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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Monday: Anita

Tuesday: Pam, Kasi, Anita

Wednesday: Anita

Thursday: Pam, Kasi, Anita

Friday: Pam, Kasi

Saturday: Pam, Anita

Sunday: Kasi


Kasi, congratulations on your new job! It sounds like the norm is to give quite a long notice when you are leaving your job there! I recall now when you mentioned this before...two months notice? Two weeks can be the norm here.


I think it's a great idea to get a vacation in there between the jobs! DH did that once and it was so nice. Sounds like a busy cruise schedule, but definitely fun.


Mom and I were talking and our main concern with the Latin cook book for you, Kasi, is the availability of some of the ingredients. I'll have to take a look at the book myself, but Mom was thinking that maybe it would be great fun for you especially when you are into your gardening weather and may be able to grow some of the ingredients that you might have a problem purchasing in your stores.


Just off the top of my head, green salsas and sauces in Latin cuisine usually use a fruit called a tomatillo; I guess you could liken it to a green tomato, but it is altogether different. Have you ever seen this in any stores in your area? They normally have a paper like husk around the fruit. Or could you get seeds? Personally, I was thinking that it would be good to start a garden myself, especially geared toward this venture. So we might plan the order of the recipes based on when the ingredients would be available (especially if we all try growing our own!).


Had a great class this morning. Kelly's business relationship in her place went sour and so she is not teaching at this time. I was wondering if any of my former classmates might come back to the rec center to check my classes. And yes, indeed, one student came this morning. It was a very positive thing. I admit to being a little concerned as to how well received my class would be, especially if these ladies were so attached to Kelly and her classes...could they be open-minded and enjoy me for who I am and how my classes are? Sure enough...yes, it was very good.


And in other feel good news, one of my students continues to make progress in lowering her cholesterol. Her doctor was threatening to give her Lipitor for Christmas, but apparently, he is pleased with her progress and said to continue doing what she was doing. Very cool!


And another student reported about her vastly improved blood pressure. Used to being about 147 on the top number, the nurse was so excited, and had to call for the doctor, because this student's blood pressure was 124 over 71! How exciting is that?


Next week is the week for everyone to get back to it, it seems. My corporate and Curves classes resume. Kasi is back into her classes. Mom is getting back into her groove.


Donna, you still doing Zumba classes? Debbie? Are they still having Zumba at your church? Kim, you back into your Pilates? Anyone else?


If you'd like to be added to the schedule so that we can cheer you on too, please let us know what your schedule is!

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Good afternoon everyone,


I just want give a BIG shout out for how to set up your blogger account in order to maintain some semblance of privacy.


You HAVE to have a first and last name included in your account information in order to set up your account. Do NOT use your real names. Even if you change your user name to only be your first name or some other pseudonym, there will be a way for everyone to see the full name that you used when you set up your account.


Mom had a stroke of BRILLIANCE in coming up with her name; I am passing this along to you so that you will not have to go through what Mom is having to go through in order to deal with privacy issues.


Please use "Chef" for your first name

And your real first name for the last name

When you FIRST set up your account.


Your user name can be whatever you would like it to be.


The account name information is accessible only in the activities area of the given profile whenever anyone clicks on the name of a follower of a blog, so it is somewhat buried, but still...it's there.

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Well, perhaps not everyone is as challenged by some aspects of the internet as I am. Hopefully! Right?


I'm so happy that we've decided to add this blog activity into our already busy schedule and there's absolutely no sarcasm in my voice when I say that. :)


I think that I'm an overall happier person when I'm doing my due diligence in the kitchen. I know that I eat better and that I feel better. My biggest problem is just a boredom factor; my DH can eat the absolute same thing for breakfast (well, he does) and lunch (ok, he does) and would for dinner if I let him! Me? I just can't. I just can't. Enough said.


I'm happy that I've got some company in trying out new recipes... new flavors. My DH "might" give me a struggle with this. His comment about a new recipe that I recently tried was... "it's not my favorite." OK? Well, I know that he would eat his "favorite" forever, as we've already established. So I'm just going to have to run with this and take his comments in stride. After all... I already know what they will be, right? He'll be eating some "not his favorite" along the way and I think he'll survive.


So I didn't make it to Zumba on Saturday. I totally psyched myself out of going and I'm sorry that I did that to myself. It's just too long to go without Zumba from Friday morning until Tuesday night. If there was a class that I could go to tomorrow, I think that I'd just get myself to it. But, as there isn't... that just becomes wishful thinking.


So, this coming week... Zumba on Tuesday night, definitely on Thursday morning, probably on Friday, and definitely on Saturday! And I'll be trying a few new recipes this week!


