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NYE on Conquest...I'm tardy with my review


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We arrived home late on January 2nd and immediately were thrown back into work, sick parents, closing on a (Family Project) house and the end of my school semester. With a 3 day weekend this week I'm finally getting to write my review.

We have a family tradition of Christmas Brunch. The past few years it has been at the home of our oldest daughter and son-in-law. This year after Brunch and some playing with GS Colton and his new Grill and Kitchen Terry and I headed to Galveston for another cruise. 100_1564.JPG

We discovered on this trip down that Texas has decided to update our Rest Stops. Boy, are they doing a great job.




When I made reservations this year I was able to book the San Luis Resort for what we’ve paid at the Holiday Inn next door in the past. Gotta love that AARP discount!

We pulled into the San Luis and were enchanted with the resort and with the decorations.









Especially loved this sculpture! 100_1594.JPG




Then we went to check-in only to be told we were being given a free upgrade to the condo side of the of the resort. WOW! What a great way to start our vacation.



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Due to a norther it was cold in Galveston this Christmas. BRRRR.



We did play on the beach a bit, though.



Jelly Fish 100_1605.JPG










We had a slow start to our cruise. We normally take a shuttle to the terminal - either the 10 or 10:30 shuttle. The first shuttle this day from the San Luis was 11:00. Heck, in the past we've been on the ship by 11:30 but we figured no big deal. WRONG. First off, the shuttle driver didn't have room for us and they had to send a special shuttle for us. It didn't arrive until nearly 12:30. But, hey, we're on the way.





Our first view of Conquest in nearly 2 years. We've missed you!






Even with VIP status for embarkation we were in line for nearly 90 minutes. We're used to breezing in and out in about 30 minutes so this was very different for us. Note to self...if the shuttle isn't available by 10:30? Take a taxi and get to the terminal by 11.



Our friends were already on ship so we texted back and forth and once we were on the ship they made a dash to the Fish and Chips station while we put our carry on in our cabin. Finally, at nearly 3 pm, we met them on the Lido and our cruise began.



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Got to our suite (the first two cruises we had 7283 - we branched out this time - different side of the ship and different suite 7278)


Look to the Right





Look to the Left






Head to the Safety Meeting







And let's cruise!








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It was still cold - you will note hubby is in a hoodie






But we still got our "We're Cruising" picture taken.






Terry is one of those who orders multiple entrees and desserts. Creme Brulee is his favorite and it's on the first night dessert menu.
















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We have cruised at Christmas and in January on Conquest. This is the coldest cruise we've ever had. Lucky for us I packed warm clothes along with our warm weather clothes. I saw lots of people buying Carnival hoodies and long sleeved shirts at the shops leading me to believe they didn’t pack for the cool days. The first two days we were running with a cold front and it was in the 50s and 60s. We spent time in the adult only hot tub and area, reading in our cabin and taking very brisk walks.


We noticed more children under 12 on this cruise. Way more than the Christmas cruise we took in 2007. Others we spoke to who had cruises both Christmas and NYE said the same thing. My theory is those with small children stay home for Christmas and allow Santa to come and then cruise the week after for New Year's.


We saw children in the adult only pool only once. We were back there eating lunch when the family was asked by another guest to remove the children (which they did). On the other hand, we saw a family in the hot tub with their kids and no one said a thing. The two situations were within 30 minutes of one another. No one from Carnival made a step to ask them to leave.


Which brings me to another point about children. I have never in my life seen so many victims of Inattentive Parenting in one place as I saw this cruise. This was largely the under 10 set. Poor things, what a sad life. No one loves them enough to keep up with them and to make them behave.

We saw and heard children running up and down halls unattended, blowing on the glass elevator doors and "drawing" in the residue left by their breath and pushing all the elevator buttons to ride up and down.


In SEVERAL instances Carnival personnel were standing silently with a look of frustration while watching the child/ren. Which brings me to the conclusion that someone has told Carnival employees to keep their mouths shut where ill mannered and ill behaved and under attended children are concerned. It's a Pity. I taught pre-school for 9 years, I work in a high school and I, on the other hand, am not afraid to tell a child to use a quiet voice, walking feet or to step away from the elevator since it isn't a toy or a ride at Six Flags. Neither is the female half of the couple with whom we travel - a teacher. Twice my friend had one of the employees thank her after she'd spoken to the offending child/ren.


I suspect it was worse since the weather was cold and they weren't in the pools (water temp was in the 50s until Jamaica) or water slide. Is Camp Carnival so boring that none of them want to go there? I sincerely hope not.


