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Celebrity Summit Review (November 13-20, 2010)


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Thanks for all the nice pics and info on Pigeon Point Beach. It's where we plan on going. Quick question: Do we have to make arrangements for a taxi to pick us up at a certain time, and if we don't, are there taxis available?


Thanks again!



That's actually a funny story that I wasn't going to go into, but since you asked...


We told our driver to pick us up at 3pm because we wanted to be sure to get back to the ship on time. We waited until 3:10 and our taxi driver never came for us. Meanwhile, several other taxi drivers were standing around looking for people to drive back to the ship, and they kept asking us if we needed a ride, but we said no because we thought we had a taxi coming. At 3:10, we decided we had no reason to be loyal to our original driver... we had paid him the $20 to get us to the beach, and had no way to know for sure if he would ever come back for us. Just as we gave in and took a ride from a different driver, we saw our original taxi pull up. Too bad for him! He was late and we couldn't risk missing our all aboard time!


So I guess the lesson learned is yes, you should tell your driver a certain time to come get you just to be safe, but if he doesn't show up or if you want to leave earlier, there will probably be other taxis there to take you back to the ship!

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That's actually a funny story that I wasn't going to go into, but since you asked...


We told our driver to pick us up at 3pm because we wanted to be sure to get back to the ship on time. We waited until 3:10 and our taxi driver never came for us. Meanwhile, several other taxi drivers were standing around looking for people to drive back to the ship, and they kept asking us if we needed a ride, but we said no because we thought we had a taxi coming. At 3:10, we decided we had no reason to be loyal to our original driver... we had paid him the $20 to get us to the beach, and had no way to know for sure if he would ever come back for us. Just as we gave in and took a ride from a different driver, we saw our original taxi pull up. Too bad for him! He was late and we couldn't risk missing our all aboard time!


So I guess the lesson learned is yes, you should tell your driver a certain time to come get you just to be safe, but if he doesn't show up or if you want to leave earlier, there will probably be other taxis there to take you back to the ship!


Thank you! And thanks for the heads up about the traffic. We'll be sure to leave early.

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Friday 11/19: Sea Day


On the sea day, I really intended to sleep late, but of course woke up by 8:30am. I spent an hour or so packing so I wouldn't have to waste time packing later in the day, and then I went to the big brunch in the MDR at 10am. Celebrity apparently did away with the midnight buffet and they replaced it with brunch. They set up the room with food stations at a few different tables, and used ice sculptures as the centerpieces. Before taking a plate to gather my food, I took some photos:








The staff talent show was scheduled at 10:45am, which was a little early as I felt rushed to finish my brunch, but it was worth going to. 5 or 6 staff members performed magic tricks, singing, comedy, and I can't remember what else, and at the end they had all of the staff march down the aisles and go up on stage (including all the stewards and waiters too):




The weather was kind of crummy (cold, cloudy, and raining most of the day), so I found a lounge chair in the T-pool room and took a nap. Then I went to the art auction at 1:30 because I wanted to experience the whole thing. They gave out tons of free champagne, and had very reasonable starting prices for the art (although I did not bid on anything!). After that, I went to the pool deck to watch an ice carving demonstration, then I did some shopping on the ship to find the last of my holiday presents for my family. Then I went back to my room to change for dinner, finish packing and put my suitcase outside my room. I went to one last "These Guys" performance before dinner.

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I was a little unimpressed with the dinner menu on the last night... maybe it's just because I was so excited by all the options on previous nights, but I just didn't think it was as good on the last night.






Spinach Turnover:



Veal Cordon Bleu:



Strawberry Cheesecake (off the every day menu):



After an unusually long dinner, I made my way around the ship to say goodbye to my new friends.

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Saturday 11/20: Disembarkation :(


