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Cruising...the magic is gone


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There are so many more wonderful places to visit on land and to experience more than just being on a ship and landlocked into a country for a few precious hours. This is why cruising isn't for everyone though the die hard cruisers will insist something is wrong with people who don't get a thrill out of cruising.

I say go for it..there are wonderful places to explore, new adventures to be had, etc.

[quote name='spongerob']Not all that long ago I would have at least 2, and to up to 4 cruises booked at one time. The only thing that limited me was vacation time available to me. Now, I've got just one cruise booked, and I'm not very excited about it.

After 20 cruises I find my desires turning to land-based trips and (OMG) road trips. And I'm liking them.

Cruising used to be great but any more it has become so cheap, and so watered down to keep up with the demands of the mass market that the only unique thing about cruising is the mode of transportation. The rest of the experience is about as special as going to a Wal-Mart.

We're hitting the road again next week for a non-cruise trip. And we couldn't be more excited. Anyone else feel this way, is the magic gone for good?[/quote]
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[quote name='MMMD']Thank you! That is great information to know. Do you believe it's the same for Canada/ New England cruises?
That way I wouldn't have to fly at all! :D

I really liked the convenience of unpacking just the one time and going from port to port, but those days of rough seas really took a toll.

I realize there are no guarantees for calm seas but I'd like to keep cruising on my list of future vacations if possible. We had a great time otherwise.

Thanks again for the information.[/QUOTE]

I haven't really taken a Canada New England cruise unless you count my transatlantic that stopped in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. I guess it did hug the coast-but there was quite a distance between those 2 provinces-we had a sea day in between. I do hope to do a Canada new England cruise sometime. I believe krazy krusiers has cruised Canada- New England-maybe they will post.
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We will again suggest that folks need to try some variety with their cruising. On a recent Caribbean cruise we met a couple who told us they were bored with cruising. During our discussion they said they only cruise on X (Celebrity) and take 7 or 10 day cruises several times a year to the Caribbean. They told us they were bored with X because they have seen most of the shows, know the menus, and they are also sick of the Caribbean because they think all the islands are alike. When we suggested they might want to try different cruise lines and go to other places (such as the Med, Alaska, etc) they both said they would never cruise on any other cruise line other then X and they did not want to take long flights. Go figure!

Our last few cruises (all in the past year) were on the Prinsendam (small 700 passenger HA ship), Queen Mary II (huge unique ship), Grand Princess (typcial Mega ship) and finally the Mercury (medium size X ship). Since those ships are all different sizes and lines there were no repeated shows, no familiar menus, many different alternative dining options, all different itineraries, and always great fun. When you go from the Prinsendam to the Queen Mary (we did this on the same day) it is like an entirely new world. Each vessel brings its own form of excitement and fun.

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[quote name='vineyard2']Thanks 4 sharing your "feelings" though somewhat snobbish. I am paying nearly $6000 for a seven day cruise and that's not "walmart " money according to your classification. Many cannot afford to go "blinging" the first time cruise therefore ease up with the insults. Some folks save for months in order to cruise with their family and friends therefore your "walmart on sea" comment is an insult to them.
This is our first cruise with a group of folks that have so many "D's" behind their names its embarassing. So don't make generalizations. I am going to have fun with the "lowly" folks of NCI this summer! Personally I would not want to cruise over 3 times...JMO, I'd be bored.:p[/QUOTE]

Don't worry-if Carnival is the Walmart of crusing- then NCL is the K-mart of cruising, I say that as I consider K mart merchandise less expensive than Walmart's. However, we really like NCL as it targets budget minded families more than singles. Our daughter really likes NCL, she may prefer Princess, but she likes to pay her own way-and NCL is more affordable for her, so we usually cruise NCL with her.
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Anything you do FREQUENTLY tends to lose it's luster. Ever dined on your very FAVORITE dish at your FAVORITE restaurant so often that you started to dislike it? Ever played your FAVORITE song to the point where it began to grate on your nerves? Ever grow tired of the color scheme you chose for your house and want something new?