Nor do I think children shouldn't cruise. We plan to take our grandson on Magic next Christmas. He is not and will not be the victim of Inattentive Parenting or Grandparenting.


Our anniversary is two days before Christmas and my birthday 9 days afterward. We celebrated both events on the ship. Monday night we got a little special cake from our waitstaff.




We attended the past guest party on Tuesday. The captain explained about the cold front we'd been running with and that it had finally gone on without us. It would be 80 the next day in Jamaica. And it was.


Also Tuesday was The Chef's Table. Oh. My. Goodness. I can't say enough about this experience other than to say we highly recommend it. The time spent listening to the chef, asking him questions, the food, the galley tour while dinner was happening, the private cooking lesson (Chocolate Melting Cake), the dinner entertainment, the after-dinner gifts, everything...absolutely fabulous.


Although I love to cook and collect cookbooks and watched Julia Child on PBS as a child and teen I'm a bit of a picky eater. I have what I call an immature pallet. I don't drink alcohol, I like sweets rather than veggies and, although I don't say "I don't like this" least I hurt someone's feelings I have many things I don't eat. I signed us up for the Chef's Table months in advance as a special way to celebrate our anniversary and told myself I'd force myself to eat everything whether I liked it or not. DH eats anything which doesn't eat him first so I knew he'd be good to go but was a little concerned that I'd like any of the food. I shouldn't have been. Only one thing - an hors d'oeuvres - was not to my liking. And they brought me plenty of water and Dr Pepper to drink so I was a very happy camper.


The information all says no cameras and when the person on ship called to confirm our reservation said it as well. Terry took his small camera with him as we carry it all the time. We noticed ours were taking pictures and Terry, upon asking permission from the Chef d' Cuisine, did as well.











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The captain was right. We work up on Wednesday to warm weather in Jamaica. We had decided no shore excursion this time and we'd use the day as a sea day in port. We got off the ship long enough to buy the rum cream Terry likes and to take a few pictures but mostly we enjoyed the near empty ship.


In the past we've been on the other side of the ship and in Jamaica our view was of the harbor and sea. We enjoyed the view of the pier this time. The marching band below - while terrible - was fun to watch.




They appeared to be marching with a few holes (i.e. members missing). Texas is a No Pass No Play state and I work in a high school so our first thought was "Someone didn't make the grades".




We wandered the ship - revealing in the lack of people - and took a few pictures of our previous view.




We also encountered our first EVER chair hogs. Now, most of the people are in port, there was plenty of space and plenty of seats and someone felt the need to "save" seats they weren't using. We watched these chairs for over 2 hours. Did eventually realize the people who had saved them were sitting about 10 feet away from them at a table playing cards. Every now and again one of the 6 or 8 of them would get up, go over to the chairs, pull out a bottle of water from a bag, or add or subtract a piece of clothing or put on or take off their shoes and then go back to the table to continue their card game. It was amazing. We saw them later in the cruise on a sea day doing the same thing.





We watched the glass cleaners and ship cleaners while in port this day, too.






We also spent some time speculating about what these ladies had in the cooler. They meet up with a beach shore excursion group so it could have been gear or beer but it sure looked heavy and not something I would have wanted to carry.




Wednesday evening we were back in the Main Dining Room with our friends and our head waiter the delightful Mr. G. This is the first cruise we have had a maitre'd who seemed to care about his guests. He spent quite a bit of time during our meals mingling/circulating the room and speaking to guests. It was a nice touch. We are fans of the singing and dancing waiters and enjoyed each night's "performance". One of our two assistant waiters likes to dance and she volunteers to be the dancer on the serving stand. I did notice the other assistant cleaning the stand after she got off each night.

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We wake up early. Even on ship. We usually put out the room service card on our door at night and by 7 am we're on the balcony Terry drinking coffee, me drinking hot chocolate and both of us eating bananas and melon slices before we go to breakfast about 8:30. It's no big deal for Terry since he isn't much of a sleeper anyway but this early riser syndrome makes its hard for me to stay up late.


Monday we stayed up to go to Punchliners hear the Marc Hawkins. He was only so-so funny but our friends really liked the other comic for the first part of the cruise - Mark Sweeney.


Wednesday is also the first night we went the main show. Lady Hellevi and her magic and illusion show. We've seen her before and she's always worth seeing.


Thursday I sent Terry alone to Punchliners. He saw Kim Harrison and thought she was hilarious. Our friends said Lewis Nixon, whom they saw, was funny but not greatly so.


We always enjoy the Legends show on Saturday night. Garth Brooks couldn't sing but he had the mannerisms down pat and Sinatra was dead on. I'm always a bit disconcerted by a white Aretha but she did a decent job. Several others were quite good as well and, as always, there were a few duds. All in all a fun last night show.


