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Live From the Decks of the Mercury The Final Two! 2/5/11 & 2/14/11


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i second the motion, kathy, tuggers, can you find out where carl will be going next...................i thought he said millie, someone said connie...


we have 5 inches of the white stuff here in the first state..............


enjoy the rest of your cruise, you should be returning to 40 degree plus weather.......:)


Love Carl Williams and love Perry Grant. A cruise with both of them on board would be nothing short of perfect.....Carl will be on the Connie for 1 Caribbean cruise and then off to Europe this spring. Love his voice, personality and dance music pre dinner. Ahhhhh.....Carl before dinner and Perry after dinner..... I can only dream!



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well, we will just have to hunt him down for next year............there are a lot of carl fans out there who are not cc members, he has more fans than he knows..............


popcorn, you mean i missed popcorn...................i can usually smell it a mile away...............


Vicki: We saw Carl in St Maarten. He asked if I heard from you again during the cruise and asked about your arm. I updated him. Kathy

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i second the motion, kathy, tuggers, can you find out where carl will be going next...................i thought he said millie, someone said connie...


we have 5 inches of the white stuff here in the first state..............


enjoy the rest of your cruise, you should be returning to 40 degree plus weather.......:)


Vicki: You received your response about Carl. Do you know if we got snow in Sussex?

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Mercury February 21, 2011 Day Eight of the Final Voyage

Wow! Today is Antigua. After this there is only one port left. Then we begin the trek to bring Mercury back to Baltimore one final time. I think everyone is starting to realize that it’s going to happen. For real. The ship we have all loved, and by ‘we’ I mean Officers, Staff, Crew and Passengers is leaving for Germany. We are all going to miss her. Mercury gone leaves us with the question, how much longer will we have Century?

One thing that really rankles is we have all these Germans, constantly prowling the ship, taking photos and measurements, laying out drawings and calling suppliers. I hear the plans for the Pavilion are enough to make you really go ‘what are they thinking?’. Someone offered to explain it to me but I really don’t even want to know.

I was on deck 11 when we docked this morning around 7:15. JoAn and I had planned to take a beach excursion to Dickinson Beach through the ship but two things stopped us.

One it was raining and two, to get to the transportation you first had to walk the length of the ship (we’re pretty far aft), then walk approximately the length of the ship again to get to the gate that lets you into town. Then the walk is an average block to the area where the excursion transportation is parked. JoAn could not take her scooter and did not think she could make it with her walker. So we didn’t go to the beach. BTW, I talked to some people who did go. They said the water at Dickinson was warm and calm with a sandy bottom and easy access. It’s definitely on my list for next time.

In the Pavilion for breakfast, we were sitting with our coffee and pastries when two of the Germans came in, went behind the bar and started the picture and measuring bit. Wish they would wait until the room is not being used! Okay, enough of that! The ‘extra’ this morning was the Chocolate French Toast w/Vanilla Sauce and whipped cream. I managed to stop myself from having any but around lunchtime I was really thinking it sounded pretty good!

We all had Cappuccino (JoAn even had a Latte!), Mimosa and Almond or Chocolate Croissants. What am I going to do when I have to go back to reality??? OMG, that will be cruel and unusual punishment!!

Enough whining! Roger and I went into town about 10. We walked through the first blocks of touristy shops and into the part of town where the residents actually shop. Nothing much to buy, but it was interesting to see the difference in their stores and ours.

I eventually made a couple of purchases, small things for gifts. I passed up the opportunity to buy a cat statue by an artist I usually collect. Liked them but the prices were really high. I actually bought them cheaper in Grand Cayman!

By this time we were thirsty so we went to The Coastal, which is a bar and restaurant next to the casino ( the casino is the first building on the left after you exit the fenced pier area). We sat at the bar with a beer (Roger) and a coke (me) and used the free Wi-Fi for about an hour.

We headed back to the ship at noon but I had to lie down for a few minutes to get my leg and sciatica a chance to settle down. At 12:30 Cil, Roger and I headed to the buffet area. Cil had pasta and pizza, Roger had roast pork with roasted vegetables and I had a couple of glasses of ice water. Just couldn’t eat. But I sat with them while they ate.

Afterwards I walked out by the pool and was able to get a chair and a side table. I even got to move it to my favorite spot at the corner of the pool. The weather was gorgeous! I started reading my book and feeling much better. About 2 PM I got a hot dog and fries. Would have liked a Strongbow or a diet coke and a bottle of water but could never find a bar server. Strange.

