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The most shocking thing....??


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A guest at the Captain's Table (not Carnival and some years ago) who suddenly threw-up onto the table and guests near her. I noticed she had needed help getting to the table, now I knew why.

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In Feb on the Glory, my friends and I were on Serenity Deck lounging by the pool when we spied a large man climbing down the ladder into the pool. That wasn't too bad, but after getting wet the trip back up the ladder was a whole nother story. Think very weighted down loosely tied swim trunks. Then he walked to the shower and rinsed off. I applaud him for that, just wish he'd hiked up his suit a few times!

People watching is a favorite activity. I often wonder, those of us who dress conservative and maybe in looser clothes, are we commented about by the overdressed, overstuffed risk takers? I applaud their spirit, maybe just not the results.



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One more, happened quite some years ago. Laying by the pool and an elderly couple was beside me. He was very attentive to his wife. I was very impressed at his constant care and concern. Then he got around in front of her, yanked her swimsuit down to her waits and put sunscreen all over her chest and to maybe borrow from John Heald, her wobbly saggy bits. This was at the main pool, not adults only.

Ok. Two more:)


Also in Key West my DH and I took a short holiday with an adult daughter. We wanted to lay out and the pool was shady. So went up to the upper level and each took a chair. We were the only ones. After some time, we all took naps, I woke up and opened my eyes. Directly across from me was a nude man!! Nothing left to wonder about. We had landed on the nude sunbathing deck by mistake. I woke everyone up and we quietly left. He(man) was asleep.



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The most shocking (memorable) thing I saw on my last cruise was......

That one is easy for me... a drunk man of about 80 with leather skin from over tanning...wearing a bright red speedo ( it only covered portions of his anatomy;) ) dancing on the Lido with his loving wife at 8:00am! It was both yucky and amazingly sweet at the same time...you couldn't help but smile at the love between them...



First cruise I took, there was an older gentleman always out by the pool, in a white (therefore see through when wet) speedo. Now THAT was traumatic!

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Picture this...your last port day in Cozumel on the Conquest. You're taking pictures and trying to catch the pier runners, while talking to very nice older lady (70's). The Magic was docked across and they nice lady says you need to get a picture of that, pointing to the balcony's on the Magic.

You look up and there is a VERY drunk man dancing in the nude. Then his very naked wife joins him. They eventually make it to the floor of the balcony. This nice older lady could not take her eyes off.:eek:

I am sure you can finish this story with your own imagination!

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On last cruise in February on the Triumph sat next to 4 "ladies" in their mid twenties that came to the MDR drunk EVERY night! On elegant night one of the girls was so drunk she ate the whole lobster with her hands! Checked twice to see if she had silverware...yep she did! And one of the other girls fell asleep while she was eating! Priceless:eek:

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Not as exciting as many of these other stories but there was an older couple that always seemed to be in the same place I was going, dinner, show, etc... and since his wife was in a wheelchair he always yelled at everyone to get out of the way and he would run down the halls pushing her so they would be first in line.


One night at bingo they yelled BINGO when their card was checked it was wrong, they punched a number that was never called. They both started hollering at the assistant in the crowd and the bingo caller accusing them of rigging the game and helping others cheat. They eventually had to have security escort them away.

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Triumph spring break cruise 2012...I heard a noise in the middle of the night on our balcony. Went to check and there was a very drunk college student standing on my balcony grabbing a chair. He had busted down the divider and was trying to steal our chairs!!! I went out and screamed at him. He started to climb over the side of the balcony to get back to his. Then I screamed that he was going to fall. I called security and they didn't do much. Crazy kids!

Edited by MarathonMama629
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SO GLAD this thread was revived; I have been laughing through the whole thing!


I have 2, both on the Fantasy.