It's a fact of life that "familiarity breeds contempt". There is a REASON sayings become cliche.

When you grow tired of your favorite recipe, do you trash the restaurant? When you grow tired of your favorite song, do you discard every recording by that artist? When you grow tired of the color scheme in your house, do you look for a new place to live?

I am one of those people who struggle to afford ONE cruise every year. I've never been able to afford longer than seven days - for both financial reasons as well as having limited vacation time. Most of us working stiffs only get 2-3 weeks off each year and if we took it in one chunk, we'd return to 300 backed-up emails and a desk piled high with work people felt could wait until we got back to do it.

I was not raised by wolves. I know how to dress for dinner and wait for people to exit the elevator before entering. I've never slept under a bridge. While I do shop for the cheapest airline tickets I can find, at least I fit comfortably in only ONE seat...with room to spare.

I am NOT bored with cruise vacations. As someone else said, it's thrilling each time I board a new ship and I have been known to tear-up over having to disembark.

Cruising isn't for everyone. I'm offended by the insinuation that those of us who still love it and have not determined ourselves too GOOD for such a low-brow escape, are somehow trashy low-lifes. With few exceptions, the people I've met on my cruises have been terrific. Perhaps it's best you've decided NOT to cruise anymore! No one enjoys having someone negative rain on their parade!
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We had a great time on our cruise in December--but by the end of it, I was ready to get home. In the scheme of things, it wasn't the best cruise ever. We had good food and wine, met wonderful people, enjoyed exciting shore excursions. Just some of the magic was missing. I think that going on three cruises last year left me a little bit jaded.

We already have two non-cruise vacations planned. They're both very short ones. I'm sure that around July I'll start planning another cruise--if we don't have one booked already.
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OMG do you know what impression you leave when the first post is so negative as this one was.

We have only cruised twice before all 7 day cruises. We had a great time. No wolves running around.

So because we can only afford one cruise a year, we should not cruise in order not to offend.

We are finally going on our dream cruise a 15 day to Rome and am so excited. But makes me wonder should I stay under the bridge where I belong.

Maybe as one poster stated, maybe you have just got burnout. It happens in everything we do, happens driving somewhere, you think I should of stayed home with everyone trying to hit me. Or flying to much or eating in same place after awhile it tastes blah.

But the insulting post about people who I guess are not at your esteem social level is something terrible.

Please forgive me for being thankful that I can at last afford another cruise.

You have fun flying and driving and please drive safely. Blessings to you.
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If Carnival is "walmart", NCL is "Kmart" then NCI is "Target" ? Just asking.

My family and I have never been on a cruise. Not because we couldn't afford it ...we just never seem to have the time!!! So this year finally a group of us got 2gether now that the children are a little older and planned a cruise this summer! Next year it will be the Europe or wherever we feel like touring!

Everyone is entitled to their opinions regardless of how smutty it is. For all of us "wolves in walmart packaging" lets have fun on our "government-issued" cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Whatever!
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The researcher in me had to investigate the article regarding '"welfare cards spent on cruise ships ". The article basically states the over $60 million from California were tracked from welfare cards being used in exclusive Hawaiian resorts such as the Four Seasons, cruise ships leaving Miami, top-scale grocery stores eateries, ATM withdrawals, airline tickets, etc. The big question was "how did folks that live in Cali receiving financial assistance afford such luxuries and trip across county to Miami. Well its not that difficult if you really don't need the $$$$ and have a group of people "pooling" their resources to travel.:mad: But that's another subject for another day.
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[quote name='vineyard2']The researcher in me had to investigate the article regarding '"welfare cards spent on cruise ships ". The article basically states the over $60 million from California were tracked from welfare cards being used in exclusive Hawaiian resorts such as the Four Seasons, cruise ships leaving Miami, top-scale grocery stores eateries, ATM withdrawals, airline tickets, etc. The big question was "how did folks that live in Cali receiving financial assistance afford such luxuries and trip across county to Miami. Well its not that difficult if you really don't need the $$$$ and have a group of people "pooling" their resources to travel.:mad: But that's another subject for another day.[/QUOTE]

"Pooling their resources". What in the heck does that mean???

