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Desperate in Barcelona for advice!


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Hi, everyone. No sooner did I get to Barcelona when someone grabbed my carryon from onto of my suitcase and took off. I now am heartbroken but also frantic because it is Saturday and we are supposed to sail on the Century transatlantic on Monday. The consulate's office is closed until Monday.


I have no id. I am trying to reach my daughter to fax my birth certificate to the hotel but so far I cannot reach her.


I have been told that they may not be able to get me a passport that fast.


Any advice would be appreciated.





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Oh Fern, I am so sorry to hear this. We had a couple at our table who had a similar issue and were without passports after a bad incident in Barcelona. If I recall correctly, they received more assistance from the Barcelona governmental office than from the American Embassy. They were able to secure temporary passports and caught up with the ship in Salerno, our first port, on Tuesday. Good luck to you both. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.



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A lot of credit card companies offer a Travel Assistance Service for problems encountered during a trip that was paid for on a credit card issued through them. You might try calling your credit card company to ask about this. For example the assistance number for Citibank is 877-264-7605 - I think you might have to call a local ATT access number to dial this and the local ATT access number for Barcelona is 900-99-0011 - probably a charge involved.


There is a web page specifically for the US Embassy in Barcelona which has some information http://www.embusa.es/cons/acsdocumenting.html indicates that they might be able to help you on Monday morning. Says that they might be able to do a one day emergency service on Monday so there is hope.


You might want to call Celebrity and alert them that you're dealing with this on Monday and find out when you must be at the port by. They also might be of some help. The edocs from our last cruise out of Barcelona indicate a Celebrity Meet and Greet contact number in Barcelona for day of travel concerns of +34.93.301.2244


If you have travel insurance call them - this may or may not be covered by them but I think most of these companies have a department that offers travel assistance in emergencies the Celebrity # for out of the USA is is 1-603-898-2679 and they'll accept collect calls if you have coverage. If you can't get through and are trying to call through the ATT access number above the USA toll free number is 866-509-7716


Good Luck!

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Thank you all for your help. Your info has been very helpful in trying to move forward. The travel insurance person, who called me back, was really supportive. I have my insurance through Celebrity, Berkeley Care, and this company is hired by Berkeley Care to provide 24 hour support. She connected me with my daughter in California, emailed me plane, train, and port info in case we miss the ship and have to pick it up elsewhere.


After all the stress of whether the Century can leave on time, now I don't know if we can!


More some other time. But much thanks for now.



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We are in Barcelona and just off a cruise. We joked with the check in agent at Celebrity that we didnt have our passports when we checked in. She told us that we would be surprised at how many passengers lose or forget them. She said that after a visit to the US Embassy, they are usually back to check in within an hour or two. Hopefully this will be your case also.

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So glad to hear that you are on your way to replacing your passport and getting on the ship. It's good to know that the insurance companies have 24/7 help that is reliable in a situation like this. Good luck...hope it all goes well.


Happy cruising....Joanne

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We are in Barcelona and just off a cruise. We joked with the check in agent at Celebrity that we didnt have our passports when we checked in. She told us that we would be surprised at how many passengers lose or forget them. She said that after a visit to the US Embassy, they are usually back to check in within an hour or two. Hopefully this will be your case also.



Glad to hear you guys got on another sailing.... can you weigh on the aborted 10/13 century cancelled sailing....:p



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Well, I made it! Just wanted all you caring people to know the American Consulate, out in the middle of nowhere, btw, was great. They were kind, reassuring, and fast. We took a taxi from there at ten thirty a.m. straight to the port and circled like buzzards looking for the Century. Eventually the cabbie sorta just dropped us off wherever and I made my way to a port hotel which let me call Celebrity. They were not a big enough presence given the ship didn't actually get in until four p.m. on Monday rather than the scheduled a.m. But Celebrity handed out notification that each passenger was going to be credited for $25.00 for lunch, more than fair, and they provided free shuttles back to the dreadful Placa Catalunya where I was robbed. We took advantage of this and went to the big department store FNAC on the Placa and I got an iPad charger, stolen with my bag. I had very little juice left so this was good.


The Century looks great. They had a week to polish and shine and everything sparkles. Our cabin, 1237, is, just like the last one, a splendid place to spend two weeks. There are a couple of problems but, Arles, our newly introduced and very nice butler, will make it all right, I am sure.


