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Cowardly Princess Cruises treats passengers with contempt


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I do feel for the OP having to change his flights etc. but at least Princess is finishing the cruise in Hong Kong where a) there are loads of hotels to choose from and b) there are lots of flights each day all around the world.


What if Princess had decided to finish the cruise in Incheon in Korea or Tianjing in China? It would have been so much harder to organize flights home and perhaps a hotel room for the night.


If I had been going on that cruise, I would have had a very strong inclination that the ports in Japan would either be closed or not available for cruise ship due to the disaster and would have expected the ports to be changed. Therefore I would have thought of a backup plan just in case. You probably laugh at that last statement but last year when the ash was in the air from Iceland, we were on a cruise which was going to finish in Dover and before we left Australia, I had worked out how we would get home if our flights were cancelled.



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Per the last couple of posts from people on board and some personal experiences it looks like the Passengers Services Desk is the weak link in the service on board. Kind of interesting considering the name. :rolleyes:
I was on a Star Princess cruise to Mexico during the swine flu episode and we got turned around before getting to Mexico, spending 10 days in Southern California. Each passenger received a 50% refund. The Passenger Services Desk was overrun with irate people who took their aggressions out on the staff. I think before denigrating those stuck behind the desk, we might want to spend a day in their shoes.

And yes, every time someone logs onto the internet, they use up part of the available bandwidth. Given Cruise Critic's usual slow server response, those posting here are probably causing delays in responses for others who are trying to make arrangements to get home.

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...The Passenger Services Desk was overrun with irate people who took their aggressions out on the staff. I think before denigrating those stuck behind the desk, we might want to spend a day in their shoes...

I don't think any passenger should be rude to any employee under any circumstance. However, I can appreciate frustration when dealing the Purser's staff. Across all cruise lines, I have found that the staff tends to be trained to deal with certain kinds of problems. When the problem doesn't fit into one of certain fixed scenarios (as would have been the case with the disaster in Japan), most often staff tries to pick the closest robotic response, whether relevant or not. (Think: former VP candidate not knowing an answer to a question).


A case in point happened on the Celebrity Summit, and fortunately there was no emergency, rerouting or disaster. Folks, you can't make this stuff up. We were supposed to receive tote bags as part of our cabin category. When we learned two days before the end of the cruise that some people had received totes and others not, I inquired at Passenger Services. I was told that they ran out. I asked if I would be given compensation. No. I was told the totes would be delivered to my cabin when they arrived. Since we only had one sea day left, I wondered how these tote bags might arrive on the ship. By helicopter, I asked? No. When the ship got to its disembarkation port. She had no concept that all passengers would be leaving the ship that morning.


In all fairness, when I asked to speak to the hotel director, that person was able to authorize a credit on our account so we could buy tote bags in the gift shop.

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If I had been going on that cruise, I would have had a very strong inclination that the ports in Japan would either be closed or not available for cruise ship due to the disaster and would have expected the ports to be changed. Therefore I would have thought of a backup plan just in case. You probably laugh at that last statement but last year when the ash was in the air from Iceland, we were on a cruise which was going to finish in Dover and before we left Australia, I had worked out how we would get home if our flights were cancelled.



We did the same thing for our return flight at the end of a cruise from Copenhagen last May to have some idea about our options. It was a fluid situation with the Icelandic volcano & we couldn't lock in any plans but we did have some idea about our options. I like to do my homework first then to seek help when necessary...just like when exploring cruise options. The airlines changed our flights to avoid any ash cloud problems & also the pending BA strike. Again, not nearly as bad as those with Japan on their itinerary which has to be much worse.

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....Some time in the week before departure, Princess Cruises decided not to travel to Japan. However Princess decided to withhold this information from passengers until the day before the cruise was to set sail, presumably to avoid cancellations....



Not being a cheerleader, but did you bother to read the "cruise contract" you agreed to. Princess never guaranteed you a cruise to any specific destination. The cruise line or captain can after or change any cruise for any reason. Bottom line, you can depend on getting on a ship and pushing back from the dock for some period of time, THAT'S IT.

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I think they DID make free internet available, hence the complaint about slow connection times.


Holly - You have a really good point! This WAS an AOG and I'll bet insurance won't cover anything!


