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OFFICE closing, lost job, balance due next week..

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Redwings, TAKE THE CRUISE! Life is too short...there are no guarantees. My beloved Uncle (62 yrs young) died suddenly this past Tuesday and my best friend's son (16) was killed in a car accident this past December. Life is fragile. If you can work it out, go on the trip. No one can guarantee they will even be here tomorrow.

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I was using language that this rued poster can most likely relate to. If he can dish out that kind of "attitude", than he shouldn't be surprised when he get's it back.


To the original poster of this thread, don't let folks with no manners make you feel bad. Fortunately, most the folks on this website are nice people, but their are always a few in every bunch no matter where you go.




You seem to have a bit of an attitude yourself, along with a spelling problem.


It just seems to me that if you have a question that experienced cruisers can help you with, by all means ask. If you have a looming financial crisis due to a unscheduled career change, maybe you should ask someone for advise that you know well and trust. Asking for this kind of advise on a board having to do with cruise issues is like asking a butcher how to fix the electronic ignition on a car. But then I am not from California so what would I know....




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While I'm sure the OP is discussing this issue with his wife in depth, sometimes it's just nice to hear what others might or might not do in a similar situation.


Yes, but asking a group of self-confessed cruise addicts whether he should throw caution to the wind and go on a cruise is maybe not the best idea, either. It's like wandering into an all-you-can-eat buffet and asking someone if you should have seconds. I doubt any of the folks shouting "go for it" from the sideline here are going to float this guy a loan if he becomes over-extended and is in financial trouble.


Sure, the guys family will be disappointed and it is sad to have to miss a holiday but a cruise IS an expensive holiday. If he does go, and the kids are asking for arcade money, souvenir money, shore excursions, Johney Rockets, anything, he is going to have to say no or sink further into the hole. Some of you would say, "I would just tell the kids..." but if the person is going to be firm with the kids then, why not teach them about responsibility now? That way, when the family is back on track and they do get to go on a holiday that they can afford, it will be a celebration of a new start and not a guilty pleasure.

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[quote name='MTS']I was using language that this rued poster can most likely relate to. If he can dish out that kind of "attitude", than he shouldn't be surprised when he get's it back.


Ok, gotcha. It just seems to me that someone who has recently been online beseeching people to be nice should hold himself to that same standard. But I understand, it's okay for some, not for others.

To the OP, I will give my opinion that only you and your wife truly know your finances. Kids will be disappointed to miss the cruise, no doubt. They will also be disappointed with financial hardship in their real world. I agree that this should be well thought out from all angles before you make any decision.
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I can't agree more about teaching the kids about responsibility.

I think asking the opinion of a bunch of cruise addicts who are most likely to say "go" is one way to rationalize what you probably know deep down is a bad decision. But it is what you WANT to do so you drum up support for it.

I don't think the OP ever stated what their financial situation is so it really is difficult to say go or stay home. If you have 8-12 months salary put aside and it is liquid so that you can use it, then it is probably reasonable to go ahead and take a cruise. If not, then I can't imagine why anyone would be so irresponsible.

JMHO and I certainly mean no offense to anyone. I'd like for the guy to be able to take the cruise and wish him well!
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[quote name='endi302']You seem to have a bit of an attitude yourself, along with a spelling problem.

It just seems to me that if you have a question that experienced cruisers can help you with, by all means ask. If you have a looming financial crisis due to a unscheduled career change, maybe you should ask someone for advise that you know well and trust. Asking for this kind of advise on a board having to do with cruise issues is like asking a butcher how to fix the electronic ignition on a car. But then I am not from California so what would I know....

I can't believe you are a Texan either........thank goodness you seem to be an anomaly..........:)

wondering if it's just because we are on the verge of Spring? what's with all the nastiness lately? just curious
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I would take the cruise myself, hoping that I did indeed have a vacation fund to use. Then I would remind myself of all the extras that go along with that cruise. Shore Excursions, Photographs, Shopping, Alcohol, Tipping etc etc. and after you consider this, ...and you still think you can afford it .....Go for it, ..but again it's 12th or 13th cruise, ..you'll live, if you don't. Just weigh the pros and cons :)

Good luck,
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Okay, time to make a ruling!