Sadly, the week had come to an end and it was time to go home. The buffet was supposed to close around 8:30, so I went to breakfast early (this was the only time the entire week when I had trouble finding a place to sit to eat! It was soooo crowded that I was tempted to just bring my food back to my cabin, but I eventually found a seat). Then I went back to my cabin and waited until 9:30am for my time to meet and wait for them to call my luggage tag number. Apparently they were a little delayed in clearing customs because they didn't actually call my number until 45 minutes later. I got off the ship quickly and had no trouble finding my suitcase lined up under the correct number in the warehouse. Then I got on the end of an extremely long line and waited over a half hour to go through customs at the port. Once I got outside, I found some people to share a taxi with to the airport. I knew it should cost us $19 flat rate, and not per person, but our taxi driver tried to rip us off. We were firm that we would be making one stop at the airport and would only pay the $19 (plus $1 per bag) and when we finally got to the airport we basically handed her what we wanted to pay and walked away. Be very careful with these taxi drivers because they really try to get the most money they can out of you, hoping you don't know about the zoning prices for fares. I had about a 2 minute wait for the agriculture scanners, and a 10 minute wait to check my bags with JetBlue, and then I was off to sit in the terminal for 3.5 hours until my flight. Luckily, I ran into lots of new friends while I was waiting (we were the only ship disembarking in San Juan that day, so it was not surprising that I saw many familiar faces at the airport!) I only took one photo that last day, so I think it is fitting to end my review with a beautiful view of a full moon over the sunset out the plane window on my flight home:






So that's my week in review... thanks for all the compliments you have posted :) feel free to ask any more questions and hopefully I can answer it for you!

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Thanks again for the wonderful review, and thanks for the pics on the brunch. The last time we skipped brunch for some reasons that I've forgotten, but after seeing your pics, I'll be sure to go this time.


I saw the very appetizing pic of the veal cordon bleu. How was it? :)

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Thanks for allowing us to share on your cruise Deladane!

You really don't come across solo reviews with so much detail and photos!

I love to cruise solo (heading out next week!!)! I have so many people that ask "why?" or "are you going to be scared being alone?". The answer is no!

Can't wait for your next cruise review!!

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Thanks for allowing us to share on your cruise Deladane!

You really don't come across solo reviews with so much detail and photos!

I love to cruise solo (heading out next week!!)! I have so many people that ask "why?" or "are you going to be scared being alone?". The answer is no!

Can't wait for your next cruise review!!


HAHAHA unfortunately, you might be waiting quite a while for my next cruise review because I don't have any cruises scheduled in the forseeable future :( if and when i do cruise again, i promise to post another detailed review!


I hope you have a fabulous time on your cruise next week!!! be sure to post your experiences when you get back :)

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Thanks again for the wonderful review, and thanks for the pics on the brunch. The last time we skipped brunch for some reasons that I've forgotten, but after seeing your pics, I'll be sure to go this time.


I saw the very appetizing pic of the veal cordon bleu. How was it? :)



The brunch is worth checking out specifically for the presentation of the food and all the pretty ice sculptures. The actual food that they serve is basically the same stuff they have up at the waterfall buffet... they just dress it up and make it look fancier haha


the veal was okay, not my favorite meal of the week (as i mentioned in the review), but i like it enough not to send it back and order anything different haha

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Saturday 11/20: Disembarkation :(


Sadly, the week had come to an end and it was time to go home. The buffet was supposed to close around 8:30, so I went to breakfast early (this was the only time the entire week when I had trouble finding a place to sit to eat! It was soooo crowded that I was tempted to just bring my food back to my cabin, but I eventually found a seat). Then I went back to my cabin and waited until 9:30am for my time to meet and wait for them to call my luggage tag number. Apparently they were a little delayed in clearing customs because they didn't actually call my number until 45 minutes later. I got off the ship quickly and had no trouble finding my suitcase lined up under the correct number in the warehouse. Then I got on the end of an extremely long line and waited over a half hour to go through customs at the port. Once I got outside, I found some people to share a taxi with to the airport. I knew it should cost us $19 flat rate, and not per person, but our taxi driver tried to rip us off. We were firm that we would be making one stop at the airport and would only pay the $19 (plus $1 per bag) and when we finally got to the airport we basically handed her what we wanted to pay and walked away. Be very careful with these taxi drivers because they really try to get the most money they can out of you, hoping you don't know about the zoning prices for fares. I had about a 2 minute wait for the agriculture scanners, and a 10 minute wait to check my bags with JetBlue, and then I was off to sit in the terminal for 3.5 hours until my flight. Luckily, I ran into lots of new friends while I was waiting (we were the only ship disembarking in San Juan that day, so it was not surprising that I saw many familiar faces at the airport!) I only took one photo that last day, so I think it is fitting to end my review with a beautiful view of a full moon over the sunset out the plane window on my flight home:






So that's my week in review... thanks for all the compliments you have posted :) feel free to ask any more questions and hopefully I can answer it for you!

A lovely end to a lovely review.....