I also found it interesting and disturbing that the OP made no mention of the poor people in Japan and their awful plight.


It would certainly be interesting to determine the actual definition or what constitutes an "Act of God" for insurance purposes.


My fifth wheel was totally demolished in force 4 tornado and the insurance companies at the time were trying to say it was an "AOG". My argument to them was that there is no such thing as an AOG (especially if you're atheist or agnostic) and that a tornado is nothing more than a high velocity wind storm for which I was covered by my policy. The insurance company paid out in full.


Still, what constitutes an "AOG" for insurance purposes?


Ciao for now!!!

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I was referred to their original press release that said the decision would be based on Port Infrastucture and Government advice.


If they knew the port was closed on 3/17 versus 3/20 that makes a huge difference and we don't know that and may not find that out.



In this case the government advice was from the US government which advised against all non-essential travel to anywhere in Japan. This was based on the unknowns about the nuclear reactors and the possibility that any radiation might go anywhere in the country, even far from where the earthquare and tsunami caused any damage.


The Port at Osaka was open the week that the change in ports was made and they issued a statement saying ships were welcome. So switching to a different disembarkation port was due to government warnings and not anything at the Port of Osaka.

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What if Princess had decided to finish the cruise in Incheon in Korea or Tianjing in China? It would have been so much harder to organize flights home and perhaps a hotel room for the night.





Actually, it may have been just as easy. Incheon/Seoul airport has many flights gloing all over the world. Tianjing is less than two hours by bus or train to Beijing where there are also many flights going all over the world.

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I agree with the person who posted above that they should offer a charter flight from HKG to KIX for those who want it.


People who were going to just fly home from Osaka would not be able to make use of that charter since, as someone else mentioned, it would most likely arrive after the passengers' flights the same day from Osaka had departed.

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Actually, it may have been just as easy. Incheon/Seoul airport has many flights gloing all over the world. Tianjing is less than two hours by bus or train to Beijing where there are also many flights going all over the world.


I still think that Princess made the right call in finishing the cruise in Hong Kong. It is well away from the area of radiation and there are flights to Canada, the U.S., Australia and Europe every day. They would have had to find a port that was able to take the Ocean Princess at the last minute and I know I would have been happy to finish the cruise there.


You may be out of pocket, but at least you are not in the area of radiation. I know Osaka is not close to Tokyo and the nuclear power station, but I would much prefer to be well away from that area in case of a change in the wind and from what I have seen on the TV the airports are crowded with so many expats being told by their Governments to get out as soon as possible.



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The nuclear power situation is still in crisis and the danger of a nuclear disaster is very real. It's not under control and while it might be relatively safe in Osaka right now, who knows what it'll be in a week? Or, two weeks? If the issue were only the earthquake and tsunami, I don't think Princess would have made the change. The fact that the nuclear situation changes daily and presents a potential danger is probably why Princess made the change and is unlikely to fly passengers to Osaka to take their original flights home. There is absolutely no guarantee that it would be safe a few days from now.

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The fact that the nuclear situation changes daily and presents a potential danger is probably why Princess made the change and is unlikely to fly passengers to Osaka to take their original flights home. There is absolutely no guarantee that it would be safe a few days from now.


Good point.


Waiting and then possibly having to make the change a day or two before scheduled to be in Japan would be much worse than what they did do.

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Actually, it may have been just as easy. Incheon/Seoul airport has many flights gloing all over the world.

... and there are many hotels within a couple of minutes of the airport that are WAY less expensive than those in Hong Kong!

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As I read the posts from those on the ship, I don't get the sense that those on the ship aren't sympathetic to the Japanese. Nor do I see anyone angry about the port change.

What I do see is that they are upset that Princess isn't being more helpful to the situation. They are in a different country, and they have arrangements that need to be changed, and those posting don't understand why they weren't given that info when it would have been easier for them to make those changes..at the port before getting on the ship. Now they have been given a few days of free internet and phone, on a system that is inadequate for the amount of people on the ship, and those trying to use the phone are finding it difficult to get an outside line.

I really don't get those that keep saying they should feel grateful they aren't in the situation that the Japenese are in, or that they should feel lucky to not be near the radiation. I'm sure they are grateful, and have great sympathy for Japan. That IMO isn't the issue. Getting help to get home..that is the issue for those on the ship. I don't think accusing them of not caring helps the problem.