Watched Monday Night Football on the big screen while it was still cold. Terry found me a blanket to wrap up in and all was good.






We didn't go to the Marriage Game show or trivia contests or what not this time. Did enjoy the ice sculpting and for the first time in 4 cruises we saw Funship Freddy.



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IF this is Thursday we must be in Grand Cayman.




We love Grand Cayman.


It's our favorite port on a Conquest cruise. We have done Hell and the Turtle Farm and we've been swimming with the sting rays twice. This time we decided to do something we hadn't done in previous trips. We had thought about taking the Carnival excursion to the new motor museum but it was sold out when Terry tried to sign up. Our first negative experience with a Carnival Excursion and it was really nothing about the excursion itself that was wrong. After looking at the shore excursion book we decided, at about 8:50 am, to do another mini-sub thing like we did in Jamaica 3 years ago that was to start at 10:30.


I had already "packed" for the day so I was ready to go. Good thing as when he went down to purchase the tickets he was told the time in the book was wrong and the excursion started at 9:30 not 10:30. He couldn't get me on the phone so he headed up the stairs to Deck 7 to get me. He was also told to go to the Degas Lounge for tendering instructions. So off we head to Deck 5 Aft only to be told we needed to have already been on a tender and to RUN to Deck 0 Forward to catch the next tender and "I'll let them know you are coming". Elevators weren't going to Deck 0 so we headed to the stairs. To find a huge throng of people waiting for the next tender. Terry pushed to the front to get to the Carnival employee guarding the stairs. He knew nothing about us and made a call or two before allowing us to go to the head of the class. We hopped onto third row seats of next tender and relaxed knowing we had plenty of time (a whole 15 minutes). He gave his seat to a young lady on crutches when none of the gentlemen on the first two rows on either side of the entry point did so. We got to the pier, found someone to show us where we needed to be (sit here, and they will come find you, she says). We waited about 30 seconds before Terry went to ask a different Carnival person the same question. She escorted us to where the tour operator was waiting. Everyone else was already boarding the bus and we quickly joined the queue line and we were leaving the terminal area at 9:25. Not bad for having only had tickets 30 minutes.


We saw 3 ship wrecks on our excursion. Our friends were diving the same wrecks at the same time. We saw a few divers. Who knows? Maybe it was them.






The tour was great. The guide kept up a steady stream of narrative and information and history. My kind of guy!


After the tour we wandered George Town a bit, did a little shopping, stopped at the church I fell in love with on our first trip here, just took a few pictures and enjoyed being a tourist.







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Friday was New Year's Eve. It was a beautiful warm day and we, with our friends, headed to Nachi Cocum. We love Nachi, Carlos, the beach and the guacamole and we were eager to introduce our friends to Nachi.


Since I don't drink the guys had been teasing they would have to take up the slack for me. Terry says this often and never acts upon it. This time he did. I can honestly say I haven't seen him drink this much since we were in college in the 70s.






Best. Gauc. Ever. Coming from Texans this is a huge compliment.




Dead Soldiers




We grabbed a cab and headed back to the terminal about 3:30. I did some very quick shopping (our kids wanted vanilla and Terry needed a new wallet) as we headed back to the ship. Due to the amount of alcohol our male friend had consumed we put him on one of those rickshaw things with his wife and our stuff for a ride while Terry, their son and I walked back.


In the past it has amused me watching the drunks come back on board in Cozumel. At some point it dawned on me that Terry and Kevin were "those people" although Terry was in much better shape than Kev (who couldn't really walk on his own). My husband is 6'6". I swear food and alcohol must just go to his legs.


I tucked Terry into bed and went to dinner without my date. Here's where he should have been...




He missed a wonderful meal.




We went to bed early and got up just before midnight to celebrate the New Year. I don't have pictures of it but the balloon drop was really cool.


It rained some during the night and it was cloudy/rainy and cool on New Year's Day (Saturday). We watched some football, did some more reading, spent time in the hot tub, packed and had another simply wonderful sea day. We also bought a future cruise credit which I've already sent in to add to our Christmas Magic cruise in December.

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Love the Conquest & love reviews with pictures!! Have to ask, where was the rest area photo taken?? Looks like Stonewall TX but I could be mistaken.


Keep it coming :D


I-45 between Centerville and Huntsville and we saw another one that looked exactly the same under construction between Dallas and Centerville.