Christmas is slowly, slowly, slowly retreating in my house! I decided that I wasn't going to put anything away until it was (a) repaired and (b) perfect. So, I've spent hours and hours troubleshooting my pre-lit Christmas tree! Eureka, this afternoon! I fixed all the light strands. So, it is now in it's protective wrapping, ready to be stored. Still have some final touches to do on some ornaments that need to be repaired and then it will be done and absolutely ready for next year.


Then, believe it or not, I'm going to start polishing silver! I didn't use my silver this year because of its condition. I'm just not going to let that happen again! So I've decided that I'm going to put the house on more maintenance schedules so that I can be more impromptu; being organized precedes the ability to be flexible!


So I will be busier this year, but it's all good.

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This is the week...all my classes on back on my schedule...EIGHT.


I admit that I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to feel. I had one week off, sort of, from the rec ctr classes. But I've had THREE WEEKS off from the corporate and Curves classes. I could get seriously tired this week!


Today went well though. For my morning 30 minute Curves class, I put together a list that was definitely not intense. You could get your heart rate up, work up a sweat, but not really ever feel like you were pushing it. Or maybe that's just me? NO. I asked the ladies how they were doing, explained my goal in the playlist, and they had a good work out.


For my evening hour long class, I did the same playlist that I did on Saturday. It's just enough of a kicker...you don't hit a wall though. Serious sweat going on.


I have my lists planned for my two 45 minute classes tomorrow. My corporate class gets this one:


Good Feeling (warm up)

Waka Waka (Esto es Africa)

Lovumba by Daddy Yankee

Take You to Rio by Ester Dean

Pegate by Grupo Treo

Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias

Que Te Pica by Notch

Ari Ari [Part 2]

Hella Decale

Dame de tu Boca by Luis Enrique

I Need to Know by Marc Anthony

Feeling Good by Michael Buble


I absolutely LOVE how this list begins with Good Feeling and ends with Feeling Good. LOVE IT. Cracks me up. The warm up is new to them, and so is Lovumba and Cuando Me Enamoro. Then there's a mix of newer and older (like I even used it in the very first class...).


The evening Curves ladies get:


Moves Like Jagger (warm up 1)

Rain Over Me (more warm up)

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

Cuando Me Enamoro

Danza Kuduro

Sway by Michael Buble

Cha Cha by Chelo

Take You to Rio

La Despedida

Dame de Tu Boca

Ay! Papacito

Feeling Good


They get the new bachata (Cuando Me Enamoro) and the different version of Sway, which has only one different section in choreography from the other version. Otherwise, these are all familiar songs, so the ladies should get a good feeling...even though they don't get that song yet. They need to get back into the groove before I hit them with a new warm up song.


Meanwhile, today was a good food day. Meaning...we didn't eat anything that wasn't prepared from this house. All home cookin'.


I made a big pot of Festive Black Bean Chili yesterday, which DH and I are eating for lunch served on top of leftover rice. Dinner was a concoction I made up based on preseasoned chicken breast that I had picked up on clearance from Target: Tomato Basil flavor.


Grill the chicken. Also grill onion and red bell pepper.


I cut the onion into 3/4 to 1 inch slices across the bulb so that it looks like a tree trunk with the rings. Use a 2 tooth picks to poke through the rings to keep them from falling apart on the grill. Rub olive oil on each side of the onion.


I cut out the stem, seeds and pith from the pepper, and otherwise leave it intact. Rub the outside with olive oil.


We cooked a box of whole wheat spaghetti noodles. Dress with olive oil. Add and stir in chopped grilled chicken, chopped grilled pepper, chopped grilled onions, and fresh baby spinach. Serve.


We'll have leftovers for dinner tomorrow night. Nice...sitting here knowing that dinner is already prepared for tomorrow. It's a...wait for it...wait for it...


Good feeling...:cool:


I've been posting and talking on the new cook book blog...so there will be plenty of kitchen inspiration around here to help us all out with our health and fitness goals. Hope to see everyone over there too!


Meanwhile...have a great Zumba class tomorrow Kasi and Mom!

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Well. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Wii Fit board thing to work this morning. But based on my scale and using a BMI calculator...if I COULD have...I would have FINALLY been into the NORMAL range for BMI.


When I started, I was OBESE.


I am PUMPED ladies. BEYOND.


This means that I am about 158/159 pounds. I squeak into the normal BMI range in the 24.X range...but still...




I weighed myself this morning (which I haven't done in forever) because the ladies at my corporate class were asking me how much weight I've lost since starting to teach the corporate class. That would be over 10 pounds...up to 15 depending on how you figure it...with weekend/pizza/beer weight or weekday/better choices weight. :o


The most fabulous part of this whole equation is that I am still on the downward trend. I've read about other people that get satisfied with a large weight loss and achieving a size 8/10 (my current size!)...and decide to hit maintenance mode.


