be forced / followed for a tip. Now I do tip porters and it's out of generosity. Tipping is a misconception anymore. Everyone EXPECTS it even for poor service. I agree that the porter should have been reprimanded for doing something like that.

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the porters in Galveston aren't like Mr. 150! If they are, why, why, I'll snarl at them. Grrrrrr.


Unfortunately, bad people like P150 give other union members a bad name. I don't solicit tips. Of course I don't have a job where I interface with outside customers either.

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Astro, I hope to be able to take care of myself and my family in the future. And I agree, I won't get anywhere by giving into behavior like that. I tip for extra good service. I tip 20% at restaurants for awesome service. But there is no way id deal with that kind of behavior. Id go straight to his supervisor. I don't act like this at work, I would get fired! (As a waitress no less, I do a great job regardless of if I have been tipped.) why should I put up with this while on vacation?


By the way, the reason we have porters, waiters, valets, is because people, in theory, move up on the chain. The smart ones get better jobs. The young, less exprienced, and stubborn to knowledge are the ones who get left behind.

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I had a somewhat similar experience as the OP recently on our first cruise on the Fantasy out of Charleston.


We were on a shuttle from our hotel to the port, and after we arrived, our shuttle driver took our bags out of the van and placed them next to the trolley cart with the bags, or whatever it is called. I know my husband had already tipped the shuttle driver, and he must have tipped him before we got out of the shuttle because he didn't have his wallet out at the time. I knew it was customary for us to tip the porters, but at the time everything was moving so quickly, and since this was our first cruise, I was actually asking the shuttle driver exactly where our bags needed to go and where we needed to go next. Then a porter comes up to me and says very loudly and rudely "Give me my tip!". :confused: I felt very embarrassed because I knew it was customary to tip them, and quickly asked my husband to give him a few dollars. It wasn't until we were on the next shuttle heading to the main boarding area that my husband told me he was ticked because the porter was so rude and he said he had only moved our two bags about 6 inches. :rolleyes: I didn't let it ruin my trip, but I did then and still feel it was extremely unprofessional to DEMAND a tip. Especially since if the porter hadn't been so dang impatient, he would have gotten a tip anyhow after I finished talking to the shuttle driver.


I think some people are missing the point of the OP's comment. Whether you tip or not is really a personal choice, whether you do it because you think it's the "right" thing to do or you do it because you get great service, or a combination of both, it's really up to you. The point is that it is rude and unprofessional to demand a tip, something that is supposed to be optional, and that kind of attitude makes you come across as one who expects it, regardless of the quality of work you do. And I think that kind of attitude is what contributes to some people feeling as though they shouldn't tip.


This was my first cruise, and in the future, we will probably will make sure we keep some dollars a bit more accessible for tipping when someone does a good job. Right before we went through customs at the end of our trip, we had a port worker who voluntarily showed us a way to connect all of our bags together, which I did not even know was possible! Again, everything was moving so quickly, by the time we had a chance to fish around for some dollars, he was long gone, which is really a shame. Fortunately, even though we didn't get a chance to tip this person, at least now I know that it's NOT the norm for porters to be so rude and demanding! First impressions DO matter.

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We have all heard the horror stories of bags getting lost for lack of tips ... Im not taking chances lol

I agree, firefly! Not only do I tip the porter, I make sure all the porters around him see me do it. (loudly tell him how much I appreciate him) I can't risk any ill will that might mean my suitcase won't make it onto the boat! Money well spent. lol

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although i do tip the porters . i think it's rude for them to expect it. i am a emt in boston . so if i come to you and save your life or transport you to a hospital should i expect a tip? and trust me we are not paid all that well.

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In 27 years, NO government agency ever bailed ME out! I haven't received an annual increase in my state retirement pension for THREE years (thanks, GWB!), and have not received an increase in SS for TWO years. I live within my means (which I paid for, and without receiving any tips!) I just think these guys are in it for the money - including tips - and I'd sure like to find the porter who STOLE my American Flag luggage tag! Working as a porter is a Union job with benefits, including health insurance (which many Americans don't have) and a guaranteed pay increase over time. I'd LOVE to give that guy some personal "Karma"!! Get off your own high horse.


GWB was president of the federal government, which has nothing to do with your state retirement, so why are you blaming him?


Why do you feel entitled to increases from the government? Sounds to me like you ARE wanting to be a part of the nanny state, have you no personal responsibility for your retirement?


Of course they are in it just for the money, why else would they work as porters, personal fulfilment?:rolleyes:

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GWB was president of the federal government, which has nothing to do with your state retirement, so why are you blaming him?


Why do you feel entitled to increases from the government? Sounds to me like you ARE wanting to be a part of the nanny state, have you no personal responsibility for your retirement?


Of course they are in it just for the money, why else would they work as porters, personal fulfilment?:rolleyes:


I agree. These people make a LARGE salary and then DEMAND you tip them. Then they make you feel THREATENED if you don't. Do these tips get reported as part of their salary. I bet not. And yet no one in authority does a thing about this. Very sad.


