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We just got off the RCCL Navigator and everyone was wearing lanyards....except us. They wanted a minimum of $6.95 for one so definitely find something fun on eBay, Amazon or Goodwill. I will find something interesting for our next one because sometimes it's just easier to have it around your neck!

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Had to have a photo id to get back on ship in St Thomas


Odd that your cruise card wouldn't qualify since it's got your photo either printed on the card or, at least with Princess, linked to your photo so that the photo pops up on the scanner when your cruise card is scanned in when you get on the ship. Guess it just shows that things definitely differ from place to place! :confused:



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I've never understood the lanyard thing. Maybe it's a UK versus US thing? No offence meant, but I hate the way they look, plus I wear one at work, so I don't want a reminder! Anyway, each to their own, but they're not my cuppa tea! :D

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Re photo ID it's for port security not ship security that you need it. Port security don't have access to cruise ship scanner. As I mentioned sometimes they want to see it other times they just wave you through.


PS. I'm in Ireland right this minute wearing a lanyard, the majority of people around me are also wearing a lanyard and I'm not at work 😉

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I just want to clarify the response I made earlier.....We only wear the card on a lanyard while onboard. It's just easier. We NEVER wear them ashore! I don't want to call attention to myself as a tourist any more than I have to for security/safety reasons.


I wear my lanyard under my shirt, pulling it out as necessary when I go ashore. I also have my D/L, a credit card and a few bucks for small purchases in the plastic pouch too. It's much easier (and safer from pickpockets) to find the cord and pull it out as needed. When under my shirt, it doesn't show and I know where it is at all times.


On the ship I may just stick it in my pocket for walking around or I may wear it if I'm going to the pool.

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it's amusing how petty some people are and that they feel THEY are the say all on fine fashion. If it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with you then WHO cares? just do what you want to do and the others with theirs noses in the air can get bent. Give them something else to gossip about in another CC thread.

Man I need to find me some kind of over the top lanyard to wear next month.

My 02


We find the lanyard very convenient and wear it all the time both on board and ashore. We tuck it in our shirt when ashore and wear it outside on board ship.




1. The card is needed frequently for on board activities and it's so easy to find on the lanyard vs. in a pocket, purse or wallet.

2. It helps when reboarding if we're laden with stuff acquired ashore so we don't have to drop everything to find our cards.

3. On some lines (Princess, for example) the color of the card denotes your status (Ruby, Gold, Platinum or Elite) which helps ship personnel establish that status without any intrusions.

4. I have a thin black lanyard and my DW a thicker pink one so we have no problem finding the correct one in our stateroom before we leave.


As for vanity considerations, we agree completely with the sentiment expressed by a cruise critic member in his/her signature:


"As my father used to say, 'You wouldn't worry so much what other people think about you, if you knew how seldom they did think about you instead of themselves.'"

Edited by Host Walt
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  • 2 weeks later...

I like keeping track of my S&S card ... but INSTEAD of a lanyard, I bought a cell phone case that also holds 2 cards! I always have my cell phone with me as this is also "my camera" during the trip ... and I like that my phone wont "blow away" while on a windy deck. :)

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Greatfully, I found another whole large thread of people who also share my distaste for lanyards! I feel less ostracisized now! Lol. Maybe it's because I have to wear one every day at my job that I don't like them. Who knows. But now I have been called a snob, the fashion police, and some other choice things. And again I reiterate the only point I was trying to make is that they do not go with evening wear..... and I think the reason everyone gets in such a wad is because maybe just maybe, i am right and that you do feel a little silly wearing a string around your neck with a plastic room key credit card on it? But again.... If it makes you happy do it. I, however, will not waiver in my opinion that it looks ridiiculous with evening wear! :) :) :) :). Happy Cruising guys!


Cruise Kev, you have a friend in me! I am in total agreement with everything you say, in fact, you should be offended that some people virtually called you a snob, so it's ok for them to judge you for having an opinion, but not you to judge them for wearing a lanyard?! I hate lanyards, I've been on 10 cruises and never lost my card, not once. I feel I look good, like to wear nice things and choose nice outfits to wear on the cruise and categorically do not want a lanyard ruining my outfit, plus, like you I wear one for work, so, it's a reminder! Anyway, that's my opinion, I dislike the way they look on myself and others, but I'm not a hater, each to their own! :D

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I have a cute little Vera Bradley ID wallet that came with a lanyard and I have found it really handy. It carries ID, Cash, even a Chapstick. We go to a lot of concerts and I've used it a lot at outdoor festivals and it was really handy. Didn't have to worry about where my purse is or getting pick pocketed in crowds. Hope you have wonderful cruises, y'all!