Stayed at the pool until 2:30. My hair looked awful having battled the wind tunnel effect while walking down the pier between the Mercury and the Oriana. I knew I was going to have to shower and wash my hair to get ready for the Social Hour at 4 PM and I didn’t want to rush. But it was really hard to pack up and leave that wonderful, warm sun!

An hour and a half gave me time to lie down for a while and that’s just what I did after my shower. In my cabin my a/c works great, my bed is comfortable and there was nothing on TV. Now that’s almost a certain nap! But somehow I managed to stay awake and was in the Pavilion right after it opened.

Stewart was talking to passengers when JoAn drove in on her scooter. She was trying to find a place to park it when Stewart offered to help. That was it! He was off and racing!

He had lapped the Pavilion when Mellissa tried to catch a ride by standing on the back. That’s when Stewart did a ‘wheelie’. Darn good one two. Plus, he hung on to his ride!! It sure was funny, seeing that front wheel coming off the ground and Stewart looking like he would throw up a hand and say ‘high ho, Silver’. So that was our afternoon entertainment.

I went to the casino at 6:30 and managed to lose my $15 winnings from last night! That darn Double Diamond penny machine just keeps on taking all my money! They sure don’t seem to want the passengers to go home counting their winnings! I’ve seen some tight machines but these are getting ridiculous. The casino always seems to be mostly empty. Certainly no crowds.

Interesting tidbit. On the way to the casino, by the elevators near the Pavilion, there was a man on the floor with his wife beside him and the F & B Manager talking on his phone, calling for help. A little later the man was being pushed in a wheelchair by an X staffer. As they passed me the pusher was saying ‘I was told to take you to the doctor’. Man, ‘don’t you dare take me to a doctor, take me to my cabin!’. Woman, ‘stop being difficult! I guess we better take him to the cabin’. It looked to me that he had fallen and maybe hit his head. Hope that wasn’t a bad decision to not see a doctor. Hopefully he will be okay! And embarrassed that he was ranting during his ride through the casino!

I went to three of the shops on the way to dinner and was able to buy a couple of things.

Nothing with Mercury on it but I got a neat leather pill carrier which I like. Also picked up a top for Cil to try and a nice baseball cap. Cil will probably take the top back but I did try! They still have lots of Mercury postcards (9 cents) and the postcard books with nice, if dated, photos, (49 cents) but absolutely nothing else you would consider a Mercury memento!

With the shopping and chatting I was late to dinner. I did come in with JoAn but then she’s usually a little late. Cil was having her appetizer when we were seated. Tonight’s menu was the one with Corvina Soufflé, Roast Pork and Shrimp Scampi. I had a shrimp cocktail, French Onion Soup, Roast Pork and Marble Cheesecake. It was all wonderful!

Tonight is the Dessert Buffet up on deck 11. To tell you the truth I was going to go but I came to my cabin and started writing this and now it seems like a lot of work to get dressed and schlep up there! I am such a wouse!!

Bye For Now!

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Mercury February 14, 2011 Day Nine of the Final Voyage

Good Morning St Maarten! And such a glorious morning it is! Bright sunshine and a slight breeze make the 80ish temperature just right for our last port day on the final voyage of our favorite small ship!

I am up early, watching us pull into port. Usually I don’t do this but knowing this is the last time I will ever see Mercury come into a beautiful Caribbean port has dragged me out of bed at an early hour. I am not alone on deck 12. There are quite a few of us, taking pictures or just standing, watching, trying to absorb everything we can about this last time in port.

The four of us met at the dining room for breakfast. We haven’t done it much on this trip, preferring to take advantage of the Elite breakfast in the Pavilion. I have gotten so used to Espresso and Cappuccino in the morning that I guess I’ll have to dust off my machine when I get home and start making my own. I have truly become addicted!

So today we are in the dining room, being served. I took full advantage by ordering what I consider my special treat on a cruise, pineapple juice. I never drink it at home, but I do love it. They have not run of berries so we girls had a bowl of mixed berries to start. What a treat to have strawberries, blue berries and blackberries on day nine if a twelve night cruise! Usually they are gone by day six! I had French Toast with Bacon, Roger had his favorite, poached eggs on toast, JoAn had cereal and Cil and an egg and bacon.