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This thread kind of reminds me of the "Monday Morning Quarterback Club" discussions at work. Hindsight is always perfect, and does not take into consideration all of the dynamics that caused the original decisions to be made. Our prayers go out to the people of Japan. Godspeed to those who must make last minute changes to their cruise plans to get home.

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I really don't get those that keep saying they should feel grateful they aren't in the situation that the Japenese are in, or that they should feel lucky to not be near the radiation. I'm sure they are grateful, and have great sympathy for Japan. That IMO isn't the issue. Getting help to get home..that is the issue for those on the ship. I don't think accusing them of not caring helps the problem.

Very well stated, and I completely agree. I guess lots of the posts on this thread are from people who can't feel more than one thing at a time; i.e., "I'm upset for the people affected in Japan. Whoops, that feeling has now entirely passed, to allow room for discontent for the way Princess has handled this situation". Right. It reminds me of that other active thread currently, which could be titled "Photographer or pray-er: which are YOU in an emergency?". Multi-tasking and Multi-feeling...we're an amazing creation.

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I would definitely be upset if I was the OP or others on the ship. I am not sure of dates, but if it were me, and there was a natural disaster a few days before my cruise or vacation, I'd be all up in that calling everyone, cruise line, hotel, airlines, whatever it may be to see what is going on with this. To be on the ship trying to enjoy a vacation and having to deal with rearranging airfare (esp international and in a country where you don't speak their language if you are dropped off there) there has to be more sympathy for this type of situation! I feel bad because I would be a mess and not enjoying myself if it were me. It's hard to blame others or point fingers to anyone in these situations too!


Also, just b/c OP didn't mention the terrible tragedy, that doesn't mean they don't care, that's rude and wrong to put words in someone's mouth like that, IMO.


kahluatoo, you took the words right out of my mouth. I speak for myself, my sister, my parents & for many of my shipmates that I have spoken to, WE DO CARE ABOUT THE DEVASTATION IN JAPAN. That's not what is at issue here. IT'S HOW PRINCESS IS DEALING (OR MORE ACCURATELY NOT DEALING) WITH THE SITUATION AT HAND.

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Several years ago, I was on a 3-continent cruise and mid-way through, I learned that my stepfather had been diagnosed with a very fast-moving inoperable cancer and had only a very few weeks. I had Princess air and went to the Pursars Desk to ask them to change my flight going home several days post-cruise to disembarkation day. They emailed the info to CA and within hours, I had new flights and was able to make it back in time to say "Good bye."


And that was wonderful for you that Princess helped change a ticket leaving from the SAME airport to a few days earlier when there was not an Act of God to interfere.


Apples and oranges :rolleyes:

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No ship has the staff to handle 600 passengers demanding to have THEIR situation addressed NOW! Put yourself in their shoes in an ever changing situation by things out of their control. Those who feel everthing should be done at sea as on land need to realize there are communication issues dependent upon satellites. Yes, it's the PSD agents job but would any of us not get to the breaking point dealing with some demands when there may not be an answer for them. I've seen too many "squeaky wheels" who treat them terribly & I'm sure it's even worse in this situation.


Since you're not on this cruise, you can't pretend to know what the situation is. :mad: As far as I have read, NO ONE HAS DEMANDED TO HAVE THEIR SITUATION ADDRESSED NOW. I would appreciate you not putting words in our mouths. Most of us are quite frustrated at having been told about the change in disembarkation port after boarding the ship, and having no help (and in some cases unconcern, rude behavior & condescension) from Princess in regards to our flights home. So we have been left to sort out our flights for our homeward journey from phones that have really bad reception & just don't work most of the time & from an internet system that is so slow that I'm sure turtles move faster (just my guess...don't have any evidence to back that up).

Anyhow, in my situation, I have lost the first 4 days of my supposed vacation dealing with my travel agent & airline for flights home (for me, my sister & my parents) from HK instead of Osaka...and it is still not resolved.:( If I had been notified of the change in disembarkation port earlier, I could have had the flights dealt with already. And yes, my inconvenience of not having a way home when my cruise ends is nothing compared to the devastation & hardship the people of Japan are faced with. I am heart-broken that such a wonderful country is in such turmoil, and I dare not compare my situation to theirs. Regardless, I am as of now, clueless as to how I'll be getting back to Vancouver from HK.