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I'm sorry, but I think wearing your cruise card around your neck on a lanyard is just weird. Put your card in your pocket, or in your husband's pocket, or in a small clutch. A lanyard is a sure sign of a newbie cruiser.


No, it's not a sure sign of a newbie cruiser. It may simply be a sign of a cruiser who finds it easier to do it this way than to fumble around in her husband's pockets (although I really do enjoy doing that). It's not a good idea to make a blanket assumption.

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Why has no one said what happens if you loose this card that could be on the lanyard?

What does it cost?

How long does it take to replace?

Let's do a cost benefit analysis on this problem.

Just saying.....

There is no cost to replace the card, at least on Princess. Other lines may charge, but I doubt it. If you're onboard the ship when you lose it, you just go to Passenger Services, tell them and they will make you another one. Since the card you're requesting is yours, it will have your photo on it when scanned so they can tell it is for you. If you're off the ship when you lose it, once you get back to the ship, you tell them that you lost your cruise card and they take it from there. That process may vary from ship to ship, I don't know, but they would probably veryify that you are who you say you are, by putting our name into the system and waiting for your photo to come up so you can be positively identified. You would either then be sent or escorted to Passenger Services to have a new card made. That would have to be your first stop as you couldn't even get into your room without a cruise card! The actual process of making a new card takes only a couple of minutes.



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Do they hand them out with the card for free when you start your cruise?


How much are they if they aren't free and I wonder if I should just buy some cheap at home first.




Hi... I am a new cruiser so am not sure if they are handed out... started reading the thread and stopped because it wasn't very nice.


I bought a very pretty beaded lanyard on ebay for less than $7 with shipping. I don't want to loose my sail & sign card. I am going to buy a plastic pouch to add to the bottom instead of just hanging the card on it, so I can slip in my DL when in port and extra ones for tipping on and off the ship. I can actually get a matching pouch if I go back to ebay... wish I had bought it when I bought the Lanyard.


If it points me out as a newbie so be it! I am proud of it.

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Hi... I am a new cruiser so am not sure if they are handed out... started reading the thread and stopped because it wasn't very nice.


I bought a very pretty beaded lanyard on ebay for less than $7 with shipping. I don't want to loose my sail & sign card. I am going to buy a plastic pouch to add to the bottom instead of just hanging the card on it, so I can slip in my DL when in port and extra ones for tipping on and off the ship. I can actually get a matching pouch if I go back to ebay... wish I had bought it when I bought the Lanyard.


If it points me out as a newbie so be it! I am proud of it.

No, they're not given out, at least not on Princess. You can bring one with you, certainly. As I remember their price on board the ships are about $2 although they may be cheaper than that depending on the occasion, but whether you get on ship or shore, as long as it works for you, that's what counts.


As to looking like a newby, who cares? EVERYBODY started out as a newby at one time or another. If someone doesn't like the way it looks on you, they don't need to look, right? But, to be honest, when you go ashore (or maybe even on the ship, it's not a bad idea to drop the lanyard inside your shirt/blouse/sweater/whatever so it doesn't get in your way and flop all over. The added advantage on shore is that it doesn't mark you as a person off the ship who will be around to ID anyone who picks your pocket. :p


Have a great cruise!



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No, they're not given out, at least not on Princess. You can bring one with you, certainly. As I remember their price on board the ships are about $2 although they may be cheaper than that depending on the occasion, but whether you get on ship or shore, as long as it works for you, that's what counts.



We just returned from a cruise on Princess. The gift shop sold lanyards for $4.95 per piece, 3 for $12.00.

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Hi... I am a new cruiser so am not sure if they are handed out... started reading the thread and stopped because it wasn't very nice.


I bought a very pretty beaded lanyard on ebay for less than $7 with shipping. I don't want to loose my sail & sign card. I am going to buy a plastic pouch to add to the bottom instead of just hanging the card on it, so I can slip in my DL when in port and extra ones for tipping on and off the ship. I can actually get a matching pouch if I go back to ebay... wish I had bought it when I bought the Lanyard.


If it points me out as a newbie so be it! I am proud of it.



Until a crook in port makes a very easy "grab and go."

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Which is easily prevented by slipping the lanyard inside the shirt, sweater, blouse.





The "grab and go" often happens at tourist attractions, when naive travelers take the lanyard out.

Likewise, some folks on CC will suggest carrying wallets, etc. in front pockets or purses with "strong straps." Guess they haven't yet encountered (or heard about) the band of kids with bandaged fingers (which hold razor blades for "slash and drop" (I.e., cut your pocket or purse bottom)).

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I plan on using one because I am really bad about losing my keys and stuff, I now keep them loaded on a lanyard. Im not sure what my bf will choose to do or my nephew and his gf...I really dont care what anyone thinks of the way I look as long as my bf thinks I look ok im good...just remember ppl have fun!!! To each their own...happy sailing everyone!!!!!

