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Thanks to Carnival for their great Military Rates

Julia Goolia

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Let me tell you about my family maj288. My wife and I met when we were both active duty Air Force. I have since gotten out of the USAF, and am a moderately disabled vet. (Nothing fancy, just moved a toolbox the wrong way and screwed up my back.) My wife is still active duty and currently deployed. Yes, she made the choice to join the military, and she made the choice to re-enlist. She gets up early every day to go to work, and do her job. She gets phone calls at all hours of the day, from the time she comes home at night until she's at work the next morning, people call her to ask for help, or tell her to come in and fix something someone else did wrong. If there is an exercise it's even worse, she'll have to get up at three in the morning, and drag all of her gear to work by four in the morning. Then she may not come back home until after 5 or 6 that night. She comes home from work exhausted almost every day. That is her life at home. Try to imagine her life overseas where she has a real-world mission to support. She works 6-7 days a week, I only get to talk to her in brief spurts through out the week. Granted we have it better than it used to be, because we can chat online.


Oh I forgot. We have a four year old daughter. So when mommy gets up to go to work in the morning she usually takes our daughter to daycare. But when she has an exercise at home our daughter may only see her mom for 10 hours in a week. Those precious few hours between the time mommy gets home (dead on her feet) to play with her, until it's bedtime. And right now of course my wife and daughter speak to each other about an hour a week via video chat. So tell me, that my wife and daughter don't deserve some kind of break. Yes my wife made the choice to join the military, and the choice to re-enlist. We have to pay the bills. I work, or attend school full time and we barely make it. Life is hard, but it would be much worse if we couldn't afford to feed our kid. So you come tell my daughter that her mom made the wrong choice. Or you come tell my daughter that we don't deserve anything from any one.


Remember to thank the people left home too, we have a rough life.


Thank you to all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines from around the world for what you do EVERY day.



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Julia: I hope you have a great cruise! You so deserve it!

My husband and I did the same thing in January... we took my now deployed son and his wife on a cruise! I would love it if we could all go again when he gets back...

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The men and women serving weren't forced to go into a war!


Actually I disagree. We go to the places and make sacrifices for people like you who won't. The American and Canadian service members who risked and some lost their lives gave you the freedom to show the world you are the idiot that you apparently are.


I could go on for hours schooling you, but I know it wouldn't do any good. You probably bash the police too, but call them when you are in need.

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First let me "Thank You for your service". Hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise, and pray for you a safe deployment and that you will be coming home soon to another fun cruise!:)

It's wonderful that Carnival recognizes our service men and women with a discount. We have our eleventh cruise booked, and have always been blessed with the Military discount. I for one, realize that it is not something that our Military feel they deserve, but it is always nice when others feel that the Military deserves some extra perks.

Again I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise...please come back and post to let us know how your cruise went.:)

PS. Julia, email me at pathways music at msn dot com Put something in the subject so that I will know it is from you....I have something that I would like to share with you!;)

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It's not fair for the military to get special rates without giving it to others. There are many different people risking their lives and saving other's lives that don't get this rate.





To Maj288:

Oh, how awful for you....you don't get a discount like our Military does....Well let me clue you in on a little secret......If you look in your phone directory.......I'm more than positive you will find a local recruiting office where you can sign up for Military service.

Now keep in mind, there are rules that apply, (as in most things in life) They are for active duty, retired or those who have served for at least two years. Oh, and it's also only for for those who have served "honorably", by this I mean if you have a dishonorable discharge, you need not apply!

Now if you can fill the "boots" of even one of these men or women, then please raise your hand for your Country, take the oath to "defend" with you life and then you too can enjoy the discount.

You obviously don't know the meaning of the word "compassion" and you obviously have no clue as to the "sacrifices" that Military personnel and their families go through, so that you can sit and complain that you don't get a discount.

As far as the statement that "they were not forced to join", well that is true for this last conflict, but prior to that the draft called many to battle. My husband has served in the Honor Guard at four funerals just this week, and I can tell you that I have never been more proud than to see him standing there in his uniform, honoring those who have gone where "Footsteps Cause No Sound".

I hope no one has to witness this ceremony, but to be honest, everyone needs to. They might just develop a new perspective of what these men and women have given for the rest of us.

Since I don't go with "political correctness" and I don't mince words where our Military are concerned, if I have offended, "Well it is what it is".

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Thanks again to everyone who has posted kind words, support and appreciation for all military members in both Canada and the US. As I posted before, your support is greatly appreciated and your kind words definitely touch my heart.