This thread has definantly run it's course. I think Redwings gets the point by now. It's starting to get a little catty. Lot's of Texans chiming in here- we are an opinionated people HAHA - DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS- LOL. Endi and Sharlene even got a little West Texas vs. East Texas thing going on. With that I only have three things to say:

1) I don't really give a crap if I misspelled anything in this post.
2) I vote that Redwings goes on that cruise irregardless of any of the circumstance, after all Redwings obviously was just searching for opinions and/or encouragement.
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I know that the majority are telling you to go, but I will have to differ and encourage you to cancel. We went through the same experience 9 months ago. We were only a few weeks from final payment when DH lost his job. Even though I also work, his income was more than double mine! We felt confident that he would find another job quickly, but it was not until January 1 that he finally began a new position that gave him a dependable salary. At the time he lost his job we had 2 cruises booked. We cancelled the first the day of final payment, but kept the 2nd one for this May. Due to the long time of unemployment we would have cancelled that one, too except that it is a Family Reunion Cruise with most of the expense paid for by my mother!

We have a strong faith and trusted God to get us through, which He did! We had to use very little of our savings, we found ways to conserve and DH was able to pick up "odd jobs" while conducting his job search, in addition to unemployment. We wouldn't have gone broke if we went on the first cruise but it would have been a very stressful time. It was a time used to submit resumes and make many phone calls. Also, as someone mentioned, if a job had come up right away it was possible that he wouldn't have been able to take the vacation time & we could have lost quite a bit.

I know that your air is booked, but most airlines allow you to cancel and reschedule another flight witha small (compared to the price of a cruise!) penalty. We've done that several times with several different airlines.

Yes, we were disappointed, but that is part of life, not the end of it. The happy news is that we just booked another cruise for next year to replace the one that was cancelled! :D It is a little longer, goes to many of the same ports, and is a CC group cruise and we are already making friends with several others who are booked on it through this board!

I will keep you in my prayers. I know that this is a difficult time.
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[quote name='Sunny AZ Girl']I know that the majority are telling you to go, but I will have to differ and encorage you to cancel. We went through the same experience 9 months ago. We were only a few weeks from final payment when DH lost his job. Even though I also work, his income was more than double mine! We felt confident that he would find another job quickly, but it was not until January 1 that he finally began a new position that gave him a dependable salary. At the time he lost his job we had 2 cruises booked. We canceloled the first the day of final payment, but kept the 2nd one for this May. Due to the long time of unemployment we would have cancelled that one, too except that it is a Family Reunion Cruise with most of the expense paid for by my mother!

We have a strong faith and trusted God to get us through, which He did! We had to use very little of our savings, we found ways to conserve and DH was able to pick up "odd jobs" while conducting his job search, in addition to unemployment. We wouldn't have gone broke if we went on the first cruise but it would have been a very stressful time. It was a time used to submit resumes and make many phone calls. Also, as someone mentioned, if a job had come up right away it was possible that he wouldn't have been able to take the vacation time & we could have lost quite a bit.

Yes, we were disappointed, but that is part of life, not the end of it. The happy news is that we just booked another cruise for next year to replace the one that was cancelled! :D It is a little longer, goes to many of the same ports, and is a CC group cruise and we are already making friends with several others who are booked on it through this board!

I will keep you in my prayers. I know that this is a difficult time.[/QUOTE]

Very well put, Sunny! Happy to hear you are doing well now! It will make your next well deserved cruise all that much more special!
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[quote name='Anchors Aweigh']Okay, time to make a ruling!

This thread has definantly run it's course. I think Redwings gets the point by now. It's starting to get a little catty. Lot's of Texans chiming in here- we are an opinionated people HAHA - DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS- LOL. Endi and Sharlene even got a little West Texas vs. East Texas thing going on. With that I only have three things to say:

1) I don't really give a crap if I misspelled anything in this post.
2) I vote that Redwings goes on that cruise irregardless of any of the circumstance, after all Redwings obviously was just searching for opinions and/or encouragement.
too true......... :)
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Iwould look at things from a different perspective. The correct thing to do if you can is cancel and wait until you find something then plan another cruise. Remember a cruise is a vacation. Your kids may be disappointed but as a parent you have to make the right decision based upon your family needs at this time.Do you have a nest-egg put aside and how long will it last. If you throw caution to the wind and go thinking you will find a job that's great to. But what if you find a job you don't like and have to stay because now you need the money. And what if an emergency comes up when you get back and calls for a lot of money you will feel guilty knowing you had the money and used it for fun instead of being practical. You will make the right decision, you always have.
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Go on the cruise and have fun. It's only money. That comes off sounding flippant, I realize, but I don't mean it that way. So many posters have said "life is short", trite but it's true. I don't want to get to the end of my life and think about all of the things I wish I had done. There's so much stress in this world today and, IMO, any opportunity to alleviate stress is a good thing.
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We where in the same situation, I wanted to cancel, but my husband said no. This is a very stressful time, believe me you will need the break. Go and have a good time thing will work out. I am glad we did not cancel.
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[quote name='nrdsb4']Ok, gotcha. It just seems to me that someone who has recently been online beseeching people to be nice should hold himself to that same standard. But I understand, it's okay for some, not for others.

