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Take your pet cruising on Carnival with you !!

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In order to bring a dog onboard a cruise ship the dog MUST have a Dept. of Food and Agriculture Animal Health and Food Safety Services Certificate For Interstate or International Movement of Small Animals - Whew! That's a mouth full. And, not all Vets are licensed to give this.

On this Certificate is all the information about the dog, most importantly the Date of Rabies Vaccine/Heartguard usage and flea and tick abatement usage. It asks for a description of the dog where my Vet puts in all the information about her Service training, etc.

Service Dogs are NOT subject to the same quarantine laws as "regular pets!" Hence the proof of the Certificate which says it all.

Hawaii is the toughest for bringing in a Service Dog and requires a Rabies Blood Titer be done prior to the cruise. Hawaii has NEVER had a reported case of Rabies, EVER! There are lots of other countries that require this blood titer report to be amongst the paperwork, as well.

As I've said before........If you see a dog on a cruise, it did not get on easily!!!!!!


Wow -- No rabies ever? That is pretty darn amazing. Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that they have no snakes - LOL -- Just kidding

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Roz...I did notice when we picked up my puppy at BWI - Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall airport (he got shipped here from Utah) that they finally have put in a dog relief area. That only took several years of lobbying to get


ADA Laws are so new. Look how long it took for our cities to finally put in the "cut-out's" for the curbs on our city streets so the folks in wheelchairs didn't have to wheel on the same street that passing cars use, just to get up a driveway!

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Again no need to be rude I wasn't being rude. Also read the entire thing before you post something. Carrying the dog through the buffet line is not acceptable. Yes lying by the owners while they dine is, I have seen it quite often. I was talking about my DH coming into a "cabin" after a dog has been in there not dining with one near!!!!!!!


I see your point and I do understand your feelings. More and more training organizations are trying to go with the Labradoodle - the cross between the Lab [wonderful brain for working] and the Poodle [so smart and so allergy and shedding free!]

I wish CCI would train the Labradoodle, I would love to have a dog that was allergen free and did not shed. Labs must be groomed every single day to keep the hair from shedding. And, Brenda has a double-coat of thick, black fur........it's in every nook and cranny of my house and office. I must vaccum frequently and, I brush her twice a day. So much work!!!!

When we travel I do ask the Steward or the Housekeeping staff to please vaccum daily and I give an extra tip for making sure that the cabin is left "hair-free" for the next occupant.

I'm so sorry about the hair that she may leave behind.......I do everything I can to pick it up and discard it. I carry a "tape-roll" on me to do some extra cleaning-up after we leave an area. It's not perfect, but I do hope this helps those of you who suffer from hair-bearing allergens.

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The laws are being abused and I have no problem with someone with a true disability having a service animal, But these emotional support animals I think are BS especially when they bring them in public.

People are ordering the vests and credentials for their dogs to get FiFi to fly free. And the way the law reads you can't question it.




I see it all the time. Not only with support animals but with handicap parking passes also. People abusing the system for selfish reasons. People in electric carts who walk around when its convenient. Makes me sick. At least with the prescription meds, they are killing themselves and not bothering the people around them. I never used to see this sort of thing back in the day. People had to much pride to look that weak. If they were that hurt, they would stay home. It's a awful thought to think of what the future holds. Its going to be a seen from Wall-E on the cruising space ship. Yeah, Yeah, I know you have rights. I have rights also, rights to lower my head and shake it in disgust when I see this kind of abuse of the system. I'm going to judge you in a two second glance. More people need to speak out. I know you don't care. Thats why you do what you do. So keep running up the insurance costs for generations to come with all your BS medical costs and emotionally trained poodles. I'm not participating. When I get in a accident or I'm to old to travel i'll be at home, I have pride. When my time to die comes, don't wheel me around a cruise ship. I'm going to wander off into the woods and die in the bushes alone, so I don't put anyone out. PRIDE. I'm sure your $75,000 disabled trained dog would do the same....