DH and I were meandering past Guest Services toward the end of our cruise and there was an older British couple at the desk discussing their sign and sail with the attendant. I didn't hear the details but they walked a little ways away after they had finished and began to argue. Well, she was arguing; he was trying to calm her down. Finally, she had just had it and in a loud, very proper British accent said "Oh PISS OFF, PAUL!" and stormed away. We almost spit drinks through our noses and you will occassionally hear it being repeated around our house to this day, with an accent :cool:


On our first sea day, we met 2 other couples who have since become very good friends. The 2 guys are best friends and on one of our last days, DH and I had wandered up to the Lido deck and off to the side, by the windows, are our new friends and a few other guys. No ladies in sight. We walked up and I noticed 1) a puddle under the chair of one of them and 2) a plastic cup on the floor nearby. So, me and my big mouth.."Ha ha! Dude, if it weren't for that cup on the floor, I'd think you pissed your pants!" His friend starts making gestures for me to hush as I am saying it and I realized..too late..that the puddle did NOT come from a spill. All the poor guy could do was stare blankly back at me. They had brought him up to get some food and water and hadn't realized just how drunk he was. Needless to say, his wife was less than thrilled when she found out. He doesn't even remember it.


My favorite story on here was the "hot latin booty". That was priceless LOL

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I was gonna say, how did I miss this one, until I realized it was an old thread.


Most disgusting thing I ever saw was a woman face down in a thong, who was sorely in need of a depilatory.

Ya...it was a thread I started a long time ago but I thought there might be a few new stories to entertain us! :D

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Such a fan thread! I have loved reading them all!


Years ago, we had a stop in Playa del Carmen and had ventured out to a local beach. DH and I were had gotten into the ocean to splash around a bit when we noticed a nearby couple that were migrating towards us. The well endowed lady was topless and the man she was with was quite, um, handsy. He was also about 30 years older than she was. We were super uncomfortable about the situation so we moved further away but the couple kept following us. It was so awkward! Needless to say, we hightailed it out of there pretty quickly!

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So glad this thread came up I've been lmao which is nice considering I have been sitting in the same place for about 3 1/2 hours on the ohio turn pike waiting for a accident that is a couple of miles up the road to b cleaned up!



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This cracked me up..I still don't know what dressy shorts, dressy tops, and dressy capris are...

But it's okay as long as it was a "dressy" diaper. :D It's like those people who say it's okay to wear a wife-beater to Elegant Night' date=' as long as it's a "[b']"dressy[/b]" wife-beater. :)
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A few years back on the Carnival Triumph, there was a family of four and every night their DS (who appeared to be about 4-5 yo) threw a piece of glassware on the floor and broke it. The parents would do nothing about it at all. we did over hear them tell the waiter that this is nothing, he keeps breaking glasses in our room to and the steward keeps putting them back. It became a nightly trivia time for us to guess what he would break. It is sad that his family allowed this behavior.


On one of our cruises, when my DS was about 12 the waiter brought him a full glass of lemonade in the large wine style glasses with a stem. DS not use to holding a glass by the stem was using only one hand to hold it. The glass began to get top heavy and needless to say he could not control the glass. He spilled it all over the little boy (about the same age) at the table directly beside ours. We apologized over and over as we were very embarrassed that this happened. later the waiter asked my son if he wanted another glass in which my DS stated "no, I had a bad experience with lemonade once".

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This made me think that NCL might want to rethink their unlimited booze package:


Two women in tube tops playing cards in the casino. Both drunk. One woman kept complaining that the other wouldn't let her see her boobs. She said it wasn't fair because she showed the lady hers. Then she made a grab for the tube top. Fortunately she was so drunk she missed.


Saw a totally naked guy riding a jet ski at the nude beach on St. Martiin. Every time he jumped a wave, my husband would cringe.

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This made me think that NCL might want to rethink their unlimited booze package:


Two women in tube tops playing cards in the casino. Both drunk. One woman kept complaining that the other wouldn't let her see her boobs. She said it wasn't fair because she showed the lady hers. Then she made a grab for the tube top. Fortunately she was so drunk she missed.


