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Its not just our yard, everyone seems to be having an invasion of ticks, strange you used to have to go to the woods or tall grass to be concerned about them. I'm going to ask the vet, I think there is a pill you give to your dog so that if a tick bites them it will die (the tick...not the dog) lol!


Got a good deal at Kohls today. While pants that hit right under my knee, were $34 on sale of $19.99 then I had a $10 off coupon and since it was senior day another 15% off, so they only cost $9.00.


I've been trying to find a pot for my water fountain to sit on top of, can't find just the right one, will have to check Home Depot, sometimes they have them.


I bet it will be crowded on Friday going out of the city, the highway past our house is lined up with cars going north on Fridays and going south on Sunday nights.


Good luck with your bocce game tonight.

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Sharon, we are on a roll as we have won 2 in a row. It makes a big difference to all of the team members when they feel like winners instead of losers. It does not surprise me that you got another good deal as you always seem to find them. Good for you.


I got it, very funny. I did not think the dog would die only the ticks. I hope the vet can offer something for you. Then you have to find something for yourselves.


Bill did fill the hot tub, hurray. Tomorrow it should be ready for me to use it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there will not be too much traffic. But with the warm weather predicted and the unofficial start of summer, no such luck.




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Forgot to answer you about DWTS, I thought as did my Bill, that the blonde opera gal would win, we were surprised with Donald Driver winning. I guess there are more Packer fans than opera fans. Seemed to us she did good all along, while he got better as it went on.


We had a good Zumba class and afterwards we had an introduction to yoga. I used to do yoga years ago, when I was more limber. Now it seems that everything has frozen in place. Then I went up to Home Depot and found a pot that will work, I really wanted a glass one with some cool desgin on it but they were running in the $60 range. So I settled for an adobe colored plastic one. The size works right, I set the pump on it and it looks ok. For what I spent on the fountain I could have bought the whole thing.


Going out to finish the grass, I got the front yard and all the trimming with the one mower last night. Now I will use the bigger rider and get the large areas. It is terribly windy, all my potted plants keep turning over.


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Sharon, I started yoga last week with one of my friends. It is called light yoga. I have a hard time though as I am deaf in one ear and I cannot hear what she is saying. So I have to look up to find out what is going on. So on Thursdays, that is what I will be doing.


It is very windy here as well. I figure we will have to put the sprinkler on before we leave as the grass will be burnt up by the time we get back if we don't.


I think we are going to book some things here before we leave so we know what we will be doing when we get there. Perhaps book sailing tour. Perhaps a dune ride. We park the car, and the area has a bus that comes and picks and drops off for $.50 for seniors. We don't have to find places to park.


Good to get the grass finished before it gets really hot.




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Hope you can get out of work early and get on the road today! Sounds like a good idea to book stuff ahead of time, that way you know there will be room and not sold out. Hope you have wonderful weather so you ca really enjoy it.


Bill said this morning he thinks his one son might come down from norther WI this weekend, usually we go out to eat with him at some point when he comes. His sister has a boat at his brothers (all Bills kids) marina so he will probably want to do that too if its not windy, and today its beautiful out.


I neve heard of light yoga, you'll have to let me know how it goes. I had seen an offer sent by e-mail for a month free at Curves. I had filled out most of the information and then decided to wait to complete it. Well, somehow the info got to Curves and the gal called the other day with the offer again. I called her back and set up 10 am on Tuesday to go and try it out. Two of my friends go, one to the same one in town and the other to one in a different town. They both have the insurance that contains the Silver Sneakers program and it is free for them to go. My ins doesn't have it so I would have to pay. I'll see how much I like it and then decide if I want to join.


OK, have a safe trip!

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Sharon, my friend likes it a lot. I am having trouble because I cannot hear what the lady is saying. Plus I am not comfortable laying down and trying to relax. I have to keep looking up to see what everyone else is doing.


I am not taking a lunch and I hope to be out of here at 4. It is supposed to be 10 degrees cooler there. So in the 70's and 80's. Rain is forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Well if Bill's son comes down to see you then you'll have plenty to do over the weekend.


I am glad you are trying the Curves out and you'll get 10 free lessons to hopefully lure you in as that is their intent I am sure. Good deal if it works. We are planning to stop to get something to eat there before we check-in. I don't remember if we have ever stayed there 3 in a row. We usually stay 2 nights but I can't remember ever staying 3.


Well have a great weekend and be safe and have a good time.




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I always have to watch the instructor too, even in zumba as long as I have been going, so I know what you mean. But I bet you get the hang of it pretty soon. That Curves deal is for 30 days so I could go everyday if I wanted to but I think I probably won't go that often.