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I haven't seen any posts here by people in Japan (Osaka/Kyoto area) addressing whether or not they want tourists in their area so thought I would direct you to Trip Advisor which has local Destination Experts.








It would seem from these comments by Japanese advisors that Princess has done them no favours by cancelling the stop in Osaka. The radiation danger is over 400 miles away, that's the distance from LA to SF roughly.


I know what the contract says but for an industry that draws its business in the competitive tourism industry at a time when many countries are still in economic distress and people are looking at where to spend whatever discretionary income they have, it seems to me to be penny wise and pound foolish to not step up and get their passengers to Osaka or back home. I agree with the person who posted above that they should offer a charter flight from HKG to KIX for those who want it and get the pax to sign a waiver. It's not just an intermediate port cancellation, this cruise is also transportation from Shanghai to Osaka and I don't think it's fair to dump the passengers in a foreign country they had no idea they were going to and tell them to fend for themselves. Taking the hard line on this issue could cost them dearly in consumer confidence and future bookings. Being "nice" and helping the pax would be a major PR coup for Princess and have everyone singing their praises, and possibly get free publicity in the news.


Current airfares on Expedia from HKG - KIX are around $450, it would normally be much less than that if not for the disaster.


I have travel insurance from Australia (itrek which is underwritten by Chartis) which has said they are covering the Japan earthquake for people who had policies but there is a grey area for people whose disemabarkation port has been changed. I personally have a "Plan B" in case anything unexpected happens next month in Mexico or to my cruise. I will have print outs of flight options in case of earthquake closing LAX and flight diversion to nearby airports and I also have an entire alternative land based itinerary in case our cruise gets cancelled altogether (unlikely event) which would be going to Guatemala and Belize by bus. I don't think I am representative of the average cruise passenger, I have 30 years of experience as a backpacker traveler so I am pretty travel savvy. It might be a good idea for everyone to look at their future travel plans, try to work out the possibilities for worst case scenario based on the weather and historical natural disasters and decide what they would do beforehand.


Tikibird, I'm glad there's someone who is knowledgeable in geography on this thread.:D One of the reasons we decided to take the cruise & not cancel at the last minute was because Hakata, Hiroshima & Osaka are quite far away (and as of our embarkation date, virtually unaffected) from the devastation that the earthquake/tsunami caused. Anyhow, thanks for raising such a great point about how Japanese advisor to the area are feeling. IMO, that contradicts alot of armchair cruisers who critize us for still cruising in this area.

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Well yes, but for the most part people are not complaining about the itinerary change. That's not the issue.


The issue is that the cruise was supposed to end in Osaka and is now ending in Hong Kong. If your travel home is scheduled from Osaka, this is significant problem, not just an inconvenience as you now have to find alternate transport home from an entirely different country while on a cruise ship. This is not an easy task.


I think most of the people on board understand the need to miss Japan's ports as far as tour stops. I also think they would like not to be stuck in Hong Kong for several days at their own expense.


It is incumbent on Princess to provide them with every reasonable accommodation to resolve this problem, namely in terms of customer service, which is apparently not the case. It becomes much harder to fix the situation without good info. If Princess handled your air transport, they should address it. They also should honor their contract of carriage.


I strongly suspect the majority of passengers on that ship would be offended at the assumption that all they want to do is visit the ports scheduled and damn everyone else. I know I would be.


Loonbeam, THANK YOU for actually reading our posts & interpreting them correctly.:) Yes, we're dissappointed in missing the Japanese ports, but understand that it was probably a good decision. However, it not the decision to change ports (especially the disembarkation port) that has us rattled...it the manner in which it was handled (and is still be handled...actually not being handled at all).


And yes, I'm quite offended (as are many who I have spoken with) at how so many people have posted on this thread and have said that we don't care about the devastation in Japan and/or how we are not showing any concern for the Japanese people.:mad: That is simply not the case.

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Hi Oops - I took a quick look at Skyscanner.net for flights from HKG to KIX (Osaka) on Saturday April 1. There is a flight with HongKong Express for around $500.00 leaving 1110 arriving 1555. What was your original itinerary from Osaka to Vancouver?

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