I almost got a tear in my eye when I looked at the piture taken out the window of the plane.....


I for one have looked out a few plane windows post cruise and shed a tear or so....it brings back that sad post cruise feeling.......



I'm so happy to see a young first time solo cruiser have such a great time....hopefully you will get busy starting to plan your next adventure at sea soon!!!!! Good luck!!!!!

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How did you manage to take those very nice pictures of the brunch with very few or no people getting in your way? I would assume that the place was packed...:)


HAHA well I have to admit I went in the MDR with a purpose. Once I was awake early that morning, I knew I could be one of the first into the MDR just by waiting outside the doors 5 minutes before they opened, and while everyone else walked in looking for the stacks of plates, I walked in with my camera in hand and immediately took my pictures :) I figured it was more worth it to get a picture of the display and the trays of food untouched, than it was to be the first person to put a piece of lox on my plate LOL

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Friday 11/19: Sea Day


On the sea day, I really intended to sleep late, but of course woke up by 8:30am. I spent an hour or so packing so I wouldn't have to waste time packing later in the day, and then I went to the big brunch in the MDR at 10am. Celebrity apparently did away with the midnight buffet and they replaced it with brunch. They set up the room with food stations at a few different tables, and used ice sculptures as the centerpieces. Before taking a plate to gather my food, I took some photos:











Thanks for answering my question...with pictures no less. :D

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HAHA well I have to admit I went in the MDR with a purpose. Once I was awake early that morning, I knew I could be one of the first into the MDR just by waiting outside the doors 5 minutes before they opened, and while everyone else walked in looking for the stacks of plates, I walked in with my camera in hand and immediately took my pictures :) I figured it was more worth it to get a picture of the display and the trays of food untouched, than it was to be the first person to put a piece of lox on my plate LOL

Now I know why I'll never be able to take these wonderful pictures -- I wake up too late... Thanks so much for sharing them.

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One of the best I have ever read and fabulous pictures.

Can hardly wait for you to cruise and post more reviews.

Perhaps you are in the wrong profession. Apply to Cruise Critic to do reviews for them.

Sincere thanks

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One of the best I have ever read and fabulous pictures.

Can hardly wait for you to cruise and post more reviews.

Perhaps you are in the wrong profession. Apply to Cruise Critic to do reviews for them.

Sincere thanks

I absolutely agree. What an awesome review with all the wonderful pictures. I rarely, if ever, finish the second paragraph of most reviews that I read here... cuz they are simply boring.


This review reads like a documentary that pretty much takes you to the cruise yourself. AWESOME!

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I'm really enjoying your review, and I'm in the mood for sushi. Having sailed on Summit quite a few times, and with a 6pm dinner seating, it's something I tend to miss. I shall make a special effort to enjoy some on my Dec. 18-26 holiday cruise.





Next, I went up to Revelations lounge for "The Taste of Summit", where the sushi chef and a chef from Normandie did a brief demonstration and offered samples of the food.


Darwin the Sushi Chef:



This definitely put me in the mood for some more sushi, so I had a little snack at the sushi buffet:


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I'm really enjoying your review, and I'm in the mood for sushi. Having sailed on Summit quite a few times, and with a 6pm dinner seating, it's something I tend to miss. I shall make a special effort to enjoy some on my Dec. 18-26 holiday cruise.





You might want to check out the sushi demos- it is a good way for you to try the sushi without having to spoil your dinner appetite, as the demos were usually held in the mid afternoon (right around the time I was returning to the ship from port anyway!) have a great cruise :)

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Dana, if you don't mind, one more question for you: In Dominica, when you were in the gorge, how cold was the water? I've heard different reports, from ok to freezing. But then, I live in So Cal, and 50's for us is freezing... HAHA :D


Honestly, from So Cal, you might think the water is a bit chilly. I'm from NY, and most of the people on my tour were from Central PA, so we're all fairly used to cold temperatures and were able to tolerate it with no problem. I really didn't think it was that cold because I had read so many reviews about how freezing it is, so my expectations were that I'd be stepping into glacier water or something! Your best bet is to get in and immediately dunk your head... it helps your body get used to the water faster if you just go all out, rather than slowly easing yourself in and suffering the cold little by little. Titou Gorge was absolutely beautiful and a once in a lifetime experience, so my philosophy was to just suck it up so I could enjoy the day! You'll have a great time, even with the slightly cold water :)

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