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Problem with Porters

Cruisin 4 Ever

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No. You misunderstood. Please re-read my post. 40k is the high end of the scale and it's for port workers in their primary positions, not porter work.

We all get that your brother in law is a porter and you think he's got it rough. Proabaly not alot of sympathy is going to go around in this economy since most people these days think those who have jobs are fortunate. The point of this post is that lots of people out there don't make huge wages and count on tips to subsidize their wage, but the only people I have ever seen demand tips are porters.

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We all get that your brother in law is a porter and you think he's got it rough. Proabaly not alot of sympathy is going to go around in this economy since most people these days think those who have jobs are fortunate. The point of this post is that lots of people out there don't make huge wages and count on tips to subsidize their wage, but the only people I have ever seen demand tips are porters.




Never risked getting in trouble with a lost bag and plenty deserve tip; plenty of times has bothered me to tip the losy 6 inch helps with my 5 feet inbetweens...sjn.


A real "porter" brew is a better porter:p..again in SOME situations...sjn:):).

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I had a porter in Miami tell me to go to a closed garage because he felt that the six bucks I gave him wasn't enough, for three bags. I so badly wanted to give him a piece of my mind but the wife talked me out of it, starting vacation and all. Some of them definitely feel entitled to big tips for 3 minutes of work.

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I had a porter in Miami tell me to go to a closed garage because he felt that the six bucks I gave him wasn't enough, for three bags. I so badly wanted to give him a piece of my mind but the wife talked me out of it, starting vacation and all. Some of them definitely feel entitled to big tips for 3 minutes of work.



OMG!!..that is just well conjures up a lot in my imagination..not unbeleivable but whew..sjn.


Did you just give him the $6 and all was well??? Where was the closed garage...before or after your trip?? Never have gone out of or been to Miami. FT. Lauderdale..yes...


Anyone else on this one???

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I saw a lady in New Orleans call 911 on a porter to report a robbery after he had told her her tip was not enough. The minute he realized she really had call the police, he took off around the corner but she shouted at him it would be no good to run and hide, as she had his picture. To this day I wish I had stayed to see what happened but it was raining and I was anxious to get on the ship.


I think the porters are overly agressive because we let them be. People just bow down to what they want often without them even asking because we are ready to get on the ship. But think about it, if someone grabbed your buggy at WalMart and pushed it to the register and then demanded a tip, would you tip them?


I think some complaints have to start being made because they are becoming bolder and bolder about how they ask for tips. A tip should be what the tipper thinks it should be not what the tippee thinks it should be. I think it is time they got reminded of that.


Everytime we pull up to the dropoff point I get a bad feeling just because I know I am going to have to deal with the porters. Sometimes they are fine, but other times an image of a pit bull dog comes to mind. And in all my travels, porters at the cruise terminal is the only place that happens.

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I'm not disputing how much someone should get or if they work and deserve a tip. I'm saying the guy was running after me screaming like a maniac. If a waiter in a restaurant went screaming at someone running after them because they didn't like their tip they owuld be in trouble. It was rude and uncalled for. I tipped the bus driver who took my bag off the bus. It was a coach bus that I paid quite a bit in transfers for.


I agree with you,, the guy was a jerk. There is no excuse.

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I saw a lady in New Orleans call 911 on a porter to report a robbery after he had told her her tip was not enough. The minute he realized she really had call the police, he took off around the corner but she shouted at him it would be no good to run and hide, as she had his picture. To this day I wish I had stayed to see what happened but it was raining and I was anxious to get on the ship.


I think the porters are overly agressive because we let them be. People just bow down to what they want often without them even asking because we are ready to get on the ship. But think about it, if someone grabbed your buggy at WalMart and pushed it to the register and then demanded a tip, would you tip them?


I think some complaints have to start being made because they are becoming bolder and bolder about how they ask for tips. A tip should be what the tipper thinks it should be not what the tippee thinks it should be. I think it is time they got reminded of that.


Everytime we pull up to the dropoff point I get a bad feeling just because I know I am going to have to deal with the porters. Sometimes they are fine, but other times an image of a pit bull dog comes to mind. And in all my travels, porters at the cruise terminal is the only place that happens.


Exactly,, seems like a bunch of spoiled brats ,, and it does not help that some people love to brag about always tipping everyone,, no matter what. Anyone who tips a guy for doing little to nothing is being silly .

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I don't go on cruises or vacations to better the lives of the people who might provide services to me while I'm on said cruises or vacations, anymore than I go to a restaurant to better the lives of the waitstaff.


To flame people who choose not to tip someone who is already receiving a salary for services rendered is :confused::confused::confused: beyond me.



I don't know the wage a porter earns, but waitstaff typically earn about $2.35 an hour....you call that a salary? I really hope you don't eat out often if you're stiffing the waitstaff.