Roger, JoAn and I got off the ship early because I am determined to get back onboard for at least two hours of sun. JoAn is on her scooter and Roger and I take the extended golf cart that gives rides for $1 per person. I am still struggling with my sciatica so any ride I can get is a blessing. We plan to meet at the water taxi. Roger and I are dropped off at the water taxi. JoAn goes to the other water taxi. We sit and wait. No JoAn. We wait for 25 minutes and decide to go on into town, knowing JoAn will probably meet us there.

I want to get t-shirts from a bar call the Blue B*h Bar. Got it? They are really cute shirts and since I showed dogs for years (Great Danes and Long Haired Dachshunds) and that’s how we refer to the females, it is not offensive to my best friend. In our quest, Roger and I walk down the beach side instead of heading for Front Street. We are early and there are not many people out. It is truly a wonderful walk. And if you are looking for a beach without taking a long taxi ride, the bargains are good here. Signs all over advertise the rental of two chairs, an umbrella and 5 beers (or two frozen drinks) for $20.

We locate our bar and I find I will be robbed (J) of fifty bucks for two shirts. But the people here are really fun, Roger has a beer (yes, its only 10 AM here but it must be 5 o’clock somewhere!) and I talk to a very nice and funny young man who is willing to let me look in his ‘closet’ and unfold a lot of shirts to get just the right one. It wasn’t a bad experience, just an expensive one!!

Now we cut over to Front Street where I have my Guavaberry Colada, which is one of my little traditions I have when visiting St Marteen. They are very busy, both in the shop and the bar. By now it’s 10:15 and I am drinking alcohol. (See the explanation for morning booze in the above paragraph. J)

We walk next door to my ‘go-to’ place for small souvenirs, beach bags and t-shirts. I always go to the Sona store because the owner (Norman Harsha Su) is so nice and the quality of his t-shirts can’t be beat (he even has eco friendly bamboo shirts now). Buy $15 or so in merchandise and he will probably offer you a beer, soft drink or bottle of water. Tell him the redhead from Georgia sent you. No, I don’t get anything out of it but he likes me so he might give you a little ‘extra’ discount if you ask.

Most of my shopping done, we walk to the Jump Up Casino to play my favorite slot machine: Dogs and Cats. We walk in and they have totally ruined this place! Almost all of the machines are now the computer screen ones and I don’t like them. Ok, I don’t understand them! Whatever, I don’t enjoy playing them. We do however make use of the facilities (bathrooms) and leave.

We wander to the beach side again and I pick up two more things which starts and finishes all the buying in ports that I have done on this trip. After a while you have enough of this ‘stuff’ and, except for a couple of little girls, my house sitter and two best friends, I no longer bring it home. Heck, I have enough beach bags in my attic to start my own store.

Off to the water taxi, catch our golf cart and we are back onboard by 11:45. I should mention that I asked the cart driver if I could ride with him to his turn around point (which was as far as you could go on the pier because there were gates blocking it off) so I could try to get one last picture of the ‘Mercury’ on the side of the ship. I thought I would have to walk back but he was so nice that he waited for me and dropped me back off at the gangway. I’ve always found the people on this island to be very nice and very accommodating!

It’s been over three hours since we have eaten so, of course, we grab Cil and head for the buffet! We all had hotdogs and fries. I grabbed the Captain as he walked by and told him we had a very serious problem. He gets such a serious look on his face and when I tell him we have run out of relish (for my hotdog) he starts to laugh. He is a very good guy and has a great sense on humor so I got away with it but I’ve had some Captains who would not appreciate the joke.

I got my two and a half hours of wonderful, warm, salty sun before I had to go get ready for the Social Hour. I was wearing a visor all day so a hair washing was necessary! Besides, I like a little extra time in the afternoon to lie down and then have time to leisurely get ready before everything gets started for the evening.

We are in the Pavilion when we find out that our CCH, Mellissa, has had an accident in town and twisted her ankle. Doctors orders have her in her cabin with her leg elevated.

I feel bad for her because she is getting ready to go home on vacation and schlepping through airports going to Australia is bad enough but with a bad ankle it could be really bad! Hope we get to see her in a day or two to thank her for all she has done for us this trip!

Angela and Elliott split up the door duty and everything ran smoothly. The music was too loud and some people (including JoAn) left because it was hard to carry on a conversation but other than that it was fine.

Cil, Roger and I went to the casino to make our sometimes-nightly donation. This trip there has not been any trouble getting on the three penny machines because they, as well as the other slots, aren’t paying out anything!! You would not believe how quiet the casino is! No ringing bells, gasps or screams. Nothing! The machines are extremely

tight! Which translates into not much fun!