Surprised to see many many passengers in jeans in the MDR on the first night.perhaps because we started so late, no one changed. We did not sail until a little after eleven. It's the middle of the night now, almost full waning moon and a sky full of stars. Cold. It is great to be back on water.


Internet easy with the iPad.


Thanks again for your help, compadres. It made a big difference. I am still devastated but it will no doubt get better. I have a note card at home which says: after my barn burned, I could see the moon.


I have to hold on to that for what little help it provides.


Signing out now.



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I am so glad you are safely on board. Dear Arles from Honduras is the best butler we have ever had- and such a lovely smile. He will treat you royally. When we were on Equinox and docked in Honduras he was so happy his family had made the 7 hour journey over 2 days just to have a couple of hours with him.

Give him our best regards from Scotland

Ann and Charles

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Fern, I am SO happy to hear that you made it on board. I've been checking these boards all day long, hoping against hope that you would make it. Bravo to the American Consulate!


I hope there was nothing of sentimental value in your carry-on case. Everything else can be replaced and I hope your travel insurance company treats you well.


I loved the quote about the barn and the moon. I think I'll keep that one.


I hope you can put that unpleasant experience in Placa Catalunya behind you and have a wonderful cruise.


We'd all love to hear from you if you have the time to post. I'm especially interested in hearing how the Ipad is working for you, as I hope to get one for Christmas, prior to our B2B on the Eclipse in January.


Fair winds and smooth sailing until you are back home. :)

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Fern--I'm also so happy to hear that you are well settled in and on board the Century enjoying your cruise. Thanks goodness the consulate came through and that unfortunate ordeal can be put behind you for now. From what a few folks posted regarding passport replacement, it appears that they have a system in place to expedite the process. You were in my thoughts the last few days, I can't imagine adding this incident on top of what all of you had gone through the prior week.


Very pleased to hear the IPad is working, and the only issue of concern, was to replace the cord.... for me, it was equally simple to connect and post each day. Perhaps we should start a little "IPad for Cruisers" fan club :) I look forward to hearing about your great adventure.


Sit back, relax, and savor every moment of what is sure to be a wonderful crossing.


Happy cruising....Joanne

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Well this is certainly a cautionary tale about complacency. Yes, Elena, my jewelry, almost every piece I collected and had stories about and was to have been passed on to my daughters was taken. What was I thinking??? I know what I thought ... and I have done it with pleasure in the past! I wanted to wear the pretty jewelry I cannot wear much at home so I took it, in a blue velvet pouch in the hand luggage, along with my cherished Leica which of course, although I loved it, is replaceable. But the antique carved amethyst and jade necklace from China at the turn of the twentieth century ... Sigh. Great sentimental value. And tonight is formal night and I go down bare.

Not my fault really. I was robbed in bright morning light by a guy with a knife who cut it, in ten seconds flat, really, and ran with it down the metro. Some guy told me it was a good thing I hadn't found him when I chased after him down the metro. Apparently a knife sharp enough to cut through a wide strap tight over a suitcase handle is wielded at tourists more frequently than I would have thought. At least I am intact, albeit with a sense of utter stupidity and futility!


Should have brought costume jewelry!


Oh well. Beautiful crisp day and we are off to drinks with friends before dinner.


Best to all.



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Well this is certainly a cautionary tale about complacency. Yes, Elena, my jewelry, almost every piece I collected and had stories about and was to have been passed on to my daughters was taken. What was I thinking??? I know what I thought ... and I have done it with pleasure in the past! I wanted to wear the pretty jewelry I cannot wear much at home so I took it, in a blue velvet pouch in the hand luggage, along with my cherished Leica which of course, although I loved it, is replaceable. But the antique carved amethyst and jade necklace from China at the turn of the twentieth century ... Sigh. Great sentimental value. And tonight is formal night and I go down bare.

Not my fault really. I was robbed in bright morning light by a guy with a knife who cut it, in ten seconds flat, really, and ran with it down the metro. Some guy told me it was a good thing I hadn't found him when I chased after him down the metro. Apparently a knife sharp enough to cut through a wide strap tight over a suitcase handle is wielded at tourists more frequently than I would have thought. At least I am intact, albeit with a sense of utter stupidity and futility!


