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New Class coming


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Per Captain Nordmo on Monarch this week they are definitely planning a new class. Seems like it has been in the discussion stage for quite a while but they are now at the getting bids or at least checking out ship yards in Europe for the project. Seems to be several years out and will be smaller than the Oasis class.

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I agree about the onboard spending on the Oasis. We are booked for next Feb and are planning on a big Seapass bill. With all the opportunities for 'extras' many cruisers are going to be surprised at all the extras they buy on board. Many of the ships are going to Europe for the 'season'. The prices for excursions and port transportation add a lot to the per diem costs. We lost our west coast based cruises because of the low passenger revenues. MR excursions are no where near the cost of a tour of Rome or Athens. Our personal Caribbean cruises were going in the same direction - less and less onboard spending. I have no idea how many of the ports we will visit from the Oasis (no big excursion bills) - our extra spending will be mostly due to the 'pay' restaurants.


For real travel (vs a vacation) we will take much smaller ships or land tours - that allow more time 'in country'.


This is where I don't get the large ships. At least for me. Part of cruising for us are going to different destinations. I won't repeat a cruise if the ports are been there done that.

I would book a very nice AI before sailing on the Oasis as I can get a seat by a large pool every day-walk out to the beach and have a different specialty restaurant at no extra charge every night. All the soda,water and alcohol the family will consume and No extra bill/ sea pass bill when all is said and done..

I have plans to try Freedom and fairly sure my favorite ship after that will still be Serenade.:)

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they've been "thinking" about this at least as far back as 2008. Back then on Sovereign the captain said that after the Oasis class, RCI might revisit the layout of the Radiance class and update it. Who knows what RCI will do....


The captain on our cruise (can't remember if it was 2007 or 2008) said basically the same thing when I asked if they would ever build another Radiance Class. He said they were looking at building a ship that had the glass features of the Radiance Class but that they wouldn't go back to that size... it would be bigger.

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Nothing is going to happen until the economy picks up and demand increases. In addition, RCCL will now have to market and sell enough cabins to fill the Allure
This makes sense to me. They've just added Oasis, and soon they'll need to sell an additional 5000 (5000?) tickets PER WEEK to fill Allure. It seems to me that they'd wait a bit and see how they do with that venture before launching into additional debt for yet another ship.


It also seems to me that officers who discuss such things are great PR for the already-hooked cruiser! Any rumor like this -- true or false -- draws interest and makes the cruiser consider future trips.

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Per Captain Nordmo on Monarch this week they are definitely planning a new class. Seems like it has been in the discussion stage for quite a while but they are now at the getting bids or at least checking out ship yards in Europe for the project. Seems to be several years out and will be smaller than the Oasis class.


And Captain Nordmo has an inside source within the executive offices at RCI in Miami? If they were soliciting bids for a new class of ship, or even just preparing to solicit such bids, there would be many more reliable sources of this information than the Captain of the Monarch. The news would be everywhere. Any construction would of necessity take a couple of years and that would be well after designs were completed and put out for bids. Not sure how much time would be required for "checking out ship yards in Europe", since their numbers are limited and their resources and capabilities are already pretty well known.

It makes good fodder for conversations, but the realities are such that it is highly likely that Captain Nordmo's rumor is just that -a rumor and not much more. I'm sure that the planners are constantly discussing what can be done in the future, but discussions are one thing and firm decisions and action are something else. There are just too many intangibles at the present time to expect any news about newbuilds in the foreseeable future.

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It also seems to me that officers who discuss such things are great PR for the already-hooked cruiser! Any rumor like this -- true or false -- draws interest and makes the cruiser consider future trips.


So you are suggesting that at an official question and answer session Captain Nordmo was either talking through his hat or lying to us? With the idea that stringing us along in a fantasy project we will by more tickets?


Gee, those guys at RCCL sure had my number. Shame on them pulling my chain like that! And I was all set to make my reservation on the unnamed project that is at least 3 years out. ;)

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I disagree. The Oasis has the highest percentage of spending of any ship by passenger. That is why RCI is going back to the Freedom class and tweaking them with some of the Oasis features.


I think that the spending on Oasis (and soon, Allure) is atypical and I don't think it's sustainable. On my one (and only) cruise on Oasis, I found the atmosphere to be completely different than any other RC cruise. RC has done a good job with the TV ads, and I think its well documented that Oasis carries a far larger percentage of 1st time cruisers than other RC ships. These aren't the CC loyal crowd, but people that have seen the gimicks on TV and want to give them a try. May be their only cruise ever - why not blow a few bucks. I'm guessing that once the new thrills have become old hat, they will move on to other vacation options. Those that become serious cruisers will start watching their onboard spending, just as most of us do.