There was no one else dancing last night and we mostly talked with the one other couple that came. Something else must have been going on the people went to, it was sprinkling when we left to come home and it thundered and rumbled and rained all night. Don't know what was up with Tinker she got me up, and this was after going to bed around 1am, at least 7 times, ugh, just starting to drift off and dog breath in my face! We slept late this morning because of the rain, but it looks like it might have stopped now. Those poor people who came up here to go camping will have a lot of mud and cold, its still only 65 here at 10:30 am, to deal with. Don't know what we will do, we don't go out in the boat with Bills son, too many others want to go. We didn't hear from him anyway so maybe he didn't even come down.


Hope its not raining where you are!

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Bills son did come down but only for one night. We all went to his favorite Mexican restaurant Sat night. Then they all went home and we went to the resort and did a little dancing. Sunday went to a Hosta Fest, they had thousands of hostas, I bought one named Thunderbolt. This afternoon we went back to the resort and used the steam room and pool, Bill also went in the hot tub but I had had enough heat.


So you should be home by now,what did you do and how did you like the 3 days?

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Sharon, all of the yoga folks are laying down relaxed. Since I cannot hear I have to put my head up and see what everyone else is doing. You said that you did not know what cotton wood trees were. That is what they call the trees around here, you might know them as popular trees.


We ran into much traffic getting out of here on Friday. It did rain in the morning on Saturday, but it turned out nice the rest of the day. Sunday was very warm and we did not get too much traffic coming home on Monday.


So how was your weekend? It sounds like you had some fun. The grass needs water as it is getting burned up. Did you get any storms yesterday or last night? It went way south of us, so we got nothing. Have a nice day.




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Glad you had a good time and the weather cooperated! We had about a half inch of rain yesterday early evening, we got almost 2 inches about a week ago. Our grass is green as can be and is growing like crazy.


We have a snake that is sunning himself on our cement blocks just down from the deck. How do you get rid of a snake? I have screamed a couple of times and even threw some things at him, but he seems to still like it just fine right there!


I did the circuit at Curves this morning, I got the 30 days free from the email I received. She said they would take 69% off the membership fee of $99 so that would be $39 and then it would be $29 every month if I had it taken out of my bank account automatically. Seems like a lot of money, when our hospital has some exercise machines and the monthly fee isn't that much, but I'll have to check it out and see exactly how much before I make any decisions. Tonight I have line dancing so not doing too much more than laundry today. Don't want to get tired out!

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Sharon, I guess the rain has been going your way as our grass is burnt. Since they are doing construction and they will eventually be taking 1/2 of our parkway we are not doing anything on the parkway until the project is finished.


As far as the snake goes, call Bill. That is what I would do. I hate snakes. I knew that they were trying to lure you in with a somewhat good deal. But all the stuff ads up. Hopefully you will have enough dancers tonight.


Bill is leaving very early in the morning to go back to Sagatuck to watch to departure of the S.S.Keewaitin leaving there and headed to its new home port in Ottawa, CA.


We were OK with the paint. When it dried the white fluffy stuff blew away


Enjoy the dancing tonight.




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Wow what a change, the temps today are only going to be in the 60's and its windy so kinda chilly. I went back up to Curves this morning, you can just pay by the month with no contract but it is $10 more. I called my supplemental ins agent this morning to see if my ins would cover the cost, my two friends that go have the insurance that pays for Curves in full, its called the Silver Sneakers program, but no, mine won't. I also called the hospital fitness center and theirs is somewhat less but no trainer or helper and if they need the machine you are working out on for a physical therapy person you have to get off. So still am trying to decided what to do about it.


I have to cut the grass today, its supposed to rain Thur and Friday. Our big Milk Days festival is this weekend, a good band called Stateline band is playing up at the Milk Days park, called Milky Way on Friday night and the big parade is on Saturday. Then on Sunday Sharon WI, has the Model A Days, they get hundreds of Model A's from all over that drive in. We also have a graduation party to go to Sat afternoon, so it will be a busy weekend for us!


Is that ship Bill went up to see in service, bet it will be quite a sight to see it pull away.


Is the street in front of you pretty busy, is that why they are taking part of your parkway? We live right on Hwy 14 but have trees and grapevines that give us privacy. On Fridays the traffic is all heading North and on Sunday the traffic is all headed South!

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Sharon, I never heard of that type of coverage where they pay for Curves. Not to worry as yours does not cover it anyway. That is too bad. How about this weather. Hot then cold and rain today and maybe tomorrow.


Bill said the ship did not leave yesterday and it is supposed to leave today. He said he is coming home today sometime. The ship is a 105 year old coal, steam ship that will have to be towed to Port Mc Noll in Ontario, Ca. They have tug boats that will do the job. Once out in Lake Michigan it will be a 550 mile journey to that port.