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No, it's not a sure sign of a newbie cruiser. It may simply be a sign of a cruiser who finds it easier to do it this way than to fumble around in her husband's pockets (although I really do enjoy doing that). It's not a good idea to make a blanket assumption.


I've heard this same conversation in another thread. You would think the opposite too I guess...

A lanyard may be a sure sign of an experienced cruiser.

It only truly takes one cruise of having to deal with the "non-lanyard" way of life.

Digging, fumbling, losing it. Aye Aye aye!! If I had to ask my hubby to get my card out every time I needed it, I would surely drive him to jump ship.


I like the quote up a few posts....the one about how much other people ARENT thinking about you and what your lanyard means to them...hahaha!!

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The "grab and go" often happens at tourist attractions, when naive travelers take the lanyard out.

Likewise, some folks on CC will suggest carrying wallets, etc. in front pockets or purses with "strong straps." Guess they haven't yet encountered (or heard about) the band of kids with bandaged fingers (which hold razor blades for "slash and drop" (I.e., cut your pocket or purse bottom)).


To be honest with you, it seems like you seem to have a reason why every suggestion won't work. Use a lanyard--"they" will grab and go, put it inside pockets of clothing or purses so it won't be seen--"they" will have razor blades to cut straps and pockets and grab your stuff. Yes, and if you go off the ship, they may just shoot you and take what they want too, but most people on cruises never even come close to having disasters like any of this happen, I would imagine and seldom find themselves confronted with "bands of kids with bandaged fingers which hold razor blades". Perhaps your experience in living in New York City (I'm assuming from your handle) is different.


I would suspect that most problems with cruise cards are simple misplacements or losses. A lost cruise card is mostly just a hassle since it can be replaced quite easily so a lanyard just greatly reduces the possibility of such an occurrence. I was on a short cruise a couple of months ago and didn't have a lanyard but somewhere along the line my cruise card somehow slipped out of my pocket and I had to get it replaced. Felt stupid and wasted my time and an employees time replacing something that shouldn't have been lost in the first place. To me a lanyard is a simple, easy solution to prevent a possible hassle.

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To be honest with you, it seems like you seem to have a reason why every suggestion won't work. Use a lanyard--"they" will grab and go, put it inside pockets of clothing or purses so it won't be seen--"they" will have razor blades to cut straps and pockets and grab your stuff. Yes, and if you go off the ship, they may just shoot you and take what they want too, but most people on cruises never even come close to having disasters like any of this happen, I would imagine and seldom find themselves confronted with "bands of kids with bandaged fingers which hold razor blades". Perhaps your experience in living in New York City (I'm assuming from your handle) is different.


I would suspect that most problems with cruise cards are simple misplacements or losses. A lost cruise card is mostly just a hassle since it can be replaced quite easily so a lanyard just greatly reduces the possibility of such an occurrence. I was on a short cruise a couple of months ago and didn't have a lanyard but somewhere along the line my cruise card somehow slipped out of my pocket and I had to get it replaced. Felt stupid and wasted my time and an employees time replacing something that shouldn't have been lost in the first place. To me a lanyard is a simple, easy solution to prevent a possible hassle.



You may want to search "pickpockets" and related topics on ports-of-call threads for cities like Barcelona or Lisbon. NYC is nothing when compared to European ports as regards stealing from tourists.


Savvy travelers use inside pants belt-looped sleeves (men) and Kevlar lined/strapped purses (women) for security. And, of course, they never carry a passport off a ship.


Walking near an antiquity or other tourist attraction in many locations and pulling out a flimsy plastic holder at the end of a lanyard from under your shirt (to retrieve an ATM card or cash) albeit only for a few moments, broadcasts a message that says "follow me and rob me."


As for the kids with the razors, check out the lines for the Colosseum in Rome and don't be surprised at all the bandaged fingers you'll see.


If you don't believe me or the many CC posts on this topic, check out Rick Steves guidebooks for exactly the same message.

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We are Diamond and use a lanyard...and toured in Rome, along with other cities. We were at many of the tourist attractions because...WE ARE TOURISTS. It's not that difficult to pick us out..with or without a lanyard or a camera around our neck. Just be dutiful and observant about your surroundings and try not to be paranoid. Honestly, if you read some of the remarks, you'd never get out of the U.S.... and look at everything you would miss seeing and experiencing.

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And we veteran cruisers just love to turn our noses up to those newbie cruisers.:eek:


Maybe they should have a special ship for those newbies.:cool:



Maybe a special ship for those who turn their noses up at those who don't do things the same as them?! Just saying...


I'm not a newbie cruiser and sometimes use a lanyard and sometimes don't. Depends where I am or what I'm doing!

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