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I see it all the time. Not only with support animals but with handicap parking passes also. People abusing the system for selfish reasons. People in electric carts who walk around when its convenient. Makes me sick. At least with the prescription meds, they are killing themselves and not bothering the people around them. I never used to see this sort of thing back in the day. People had to much pride to look that weak. If they were that hurt, they would stay home. It's a awful thought to think of what the future holds. Its going to be a seen from Wall-E on the cruising space ship. Yeah, Yeah, I know you have rights. I have rights also, rights to lower my head and shake it in disgust when I see this kind of abuse of the system. I'm going to judge you in a two second glance. More people need to speak out. I know you don't care. Thats why you do what you do. So keep running up the insurance costs for generations to come with all your BS medical costs and emotionally trained poodles. I'm not participating. When I get in a accident or I'm to old to travel i'll be at home, I have pride. When my time to die comes, don't wheel me around a cruise ship. I'm going to wander off into the woods and die in the bushes alone, so I don't put anyone out. PRIDE. I'm sure your $75,000 disabled trained dog would do the same....


Hey Tripper......Brenda and I think you need to go find your smile!!!!!!

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Hey Tripper......Brenda and I think you need to go find your smile!!!!!!



I laugh and smile all the time. FYI, this is not directed at you and your situation as you, in my opinion, have a service dog for legit reasons. I have and love animals also. I just disagree with the abuse of the system, which does take place.

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I see it all the time. Not only with support animals but with handicap parking passes also. People abusing the system for selfish reasons. People in electric carts who walk around when its convenient. Makes me sick. At least with the prescription meds, they are killing themselves and not bothering the people around them. I never used to see this sort of thing back in the day. People had to much pride to look that weak. If they were that hurt, they would stay home. It's a awful thought to think of what the future holds. Its going to be a seen from Wall-E on the cruising space ship. Yeah, Yeah, I know you have rights. I have rights also, rights to lower my head and shake it in disgust when I see this kind of abuse of the system. I'm going to judge you in a two second glance. More people need to speak out. I know you don't care. Thats why you do what you do. So keep running up the insurance costs for generations to come with all your BS medical costs and emotionally trained poodles. I'm not participating. When I get in a accident or I'm to old to travel i'll be at home, I have pride. When my time to die comes, don't wheel me around a cruise ship. I'm going to wander off into the woods and die in the bushes alone, so I don't put anyone out. PRIDE. I'm sure your $75,000 disabled trained dog would do the same....


I'm PROUD of the people who live their lives to the fullest.

I'm PROUD of people who are disabled but are still able to enjoy their lives with the help of service animals.

I'm PROUD of those who support people with disabilities.

Most of all I'm PROUD to live in a country where we strive to make sure people that the disabled are not shunned as second class citizens or made to feel ashamed because they are different.

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I laugh and smile all the time. FYI, this is not directed at you and your situation as you, in my opinion, have a service dog for legit reasons. I have and love animals also. I just disagree with the abuse of the system, which does take place.


Just so you know...that is not how your post is coming across...Your post is coming across as the elderly or injured should stay at home. The people that need a $75,000 service dog are putting a burden on societies medical costs....You may want to reread your post and edit it because it doesn't sound like you are railing on system abusers it sounds like you are railing on the elderly and disabled in general.

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Just so you know...that is not how your post is coming across...Your post is coming across as the elderly or injured should stay at home. The people that need a $75,000 service dog are putting a burden on societies medical costs....You may want to reread your post and edit it because it doesn't sound like you are railing on system abusers it sounds like you are railing on the elderly and disabled in general.



I'm covering a broad spectrum of abuses of similar nature. It reads as intended but thanks. The people who I refer to know who they are, and if they don't well then...


I feel no need to be all politically correct, sometimes people need to hear how someone feels. If you don't feel that way, ignore my post like you said you did. If thats not you, then you should not feel bad.

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I'm covering a broad spectrum of abuses of similar nature. It reads as intended but thanks. The people who I refer to know who they are, and if they don't well then...


I feel no need to be all politically correct, sometimes people need to hear how someone feels. If you don't feel that way, ignore my post like you said you did. If thats not you, then you should not feel bad.


Then you shouldn't feel bad or upset when people tell you to piss off with your attitude. Sorry you think old people should stay indoors and not go out in the world except to crawl in the woods and die. Sorry you think that the disabled should be left to their own devices because training a service dog for them puts a burden on medical costs. If your post reads how you intended then you need to find said woods sooner rather than later.

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. When my time to die comes, don't wheel me around a cruise ship. I'm going to wander off into the woods and die in the bushes alone, so I don't put anyone out.



Send us a post from the woods on that day, would ya?