I understand the economies of a large ship on a per passenger basis, but I think that Oasis has carried the concept a bit too far. My best case scenerio ould be that RC bases their next builds along the lines of Celebrity's Solstice class. And, definitely an enclosed solarium - why, with the ships now going to Europe etc., do they stick with the old Voyager-class concept, i.e. ships that will never leave the Caribbean, so no facilities needed for bad weather.

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This is where I don't get the large ships. At least for me. Part of cruising for us are going to different destinations. I won't repeat a cruise if the ports are been there done that.



You obviously haven't been on very many cruises. When you have been on 15 or 20 cruises, you'll see that there simply aren't very many options after that..... You will see the same ports over and over.

I cruise because I love the ocean and the "Cruising Life"! :D (which includes the ship, the destination, & all the rest)


How about a ship that has a Promanade and the glass of a Radiance Clas ship. Two of my favorite things all wrapped up into one.


This is ACTUALLY what is in the making. Any of you who have cruised Celebrity should know about the SOLSTICE CLASS. These ships are 122K tons (halfway between the Radiance Class and the Voyager Class) and have 3000 pax full capacity. Lots of Glass and Lots of Class. They have already built 3 of them, and I have heard there are more being planned for the future........ :cool:

My informative opinion is that these are the ships of the future for Celebrity and for RCI.

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Not surprised if RC is looking into a new class of ship -- given the lead time a new ship design and construction project takes, the economy might very well be recovered by the time the ship enters service.


If the "consensus of rumors" is true and this class is between Radiance and Voyager class size, I can see it having a huge benefit for RC -- the ability to standardize more of their fleet around the features that set RC apart in the eyes of new customers -- the ice rinks, Royal Promenades, etc. that are attracting new customers to RC over other lines.


A class of ship that is small enough to replace older ships (Majesty, Monarch, etc.) on itineraries that can't support huge ships, but a class of ship that is big enough to cost-effectively support a Royal Promenade, Ice Rink, etc., would be a big move in that direction.

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To maybe throw some science into the speculation... has anyone gathered data on the limitations of the routes and ports? For example, if there's a certain bridge clearance at a port, that might rule out the largest ships. Thus limiting the future locations as today's big ships age. The Panama canal I'm sure separated some ships from that route. Depth and width of the port can be changed but maybe some just can't go deeper or wider.


Any recon on what's in the ship yards now? Google Earth might give some insight as to how much is in the pipeline. One thing no one has mentioned yet... this IS the time to build a ship. When the economy is weak, ship makers get more competitive to get what work is left. Just like building construction. I suspect an Oasis class could be built for a Freedom class cost today.

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I LOVE the Freedom size ship...but I've never been on the Enchantment or any of the other smaller size ships. I just wouldn't want any less activities than the Freedom. The Freedom didn't feel that "BIG" to us. Once our kids leave, which is many years from now, we may be more inclined to do the smaller ships since we won't need "flowriders" anymore.


I alternate between Majesty and Liberty out of Miami. Smallest and (almost) largest. Both are a very different experience. Somehow when I'm on one, I really don't miss what's on the other. As size goes down, service seems to go up.

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After being on the Solstice six weeks ago and seeing how the basic layout aped the Voyager setup, it was obvious to us that RCCL could build an updated Radiance class on this platform while including many of the features that the Voyagers have. And with a non-movable covered solarium roof. But without the non-stop zen music piped into the solarium ; this is RC, not Celebrity.

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:DI heard the same rumor. It will be a ship with both resturaunts and full spectrum of shops and ATM's on every level. But no cabins. The passengers will roam the decks 24 hours just eating in "specialty" venues and spending in the botique shopping experiences. If you qualify in money spent you will qualify for a Hoveround to access both areas quicker. Can't wait!!!!;)


And the ship will be called the Axiom ! (Wall-E movie reference for those lost with this comment)

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We just got back from the Oasis last week and went to the meet and greet with the captain. Someone asked if they will be building a bigger class than the Oasis and the capt said no. My 11yr old son asked if it is true that they are planning on building a new freedom class ship and the capt couldn't really confirm but based on his reaction it seemed as if my son was on to something.