I'll be sure to come back and let you know how our cruise was and I'm sure you'll see me on here occasionally even when I'm overseas. I have to have something to keep me occupied in the few free hours that I get each day! :D


Hello to my neighbor Bobby_Mac. Guessing we are probably just down the road from each other out here in the "countryside of Tampa."


Drew's wife -- I posted an email to you as you requested. Please let me know if you don't receive it.


Thanks again to all. Take care,

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My husband has served in the Honor Guard at four funerals just this week' date=' [/color']


Wow! God bless him and thank him from the bottom of my heart. Honor guard is one of the toughest jobs that there is right behind casualty notification officer which is the absolute worst. I can tell you that without a doubt, the hardest thing I have EVER done and likely the hardest thing that I will ever do in the future was knocking on a door and having a young woman with a baby in her arms and toddler at her knee answer the door only for me to have to tell her that her husband was killed in action and would not be coming home to her and those children.


When I was last in Afghanistan, we would have a fallen comrade ceremony for every troop killed. We would line the main street of our base as the body(ies) were transported from mortuary affairs down to the flight line for their last flight home. I can't tell you how many ceremonies I stood there for but I can tell you that I cried at or after every single one of them.


I cried hardest of all as members of my own unit carried our own KIA on to the plane and as we all passed by to pay our respects. It's hard to say that we were blessed since we just lost one as any lost life is a tragedy but it's true that we were truly blessed because it could have been so much worse. It is tough to lose any of our military brothers and sisters but it is especially tough to lose one of your own.


Anyway -- thanks for letting me share. Not sure how I got off on that tangent but I know there are many out there that can relate to my stories and my experiences.


Thanks to all,

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Hello to my neighbor Bobby_Mac. Guessing we are probably just down the road from each other out here in the "countryside of Tampa."


Yep, we are almost neighbors. I get to Apollo Beach every now and then. My wife gets her hair done there.


Thanks for your service.

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Wow! God bless him and thank him from the bottom of my heart. Honor guard is one of the toughest jobs that there is right behind casualty notification officer which is the absolute worst. I can tell you that without a doubt, the hardest thing I have EVER done and likely the hardest thing that I will ever do in the future was knocking on a door and having a young woman with a baby in her arms and toddler at her knee answer the door only for me to have to tell her that her husband was killed in action and would not be coming home to her and those children.


When I was last in Afghanistan, we would have a fallen comrade ceremony for every troop killed. We would line the main street of our base as the body(ies) were transported from mortuary affairs down to the flight line for their last flight home. I can't tell you how many ceremonies I stood there for but I can tell you that I cried at or after every single one of them.


I cried hardest of all as members of my own unit carried our own KIA on to the plane and as we all passed by to pay our respects. It's hard to say that we were blessed since we just lost one as any lost life is a tragedy but it's true that we were truly blessed because it could have been so much worse. It is tough to lose any of our military brothers and sisters but it is especially tough to lose one of your own.


Anyway -- thanks for letting me share. Not sure how I got off on that tangent but I know there are many out there that can relate to my stories and my experiences.


Thanks to all,



I will be sure and tell him..:)

I must tell you that this post has just brought me to tears. I cannot even begin to imagine the scene that you have just conveyed in your post. To be in the presence of such heros (including yourself) would truly be an honor!

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The men and women serving weren't forced to go into a war! They chose their profession and I don't feel they should get any special treatment.


I'm entitled to my opinion as you're entitled yours.


And the reason you are "free" to give your opinion is because of the men and women of our military that continue to lay their lives down to ensure you are "free" to voice your opinion!

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And the reason you are "free" to give your opinion is because of the men and women of our military that continue to lay their lives down to ensure you are "free" to voice your opinion!


Yah, what he/she said!

The US military is awesome!

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The men and women serving weren't forced to go into a war! They chose their profession and I don't feel they should get any special treatment.


I'm entitled to my opinion as you're entitled yours.



I'm not worried about opinions, like rear-ends, everyone has one. But you state a lie as though it were your opinion and that is wrong and misleading. There are many WW2, Korea, and Vietnam veterans that did NOT choose to go to war, did NOT choose, to serve their country (many dies or were wounded), and DO deserve special treatment. I just don't know if you are too ignorant or young to have heard of the draft that was being used in the US up until 1975.

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Just to be clear..one of my previous posts was made in jest. The second one..well, when a Canadian has a (negative) opinion about the only military in the world that will fight for EVERYBODY else in the world worth fighting for...yeah..that one was sincere.

OK..back to your regularly scheduled topic.