Should have brought costume jewelry!


Oh well. Beautiful crisp day and we are off to drinks with friends before dinner.


Best to all.




Listen, my love.

It's no comfort now, but a guy has a knife and robs you.

Everything you lost, whilst being irreplacable, is only a bauble and an irrelevance when compared to the damage that the knife could do to you.


Just be thankful that it was only material things that were taken and not something far more precious.


I really hope you enjoy your cruise, but be optimistic and pragmatic and realise that possessions are not nearly as important as people.

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Dear Fern:


I'm terribly sorry about the robbery incident. Glad you got your passport.


In all of the rush, I don't know if they told you this at the Consulate, but the passport they gave you is a temporary emergency passport only good for about six months. When you get home, and before the expiration date, you need to change it for a permanent passport, which is already included in the price you paid for the emergency passport (at least it used to be included).


So just make sure you do that before you forget and plan another trip only to find out at the last minute that you have no valid passport.


Kind regards,


Gunther and Uta

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Well this is certainly a cautionary tale about complacency. Yes, Elena, my jewelry, almost every piece I collected and had stories about and was to have been passed on to my daughters was taken. What was I thinking??? I know what I thought ... and I have done it with pleasure in the past! I wanted to wear the pretty jewelry I cannot wear much at home so I took it, in a blue velvet pouch in the hand luggage, along with my cherished Leica which of course, although I loved it, is replaceable. But the antique carved amethyst and jade necklace from China at the turn of the twentieth century ... Sigh. Great sentimental value. And tonight is formal night and I go down bare.

Not my fault really. I was robbed in bright morning light by a guy with a knife who cut it, in ten seconds flat, really, and ran with it down the metro. Some guy told me it was a good thing I hadn't found him when I chased after him down the metro. Apparently a knife sharp enough to cut through a wide strap tight over a suitcase handle is wielded at tourists more frequently than I would have thought. At least I am intact, albeit with a sense of utter stupidity and futility!


Should have brought costume jewelry!


Oh well. Beautiful crisp day and we are off to drinks with friends before dinner.


Best to all.




Oh Fern, how sad. I was really, really hoping that there was nothing of great sentimental value in that bag.


You're right that it is a cautionary tale, and I for one have learned something from it. I usually only bring costume jewellery with me, but my favourite necklace is a gold pendant that belonged to my grandmother and then to my mother. It is beautifully engraved, with a large cairngorm (Scottish semiprecious stone) in the centre, and sometimes I bring that piece with me, thinking that it is safe in my carry-on that never leaves my grip. I never wear it off the ship and leave it in the safe when I am not wearing it. I've always thought that I have taken all possible precautions. You can be sure that, after your experience, I will never bring it along on my travels again.


I know that you are most grateful that no one was hurt, but I also know it is sad to lose something that you had planned to pass on to your daughter.


The one thing I know from my life is that, from every sad thing, one good thing will come. Just keep your eyes open for it :).


I hope you have the most wonderful trip from now on.

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Fern, I truly feel for you having gone through something similar in Barcelona. We are very seasoned travellers and consider ourselves to be ultra careful but it seems that we were just not careful enough. It happened to us at the end of our cruise and at least they did not get the passports. We had tried to check into our post cruise hotel and were too early. They allowed us to store our bags and as in Spain they check passports at the hotel, we asked them to hold on to them until we got back. Went to a coffee shop and my handbag was stolen with all my jewellry, money, credit cards etc. etc. It is the most horrible feeling, we were well insured but like you there were items I could not replace. We are on the Connie TA next week and I will be bringing only costume jewellry, as much as I would like to wear the nice items I now have, they can stay home and be safe. I really hope you have a great cruise and can get over this trauma.

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As awful as the experience was, it is true that you could have been injured, and you would not be enjoying your wonderful cruise right now. It is so sad that as travelers, we have to be overly cautious with something as simple as a tote bag. I know that my husband is always reminding me to carry it close to my body, but at times, that is not even a secure enough place. Quite a few of us have learned by your experience, and even the most seasoned travelers, will be more cautious in the future.


Love to hear how your trip is progressing...keep us up to date if time allows.


Happy cruising...Joanne

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