Well. I'm not one of those people.


When I was 18, I was 137 pounds and 19% body fat. I see NO reason for me to not be able to achieve that again. NONE. SO.


I still have 20 pounds to go...


How is everyone else doing?

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I'm turning 40 in March 2012. My mom found an outrageous deal on a Spring Break cruise in March 2012, so we booked a big family vacation for my parents, my husband, my son and myself which will be in honor of my big milestone.


It's also the goal for life change including major weightloss.


I started taking Zumba classes the week of Sept 12. I'm up to 3 Zumba classes a week and 2 Pilates classes.


I LOVE Zumba. I know it has a lot to do with my instructor, who I also love. I've had great success so far losing 4 inches around both my hips and bust and 1 inch each around each thigh. I'm totally pumped and more motivated than ever to continue getting healthy.


Anyone else out there a Zumba fan? Or doing Pilates? I thought we could exchange stories, songs, encouragement...


WARNING...I love to talk...A LOT...and I will also be using this thread as a kind of record of some other changes I have going on around the house...including, but certainly not limited to, cooking healthy homemade meals and breaking the restaurant/eating out cycle.


I hope anyone interested in these topics will join me!


I can't believe I missed my one-year anniversary for starting this thread!


I do this only because I am feeling so pumped with myself right now. It's the first time in my life that I have stuck with something for so long. 15+ months!


I ordered a cheap copy of the manual that is used for Group Ex certifications. Getting this cert is on my bucket list for 2012. I'll start with learning what is in the manual, then work on the actual cert. The copyright is 2002 for the one I ordered, and I know there is a 2010 version, but I've actually read negative reviews of the changes, so what to do? Get a $5 book and then go from there?...yeah...that's what we do...

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congratulation on your amazing achievments.

It´s absolutely awesome what you lost so far.


While I´mn struggling to get back in the swing of things, I finally managed to loose a tiny bit, however, I hope this will continue...


Today is not a good day. The cruise ship I was scheduled to sail on in march had a accident, well, actually, it capsized. So sad. Unfortunately some dead and injured.

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You have no idea how worried I was because I knew that you had scheduled to cruise on that ship, but I couldn't remember exactly when you had planned to do so. My memory was that it wasn't until later, sometime in March. There are so many conflicting stories as to what happened with that ship, but I am so saddened by the situation. I am so relieved to see your post, however, so that I can stop worrying about you! Heartfelt prayers to everyone who is affected by this circumstance.


Don't get your cortisol levels up! You know that stress plays a huge factor in our ability to lose weight. I know that you've been exhausted with your situation at work, and hopefully the new job will be much more manageable. We don't want to ever wish our lives away, one day at a time, always looking into the future... but it's nice to know that you have a change on the horizon. :D


So the mantra of making the most of our day and just living to the fullest extent of our capabilities is really the way to go. I read somewhere... make the most of 2012 because it's the only one that you'll get! That struck me as being just a logical statement with a lot of meaning and purpose. I relate to what you're saying about getting into the swing of things. I, too, am having a bit of difficulty doing that for this New Year. In fact, it almost doesn't feel like the energy of a New Year... quite yet. Maybe it's because I didn't mark the passing of 2011 in any meaningful way... or welcome 2012, quite yet. Don't know. Sometimes being philosophical just brings rubbish... kwim? Makes me think that I need to do something quite simple... like wash my windows. :p


Anyway, so good to hear from you.

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Hi Ladies,


just came home from my second zumba class this week. Still pumped and tired. Right now we are dancing to: Stand by me, Dance Dance, Historia, Zumba Mami, Salome and a few others I don´t know the name off.


I´m convinced that I´ll manage to drop weight this time around. I´m increasing the number of classes that I attend. Starting february DH and I will give the gym another try. We tried this month, however after three night of circling the neighborhood in search of parking space we just headed home. Too many persons with good intentions for 2012. However, from years past I know that this attitude usually wears off within a month, so just two more weeks and things ought to be back to normal.

Annie plans to also offer Zumba Toning classes starting this march. i just signed up for the sunday class yesterday. I hope it will be fun.



Regarding our cruise, we are still watching the news and feeling entirely grateful that we have not been onboard and that a relatively small number of lives was lost. I know, any death is a tragedy, however a ship filled with more than 4000 people could have easily been the grave of many more...

We have not yet heard from Costa how they will procede with bookings for cruises starting march or later. We have to wait until we receive the final cancelation info before we can book another cruise - yes - we are still going to cruise. You don´t stop driving a car even though there are accidents daily, you tale a plane to different destinations and there are some aircrafts lost each year, so why not continue cruising?