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I see it all the time. Not only with support animals but with handicap parking passes also. People abusing the system for selfish reasons. People in electric carts who walk around when its convenient. Makes me sick. At least with the prescription meds, they are killing themselves and not bothering the people around them. I never used to see this sort of thing back in the day. People had to much pride to look that weak. If they were that hurt, they would stay home. It's a awful thought to think of what the future holds. Its going to be a seen from Wall-E on the cruising space ship. Yeah, Yeah, I know you have rights. I have rights also, rights to lower my head and shake it in disgust when I see this kind of abuse of the system. I'm going to judge you in a two second glance. More people need to speak out. I know you don't care. Thats why you do what you do. So keep running up the insurance costs for generations to come with all your BS medical costs and emotionally trained poodles. I'm not participating. When I get in a accident or I'm to old to travel i'll be at home, I have pride. When my time to die comes, don't wheel me around a cruise ship. I'm going to wander off into the woods and die in the bushes alone, so I don't put anyone out. PRIDE. I'm sure your $75,000 disabled trained dog would do the same....




Just some points to some of your comments.


People in electric chairs and walk when its convenient. I am 31, have two herniated disks in my back as well as having broken one of my femurs in a major car accident. I am fully capable of walking but sometimes between my back and my leg it gets painful and I have to sit frequently. Did you ever stop to think that might be the case with those people that have a chair yet you may see walking as well? I live close to Disney and go often. I am always asked why I don't rent a wheelchair since everytime at the end of the day I am in a lot of pain from all the walking. YOU and people like you are the reason I choose to walk because I know that people that feel the need to judge others will be staring and questioning why someone who looks so young and appears healthy is in a wheelchair.


"When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical".


And as far as the as the last highlighted part, I actually feel sad for you. Please hold on to that pride that is so important to you when you are old, alone and sick or disabled.

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Then you shouldn't feel bad or upset when people tell you to piss off with your attitude. Sorry you think old people should stay indoors and not go out in the world except to crawl in the woods and die. Sorry you think that the disabled should be left to their own devices because training a service dog for them puts a burden on medical costs. If your post reads how you intended then you need to find said woods sooner rather than later.



I don't feel bad, and don't be sorry. I said it not you. The woods are coming for us all, that is one thing for sure. Whether you like it or not. Old people are really cool, by the way. I'm speaking about the people, young or old who abuse the system, but I'm sure you knew that. Like, I said before, if my post doesn't apply to you or anyone that uses the social services how they are intended, you should not be upset.

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Just some points to some of your comments.


People in electric chairs and walk when its convenient. I am 31, have two herniated disks in my back as well as having broken one of my femurs in a major car accident. I am fully capable of walking but sometimes between my back and my leg it gets painful and I have to sit frequently. Did you ever stop to think that might be the case with those people that have a chair yet you may see walking as well? I live close to Disney and go often. I am always asked why I don't rent a wheelchair since everytime at the end of the day I am in a lot of pain from all the walking. YOU and people like you are the reason I choose to walk because I know that people that feel the need to judge others will be staring and questioning why someone who looks so young and appears healthy is in a wheelchair.


"When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical".


And as far as the as the last highlighted part, I actually feel sad for you. Please hold on to that pride that is so important to you when you are old, alone and sick or disabled.


Sorry about your crappy luck. I know how difficult it can be to have your entire life changed by a car accident and it sucks...As to the "judgers" Rent the wheelchair...why should you suffer unneedlessly to make someone else feel better.

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Just some points to some of your comments.


People in electric chairs and walk when its convenient. I am 31, have two herniated disks in my back as well as having broken one of my femurs in a major car accident. I am fully capable of walking but sometimes between my back and my leg it gets painful and I have to sit frequently. Did you ever stop to think that might be the case with those people that have a chair yet you may see walking as well? I live close to Disney and go often. I am always asked why I don't rent a wheelchair since everytime at the end of the day I am in a lot of pain from all the walking. YOU and people like you are the reason I choose to walk because I know that people that feel the need to judge others will be staring and questioning why someone who looks so young and appears healthy is in a wheelchair.


"When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical".


And as far as the as the last highlighted part, I actually feel sad for you. Please hold on to that pride that is so important to you when you are old, alone and sick or disabled.


I have my pride and clearly, so do you, as you choose not to use a chair and walk. If you have a real injury, have at the motorized cart. I would just stay home. Thats my choice and what I chose when I was injured for years.

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I want to tell you how very impressed I have been with you during this thread. Whatever life has handed you, you have obviously chosen to deal with and learn from it gracefully. Your poise, kindeness, gentility and wealth of sound information have been greatly appreciated. There have been some posts on here that were so nasty that they didn't even deserve a response, much more a KIND one. You are a better person than I am and I truly have been humbled by some of your posts.