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Not too sure about the cruise situation as I have not experienced it yet! BUT with waiters and such I know they get angry if you dont tip BUT in reality tipping is a courtisy, not a requirement and if they dont do a good job they dont get tipped. I was screamed at once for leaving a $2 tip for a $20 meal. I should have gotten the tip back and told her she really didnt deserve the 10%. As far as Porters I WILL TIP cause I dont want my luggage lost. lol



10% tip? Wow, you really are a cheapskate huh? I would have given you your $2 back as obviously you needed it more than the server did.

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I don't know the wage a porter earns, but waitstaff typically earn about $2.35 an hour....you call that a salary? I really hope you don't eat out often if you're stiffing the waitstaff.


All people need is an excuse to be cheap. I understand in this case that the porter did very little for the OP and I understand the concern about tipping people that you don't even engage. But if your family has eight bags checked and you approach a porter to help you with all of your bags, you ought to tip at least $1/bag. If you don't want to pay for the service, then do it yourself. The porter could be helping the 90% of the rest of out there who actually tip them and appreciate them.

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So it must be pretty lucrative if people will do it for tips only?


Federal law says a person in a tipped position must at least make minimum wage in tips, or the employer must make up the difference.


Minimum wage sounds about right for slinging baggage around.


I find it hard to believe that all those truck drivers, crane operators etc are salaried and not hourly wage positions, but you do have inside knowledge.


Type as slow as you want, maybe it will help you understand the difference.


I had many friends who worked in the service industry while we were in college. Federal law may say that the employer must make up the difference but I can attest to the fact that this is RARELY done. If you get stiffed by cheapskates all night and you make only like $10 for an 8 hour shift, then you're stuck with the $1+ an hour. It does no good to complain, the employer will let you go and hire someone else. No shortage of college kids to work as servers down here.


Also, many do not know that servers are made to pay taxes on a percentage of their earnings. The govt. assumes that the server is making at least 12%(it may have gone up, but I think that was the amount they were getting taxed on back when I was in school.)...so you eat a $60 meal and don't tip b/c it's not your job to supplement wages. Your server, who was great, has to pay $6+ for your meal!!!:eek:


I really can't believe the amount of cheapness I've seen in this thread. I agree with not tipping a porter who didn't even handle your bag, but for all of you who don't tip just because(and your probably the ones with overstuffed bags that weigh 100lbs), are cheap. Own it and don't make excuses.

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OMG!!..that is just well conjures up a lot in my imagination..not unbeleivable but whew..sjn.


Did you just give him the $6 and all was well??? Where was the closed garage...before or after your trip?? Never have gone out of or been to Miami. FT. Lauderdale..yes...


Anyone else on this one???



Everything was fine with my bags but I couldn't believe he sent me to a garage that was closed. I had been before but he just told me where to park. I went where he said and it was closed and had to drive back around and find the right place to park. I was so mad.

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Everything was fine with my bags but I couldn't believe he sent me to a garage that was closed. I had been before but he just told me where to park. I went where he said and it was closed and had to drive back around and find the right place to park. I was so mad.



Are you sure it wasn't just an honest mistake? Like maybe sometimes that garage is open, but on this particular occasion it was closed and he didn't realize that?

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I had many friends who worked in the service industry while we were in college. Federal law may say that the employer must make up the difference but I can attest to the fact that this is RARELY done. If you get stiffed by cheapskates all night and you make only like $10 for an 8 hour shift, then you're stuck with the $1+ an hour. It does no good to complain, the employer will let you go and hire someone else. No shortage of college kids to work as servers down here.


Also, many do not know that servers are made to pay taxes on a percentage of their earnings. The govt. assumes that the server is making at least 12%(it may have gone up, but I think that was the amount they were getting taxed on back when I was in school.)...so you eat a $60 meal and don't tip b/c it's not your job to supplement wages. Your server, who was great, has to pay $6+ for your meal!!!:eek:


I really can't believe the amount of cheapness I've seen in this thread. I agree with not tipping a porter who didn't even handle your bag, but for all of you who don't tip just because(and your probably the ones with overstuffed bags that weigh 100lbs), are cheap. Own it and don't make excuses.



I tip what I think is appropriate for the service I recieved. It is MY JUDGEMENT as it is MY MONEY I am giving them.


Last night I tipped $ 1.00 something for a 30 dollar bill. WHY ?, because it took over 20 mins to get someone to acknowledge we had sat down & take our drink orders & bring us a menu. Then took about another 20 mins before they took our order. Never once came back to refill our tea & soda glasses. Only reason we stayed as we were involved in a Poker Tourney at this restaurant. Normally they add 15% to checks, but I told them to remove it or else. LOUSY SERVICE = LOUSY or NO TIP at all.