So, what am I doing apart from Zumba and planning future cruises?

I am finally back to reading lots of books thanks to my Kindle that I received for Christmas. I´m planning our birthdays next month, am de-clustering our home and selling stuff. The money gained that way goes into our cruise fund.

DH built me a money bank last year made of wood and plexi-glas, It´s the shape of the celebrity millenium. So, whenever we have coins of small denomination in our pockets, or gain money by selling something, or returning bottles, all this money goes into the cruise fund. On our last cruise, there was enough money to pay all tips from that fund. Hopefully it will be a nice bonus for our cruise in the fall.


Anita, Pam, I´m sorry, that I cannot take part in your cooking adventure. For one, I´m incapable of using the blog-site properly, and I cannot get my hand on the ingredients without spending a fortune. The chipotel is only available online and runs at about 15 bucks for a small tin...


Take care ladies.

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Bloch is a leading manufacturer of dance shoes and they have finally recognized the dance FITNESS market!!! They have designed shoes specifically for dance fitness and they should be released in early 2012. Check them out:




I'm so excited about this!!


Shoes are always an issue so I thought I'd pass this along. Definitely worth a try.


Had class this morning...it was a BIG class!! Lots of energy, lots of fun!


I'm in the process of applying for another corporate Zumba Health and Wellness class contract...and two ladies from the company were in the class this morning. And it was just one of those playlists...really great intervals...well spaced high intensity songs...not too slow in between that you lose momentum...60 full minutes of music! And there was still the great buzz at the end of class where people are energized and talking about how sweaty they were and what fun the class was!


Here's what we did this morning:


1. Moves Like Jagger (Maroon 5) warm up

2. Good Feeling (Flo Rida) second warm up

3. La Despedida (Daddy Yankee) merengue

4. Que Te Pica (Notch) Reggaeton

5. Big and Chunky (Will.I.Am) Abs/Core

6. Danza Kuduro (Don Omar & Lucenzo) Kuduro

7. Take You to Rio (Ester Dean) Salsa moves

8. Lovumba (Daddy Yankee) merengue/reggaeton flavor)

9. Dame [Touch Me] (Zumba Fitness version: original by JLo) Cha Cha

10. Pegate (Grupo Treo) merengue

11. Ari Ari [Part 2] (Zumba Fitness version: original by Bombay Rockers) Bhangra

12. Cuando Me Enamoro (Enrique Inglesias) Bachata

13. Ven a Cumbiar (El Simbolo) cumbia

14. Sexy and I Know It (*****) Pop

15. Dame de Tu Boca (Luis Enrique) salsa

16. I Need to Know (Marc Anthony) cha cha - cool down

17. Feeling Good (Michael Buble) stretch


We rocked it this morning!


Hope everyone is staying motivated to continue on.


Zumba love!

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I found this thread today and I also, took a zumba class today. Forty minutes, is all I could do, but now my right knee is bothering.. The class was fun and it was great to move with the music, but until I lose more weight Zumba will not be apart of my exercise program, because of my knee joint disease.

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I found this thread today and I also, took a zumba class today. Forty minutes, is all I could do, but now my right knee is bothering.. The class was fun and it was great to move with the music, but until I lose more weight Zumba will not be apart of my exercise program, because of my knee joint disease.


Susie...I hope you come back here to read. The instructor that inspired me, my Kelly, has major knee issues. She was a gymnast and had knee issues and this was back in the day when they would do some sort of scraping of the joint. She has no cartilage in her one knee; it is bone on bone. I have several students with knee issues and also knee replacements. When you have knee issues, Zumba is not necessarily out of the question...it is something that you need to become a bit knowledgeable. You need to understand what kind of moves are bothersome for your particular knee issues and also understand what modifications you can do whenever these moves are done in the choreography.


The fact is that Zumba is an easy license to get to teach and instructors will vary GREATLY. You may or may not get one that will show modifications, so you have to be responsible on your end of the deal for knowing what you can and cannot do.


There are a couple of things in particular to watch out for when you find that a knee hurts:


1. Watch your feet. When you travel to the left or right in any of the many two step moves (like a step, together, step, together...traveling to the left...left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot), you need to watch that your toes are pointing in the direction that you are moving. Sometimes, one side doesn't want to do that. Since your right knee hurts, it's possible that your right toes are actually pointing to the right when you travel to the left. This stresses that right knee.


2. Watch your hips! If you watch this lady here doing salsa, just the first seconds of the video:



What she is doing can put major strain on the knees. The man's form is better for the knees. He still has a bit of hip action but his thighs and calves are staying in more of a straight line than the chick.