JMHO, but there are FAR too many who can afford a $300-500 cruise without the proper DECORUM. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with money-"raised with wolves and homeless" is more like it. Call me a snob (without a lot of money) but the CA investigation PROVED IT. Mainstream cruising has now been reduced to the lowest common denominator-come one, come all, just put a few bucks on the line (wherever you got it) and join in the happy crowd. FORGET FORMAL night (because the best clothes you have are Dockers and a polo shirt-same level for ladies), forget the great tradition of what a cruise REALLY was. Just get on board and have a party that looks like a BBQ in my backyard (and I am 100 miles from "civilization" so no fancy stuff out here).

Some passengers including the ones who are scamming the welfare system and as been proven, use their WELFARE debit cards to provide "luxuries" on the cruise itself-booze, gift shops and excursions. They are also the ones who go to the Purser's desk and REDUCE or TAKE AWAY ENTIRELY the tips for the hard working crew. Their debit/credit card ran out.

I have posted this before (you can do a search). Cruising on MOST mainstream cruise lines-particularly those going to the Caribbean-have become the WALMART of cruising. Come one, come all, get the cheapest you can for a VERY common experience.

DH is PARTICULARLY adamant about dress code and the "finer things of cruising". Why bother otherwise??? Getting dressed up is truly special in our lives (our businesses revolve around power plants and docks world wide-who needs dress up clothes for those places). If DH can't wear a suit or tux and not feel out of place, why should we go on another cruise??? Is NOTHING special anymore???

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[quote name='Memiki']OMG do you know what impression you leave when the first post is so negative as this one was.
...You have fun flying and driving and please drive safely. Blessings to you.[/quote]You've missed my point, but at least you haven't totally missed the boat as Sarge has. The problem with ultra-cheap drive-thru cruising is that people tend to view it not as something special but as little more than a trip to the Walmart.

The cruise lines (mostly) aren't listening either. We get bigger, cheaper, and gaudier, when we ask for the opposite and lose everything that made cruising fun. Heck, you can't even dock the biggest ships at many ports.

I wish you as well on your cruise to the same extent that you well-wish me.
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[quote name='vineyard2']If Carnival is "walmart", NCL is "Kmart" then NCI is "Target" ? Just asking.

My family and I have never been on a cruise. Not because we couldn't afford it ...we just never seem to have the time!!! So this year finally a group of us got 2gether now that the children are a little older and planned a cruise this summer! Next year it will be the Europe or wherever we feel like touring!

Everyone is entitled to their opinions regardless of how smutty it is. For all of us "wolves in walmart packaging" lets have fun on our "government-issued" cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Whatever![/QUOTE]

I shop Walmart,not exactly my favorite store because of the crowds there, but I like the value on a lot of things they carry- so I guess I am not a complete snob. However, if it came between a trip to Europe and a cruise to the Caribbean-of course I would pick the trip to Europe. Problem is I can afford the Caribbean cruise easier.
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Dear greatam,

I truly feel sorry for you that you are lumping everyone into the "wolves and homeless"

There is a lot of fraud in the welfare system, which I think they need to do away with completely.

But is it fair to think that anyone that doesn't dress up to the nines or go to the formal dinner is a homeless person.

I am 71 years old, I have worked since I was 14 yrs old. I earned my money, we never were on welfare, we never had to have help in anything. We did it ourselves. Now at ages 71 and 73, do we not have the right to save money for a cruise. Why are we any different than you. We own our own home oh make that two homes. No payments.

But I do not like dressing up. Dressing up doesn't make me any better person. Oh Look at me I am dressed up don't I look great. It is to bad that cruising means to dress up and look special. If that makes you feel good fine.