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Woke up on Sunday morning in time to watch ourselves come into port. We did not do the little dipsy doodle to turn around since it was still not great weather. Which meant, just like our embarkation was different this time, our debarkation was also different than the norm. We had one last breakfast in the MDR before going back to cabin to wait our turn to leave.


If we are flying I cram everything into 1 bag and iron all week long but when we are driving I use lots of bags and have lots of space and arrive with unwrinkled clothes and don't worry about ironing. For this reason we don't use self-assist leaving the ship in Galveston.


We were in Zone 1 and got off the ship at 8:55. We grabbed a porter and we were through customs before 9:30. Quickly back to the San Luis and after a stop for gasoline we were heading back to the Metroplex by 10:15 and Home, Sweet Home at 4:00.


Speaking of the porter...Terry got to talking to ours as we were in line at customs and asked about what he does on non Cruise ship days. His answer was he does basically the same thing every day...helps load and unload cargo. They are union longshoremen and Sundays are $. Terry is retired UAW so they discussed union salaries and what not while we were in line.


Conquest is in great shape and "they" take good care of her. In our experiences maintenance issues are dealt with quickly.




My once a week $5 milk shake is totally worth it.


Embarkation pictures are generally awful but I buy them anyway. When I'm old and don't remember my life at least I'll have pictures of it.




If you set out to have a great time you will.


The Chef's Table is amazing and is something everyone who loves food needs to do.




I am glad we were on the service end of the table the night we did The Chef's Table. I got to ask lots of questions, the magician used me as his assistant and we got to see the chef and his staff prepare our food.




We now understand why our luggage got dropped into the bay 3 years ago...they don't always close the cages like they should.





And nothing says relaxed like sitting on the balcony, bare feet propped up while holding hands with the love of one's life.




We probably won't sail Conquest again once she moves to NOLA if she and Magic keep the same itineraries because Galveston is so much closer to us. It was a great last trip.

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This thing didn't work all week. It stayed lit up and red but it never showed where we'd been like it usually does.




We think this stuffed bird have "been at" the Rum Cakes...





Christmas Decorations are pretty




New Year's Morning was pretty quiet on board




We did see a guy in his mask, hat and tux asleep on deck in a deck chair. We thought it wouldn't be polite to take his picture so Terry just held up a mask he found.





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Thanks for the awesome review & pics!!! The map was dark most of our cruise in October. Wish I had taken a pic of it the one time we saw it on... it showed we left Waco & were in Nashville. Everyone walking by got a good laugh out of it.

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Thanks for the awesome review & pics!!! The map was dark most of our cruise in October. Wish I had taken a pic of it the one time we saw it on... it showed we left Waco & were in Nashville. Everyone walking by got a good laugh out of it.
LOL That's hilarious.


In the past I've taken a picture of the map each day to show where we were/where we'd been. I was pretty startled to realize it wasn't working. Wondered if it not working was some sort of a cost cutting measure.


We had the same thoughts in regards to light bulbs. We saw lots of light bulbs being replaced this cruise but we saw an equal number that were out and we're being replaced. Especially in light fixtures where there were several light bulbs. One would be out and not replaced. It a second went out they both were replaced quickly.

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We sailed with you, we were in 1006. This is the second time in this cabin and we loved the access to the Lido area and how quiet the front of the ship is.


The photos I have so far are here:




Kids in the adult pool every day, football games in the hot tubs... Cruising on school holidays.


Had a great vacation, embarkation and debarkation were flawless, we in the car before 10am.



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We sailed with you, we were in 1006. This is the second time in this cabin and we loved the access to the Lido area and how quiet the front of the ship is.


The photos I have so far are here:




Kids in the adult pool every day, football games in the hot tubs... Cruising on school holidays.


Had a great vacation, embarkation and debarkation were flawless, we in the car before 10am.




Glad we missed the football game in the hot tubs. As I posted in my first post I am convinced that Carnival has told their employees not to say anything and are expecting the guests to police that stuff for them. Ridiculous if that is the case but it is certainly looking that way from where I stand. Growing up I was the older sister to brothers, lived in a neighborhood of all boys (AND was the oldest), raised 3 kids and spend my day with kids. I am going to always be the Mean Mom who addresses kids who are not "being hav" (as our youngest used to say) but really wish Carnival would police it better themselves.


Love your pictures. Wish I'd gotten some of the balloon drop. Don't know what I was thinking. We always carry a camera but I didn't use it for that! :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
hello chef's table-mates and alcohol-sharing friends in nachi. fancy seeing you here.




Hard to believe it's already been over a month since we got home. Ready for another cruise. Especially since we've been out of school all week due to an ice storm and very un-Texas like weather.


Terry and Kevin have both sworn off tequila, by the way.

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