3. Watch out for the way that you put weight on your problem knee. I have a student that has issues with a bachata move. If she doesn't concentrate and really watch the way that she places her weight on her foot as she steps out on the one knee, then she can have issues.


4. Watch for any twisting motion with your knee. In this video, they demonstrate a particular merengue step, right at the beginning:




With a problematic knee, you can't twist like they do in the very beginning. You have to keep your toes, knee, and hip facing in the same direction. You just do a more simple step together step together kind of move. You can bend your knees a bit to get into the move, but DON'T TWIST.


These are right off the top of my head. The fact is that Zumba is fun and just because you have a challenge to deal with, if you can spend just a little bit of time preparing yourself for how to deal with different moves in class and how to modify them, you can really reap all the benefits of Zumba, time flies for the time of class, the music is fun, you are dancing in a fitness way...if you come back and read this...please respond...I'm happy to help you in any way that I can...


I have the Zumba 2 my daughter gave me for Christmas.

I worked out twice :(

I've got to get more motivated!!


I am not a person that is motivated to work out on their own...well...not for any length of time. My motivation for that is limited. :rolleyes: If you find that you aren't motivated to do it on your own...do it a different way!! Would a class, being with other people, having a schedule motivate you? Would it help you? Then DO THAT. MAYBE, going to a class will increase your motivation to hit the Zumba 2 at least once a week...


This season on the Biggest Loser the theme is no excuses...it's okay to not be motivated to work out alone at home...OR perhaps the issue is really that you don't like WHERE in the house you could work out...whatever the EXCUSE is...don't let that be the ruling factor that dictates to you that your health and wellness will suffer because this excuse exists...find a way to deal with what the underlying issue is...find a class...get a different space in the house...make your kids do the video with you...whatever...if you have read through any of this thread...then the following is in context...


Git 'er DONE!!



Edited by Anita Latte
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I went to Zumba last week for the first time and loved it. The class is only once a week though. What else should I do to complement my Zumba. I bought the Wii Zumba and just don't really like it... but maybe as I learn more in class I will feel more comfortable with the Wii?

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I went to Zumba last week for the first time and loved it. The class is only once a week though. What else should I do to complement my Zumba. I bought the Wii Zumba and just don't really like it... but maybe as I learn more in class I will feel more comfortable with the Wii?


My Zumba instructor also taught Pilates. For me, it was a great complement. It helped me identify how to activate different muscle groups and then be able to focus on really engaging these muscles during Zumba. There is a difference between swinging yourself around and purposefully trying to use your muscles to do a movement...just an example...I would tense my arms A LOT during certain movements...not that I could necessarily keep them for jiggling, but I would mentally be trying to do that and physically tightening up my arms during merengues especially and doing certain moves like the "Beto shuffle."


If you don't like the Wii, don't force it. I personally don't have the motivation to sustain doing tapes or Wii activities. I need people. I need the schedule. I need the dedicated space. Not helpful, I know, but perhaps you can find another instructor's class to attend on a different day? When I searched on Zumba.com, there were 15 classes within 25 miles of "Ottowa Valley, Canada". Would any other class work? Most seemed to be in Churches, Halls, Civic Centers, or other independent locations.

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Here's an inspirational story...


One week ago Monday, I pulled up to the parking lot of my evening class. I had followed another car into the parking lot. That car parked in one of the handicapped parking places. I saw the driver...and I admit that I thought to myself...OMG...I hope she isn't trying to come to my class...


Sure enough...


A woman, barely old enough to be my mother, OBESE and walking stiffly and awkwardly because of the shape of her body came into my class. I learned that she has an artificial knee...not the first person to have this in my class...and not the only obese person in my class...


It isn't that such as person shouldn't be in a Zumba class...it is that such a person needs help BEFORE they attend a Zumba class. It is why I was concerned about her coming into my class...because the modifications she needs to do are extreme...and I didn't really have the opportunity to inform her of them before the class...


I was able to talk to her a little bit...but nothing beyond typical encouragement to just listen to her body...modify the moves as necessary...don't think she has to do exactly what I am doing, etc.


She lasted for four songs. After 15 minutes...she left.


I thought I would never see her again...


I was talking with my students after class. Because this lady stood in the front of the class...right next to me...she was on everyone's radar...and her movements were such that everyone was worried about her...and honestly, most people were concerned that she would hurt herself. In our after class conversation, I learned about the conversation that this lady had with one of my most faithful students, Patty.