I never write about this stuff because I don’t want to be perceived as bragging. It’s the same reason I don’t talk about the Captain’s Table and private parties. But this being the final voyage I hope that you will forgive me if I tell about this one event.

About 20 of us were invited to a private party given by the ‘Master and Hotel Director’ (as the invitation read) in the private quarters of the Captain. This time, because there were so many of us, we met in his Conference Room and Office. As with any party in the Captain’s private space you meet at the forward elevators and are escorted down a short hallway with the Captain and Hotel Director standing outside to greet you each by name. There were perhaps 7 or 8 different cocktails served along with wine, champagne, bottled waters (sparkling and still) and soft drinks. There were hot and cold canapés and sushi. Everything was very tasty and different from anything you would get at any other venue onboard. Chef Walter takes care of that and does an excellent job. All the senior Officers were there along with Stewart, Angela and Karol (concierge). It was lots of fun with everyone, including the Captain, telling jokes and stories about the Mercury. We talked about all the plaques and photos on the wall which take you back to the first sailings of the Mercury. We were all taking pictures so the Captain got his camera and took pictures of us! What memories!

Again, I don’t relate the party story to prove I got something ‘special’ but to let you know how wonderfully they are handling this final sailing. I’m hoping I don’t get flamed!

Because the party was at 7:45 we canceled our dinner and intended to eat on deck 11. Cil got a little sick and had to leave the party (it was rough and we were in the forward area of the ship) so when Roger and I went to the buffet she was sitting there, staring at food on her plate. She had eaten very little and left when we got there. Roger got spaghetti. I sat with him while he ate and then got pizza and took it back to my cabin.

Again, I don’t relate the party story to prove I got something ‘special’ but to let you know how wonderfully they are handling this final sailing.

The ship was really rocking and rolling, which I love, and it was great to be in my cabin, just chilling and enjoying being rocked to sleep.

Bye For Now!

PS PatC asked about Vincent at the casino bar. He is no longer on Mercury and is currently on Century. Maybe you could get someone on a Century roll call to take a message to him.

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Gail thank you so much for your posts. I love reading them. That was wonderful you were invited to party with the Captain and Hotel Director. That must have been a great experience.


Hey Gail do you think you any of the staff on the ship would know where Bruno (International Host) went. He must have been assigned to another ship after his contract on Mercury was over. If you have a chance, I'd appreciate it if you could inquire.




Anne Maria

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Enjoying your posts. It's a shame that it sounds like they are planning on ruining the Pavillion room. In all of our cruises and 25+ ships it is my favorite public room/lounge. I keep expected to see Bogart sitting there...I quess that doesn't translate well to Germany. It was so nice to have the Elite events there last cruise. Hope Melissa is OK.


Kevin & Cathy

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Gail -- I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading about your last two cruises on Mercury. We sailed on her for the third time last March and that cruise ranks among our top 2:D She is just the perfect size ship and we will miss her greatly.


It is so nice to hear about Jacquie, Anca, Stewart and some of the other crew members. It is such a shame they are splitting up such a fine team.


The Captain's party sounded like such fun -- you should feel honored to have been invited.


Looking forward to the last couple of days on board.



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Gail, thanks for the St. Maarten report. The Portabello Wrap at the Blue B*** Bar is delicious!. Sorry about Mellissa. Hope she is feeling better. It was nice of the Captain to entertain on the last cruise. We are are sailing with you vicariously.


Nancy & Frank

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Flamingo 21401, cinzia, Mark & Randi, Lsea, thanks for asking about me but I never had any other symptoms – just lost my voice for a couple of days. I do that at home about once a year. Ditto the sciatic problem, only more often. I just go with it. I use a cane for one, gargle for the other and as long as I don’t get the treatments mixed up, I’m fine!. Eventually it all goes away.

Judy, if you go to The Coastal take your camera. I did not have mine and the birds really are great! Then you can send me a picture! J

Thanks everyone for the kind words. Only a few more days…

PS Bruno is in Italy working in a hotel as a Concierge. Haven't found out which one.

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Mercury Feb 14, 2011 Day Ten of the Final Voyage

We are on the way back to Baltimore! I would cry but it wouldn’t change anything. The good thing is that the Weather Gods are smiling on us. It’s going to be sunny and in the 80’s today. Yea! One more wonderful sunny day before we hit the cold!

Breakfast this morning was good. The ‘extra’ was Cheese Blintz’s w/Cherry Sauce. Yummy! But very filling! Had a Cappuccino and two Mimosas to wash them down.

