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Spring Break Sailing Review - Ecstasy 3/19


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We found our way to Uxmal next. Ok, we didn't - the driver did! Our first site was of the Magicians Pyramid.




And we were off. Robert was very informative, sharing a wealth of information on the area and Myan people. I'll just share a few of the pics I took while there.







About 2/3 of the way through, the next part of the tour involved some very tall, very steep stairs. I have a horrible time with heights (I can't even make myself go down escalators any more!), so I stayed behind while the others went on. My husband felt bad (this part of the trip was what I wanted to see), but this stage of my life, I am ok with not always being adventurous and doing things that terrify me. It was a short walk back to the entrance where I found some shade and people watched. (It was quite warm by now.) This was the first day of spring, and there were quite a few people there to celebrate the day with Mayan chants and rituals, so it was interesting to watch. My DH assured me I wasn't the only that was unnerved, and one person scooted down the steps coming back on on their bottom.


DD#2 really enjoyed the exursion. She really enjoys history, especially in foreign lands. The other two kids were moderatly enjoying it, but enjoyed the company of the other teens much better.


We had just enough time to use the facilities and grab a to go order from the onsite restaurant. We headed back to Progreso, arriving at 5:30, the time we were to be back on the ship. We didn't get to shop at all, which was disappointing, especially for my daughter. She gets a post card in every port, and was not able to get one in Progreso. The shops had closed down, and we had to be the last ones on the ship. Although, there was one couple that got off and was walking back to the shops as we were getting close the entrance. We hurried to our rooms, washed up, and got dressed for dinner.


Over all a good day. I still feel bad about it taking us so long to get to Progreso, although there was not a lot we could have done differently. If we had realized how few of buses there were going to be, we would have immediately taken a cab. My appologizes one final time to the two other families!

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Ahhhh, dinner time. It was nice to relax.

I can't remember what this was that DS and DH ordered, but he ate it all.


And an order of sweet and sour shrimp (which my DD#2 and I also ordered. It was very tasty!


Dh had apple pie for desert.


For some reason I didn't get everyone elses.


As we were coming back from our exursion, we saw our room steward, George in the hallway. I asked him if he would make a monkey for the kids room tonight. DS has always loved monkeys, maybe because he is one! George didn't let us down, and had a monkey waiting for them.




This was our creature, I'm not really sure what it is supposed to be!



This night the kids went to Club 02 again, and DH and I went to watch the Karaoke again. One thing we are missing is the great band that played every night in one of the clubs on our first cruise. They had a band in Chinatown that night, but not so great so we didn't stay. They did have a guy one night, on the Promenade near the casino that was good that we listened to, but only one night.


Next up: Cozumel and Beach time!

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Thanks everyone for the positive comments. I relied so much on this board in preparing for our trip, I hope sharing our experiences will make other's trips even more wonderful!


Now where were we? Ah yes, Cozumel day. The day everyone had been waiting for - BEACH DAY! Our arrivial in port this day was delayed one hour due to the fog in Galveston on embarkation day. Again, worked well for our family as we didn't have to rise terribly early. We were up and eating breakfast by around 8. We enjoyed a Lido Breakfast. I will point out one mistake I made, I didn't pay attention to the Syrup Pithers and picked up the one full of HONEY. I obviously was not awake enough, and could not figure out why it was soooo thick! Now I love honey, but it was way too much. I never dreamed honey would be in the large pitcher! DH was so kind, and went and waited in line again and got me two new pancakes with syrup this time.


We got in line on the stairs shortly before 9 today. I don't how long the line got to disembark, so can't make a comparison to the day before. It was 9:15-9:30 before we were aloud to exit the ship. We made our way through the terminal where I spotted one of the former students from our high school. I had helped him with some communication to the college he went on to attend that helped him receive a scholarship, so I stopped to say hi. He is always so nice to run into, and this day was no exception. It is truly a small world.


Sidenote: The tile floor that leads to the taxis and shopping is not condusive to water. It had rained that morning and the floor still had spots of water on it and was slick.


We made our way to the taxis, and grabbed a van for the five of us. They did not wait for it to fill, and drove us directly to Paradise Beach. It was $20 plus the tip we gave the driver. Paradise Beach is about 5 miles from the Downtown Terminal.