Patty is obese. Patty has knee issues, maybe even a knee replacement. I can't remember. She hurt her ankle a couple weeks back. She has been doing Zumba for over a year. She KNOWS what she is doing. She has done the DVDs, the classes at Curves, she was my first Saturday student...and she has now worked herself up to being able to go to two 1-hour classes a week. She is a rock star. And apparently, this visiting lady said to her, "I guess Zumba really is for everyone." Because this lady saw her body on Patty, and Patty was doing Zumba.


It turns out that this lady was not just doing the one free class...she had registered for my class, without ever trying it first. She told Patty this. There is a no refund policy at the rec center. I wrote an email to the director to tell her about the lady leaving class...to warn the director that she really shouldn't be starting with a Basic Zumba class, but should be starting with a Zumba Gold class, which could be called a transitional class. It is taught in a slightly different way...the highest pace is slower than a Basic Zumba class (although the intensity can be just as high) and modifications for specific conditions are taught to the instructors (for knee/other physical issues, pregnant women, etc.). I offered in the email to meet with this lady before class, if she should try to get a refund, so that I could encourage her and teach her some specific modifications.


I was SHOCKED to see the lady back in my class on Wednesday. I tried to encourage her...but I was running late...the bathrooms were locked...etc etc.


She lasted 25 minutes that day...


Fast forward to yesterday...phone ringing...unfamiliar number that I answer anyway...and it's this lady...


She had in fact tried to withdraw from the class and get a refund on her registration yesterday. SHE was astounded when the director talked to and she learned about my offer in the email. We had a great phone conversation that lasted for a long time...and we met 20 minutes before class started.


The main thrust of my conversation with her was to give her permission to just DO what she was able to do. Too often, we begin a new venture with high expectations of our abilities...and when our abilities do not match our expectations, we get frustrated, angry, disappointed...it stirs up a bunch of negative feelings...and so we quit...because we don't like the negative feelings being stirred up...because we don't accept what we are actually able to do. We beat ourselves up over our failings...we get angry with ourselves that this is what we have done to ourselves...and instead of taking that first step, reconciling ourselves to the our current situation and limitations...and GETTING STARTED so that we can begin the work that needs to be done to get to the point we really want to be at...we quit before we even start.


And continue to bemoan our current circumstances and wonder how we can ever change them?


Let me tell you...not about the modifications that I showed her...because I did show her MAJOR modifications...and encouraged her that there was nothing negative to be said over being able to do this instead of that...THIS is still MOVEMENT...is STILL exercise...this is STEP ONE. It's hard to be different in a class when the majority are somewhat similar...BUT...you have to get over yourself in this way if you are ever going to overcome.


I told her that getting through the entire class was goal one. And it would be a major achievement.


She did it!!!


She marched in place when she needed to. She barely moved her legs at some points and just moved her arms. She never once crossed her feet in footwork (think grapevine move) and always turned to face the direction that we were traveling. She sat down during some songs...and still moved her feet while she was sitting...I told her to do this so that blood would not pool which is the risk when you just STOP moving. She never turned around. And she got through the class.


Ladies...if this student describes you...be encouraged. Getting started is not an easy thing to do. It is much easier to do any physical movement and activity when you are more fit. But I'm telling you...if you can overcome...the sense of achievement that you will feel...it will be amazing...this lady is registered not only for the end of the current session (2 more weeks) but also for the next 8-week session. She is going to see an amazing change in the 11 weeks that will pass from when she took her first class. Not in her ability necessarily (although I expect that she will improve and be able to have more fun after getting to know the songs) but more in her attitude. I just know it.


And ladies...if this doesn't describe you? Be grateful. Be thankful. Move that body that doesn't have much difficulty moving beyond your own lack of motivation. Let your appreciation for the fact that you do not have artificial knees or hips...a micro tube in your heart...a former brain aneurysm...and generally have enough fitness to move without challenge be your motivation to use what you got.


Know what you can do. And DO IT. Go ahead and be angry or frustrated because you can't do what you think you should be able to do...or what you used to be able to do...and use that emotion to fuel a desire for change...and get started...where you are at. So that you CAN grow and progress and improve.

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Anita - What a great story. It is hard to go to a class and worry about your weight. Good to see her try to do what she can.

I also looked up the classes in my area and will try another class next week in my area, so I could do two a week. Zumba! Looking forward to tommorrow night.