Didn’t hang around long because I wanted to go change into my bathing suit and get out by the pool. It was crowded but I still managed to find a chair and moved it to where I wanted to be. It was a great Caribbean day. Soft breeze, bright, hot sun. Just what I like!

Stayed until 11:30, ran by the Cova to post to this thread then hurried up to my cabin to change for the Captain’s Club Party. Managed to get there right before the crowds descended. They were trying to get everyone into a single line to enter but it was a lost cause. Those folks smelled free drinks and food and they were heading in! J The food, as it has been, was really good. I had Sushi and Carved Beef. Cil had Crepes, more Crepes followed by pasta. Roger didn’t go. He said he is food saturated. JoAn didn’t want to have to change clothes to go. So it was just the two of us. They were pretty free with the drinks this time so we were enjoying ourselves. It was the last one on Mercury and that was definitely on everyone’s mind. But it was fun!

Left Cil and went back to my cabin to change for the pool, again! Made it back down a little before 1 and stayed until 3. I was there during volleyball with the Officers and got hit with the ball. Had sorbet served in orange halves at 2. Standard pool day on X.

Got back to my cabin with just enough time to change, shower and wash my hair. Barely finished in time to go downstairs for the Social Hour. Don’t know what was wrong with the first Cosmo I had (tasted like it was made with gin – yuck!) but one was enough! Cil and Roger left early and I sat and talked with JoAn and Ann for a while.

Stopped by the casino but there were no penny machines available. I talked to a couple of people and then went back to my cabin for a very short rest before being ready for dinner at 7:45.

Dinner tonight was a menu we didn’t have last cruise:

Carmalized Mango

Country Style Pate

Warm Montrachet Goat Cheese and Potato Gratin (this is my very favorite X appetizer)

Lump Crab and Smoked Salmon

Creamy Shellfish Bisque

Butternut Squash Soup

Cucumber Yogurt Soup

Panzanella Salad

Greek Salad

Celebrity Flounder

Mama’s Pasta Bolognese

Honey Roasted Pecan Chicken

Burgundy Braised Lamb Shank

Mediterranean Style Aged Sirloin Steak (very good)

Vegetable and Ricotta Stuffed Shells

Yes, DebC, I also had a Shrimp Cocktail!

Dessert was Key Lime Pie.

All of us are very tired. For Roger, JoAn and I it was probably because we were in the sun a good portion of the day. Not sure about Cil. Maybe the cruise is just catching up with her. I was planning on going to watch Shelly and Gaye dance tonight but not sure I’m going to make it till 10:30. Hope they win! I know they have trained really hard for it. Good Luck!

The end is getting too close! I HATE it! We will miss you Mercury!! (sniff, sniff)

Bye For Now!

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Greetings Tuggers and Company,

We just returned from the Infinity and see that you all are having a terrific B2B cruise! YEAH!! It's a shame that we couldn't be two places at the same time, or rather on two ships at the same time. It was a real toss up for us but the last chance to see Antarctica won over closing out the Mercury. Please say hello to all of our Cruise Critic cruising buddies and enjoy the rest of your cruise.

Cindy G.

PS...only "dog people" truly understand the t-shirts. ;-)) I have a depost on a new show puppy. We'll be in touch after you get home.

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Mercury February 14, 2011 Day Eleven of the Final Voyage

Wow! Every day I wake up a little sadder. Every day brings us closer to the end. We now have 48 more hours to go so we better make the best of it!

Went to the Pavilion but didn’t stay too long. I wanted to get out by the pool to see if it was warm enough to sit out for just a little while. My first clue was when there was a table of blankets beside the towels. Ok, just a little too brisk. I could have gone out on deck 10 aft where the wind was blocked a little but by that time I knew I had things to do, loose ends to tie up.

Karol (Concierge) helped me arrange a Go Shuttle for the four of us from Locust Point to BWI. They will pick us up at 9:15 for $60 plus tip. Got my reservation number and gave them my cell phone number plus credit card info so we are all set.

Gathered cash and envelopes for extra tips for tomorrow night. Still need to write the notes to go with them but I’ll do that tomorrow afternoon.

We had the Cruise Critic Lunch at noon in the Manhattan Restaurant. I was told they had 94 reservations. It looked to be well attended. Our menu was:

Puff Pastry Feuillite

Chilled Papaya Bisque

Mesclun Greens with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

Slow Cooked Roast Beef, French Fries, Béarnaise Sauce, Olive Oil Tossed Vegetables


Chilean Sea Bass on Black Tagliatelle, Honey Glazed Baby Carrots

Celebrity Chocolate Soufflé with Warm Vanilla Bean Sauce and Orange-Chocolate Sorbet

Choice of Red or White Wine


Fair to say we were stuffed!