It is a shame that this thread has cause me to regret even booking the cruise. That I guess I don't rate to have a dream come true. That only special people deserve to cruise.

I will remember this and next time when I think a cruise will be a nice thing to do. I will step away and remember the people on here and change my mind.

Oh by the way we aren't going to the Carribean, we are going on a 15 day to Rome. So it is not a 400-500 cruise.

May you find happiness and joy. Blessings to you
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[quote name='Memiki']Dear greatam,

I truly feel sorry for you that you are lumping everyone into the "wolves and homeless"

There is a lot of fraud in the welfare system, which I think they need to do away with completely.

But is it fair to think that anyone that doesn't dress up to the nines or go to the formal dinner is a homeless person.

I am 71 years old, I have worked since I was 14 yrs old. I earned my money, we never were on welfare, we never had to have help in anything. We did it ourselves. Now at ages 71 and 73, do we not have the right to save money for a cruise. Why are we any different than you. We own our own home oh make that two homes. No payments.

But I do not like dressing up. Dressing up doesn't make me any better person. Oh Look at me I am dressed up don't I look great. It is to bad that cruising means to dress up and look special. If that makes you feel good fine.

It is a shame that this thread has cause me to regret even booking the cruise. That I guess I don't rate to have a dream come true. That only special people deserve to cruise.

I will remember this and next time when I think a cruise will be a nice thing to do. I will step away and remember the people on here and change my mind.

Oh by the way we aren't going to the Carribean, we are going on a 15 day to Rome. So it is not a 400-500 cruise.

May you find happiness and joy. Blessings to you[/quote]

Such melodrama. :rolleyes:

The point you seem to be muddling is that if the ship requests that you dress up for evenings, why would you book a vacation on it if you don't want to dress up?

P.S. I think Greatam, possibly an earlier poster, and the original poster are referring more to how people [U]behave[/U] than how they dress. You are the one who seems to have dragged that into the discussion.....
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[quote name='Memiki']I am 71 years old, I have worked since I was 14 yrs old. I earned my money, we never were on welfare, we never had to have help in anything. We did it ourselves. Now at ages 71 and 73, do we not have the right to save money for a cruise. Why are we any different than you. We own our own home oh make that two homes. No payments.

But I do not like dressing up. Dressing up doesn't make me any better person. Oh Look at me I am dressed up don't I look great. It is to bad that cruising means to dress up and look special. If that makes you feel good fine.

It is a shame that this thread has cause me to regret even booking the cruise. That I guess I don't rate to have a dream come true. That only special people deserve to cruise.

I will remember this and next time when I think a cruise will be a nice thing to do. I will step away and remember the people on here and change my mind.


Don't you dare regret booking your cruise. You go and have the fabulous time you have worked for and deserve.

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[quote name='Memiki']Dear greatam,

I truly feel sorry for you that you are lumping everyone into the "wolves and homeless"

There is a lot of fraud in the welfare system, which I think they need to do away with completely.

But is it fair to think that anyone that doesn't dress up to the nines or go to the formal dinner is a homeless person.

I am 71 years old, I have worked since I was 14 yrs old. I earned my money, we never were on welfare, we never had to have help in anything. We did it ourselves. Now at ages 71 and 73, do we not have the right to save money for a cruise. Why are we any different than you. We own our own home oh make that two homes. No payments.

But I do not like dressing up. Dressing up doesn't make me any better person. Oh Look at me I am dressed up don't I look great. It is to bad that cruising means to dress up and look special. If that makes you feel good fine.

It is a shame that this thread has cause me to regret even booking the cruise. That I guess I don't rate to have a dream come true. That only special people deserve to cruise.

I will remember this and next time when I think a cruise will be a nice thing to do. I will step away and remember the people on here and change my mind.

Oh by the way we aren't going to the Carribean, we are going on a 15 day to Rome. So it is not a 400-500 cruise.