As we got out of the Taxi, and employee from the gift shop welcomed us to Paradise Beach (no hard sale to get us in to shop). Another employee greeted us at the pool side bar, and took a few minutes to explain how their set up works (although I was already to privy to the changes that had occured since our last trip their 7 years before, thanks to CC).


Admission is free. You can rent a chair for the day for $2, you get a paper wrist bracelet to show you have paid. You can a bracelet to use the water toys for $12. This includes all of the water inflget atables, the kayaks, water board, and snorkeling equipment as well as floatation vests.


They do want you to spend $10 in food/beverage purchases. They have decent food. Hamburgers, seafood, quasadilla's, etc. A little pricey, but you're at the beach!


Be aware, you have to "check out" the snorkle equipment and life vests. You need either a picture ID to leave with them, or $20 that is returned to you when you return the equipment.


We hadn't gotten our seating arranged, and DS was in the water!



I have to take a moment to brag on DD#1. Her and DH went out to the slide. These toys take strength to climb on and I was pleased to capture her taking the time to help a small child climb the stairs side, to make the plunge into the water from the slide side.


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It was about 11:30 by now, and DD#2 and DS were anxious to try snorkeling. We were also getting hungry, so we took their orders so we could catch the waiter to order.


Keep in mind, the snorkeling will not be like the exursions (this observation is based on hearsay from snorkeling reviews/pics as we have never done "real" snorkeling), but I would say it is a good taste of it, for a nominal amount of money. There is a small reef area near the water trampoline. To the left of the beach (as you are looking out to the ocean), is a pier with a hut area at the end. This is also a good spot. This pier was new since the last time we were there. It is also used by the boats picking up para sailers, so caution and awareness should be used.


And here is what they saw.




And the best observation of all, in my opinon, found a second time out. A sting ray! There were actually two or three.




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I had really wanted the kids to be able to do whatever they wanted on this trip, thanks to an awesome amount of OBC that made it a lot easier to say yes, DS was able to jet ski with his dad. He was really exited they would let him drive as long as his dad was with him. The beach/ocean around PB is layered, if you will. Closest to the beach are the inflatables, then there is a line of white floaties that divide the area for the jet skis, and another line of floaties mark the furthest out you should be. After that are the boats for para sailing, etc. You can also pay to ride the banana boats pulled by jet ski's. I am not sure how much they are. The Jet Ski's were $60 for half an hour (up to two people).


DD#2 was also able to go para sailing. We couldn't go out with her because the boat was full, I wasn't comfortable sending my good camera along, and we couldn't find the water camera fast enough, but some 20 somethings took pics and are supposed to email them to us when they get back. We did capture this shot of who we thought was DD. We were able to crop in close enough at home to decide for sure it was her. (I found myself wishing I had that 300 lens I really want!)


After DD was back ashore it was time to head back, around 2:30-2:45, to allow time for some shopping before we had to board at 4:30. The kids get pretty good haggling with the locals. Then we headed back.


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We also went to Uxmal when we stopped in Progreso and loved it! Our guide Pedro had a wealth of knowledge- I tried hard to remember what the story was to each of my pictures!


The vendors there closed pretty early, we were able to get about 10 minutes in on our arrival back to Progreso from Uxmal. We actually had a private guide through William Lawson Driving Services (something along those lines). They also took us to a cenote (under ground sink hole) where we were able to swim, very neat!


Thanks for your review- it was great!!!!!!!!!

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Great review! We were on the Triumph and watched your ship dock next to us in Progresso. We had some friends aboard the Ecstasy, so we were hoping to catch a glimpse of them on one of the open decks as y'all were docking.


We were just down the beach from y'all in Cozumel at Carlos & Charlies beach club and I agree, it started off cloudy and rainy but turned into a gorgeous day. I can't believe that y'all got in the water....it was SO cold! I only got in after a few drinks and once the sun had been out for awhile.

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It was really nice to have time to relax a bit while getting ready for dinner tonight. Don't get me wrong, we had a blast in Cozumel. But I seem to have gotten older since the last time we cruised.


I have failed to mention that there was quite a bit of movement with some rougher seas. We weren't sure if it was because we were moving faster earlier as we tried to make up time or not. We could definately feel the movement now. I changed my patch out (I always get a prescription from doc) because it had been 3 days and it helped a lot. DD#1 was feeling it quite a bit, so had her put one on two. DD#2 was fine. DS was feeling it, but to manly to take anything. And, drumroll, DH started feeling it! So much so that he actually admited to understanding how I felt! I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, but was glad he finally acknowledged I'm not crazy!