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I don't know the wage a porter earns, but waitstaff typically earn about $2.35 an hour....you call that a salary? I really hope you don't eat out often if you're stiffing the waitstaff.




In context, I never said I stiff waitstaff, I never said I stiff porters, I never said I stiff anyone when I cruise or vacation.



I have no knowledge of what porters make. Given the thousands of cruisers who embark/disembark, and given some of the tactics some porters use to extort $$ from passengers, in my opinion it's tough to believe they're struggling.

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All people need is an excuse to be cheap. I understand in this case that the porter did very little for the OP and I understand the concern about tipping people that you don't even engage. But if your family has eight bags checked and you approach a porter to help you with all of your bags, you ought to tip at least $1/bag. If you don't want to pay for the service, then do it yourself. The porter could be helping the 90% of the rest of out there who actually tip them and appreciate them.


Agreed, if I approach them for help. If I get off the bus, that the driver has unloaded and placed next to the loading bins, the driver gets the tip. The porter standing there with his hand out threatening to lose your bags gets squat.

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This situation was different. Never had it work like this before. They took the bags off the bus. The bus driver said we could go get our bags. Porters were standing around, we were 100 feet or so away from the terminal. We grabbed our own bags from the line and walked them over to the terminal. That's how he knew it was our bag, because we went and got it out of the line as we were instructed to do. We tipped the bus driver but one of the porters standing there said he helped the driver get the bags off the bus, and that's why he was screaming at us. He was standing in front of the luggage, as though we had to pay him to get it. I didn't get it at the time, had never been on a cruise and didn't normally deal with porters. I just walked past him, selected my bag and walked away. This is when he started screaming at me.



I am sorry this happened to you. My sister in law had the same thing happen to her. It was her first cruise too. Some of those porters are rude! I always take my bag to the terminal myself just like you were doing. In my opinion the porters should wait and let the bus driver take the luggage off because he is the one I am tipping! If I wanted the porter to take my luggage to the terminal, then I would tip him. It should be my choice though.

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From the Port Everglades website (http://www.porteverglades.net/articles/index.cfm?action=view&articleID=815&menuID=998):

A new "SUNsational Service ship" is sailing for Port Everglades as the South Florida cruise port teams up with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, Southeast Florida Employers Port Association, cruise stevedoring companies at the Port and the International Longshoremen's Association to launch a customized training course for baggage handlers. Approximately 800 cruise ship baggage handlers from ILA Local #1526 will receive "SUNsational Service training for Professional Porters" over the next four weeks in preparation for the upcoming cruise season. The course teaches customer service excellence and is designed specifically for porters at Port Everglades.

"It is my sincere hope that through proper training of our members as well as the many casual workers that regularly assist us during our busy cruise season, we can attain the necessary service expertise to better serve our cruise customers as we continue striving to become the best cruise port in the world," says Darryl "Mike D" Payne, ILA Local #1526 Vice President and Business Agent.

From the ILA Contract extension to 2012 (http://www.joc.com/maritime/ila-ratifies-contract-extension-0):
The agreement immediately boosts starting pay from $16 to $20 an hour, raises top hourly pay from $31 to $32 in 2011, and narrows the gap between wage tiers in 2012 by sharply raising pay of less-experienced workers.


They are complaining about the porters on the HAL board also. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1109426

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Agreed, if I approach them for help. If I get off the bus, that the driver has unloaded and placed next to the loading bins, the driver gets the tip. The porter standing there with his hand out threatening to lose your bags gets squat.


Sorry for my confusion on your earlier post. I thought we were talking about when all luggage is in the "big room" at disembarcation and that you didn't tip those guys if they helped you with your luggage (because it's their job) and actually bring it out to cabs for you. I think you are talking about when you get out of the cab at original embaracation and the cabbie leaves the bags right there and the porters just put your luggage in the bin (moving them all of 10-20 yards). Those guys spend less than a minute dumping the luggage into bins. I don't think the embarcation guys deserve a fraction of what the disembarcations guys get.

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From the Port Everglades website (http://www.porteverglades.net/articles/index.cfm?action=view&articleID=815&menuID=998):

From the ILA Contract extension to 2012 (http://www.joc.com/maritime/ila-ratifies-contract-extension-0):



They are complaining about the porters on the HAL board also. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1109426

Their lowest starting pay before the raise is less than i made at my last job before becoming unemployed. Where do i apply

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After leaving ship in Ft Lauderdale, we discovered neither of us had any cash. I had $20 which we need for the cab to train station. So we decided we would haul our 4 suitcases and 2 handbags and a walker ourselves. When asked by a porter if he could help. My husband told him the truth that we had only enough money for the cab. He did not hesitate just started putting all our bags on his cart and said this is my job; next time you can give a porter a little extra and smiled and said follow me.

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