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Hello ladies! I didn't know this forum existed and may I say, I'm sad that I didn't. Anita, we're cruising together (we've talked on the Roll Call) but I wish I had known this thread existed we could have definitely gotten to know each other better :) I needed the motivation in 2011, I basically only did Zumba once or twice a week after my wedding March 5th because my son took up karate and the schedules conflicted. Then I had to have my gallbladder removed at the end of September so I couldn't exercise. THEN my instructor was involved in a car accident and her physical therapist said she couldn't instruct for a few months, given the fact that she's the only instructor at her studio she had to shut it down. So when I was finally able to workout again she wasn't there :(


I tested the waters in December at a couple places but nobody was like my Anna :o Thankfully I finally found this one place near by where I actually felt *comfortable* I definitely felt the workout (the other places' routines barely made me break a sweat! :rolleyes:) So I'm finally back on track going Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays :D I know I probably won't see much difference in only 46 days for our cruise but I'll be hoping for the best!


Anita, congratulations on your success and your journey this last year! I'm very proud of you as well as all of the other ladies who have stayed on this journey with Anita. I'm trying to read through all 34 pages, only on page 4, but I need the inspiration! Have a wonderful day ladies, I hope to talk to you all soon.

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Hi and welcome to our thread.


Ladies, I have cruise news:

Since the Costa Concordia disaster, we were looking for an alternative for our march cruise. While I would have loved to join you in the caribbean, a long-distance flight is not in our budget right now.

Well, my cruise-friend and I finally rebooked, we habe an interior stateroom on the Costa Serena going to the Canary Islands in march. We originally planned a 7 day cruise, now we will be cruising for 12 days :)


So, as soon as the cold I caught is better, I will be back in Annies classes to work on my "cruisebody". I managed to loose about 2,5 kg since christmas, not incredibly much, but a start.

If I could keep that up, I would look a lot better this summer.

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Hi and welcome to our thread.


Ladies, I have cruise news:

Since the Costa Concordia disaster, we were looking for an alternative for our march cruise. While I would have loved to join you in the caribbean, a long-distance flight is not in our budget right now.

Well, my cruise-friend and I finally rebooked, we habe an interior stateroom on the Costa Serena going to the Canary Islands in march. We originally planned a 7 day cruise, now we will be cruising for 12 days :)


So, as soon as the cold I caught is better, I will be back in Annies classes to work on my "cruisebody". I managed to loose about 2,5 kg since christmas, not incredibly much, but a start.

If I could keep that up, I would look a lot better this summer.


Great job on the loss! *insert clapping smiley here* :)


Sort of off topic, but I noticed that you were supposed to be on the Costa Concordia in the near future :eek: After seeing the tragedy those passengers went through I'm sure you are very happy to not have scheduled your cruise sooner. Such a scary situation for all those involved and my prayers have gone out to them and their families. We won't let that event change our perspective on cruising, we love it and can only pray that that incident was isolated and won't happen again, EVER hopefully! Glad to read that you are also not letting it affect your decision to cruise. Have fun on your cruise in March! :D

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@Calanita...I hope you have a great class tonight! Instructors vary widely...and the class is so instructor dependent, I hope you click with this one so you can enjoy twice a week! I think having two different instructors could be fun, especially if they have complementary but different styles...keeps it interesting!


@Vanesa (littlelovely)...WELCOME!! I'm so glad you found us over here. :) You've had some challenges in 2011! How great that you have persevered and finally found a class that works for you. IDK...3 times a week for over 7 weeks...you could definitely see some changes. Especially if this is something of a shock to your system, and especially if you keep up with your water intake (something we all seem to struggle to do here), and especially if your diet is supporting your health and fitness goals.


You should definitely join Mom and I for Zumba on the cruise. It'll fit right on with your schedule! LOL. I'm planning to try for a class for each sea day, which should put it on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, IIRC. Let me know if you have any favorite songs...I can't guarantee that my routine would be the same...and maybe that would be frustrating? but if I know the songs and have a routine, I'd include some.


This thread is long and wordy...:o. Some ladies have come and gone...I don't know if they still read or not...but that's the way it is with a thread that is over a year old.


@Kasi...It would have been so much fun to have you cruise with us! 12 days...that will be such a great vacation. Congrats on your weight loss. Don't knock it. I think that's over 5 pounds? That's over a pound a week! That's fantastic; it's the recommended rate of weight loss for long term.


I'm getting geared up for class tonight. I have to admit that I'm not too pumped. Wednesday is usually something of a downer. I have so many that are only coming Monday night and so the drop in attendance is expected, but usually the class is less than half the size of Monday night. And I know that one of my regulars is traveling...and with our weather going on...IDK if anyone is going to show up. We'll see what happens.


Anyone seen the new Zumbawear? I want the new cargos!!! I really don't need to be spending any money on that right now. I need REAL clothes. LOL. I did order some new things...should be here on Jan 30. Can't wait!