Maybe you can pull your head out of your arse long enough to do a little research. The peace keeping missions Canadian Armed Forces have undertaken in hell holes such as Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia etc over the years, our contributions to Allied victories in WW I and II (do a little reading up on Vimy Ridge FFS) along with fighting side by side today with your military in places such as Iran and Afghanistan deserves respect that you sorrily lack.

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Just booked the Carnival Splendor for the November 28th sailing and saved over $400 on an 8F with the military discount.


So thankful to have gotten a great deal on my pre-deployment vacation. Now if time would just speed up a little so that it is closer to November 28th, I would be all set!


Is it too early to start planning my post-deployment cruise/welcome home celebration? The Magic will be in Galveston by then and I'll be in Killeen, Texas. Hmmm...got some thinking to do. :p



We do the same thing ........thank you CARNIVAL!!!!:)

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Poted by maj288


The men and women serving weren't forced to go into a war! They chose their profession and I don't feel they should get any special treatment.


maj288 , you must be very young or flunked US History.:confused:


WW2 , Korea & Vietnam were fought by "millions" of draftee's, many still alive and cruising .;)





Where's that LIKE button when I need it!

Great Post!

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You are complete idiot:(...and have NO appreciation for anyone who has served their country. If it is at home or on TOD's.. maybe you should try a month in our boots so you can gain some sort of appreciation for what we do everyday so you can be free...and to think we live in the same country.. you should be ashamed of yourself..

.. come on buddy try being a medic in theater trying to put buddies guts back in after and IED attach...How could you put something like it's not fair( so childish)...try being on the other end...some of us don't think it is fair what happened to us over seas.. losing friends loved ones, parents, children,husbands and wives.:(

A little appreciation for our sacrifice goes a long way...

I am the founder of a the yellow ribbon campaign..Operation Tie is on for the Troops in Canada( red fridays)We support out troops and the families left behind...I will be wearing red on the friday I am on board the ship as well as every friday..

And you are a disgrace:mad: to all who serve everywhere..shame on you



Well said!!!! My DARLING Brother - college professor, professional photograher and all around good guy died recently from the effects of agent orange during the Vietnam war, but he was proud he served to make all of our lives free!!!! Even people who speak out of ignorance!!!!

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It's not fair for the military to get special rates without giving it to others. There are many different people risking their lives and saving other's lives that don't get this rate.

So....did you get the reaction you were looking for?


I'm just askin'.

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  • 4 weeks later...
if you want that discount u can get it once u go months in basic training, more than a year overseas without seeing your family, missing the birth of your first child, looking fear right in the eye as you watch a fellow soldier cling to the last bit of his life. These people that fight for our country see more bad things in a single day than ANYONE should ever have to see in their lifetime. Give them the respect they deserve.


I couldnt have said it better myself!

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Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. My parents winter in Bradenton so I spend a lot of time down around that area. Will be spending quite a bit of time with them there before I head out. Enjoy the Legend. A beautiful ship and definitely one of my favorites.




Thanks to you as well. As for the naysayers – bring it on. I’m going to try not to let it bother me as there is ignorance world-wide and from what I hear, it can be bliss to be ignorant. To each their own.




I agree. I find that I get the best military discount from Carnival and while early saver is usually a better rate, military life is too unpredictable and I can’t take the chance of non-refundable deposits, etc. I just feel blessed that Carnival does think to honor us with what is typically a really good deal.




I just call my PVP directly and he gives me the best deal that he can. Booked a few cruises directly through him now so he is usually looking out for something that works best for me.




I agree that there are a lot of professions out there that call for one to risk their life and I do believe that others should receive discounts as well. (And as someone else pointed out, they do receive discounts through some websites, etc.) However, I will never concede that there is any other profession like the military. There is no other job that takes one from their home for 365 days (if not longer) at a time and puts you in the middle of a war zone where you don’t know who your enemy is and for all of that, pays some of our Soldiers so little that they qualify for food stamps. If you can point me towards another profession that does that, I am all ears/eyes.


I don't go around asking for special treatment or recognition because I have chosen to live my life serving our country. I have chosen to make the sacrifices that I make and don't expect anyone else to understand. I am extremely thankful when something special is offered to me though and that is the reason for my post here...to thank Carnival publicly and to share with others what a great company Carnival is to treat us so well.


I know that you surely aren’t begrudging me or anyone else for any discount that they receive but are simply disappointed that others are offered discounts too. I’ll forgive your lack of kindness and move on now. By the way, have you ever heard the statement "Life's not always fair?"