May you find happiness and joy. Blessings to you[/QUOTE]

Dear Memiki,
We certainly hope you take your cruise and have a wonderful time. In your 71 years you have certainly learned good manners and the difference between right and wrong. On some nights of HA cruises the ship specifies a formal dress code (there are some lines that do not have any formal nights) and it is just normal good manners, and respect for your fellow passengers that generally encourage others to follow the dress code. They only ask that you dress appropriately if you want to dine in the main dining room. For folks that do not choose to dress-up, and there are always quite a few, there is another dining option (normally a buffet) where you can dine among those who feel the same as your do about getting dressed-up. To be honest, we think that ships need to move away from formal nights because of the airline luggage restrictions which make it difficult for many to carry formal wear without paying a hefty supplement. That being said, like most folks who have been around a few years we do think that following the dress code is simply the right thing to do. If we want to cruise without dressing-up we simply book a cruise on a line that oes not have formal nights (such as Oceania).

P. S. You should most certainly avoid Cunard if you take future cruises. This line actually enforces their strict dress code not just in the dining room but also in other venues on formal nights.
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[quote name='Hlitner']Dear Memiki,
We certainly hope you take your cruise and have a wonderful time. In your 71 years you have certainly learned good manners and the difference between right and wrong. On some nights of HA cruises the ship specifies a formal dress code (there are some lines that do not have any formal nights) and it is just normal good manners, and respect for your fellow passengers that generally encourage others to follow the dress code. They only ask that you dress appropriately if you want to dine in the main dining room. For folks that do not choose to dress-up, and there are always quite a few, there is another dining option (normally a buffet) where you can dine among those who feel the same as your do about getting dressed-up. To be honest, we think that ships need to move away from formal nights because of the airline luggage restrictions which make it difficult for many to carry formal wear without paying a hefty supplement. That being said, like most folks who have been around a few years we do think that following the dress code is simply the right thing to do. If we want to cruise without dressing-up we simply book a cruise on a line that oes not have formal nights (such as Oceania).

P. S. You should most certainly avoid Cunard if you take future cruises. This line actually enforces their strict dress code not just in the dining room but also in other venues on formal nights.[/QUOTE]

Thank you Hank for your information. I will avoid Cunard and look at Oceania next time. Tho we have always been on Princess or Carnival. maybe time for us to branch out, if we go again.
Blessings to you
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[quote name='Memiki']Thank you Hank for your information. I will avoid Cunard and look at Oceania next time. Tho we have always been on Princess or Carnival. maybe time for us to branch out, if we go again.
Blessings to you[/quote]


Maybe you would enjoy NCL. It is much more casual than other lines.

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[quote name='Hlitner']Dear Memiki,
To be honest, we think that ships need to move away from formal nights because of the airline luggage restrictions which make it difficult for many to carry formal wear without paying a hefty supplement.


And this is the absolutely VEHEMENT frustration DH is so ADAMANT about (and REFUSES to go on any more mainstream cruises because of the lack of conformity to the dress code). He truly, truly believes that if he, MR Levi's and t-shirt himself, can get dressed up (suit or tux) so can everyone else. WHAT in the h*** do people pack??? Why do you need a coffee pot, an over the door shoe hanger, a fan, a ton of booze (most of it smuggled), and everything else that soooo many find soooo necessary. Waste of luggage space and weight if you ask both of us.

I travel the world in my business (DH mostly stays home). I have business casual (including a couple of blazers), VERY formal (including a couple of heavily beaded dresses that I love) and also jeans and t-shirts all tucked into one Hartmann 50" mobile traveler. Additionally, a carry-on with a change of clothes (clean Dockers, a nice top and the blazer I most likely wore on the plane) and I am good to go most anyplace in the world.