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On my most recent cruise, we were told that RCCL likely wouldn't build anything bigger than a Freedom class ship.


Personally, I'd love to see an updated radiance class ship. While I like Voyager class, I find that everything draws you to the inside. When I'm on a cruise, I want to see water.

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I think that the spending on Oasis (and soon, Allure) is atypical and I don't think it's sustainable. On my one (and only) cruise on Oasis, I found the atmosphere to be completely different than any other RC cruise. RC has done a good job with the TV ads, and I think its well documented that Oasis carries a far larger percentage of 1st time cruisers than other RC ships. These aren't the CC loyal crowd, but people that have seen the gimicks on TV and want to give them a try. May be their only cruise ever - why not blow a few bucks. I'm guessing that once the new thrills have become old hat, they will move on to other vacation options. Those that become serious cruisers will start watching their onboard spending, just as most of us do.

I understand the economies of a large ship on a per passenger basis, but I think that Oasis has carried the concept a bit too far. My best case scenerio ould be that RC bases their next builds along the lines of Celebrity's Solstice class. And, definitely an enclosed solarium - why, with the ships now going to Europe etc., do they stick with the old Voyager-class concept, i.e. ships that will never leave the Caribbean, so no facilities needed for bad weather.


If, as you say, the majority of Oasis passengers are not veteran RCI cruisers, then RCI has achieved its primary goal of expanding its market and introducing these new people to the pleasures of cruising. It isn't necessary that all of them become addicted to cruising, only that a measurable number do, and your speculation that those that become inveterate cruisers will pull back on their spending is just that, speculation. An improved economy will eventually lead to higher fares and, I will speculate, increased onboard spending on all of their ships. A larger market of cruisers is what is needed for the health of the industry overall and from your analysis of the Oasis experience that is what RCI is doing.

Voyager class ships, even without enclosed solaria,are already serving markets outside of the Caribbean and apparently doing so rather successfully, if you disregard the unfortunate Mariner situation. The impending opening of larger locks in Panama will open many more markets to Voyager and larger ships, and we have already seen a number of ports expanding their facilities in order to accept the largest ships in the market. Whatever the future holds, RCI will design and build only those ships which are cost-efficient and can operate at a maximum level of profitability, and they will only do that when conditions make it economicaly feasible to do so.:)

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Just off Jewel - Had a conversation with one of the officers - He or she mentioned that RCI is looking at a new class of ship somewhere bewtween Oasis and Freedom. Obviously, any specifics are very secret.
When the new Panama Canal locks are completed in 2014/15 ships larger than Freedom but not as large as Oasis will be able to transit. Coincidence that they may be building bigger than Freedom but smaller than Oasis?
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Just my opinion, but I think RCI needs to take a break with the new ships.

Then maybe they would have to worry about fuel prices, chocolates on your pillow and other items.... I personally think thats the real reason they charge for certain items, they changed the Crown and Anchor Booklet...ect its all to help pay for the Oasis and now the Allure. If and only IF they decide to make a new class it should be something between the Radiance Class and Voyager class, something they can afford. Dont get too big for your britches RCI..!!:cool:

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Based on a lead time of 5 or more years, I would assume they are playing with ideas. That certainly doesn't mean they are ready to build!


I believe that all cruise lines are constantly looking at the future, and ideas for new ships. Over time, these ideas either become reality, or continue to evolve. I'd say, based on comments from Mr. Fain, anything that is in the idea phase will continue to evolve for several more years before moving forward forward. That would put a new build project out 6 to 10 years.

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You obviously haven't been on very many cruises. When you have been on 15 or 20 cruises, you'll see that there simply aren't very many options after that..... You will see the same ports over and over.


You're right. only 4. Two planned and then figure, with RCCL's current ports-I can probably bang out about 6 on this line if I choose to stay with only Royal and then work on the rest of my bucket list.:D

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Voyager class ships, even without enclosed solaria,are already serving markets outside of the Caribbean and apparently doing so rather successfully, if you disregard the unfortunate Mariner situation. :)


Yes, I've done several Voyager and Freedom-class trips outside the Caribbean myself, and while I was willing to book, I still would have loved a solarium on some of those chilly days. My point was that RC went through all of the Vision and Radiance series with enclosed solariums. I had read that when they started on Voyager-class, the thinking was no need for enclosure, as these giants would never leave the Caribbean. Of course, now they are sailing all over.

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