Thank you to both you and your hubby for your service as well. How are you enjoying being out? We’ll have to have a drink on board so we can chat military a bit. J I have actually posted on the roll call a couple of times already. My friend that I am sailing with is also active duty Army and is stationed out near LA so I am flying out to stay a couple of days with her and then we’ll embark on our adventure together on the 28th. Her birthday is on the 29th so we are looking forward to doing some celebrating. Hope to see you on board.


Julia, My wife and I are both in as well and both have served overseas..that was very well put and we both agree with you 110%...we will be cruising for our first time on the 28th..Cant wait..Thank you for your service...

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"It's not fair..." Lord, I'm so tired of that whine! :mad:

It's not fair that someone got dysentery from slurping down a gallon of rice-paddy water getting away from incoming artillery. It's not fair that a young man lost both legs due to an IED, lost a eye due to a piece of schrapnel, LOST HIS LIFE falling on a grenade so his buddies would survive! It's not fair that thirty years later someone is dying of pancreatic cancer caused by Agent Orange. Don't tell me about fair... crawl back into your warm bed and thank whomever you worship that you didn't and won't have to do it.


Oh yeah, that risk taker thing? Since I came back from Vietnam, I've been a cop, a firefighter and a correctional officer. NONE of them see the same risks. Save it sister! (BTW, they get discounts, too)



Julia, thank you and your cruise buddy (and the rest of your unit as well) for your service. Stay safe and put on the whole armor of the lord. Like the old fire horse, I wish I could still respond...


WOW!! I loved that!! Nothing like our veterans squaring away ignorant people who have never stepped foot in a combat zone..I agree with you sir 110%..My wife and I are both veterans and are still both in..You couldnt have said that any better...

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LOL I thought that perhaps someone had remembered that I am sailing on the Splendor on the 28th and had brought this back to the top to ask me how glad I was for that military discount now...provided I get to sail. :D


Thanks for bringing it back though, SldrMdc99 and for quoting what oldrailfan had posted. I somehow missed that and definitely agree with you that it was well written (and well worth the read.) Hopefully some who don't "get it" will take it to heart.


Thanks to you and your wife (as well as all of the others who have posted and/or read here) for your service. I am proud to stand beside each of you in the defense of our country(ies).


Now...hopefully I'll truly be taking advantage of that great military discount rate that I was given and enjoying a DOD or two in exactly two weeks from today. Keep your fingers crossed for me because I likely won't have a chance to squeeze another cruise in before I leave for Afghanistan.


Take care, all!

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Julia, thank you for your service! I'm glad you were able to save money with your military discount. You deserve a break! We save with my DH's military discount sometimes, too. (But when ES is available, it's usually the cheapest rate.) Have lots of fun, fun, fun on your cruise!!

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Julia, thank you for your service! I'm glad you were able to save money with your military discount. You deserve a break! We save with my DH's military discount sometimes, too. (But when ES is available, it's usually the cheapest rate.) Have lots of fun, fun, fun on your cruise!!


Thanks, Jan. And thank you to your DH for his service as well. You are right...ES is usually cheaper but with the units I have been in and the unpredictable schedule, unfortunately I can't take the chance of booking ES. Maybe when I retire.


Thanks for the well wishes for fun on the cruise too. And should we indeed get to cruise (still up in the air as I haven't heard a definite estimate from Carnival on the repairs) we plan to have a fabulous time. If we don't get to sail...well, not really sure what (if anything) we will do. Still keeping my fingers crossed and thinking positively though.


Take care,

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LOL I thought that perhaps someone had remembered that I am sailing on the Splendor on the 28th and had brought this back to the top to ask me how glad I was for that military discount now...provided I get to sail. :D


Thanks for bringing it back though, SldrMdc99 and for quoting what oldrailfan had posted. I somehow missed that and definitely agree with you that it was well written (and well worth the read.) Hopefully some who don't "get it" will take it to heart.


Thanks to you and your wife (as well as all of the others who have posted and/or read here) for your service. I am proud to stand beside each of you in the defense of our country(ies).


Now...hopefully I'll truly be taking advantage of that great military discount rate that I was given and enjoying a DOD or two in exactly two weeks from today. Keep your fingers crossed for me because I likely won't have a chance to squeeze another cruise in before I leave for Afghanistan.


Take care, all!


Julie, Thank you for your service! We have a cruise planned for January to celebrate our son's homecoming from his 8 month deployment as a Submariner for the Navy. This was his first deployment. People can't believe that after being out to sea for 8 months that what he wanted to do on his leave was to take a cruise! But he loves cruising!! However, we found that the military rate wasn't the cheapest way to go for us - the previous guest rate was cheaper. But glad you got a good rate! Have a great cruise and stay safe!

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