I tried to find a picture I had taken in Antigua. They had a photographer taking head shots against the bow of the ship. I had two taken and now they seem to have disappeared. Had one person looking earlier today, then she couldn’t be found so supposedly someone else is looking. I can live without them but thought it would make a nice memento. I have yet to see a line at the photo desk but maybe everyone is waiting until tomorrow to buy.

I was so tired after the lunch (and the wine) that I didn’t make it to the Social Hour. I was eating at late seating tonight and I thought a nap would make it easier. However, after I set the wake-up call, asked Cil to check on me so I wouldn’t oversleep, you guessed it – I couldn’t sleep! Bummer! But I did rest and that was a help.

I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to either sit with the Captain for dinner this trip or to be at the very last table of the Mercury, hosted by Ugo (Hotel Director) and Stewart (Cruise Director). I chose the last table. And while it was a great, fun table, it also had an air of sadness. We joked about everything including who at the table had smuggled on a small tire iron to remove signs from the walls. I’ll never tell who that was. J The final Baked Alaska parade and the singing of Auld Ang Sine was tearful. But we all muddled through. And then it was over. The last formal dinner in the Manhattan Restaurant on Celebrity Mercury. Very sad.

I went into the final show for the Mercury Singers and Dancers but that wasn’t doing it for me so I left and went to the Navigator. The party there was billed as The Formal Farewell to Mercury Party. I stayed until midnight. By then the Officers had gone and the band was on their last set. I mean after everyone does ‘Y M C A’ you know the party is pretty much over!

On Horizon and Zenith we had huge last night parties (on the last night!) with a parade of officers and crew, dancing, confetti and streamers, crying and laughter. I think I kind of miss that. Of course, both of those ships went out in warmer weather than we’ll have tomorrow night. So I guess this was the best that could be done. In any case, the result is the same; we are losing another X ship that has an almost ‘cult-like’ following. Not sure if you’ll find that loyalty on the new mega ships. I’m just happy that I was around to experience it on these three great ships!

Bye For Now!

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Not a surprise that she is making an early morning out of it, Celebrity MERCURY passed under the Key Bridge at 4:45am and just docked back in Baltimore being pierside at 5:20am. I imagine all her passengers will be off the ship by 8am?


It will be interesting to hear final updates on how the last few days have gone.


I also wonder if she will depart immediately for sea again or remain pierside to offload stores etc?

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my information from a senior officer in January is that Mercury will be there at least until Sun. He said the sign over will be tomorrow, where it officially changes ownership to TUI (or as I call it pa-tuuuiii), then he will leave on Sunday. Don't know what will happen after that but the remodel clock will probably start this afternoon. Wonder if Fain is in town?

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my information from a senior officer in January is that Mercury will be there at least until Sun. He said the sign over will be tomorrow, where it officially changes ownership to TUI (or as I call it pa-tuuuiii), then he will leave on Sunday. Don't know what will happen after that but the remodel clock will probably start this afternoon. Wonder if Fain is in town?


If she stays overnight will she be moved to another berth? Carnival Pride is due in tomorrow and will need to dock at the passenger terminal.

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Not a surprise that she is making an early morning out of it, Celebrity MERCURY passed under the Key Bridge at 4:45am and just docked back in Baltimore being pierside at 5:20am. I imagine all her passengers will be off the ship by 8am?


It will be interesting to hear final updates on how the last few days have gone.


I also wonder if she will depart immediately for sea again or remain pierside to offload stores etc?


Due to leave 26feb for Hamburg

Celebrity's Bridge and engeeners crew take the vessel over to Hamburg and will turn it over to TUI there.

Tui's personnel on board in Baltimore to start prep work ( ship interior will be pretty well unrecognizable by docking time in Hamburg )

Stores offloading takes place in Baltimore.

I suppose food and other consumables will be ''turned over'' and restocked for personnel on board to Hamburg


Sniff sniff.....Hanky's time....


One minute of silence please....


( When we got off in Baltimore 18oct....I felt a heart tug and found it hard to tell the taxi driver to ''go'',,,didn't want to leave.

I can understand her last guests debarking yesterday would have been hard to convince to walk off the gangway...


Sniff #3....

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