To the OP, I will give my opinion that only you and your wife truly know your finances. Kids will be disappointed to miss the cruise, no doubt. They will also be disappointed with financial hardship in their real world. I agree that this should be well thought out from all angles before you make any decision.[/QUOTE]

If you look at any of my posts on here, you can see that I've always been a pretty nice person. You may have a different way of dealing with jerks on here who try to dish out their attitude and have no manners, but I like to try and put them in their place (where ever that may be). I hold myself to that same standard with those that know how to treat others respectfully.

Respect is something that is earned, not automatically given simply because you are alive and breathing.

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Just an update on my job vs. cruise:

In my somewhat related situation, I just got off the phone with my new manager of the new company I am starting with on the 1st. He told me the cruise week I want (which is the same week, but different ship as the OP), is ok with him, but he has to push it through for an ok with the main office.

He did give me a bit of encouragement telling me he was "95% sure it will be just fine". :) Will give me the final word on Monday, which is still enough time to cancel and get my full refund for the June 5th cruise should they decide it is a no go.

In the meantime, my fingers and toes are all cramped up with keeping them crossed for luck...sigh...:(

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As someone who was laid off 3 weeks before the last cruise we took, I say take the cruise, especially if you can push the cruise up rather than wait until June.

It is completely refreshing, and you come back with a determined attitude to combat the stress of finding work.

Good luck! :)
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[quote name='MTS']If you look at any of my posts on here, you can see that I've always been a pretty nice person. You may have a different way of dealing with jerks on here who try to dish out their attitude and have no manners, but I like to try and put them in their place (where ever that may be). I hold myself to that same standard with those that know how to treat others respectfully.

Respect is something that is earned, not automatically given simply because you are alive and breathing.

I was critical of the act of asking a question such as this on this type of board. I however did not resort to calling anyone an "idiot" or any other such name.

You have the right to disagree with my opinion all you want to, but when you begin to call others names it lowers this discussion to another level. This board is for people to express their opinions. Some will agree and others will disagree. That is what makes this an interesting forum. And again thanks for being such a nice person. I have now graduated from being an idiot to a jerk.

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[quote name='island lady']Just an update on my job vs. cruise:

In my somewhat related situation, I just got off the phone with my new manager of the new company I am starting with on the 1st. He told me the cruise week I want (which is the same week, but different ship as the OP), is ok with him, but he has to push it through for an ok with the main office.

He did give me a bit of encouragement telling me he was "95% sure it will be just fine". :) Will give me the final word on Monday, which is still enough time to cancel and get my full refund for the June 5th cruise should they decide it is a no go.

In the meantime, my fingers and toes are all cramped up with keeping them crossed for luck...sigh...:(


great to hear your good news!
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[quote name='endi302']I was critical of the act of asking a question such as this on this type of board. I however did not resort to calling anyone an "idiot" or any other such name.

You have the right to disagree with my opinion all you want to, but when you begin to call others names it lowers this discussion to another level. This board is for people to express their opinions. Some will agree and others will disagree. That is what makes this an interesting forum. And again thanks for being such a nice person. I have now graduated from being an idiot to a jerk.


You can be as critical as you'd like, just do it in a manner that displays tact, respect and intelligence. Granted my choice of the word "idiot", was a poor one and did bring me down to your low level, but I was trying to defend the poor OP who was simply trying to get some food for thought.

Also, I did not say that I disagree with your opinion, in fact, I stated that you had a somewhat valid point. I was simply offended by your lack of tact and manners.

Since this post seems to have gotten so far off track, I will bow out of any further comments.

Good luck to the OP. ;-)

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[quote name='SharleneinTexas']great to hear your good news![/QUOTE]

Thanks!! That is very nice of you to offer encouragement!! I appreciate it!

Will have some real celebration to do if I get the dream job I have waited for AND get to take my long awaited cruise. Talk about having my so called "cake and eating it too"!! :)

I could have taken just "any job" but this was the one I wanted and is my career of choice. Same customers, same area, same product, but more stable company.

I sure hope the OP has the same good luck! Best of wishes to you!

I will be sure to post a "yippeee!!" if and when (I hope) I get the final ok!! If they decide not to let me go....well....I will just celebrate the next year!

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