When we went on the Dream in April our shuttle took us from the hotel to the Port. The driver parked less then 5 ft from the containers when the luggage is put at the direction of the porters. (at the port by 9:30 am) Our shuttle driver emptyed the van. There were five of us. He actually handed the luggage to the porters that were standing there doing nothing. The Porters placed our luggage stright into the containers.


Once we paid the Shuttle Driver and he drove off. Then DH tipped the Porters. I thought how stupid that was. The Porters did hardly anything and yet they got their tip. I wish I got paid for doing such little work.

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Like it or not those people work for and expect to be tipped. It is not a bad idea to slip them at least $5. You will have a much better chance of seeing your Bags again (at your Stateroom). Think of it as cheap insurance.

Do not do what I did once. I gave the porter a $100 bill thinking it was a $10. He of course pocketed it with a big smile. (No I didn't realize what I had done until later) At least my baggage arrived right on time!





and what a bum by the way! I have people giving me extra money all the time or giving me a $50 thinking it's a $20 -- I say what comes around goes around. I've made a mistake giving change and customers have given it back and vice versa.

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I agree. These people make a LARGE salary and then DEMAND you tip them. Then they make you feel THREATENED if you don't. Do these tips get reported as part of their salary. I bet not. And yet no one in authority does a thing about this. Very sad.


When we went on the Dream in April our shuttle took us from the hotel to the Port. The driver parked less then 5 ft from the containers when the luggage is put at the direction of the porters. (at the port by 9:30 am) Our shuttle driver emptyed the van. There were five of us. He actually handed the luggage to the porters that were standing there doing nothing. The Porters placed our luggage stright into the containers.


Once we paid the Shuttle Driver and he drove off. Then DH tipped the Porters. I thought how stupid that was. The Porters did hardly anything and yet they got their tip. I wish I got paid for doing such little work.



Thank you!!! Finally a voice of reason from out of the void!! Thank you!!

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Right before we went through customs at the end of our trip, we had a port worker who voluntarily showed us a way to connect all of our bags together, which I did not even know was possible! Again, everything was moving so quickly, by the time we had a chance to fish around for some dollars, he was long gone, which is really a shame. Fortunately, even though we didn't get a chance to tip this person, at least now I know that it's NOT the norm for porters to be so rude and demanding! First impressions DO matter.


Isn't that the way it goes, the guy who deserves the tip doesn't expect or demand it, and then there are the jerks who demand and threaten you for doing next to nothing. Guess who gets defended here!!


Thank you!!

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I agree. These people make a LARGE salary and then DEMAND you tip them. Then they make you feel THREATENED if you don't. Do these tips get reported as part of their salary. I bet not. And yet no one in authority does a thing about this. Very sad.


I have no idea what cruises you people are going on, or from what ports you are cruising, but I have never been threatened by a porter. Surely, it is not that common. And even if it does happen, why should all the others suffer because of the actions of one? When you get a bad waiter at a restaurant, you don't stiff every other waiter from there on.


Also, would someone please post a link or some other credible info about porter salaries? Someone else on this thread said they have a family member who is a porter and they do not make large salaries.

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American Airlines started trying to charge to check in curbside for your flight and people who were being asked for extra money to check in and give their bags to the porters, were not tipping.


Porters sued American Airlines to stop the charge and probably won ...havent read the outcome, but havent been charged lately that I remember to check in at the curb. Porters do think they are due money for handling your bags.


The Porters Won. It was the guys in Boston that brought the suit as I recall. :D

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I don't go on cruises or vacations to better the lives of the people who might provide services to me while I'm on said cruises or vacations, anymore than I go to a restaurant to better the lives of the waitstaff.


To flame people who choose not to tip someone who is already receiving a salary for services rendered is :confused::confused::confused: beyond me.


To the OP: I'm sorry you had to go thru that. On a previous cruise, the bus driver at the airport reached his hand out to take my carry on while I went down the 2-3 steps on the bus to the sidewalk. The driver pitched a FIT when my husband wouldn't tip him for his 3-second "help."

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Airport baggage handlers were (maybe still are) members of the Machinist's Union. They used to be well paid. Now they are paid a pathetic wage close to the minimum. That is why I slip them a buck or two.


Cruise line porters, at most ports, actually have to pay their business rep. for the job. They depend totally on tips. Most of them do a very good job and are friendly and helpful. I tip them gladly and well.



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I have been cruising for many years, always tip the porters and always receive a big smile and a "thank you".

On a recent cruise out of San Diego we arrived at the port with the hotel shuttle, tipped the driver, and our luggage was quickly taken by a friendly porter. I offered a tip and surprise he would not accept. He said "buy something nice for you and you" pointing to my sister and myself. Again I offered the tip and he would not accept it, just a big smile and "enjoy your cruise". I said "well how about a hug?", that was accepted! Talk about a great start to a great vacation!

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