Apologizing for the hair Brenda leaves behind?? As if she can help herself or as if somehow you canhelp the fact that you need her...brought tears to my eyes. You may lucky to have Brenda, but Brenda is DARN lucky to have you.


I'd be honored to be onboard any ship with both of you. Thank you for being such a good example..



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pride !!!




Why would anyone be proud of putting themselves in harms way in order that idiots like you wouldn't judge them. That isn't pride...That is intimidation.


And in your case...Stupidity

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I have my pride and clearly, so do you, as you choose not to use a chair and walk. If you have a real injury, have at the motorized cart. I would just stay home. Thats my choice and what I chose when I was injured for years.


Its not about pride, its about people staring and gossiping that I don't want to deal with. I see it often enough when someone is in a wheelchair that looks healthy especially at Disney. You can see the look of oh they are just trying to skip lines.


So by your logic anyone that isn't 100% healthy should lock themselves in their home until they are better or if they aren't going to get better, wander off and die. You are so concerned with your pride that you would rather not live than God forbid someone see you with an injury. As I said, thats a sad life to live.

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I want to tell you how very impressed I have been with you during this thread. Whatever life has handed you, you have obviously chosen to deal with and learn from it gracefully. Your poise, kindeness, gentility and wealth of sound information have been greatly appreciated. There have been some posts on here that were so nasty that they didn't even deserve a response, much more a KIND one. You are a better person than I am and I truly have been humbled by some of your posts.


Apologizing for the hair Brenda leaves behind?? As if she can help herself or as if somehow you canhelp the fact that you need her...brought tears to my eyes. You may lucky to have Brenda, but Brenda is DARN lucky to have you.


I'd be honored to be onboard any ship with both of you. Thank you for being such a good example..




Alli: Thank you for your kind words. My love and respect for Service Dogs, especially my Brenda is undying. I will forever be grateful for the love she has given me and life that she has led me to.

I hope that one day we'll have the opportunity to meet onboard a glorious cruise ship. If we do, please come over and say hello!


Roz & Brenda

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Why would anyone be proud of putting themselves in harms way in order that idiots like you wouldn't judge them. That isn't pride...That is intimidation.


And in your case...Stupidity



Hmm, intimidation due to stigmatization of society. That makes sense. You are reassuring my point. If he is in "harms way" perhaps he needs to stay home when not feeling up to the task. Call me names if you must. Some things just need to be pointed out. Don't get all excited, but if you do they must have a medication for that, or some kind of certified emo pet.

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Hmm, intimidation due to stigmatization of society. That makes sense. You are reassuring my point. If he is in "harms way" perhaps he needs to stay home when not feeling up to the task. Call me names if you must. Some things just need to be pointed out. Don't get all excited, but if you do they must have a medication for that, or some kind of certified emo pet.


ROFLMAO...I'm not excited. I thought for a second there I felt pity for you as you truly have no life but it turned out to be contempt for you and "your kind" who believe that if you are not perfect then you shouldn't be in public. I assume you think folks with mental retardation and/or downs syndrome should be in institutions as well? You probably think that anyone over the age of 40 should be shoved into a nursing home hidden away until they die. You can point out whatever you want but all you are really pointing out is the fact that despicable human beings inhabit our fine planet.

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Its not about pride, its about people staring and gossiping that I don't want to deal with. I see it often enough when someone is in a wheelchair that looks healthy especially at Disney. You can see the look of oh they are just trying to skip lines.


So by your logic anyone that isn't 100% healthy should lock themselves in their home until they are better or if they aren't going to get better, wander off and die. You are so concerned with your pride that you would rather not live than God forbid someone see you with an injury. As I said, thats a sad life to live.


Dude is scary. Ignore the staring and gossiping. You have every right to rent the chair and use it. I have done so in the past (though not until I couldn't walk anymore) even though I "looked" healthy and as far as I was concerned anyone who had a problem with it could kiss my A....Well you know :)

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Why would anyone be proud of putting themselves in harms way in order that idiots like you wouldn't judge them. That isn't pride...That is intimidation.


And in your case...Stupidity


Exactly. Up until the last few weeks I didn't even know the block feature exsisted. My list now has several names on it. :D Life is too short to waste time with people that are nasty and rude just because they can hide behind a computer screen.

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