Edited by Anita Latte
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I learned an important lesson last night. Shorter songs make the time go by faster! There are some songs, "La Vida Es Un Carnaval" is one of them...that just seem to go on and on and on...I feel like...OMG...will this song EVER end? Not necessarily in the beginning...but when the musical changes don't change often enough...and in following the Zumba formula, you are doing the same move for however long...OMG...so...


Whenever I am feeling not quite pumped for class I just need to remember that if I pick songs that are about 3 to 3:30 minutes long...the class will fly by.


I think there is something in the weather...we haven't had sunshine for days...and yesterday...you HAD to turn on the lights, even during what should have been the brightest time of day. The humidity is INSANE. One student said, "YAY we did it!" at the end of class yesterday. So it's not just me.


I could tell last night and just in general that it's time for me to work on a new cool down song. I still really enjoy "I Need to Know" by Marc Anthony, so I need to pull it before the enjoyment factor departs so that I can incorporate it again later. I think "Smooth" by Santana has that same sultry feel to it. So I'm going to be working on choreo for that tomorrow, maybe today.


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Hi Anita,


is it still warm at yours?

We are currently having temps around freezing point and are absolutely grateful that daytime is finally increasing again. There´s not much that is as demotivating as darkness.


I cannot join Zumba this week, as I caught a cold. So I love reading about your classes and participate that way.

We have one song in class currently where I always wish it was shorter. Do you know "Volare"?


I had a look at the new collection, and there are several pieces I would love to have. Especially the football jersey looks good for me. Well, I promised myself a new top as soon as I manage to stay below 80 kg, so sometime in February that should be coming my way.


What else am I doing?

I received a kindle for Christmas and I read 10 books this month :) It´s kind of addictive that you can start reading a new book as soon as you finish one, and you don´t have to search for a storage place afterwards.

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@Vanesa (littlelovely)...WELCOME!! I'm so glad you found us over here. :) You've had some challenges in 2011! How great that you have persevered and finally found a class that works for you. IDK...3 times a week for over 7 weeks...you could definitely see some changes. Especially if this is something of a shock to your system, and especially if you keep up with your water intake (something we all seem to struggle to do here), and especially if your diet is supporting your health and fitness goals.


You should definitely join Mom and I for Zumba on the cruise. It'll fit right on with your schedule! LOL. I'm planning to try for a class for each sea day, which should put it on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, IIRC. Let me know if you have any favorite songs...I can't guarantee that my routine would be the same...and maybe that would be frustrating? but if I know the songs and have a routine, I'd include some.


This thread is long and wordy.... Some ladies have come and gone...I don't know if they still read or not...but that's the way it is with a thread that is over a year old.



Anyone seen the new Zumbawear? I want the new cargos!!! I really don't need to be spending any money on that right now. I need REAL clothes. LOL. I did order some new things...should be here on Jan 30. Can't wait!


Thank you for the warm welcome I'm still interested in trying your routines if you're able to find a place to hold class on our cruise just let me know and I'll ditch my boys for an hour :D


I remember reading your post on how to figure how much water we should take in and how to calculate it. If you don't mind sharing that info again, it'd I'd love to know. I also have found myself *keeping my knees together* while I sit at my desk to tighten the inner thighs and I even told my co-workers about it so we all have been doing so at our desks yesterday and today :D (You had mentioned that advice early in the thread).


I desperately need to go cruise shopping I have NOTHING cute to wear for the cruise, sadly. I'm just not a big shopper but I need a new swimsuit and some shorts, regular daily wear as well as some formal dresses :eek: I'm making myself panic just thinking about it! lol


I have Zumba tomorrow, CAN'T WAIT, and then I'm trying a belly dance class on Saturday. I've done a few before but it's been a while. I plan on using this to supplement the Zumba classes since I can only do Zumba Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. I need something to keep my motivation up during the weekend. 45 days Anita! ;)


Hi Anita,


is it still warm at yours?

We are currently having temps around freezing point and are absolutely grateful that daytime is finally increasing again. There´s not much that is as demotivating as darkness.


I cannot join Zumba this week, as I caught a cold. So I love reading about your classes and participate that way.

We have one song in class currently where I always wish it was shorter. Do you know "Volare"?


I had a look at the new collection, and there are several pieces I would love to have. Especially the football jersey looks good for me. Well, I promised myself a new top as soon as I manage to stay below 80 kg, so sometime in February that should be coming my way.


What else am I doing?

I received a kindle for Christmas and I read 10 books this month :) It´s kind of addictive that you can start reading a new book as soon as you finish one, and you don´t have to search for a storage place afterwards.


I hope you feel better. I can't imagine dealing with THAT kinda of cold weather. No thank you! I love our "cold" in South texas where everybody bundles up when the temps reach 50 degrees F haha Take care of yourself and enjoy your Kindle!

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