Luggage weight is TRULY a cop-out.
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Although we have cruised a lot (elite on Princess) we also enjoy our land vacations. Cruising is a great way to get a quick glimpse of cities or countries, and than we decide if we want to book a trip and spend more time just on land at certain places. While Egypt was great for 2 days seeing the Pyramids and spending an overnight in Cairo, I know I would not have wanted to spend two weeks there!! The same goes for many places we have stopped at on cruises in other countries. Than nothing can beat spending a few weeks in the little towns in the Alps just traveling by train.:)
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[quote name='spongerob']You've missed my point, but at least you haven't totally missed the boat as Sarge has. The problem with ultra-cheap drive-thru cruising is that people tend to view it not as something special but as little more than a trip to the Walmart.

The cruise lines (mostly) aren't listening either. We get bigger, cheaper, and gaudier, when we ask for the opposite and lose everything that made cruising fun. Heck, you can't even dock the biggest ships at many ports.

I missed nothing. Money talks and mass market money is screaming. There would be more upscale cruise lines if the people asking for them would cough up the dough. Most cruisers don't want to have a butler flush the toilet for them.

But no matter. I'll be on a cruise and you won't! :D

[quote name='greatam']And this is the absolutely VEHEMENT frustration DH is so ADAMANT about (and REFUSES to go on any more mainstream cruises because of the lack of conformity to the dress code). He truly, truly believes that if he, MR Levi's and t-shirt himself, can get dressed up (suit or tux) so can everyone else. WHAT in the h*** do people pack??? Why do you need a coffee pot, an over the door shoe hanger, a fan, a ton of booze (most of it smuggled), and everything else that soooo many find soooo necessary. Waste of luggage space and weight if you ask both of us.

I travel the world in my business (DH mostly stays home). I have business casual (including a couple of blazers), VERY formal (including a couple of heavily beaded dresses that I love) and also jeans and t-shirts all tucked into one Hartmann 50" mobile traveler. Additionally, a carry-on with a change of clothes (clean Dockers, a nice top and the blazer I most likely wore on the plane) and I am good to go most anyplace in the world.

Luggage weight is TRULY a cop-out.[/quote]

Your Hartmann costs more than many cruises. My packing list is not your problem or your business, and neither is what I choose to wear.
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[quote name='greatam']"Pooling their resources". What in the heck does that mean???

JMHO, but there are FAR too many who can afford a $300-500 cruise without the proper DECORUM. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with money-"raised with wolves and homeless" is more like it. Call me a snob (without a lot of money) but the CA investigation PROVED IT. Mainstream cruising has now been reduced to the lowest common denominator-come one, come all, just put a few bucks on the line (wherever you got it) and join in the happy crowd. FORGET FORMAL night (because the best clothes you have are Dockers and a polo shirt-same level for ladies), forget the great tradition of what a cruise REALLY was. Just get on board and have a party that looks like a BBQ in my backyard (and I am 100 miles from "civilization" so no fancy stuff out here).

Some passengers including the ones who are scamming the welfare system and as been proven, use their WELFARE debit cards to provide "luxuries" on the cruise itself-booze, gift shops and excursions. They are also the ones who go to the Purser's desk and REDUCE or TAKE AWAY ENTIRELY the tips for the hard working crew. Their debit/credit card ran out.

I have posted this before (you can do a search). Cruising on MOST mainstream cruise lines-particularly those going to the Caribbean-have become the WALMART of cruising. Come one, come all, get the cheapest you can for a VERY common experience.

DH is PARTICULARLY adamant about dress code and the "finer things of cruising". Why bother otherwise??? Getting dressed up is truly special in our lives (our businesses revolve around power plants and docks world wide-who needs dress up clothes for those places). If DH can't wear a suit or tux and not feel out of place, why should we go on another cruise??? Is NOTHING special anymore???

FLAME AWAY!!![/quote]
A few cruisers feel like you do however the majority of the public seems to be going for more relaxed dress codes. It's not just the demographic that is being targetted with the label WALMART. Every cruise line even the luxury ones are loosening their dress codes, some still do have a code but it is laxer than in the past. You are a business person, you must understand that a large cruise line must adapt to the tastes of the majority. It is what it is.
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