For dinner tonight we had Lamb Chops (the pick of the evening! DH and I were wishing we had order it!!).


DH and I ordered Chateaubriand. This is mine, DH's was supposed to be Medium Rare, and it wasn't much rarer. As we left, the table next to us had the same, but it was much closer to being cooked to Medium Rare.


Dessert was the BEST - Grand Marnier. So delicious!!!!


DS had the Cappachino Pie.


I haven't mentioned MDR entertainment yet. Night one was wimpy at best. But it picked up from there! Tonight was the congo line. DS and DH even got up and congo'd!



We forced ourselves to go the Carnival version of Minute to Win it, which was fun to watch. Then we watched Steve's Juggling act which was great!


I neglected to mention the Showcase of stars which was Monday night. It is a talent show featuring guests. It was great! Definatley some talent on the ship (and one not so talented women, who was still entertaining and everyone loved). There were only 6 performers, so Steve did a classical piece on his violin which was wonderful! Definatetly catch him when you can. He also performed in Xtreme Country on Elegant night. He was awesome!


Should also mention. On the last port day, they had "Western Pics" as a choice for pictures. This is where you put on costumes (they tie on in the back and slip on over your clothes) from the western era for a fun family picture. For all of the things we complain about costing extra and often a lot extra, this is a deal. We have been getting Western Pics since our honeymoon and every 5 years since, and these were a lot less then having done them other places we have been.


Will close the day with our towel animal for the evening.


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Heavy sigh...Wedn. - last day at sea.


This was a pretty low-key day.


We had breakfast about 10:30, slept in! Then went to the Newlywed Marriage Show. Hillarious!!!


I was surprised when DH asked if we wanted to go to lunch afterward, it had only been about an hour since we had last eaten. But I managed to get something down. We had lunch on the Lido (American).


DH and DD went to take naps and I went shopping. I picked up my required souvenier, the Christmas ornament, and then shopped the pics. It was hard to choose! I could have bought more but showed restraint.


One thing I wanted to do that I hadn't last time (becuase DH would rather be caught dead!) was tea time. DD#2 said she would go, so I went and got her and we headed to tea at 3:30. The tea was hot, the petit fours were yummy, and the company great.




After that we went shopping for DD#2 a the gift shop for a t-shirt. She ended up with a cute t-shirt "got sun", which is totally hilarious because she is so pale and burns so easily, and a cute ball cap. The were one for $16 something or 2 for $20. Very reasonable. By then it was time to get ready to eat again!


I didn't get pics of everything that night, for some reason. I did get a couple of the appetizers.



And the entertainment that night was great! The traditional "I'm Leaving on a Fun Ship".



I have to admit, I was sorely disappointed with dessert. We hadn't had Creme Brule' yet, and I just knew it would be served this night! This is my favorite dessert - but no dice! I skipped dessert this night.


DS tried an Espresso (free in the MDR, along with Cappachinos). I don't think he'll try one again.


And our final towel creation waited for us when we got back from dinner--- a flower.



We went to both Family Comedy shows and laughed and laughed. I so enjoy this newer entertainment! I was ready to chill after that. There was a magic show, but missed it in the Fun Times. DH wasn't ready to go to the room and found it. He tried the R rated first show, but didn't last long. Just not our kind of humor - he so wanted it to be not so bad because we had enjoyed the other shows so much. Good to note: the comedians and Carnival are extremely clear that there is a big difference between the shows.


We had packed up before dinner, so just had to put our bags out around 10. I did order room service for in the morning, I was afraid we wouldn't wake up.

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Our last few hours on the ship started around 6:30 when DH got up to go watch the ship come in to port. Not me! I stayed in bed until room service showed up (I had layed my robe and tip out the night before!) about 7:15. I think I had asked for it to be delivered between 7:30 and 7:45.


After getting ready, I enjoyed my crossiant and juice and put the last few things away in the carry on. Around 8, George was tapping at the door. I'm sure he was making sure we were up and moving. We took the opportunity to snap a pic with him and give him a little extra to show how much we had appreciated him.




We were out of our room at 8:30 as requested. We decided to go up to the Blue Saphire Lounge to wait for our disembarkation time. We were Zone 4. This is one of 3 designated areas, the others were the Lido deck and the Promenade area. We were there quite awhile, I wasn't watching a clock, but would guess around 9:15-9:30 we saw some people that were self-debarking heading out, although there had been no announcements yet. One gentlemen went and found a crew member and was told they had not heard any announcements yet, in response to him questiong that some were leaving, but there had been no instructions.