Saw a totally naked guy riding a jet ski at the nude beach on St. Martiin. Every time he jumped a wave, my husband would cringe.

too funny :D

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We were on the Celebrity Summit a few years back. We went to the adult Hypnotist show. He hypnotized a group of 6 people. In the group was an 18 year old boy on vacation with his parents. The hypnotist told the group that they were auditioning for a porno movie. The 18 year old proceeded to grab a folding chair that was on the stage, he "Mounted" it, broke it, landed on the stage, face down, and proceeded to start humping the stage... very badly. He looked like he was having a seizure :p His parents were in their seats, covering their faces. Needless to say, we saw that young man everywhere for the rest of the cruise. :)

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Couldn't imagine why I hadn't read this thread before, then realized we were onboard on an Australia/New Zealand cruise. Great, Fun thread, so thanks for resurrecting it!


We have a couple of stories, but one I don't think we've told before on CC. We actually took part in it, but it would probably shock most anyone who saw it. Back in 1981, our first cruise together, on the Starward, a split cruise - we boarded in Miami, a group of about 40 cruisers got off the ship in Ocho Rios, spent a week in a resort, then reboarded and finished the cruise. We all got to know each other very well, especially when a hurricane skirted the island and we were without electricity for several days. Back on the ship - Hans & Gloria (Hans had gone to college with the ship's Captain) invited a group of us to a cocktail party and dinner at the Captain's table the last night of the cruise. The Captain wasn't there - smart move! We all had traditional Norwegian fare, starting with Acquavit with beer chasers, and had to learn a traditional Norwegian drinking song (lots of practicing until we got it right!). DH and I were the oldest couple of the group, and had sense enough to try to slow down the drinking, but most of the others did not. At the close of the meal, luckily when most of the diners had already left the dining room, Hans challenged a friend of ours to a traditional Norwegian game, leg wrestling. So...in the middle of the dining room, waiters cleared a space near the table, and the two men (both well over 6 feet tall and very athletic) leg wrestled. The whole match was over in about a minute (no surprise, Hans won), but every waiter in the dining room, plus those diners still left, had gathered to watch. We later learned there had been a lot of betting, not only on the leg wrestling match, but also on how many of us would be able to make it out of the dining room under our own power.


Don't think this would/could happen today without someone being quickly escorted out of the dining room, but it's a great memory of a different era in cruising.

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Leaving port, pulling out beside another ship, many of us were out on our balconies waving at those on the other ship.two young men on there balcony in robes dropped their robes and something obviously had "excited" them!


In the lido I watched a toddler lick the salt and pepper shakers for several minutes while the parents ate. They left them on the table and then when the next occupants reached for them I ran over and stopped them. Didn't use the salt or pepper all cruise!

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We were on the Celebrity Summit a few years back. We went to the adult Hypnotist show. He hypnotized a group of 6 people. In the group was an 18 year old boy on vacation with his parents. The hypnotist told the group that they were auditioning for a porno movie. The 18 year old proceeded to grab a folding chair that was on the stage, he "Mounted" it, broke it, landed on the stage, face down, and proceeded to start humping the stage... very badly. He looked like he was having a seizure :p His parents were in their seats, covering their faces. Needless to say, we saw that young man everywhere for the rest of the cruise. :)

These adult hypnotist shows are crazy :eek: They leave me with the heebie jeevies. I've seen people ashamed of what they did. Me get up there ? NO WAY !!!

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My hypnotist story happened a few years ago, I think it was on a Princess ship. During the show, one of the participants was selected because he was the funniest. Post hypnotic suggestion was to be kind to his family and wife.

Next morning I see him at Guest Services complaining that the hypnotist, with the Post-hypnotic suggestion, caused his bar tab to be so high and that the hypnotist should pay his bar bill because the participant provided such great entertainment.




He did not have much luck convincing the Guest Services that this should happen though.


On another cruise on MSC, we had delightful tablemates who were a little younger than us. As such they availed themselves of the sundeck frequently (both wound up a little reddish). But the great part was that we ran into them all over the ship.

On a sea day, the husband was on the upper lido deck enjoying the sunshine and working on his tan. The wife was somewhere else. Well..... next to the husband sits the lady on the cruise that we all called Leather Boobs. The reason is, that although she was quite attractive, she sunbathed topless. (This was MSC and had a large Italian Contigent on board.). So we brought up the Scenery at dinner that night. The husband turned even more red. But we all had a laugh. (and he agreed about her nickname.)

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