Shortly after that, they put a movie on a screen set up on stage. We got through about the first 30 minutes, and they called the first 10 zones. We made our way down and off the ship which only took about 5 minutes or so. We were able to quickly find our bags, and found the line to go through customs. I had heard to pay the tip and grab a porter to move through the line faster, well there were none to be grabbed by the time we got off, so we just took care of it ourselves. We were probably in line 20, maybe 30 minutes, customs checked our decleration form, id, and birth certificates. We had to tell them our date of birth, and mother's maiden name. Easy peasy. We found a spot amongst everyone else getting off, DH ran across the street for the car, was back within 5 minutes, stuffed the car and we were on our way.


We had such a great time! A couple of things not covered so far. One of the best tips I read on here, we fortunately did not have to rely on, but I think it is worth mentioning. Write your name, email, and cell phone number on a piece of paper and take a picture of it with your camera on the first shot. I have read several times of someone finding a lost camera, but they had no way of finding out who it belonged to. I would be devistated if I lost my camera and the memories on it!


Also thought I would show our cabin, U92. These cabins have a little different configuration. They are layed out sideways (picture _ instead of l) in the hallway. Here are a couple of shots into the bathroom, and standing in the bathroom doorway. The door to the hallway is just to the left as you look out of the bathroom. So when your door is open, they are looking right at your bed, there is not a little hallway type area in this room.



I didn't get a pic of the kids room empty (and they would not want me to post the pic I did get with them getting ready to go), but I'll try and describe for those who may wonder how a room for 3 is configured when it doesn't have a berth. Instead of the second bed being in the middle of the room, up against the first bed (as with our room set up with the beds pushed together), it is pushed up under the faux window. The trundle (as Carnival called it - I would call it a cot, but with a better mattress) is pushed up against the desk/dresser you see to the left of our bed. You can fold it up, but our kids left it down the whole time and just walked around it.


If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer.


Happy Sailing!

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Can you tell me if it was cold in the MDR at night during dinner time? How about the staterooms? I have heard on here they get quite cold sometimes. I get cold real easy so want to be prepared with adequate dress atire during the evenings. We will be going in just 2 weeks. I really enjoyed your review and so glad you had a good time. One last question how were the seas going and coming back? Were they very rough or not too bad? Unfortunately our room is U6 at the very front of the ship so not sure how bad it can be.

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Can you tell me if it was cold in the MDR at night during dinner time? How about the staterooms? I have heard on here they get quite cold sometimes. I get cold real easy so want to be prepared with adequate dress atire during the evenings. We will be going in just 2 weeks. I really enjoyed your review and so glad you had a good time. One last question how were the seas going and coming back? Were they very rough or not too bad? Unfortunately our room is U6 at the very front of the ship so not sure how bad it can be.


The first night it was chilly, but once we hit warmer climates I was comfortable all of the time out and about. I did have a jacket because it was windy on deck, but only used it the first night indoors. The staterooms can be very cold, but you can adjust the air that is coming into the room. It is in the ceiling. It isn't a thermostat like we are used to, but is a knoblike thing that controls how much air blows in. We kept it turned off for the most part. We would come back from our room and it would be blowing full blast, and we would turn it back off.


We did have some rough seas. We could definately feel the boat moving, even DH was a little off one night. I always get a prescription from my doctor for the patch. They come in a pack of 4, so on our 5 day there were a couple extra in case. This came in handy, and helped DD#1 that same night everyone was feeling it. A pour kid in the MDR was filling it, too. (All over his dinner plate.) We also took Bonine with us. DH took some of it that night. He thought it helped some, but they say to start taking it before you even leave for the best results. It was bad enough, we could feel the boat moving even after we got home! That did not happen last time.


Hope your trip is excellent, have a great time!!!

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[\quote]We did have some rough seas. We could definately feel the boat moving, even DH was a little off one night. I always get a prescription from my doctor for the patch.


Since being back I have spoken with several friends that were at different areas along the coast of America and in the Caribbean during the same time frame. They all experienced a time of unusually rough seas, and there is some speculation that it had something to do with the "Super Moon" that was out March 19. That may have attributed to our experience, too.

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