It turned out to be a crummy day today and I hope he does not have any problem returning home today. I think it is about 125 miles from there to our house. It takes about 2 hours.


Well it sounds like you may have a busy weekend planned. Tomorrow I have Bunco with the girls. So that means a very late night. Yesterday I went across the street and joined my bocce team and can you believe it, we won our 3rd game in a row. It makes the game more exciting when you win.


We will not be turning the heat on but will have to keep the place closed up. The construction has started and since we have a parkway in front of the house, that is why they can claim part of it as we do not own it but rather the county. It is going to be a real mess when it goes full blow.




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Hey, good for your team! It's always more fun when you win. We had a very cold and wetday, we did turn the heat on too.


I went to zumba this morning and really get a much better workout than I get at Curves. I think I might just add another zumba class and save some money, the zumba is only five dollars.


Too bad Bill didn't get to see the ship leave, some times things just don't workout right!


I bought a Garmin GPS at Best Buy today, tired of never knowing how to get some place. Now if I can figure out how to work it.

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Sharon, he did see the ship leave. He got home around 7 pm and I was at yoga. I felt like a chump as my phone went off right in the middle of a session. I forgot to turn it off and my Daughter was calling me. On the down side I have put 3 lbs., on and I cannot seem how to find my comfort zone. Like you I am hovering. I may loose some and then gain some. Why does this weight loss have to be so hard.


It rained all night and more for today. Cool and it was so damp here we turned the heat on for a while just to get the dampness out. I have bunco tonight so a very late night for me. I just hope the rain is all over by the time I make the drive.


It sounds like you are getting a much better deal with the zumba than the curves. The curves are more expensive as well. So it looks like an easy choice to stick with the zumba. Are you guys going out dancing tonight? Anything else planned for the weekend. I have to go to watch soccer for my grand kids over the weekend. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend.




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Sharon, I am glad you bought a GPS. We got one last year after we were on vacation and paid $60 to rent one from a rent a car company. Like you said, we do not have to worry on getting lost anymore or trying to figure out how to get to someplace.


It seems like it is going to be a nice day today. I got home last night around 1 am. Next month I host the bunco at my house. That means that Bill has to find someplace to hang out for the evening.


Today I have a baseball game to watch and a soccer game. So I will be a little busy doing that later on. It sounds like you have a busy weekend planned. Enjoy,




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Just got back from the parade, it lasted just about 2 hrs, they always put on a great one! Now we are changing clothes and headed to the graduation party over in Rockford. That lasts till 7pm so don't know what we will do after that, either the dance place or the resort I imagine.


We had great weather for the parade, mostly sunny and 71 degrees, you will have the same for the games you are going to watch, always nice when we get the good stuff on the weekend!


I think I'm just going to ignore trying to lose weight for a while, take a break, since its not been going well anyway. Maybe if i stop thinking about it the pounds will just melt away on their own (yeah right). ha ha


Have a nice day, Sharon

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Sharon, it sounds like you had a full day yesterday. The weather over the weekend has been great. We had a 10 minute shower yesterday. I went to 2 games and late in the afternoon they wanted me to go to a third. I was just too tired and will save that one for another weekend. They are just going to have to learn that I cannot do everything. I will have to split some of them up.


Bill started going to the health club that we have had for a year and a half without using them once. He plans to go everyday and is doing pool workouts as he said it is non bearing on his body. So I guess time will tell.


He put the roof on our screen house one day last week. Perhaps today we will get the table and chairs in there. The summer goes by so fast. Did you make it to the resort yesterday? Enjoy the day,




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Sharon, it was a nice weekend weather wise, and today is looking to be another nice day as well. I know what you mean about trying to get the weight off. It seems at this point the pounds are hanging around and not really going anywhere. Especially with all of the things that we are trying.


As far as Bill loosing the 20 pounds before June 22. He is going and working out now everyday. He told me that he is working out in the pool doing laps. I asked him why he was doing the pool instead of using the machines, and he said it is non weight bearing on his body. If he is successful in doing this in this short of time, then there is defiantly something wrong with what we are doing.


Enjoy this beautiful day.




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We went to the dance place after the graduation party and stayed till around 12. Sunday morning i got up at 6:45 to go to church so I would get home in time for the Model A days. The crowd was huge, and there were many, many Model A's. We got some ice cream cones and a hamburger and came home. We were both so tired we actually laid down for a nap! Then we were going to go to the fireworks for the end of Milk Days festivities, but were too tired. We went outside and could see most of them from the driveway of our house. Feel much better today, had a good nights sleep. Another beautiful day here, so have some sheets hanging outside and will do some yard work in a little bit.


Funny thing we saw in the paper, Bill's son Tom has a live-in girlfriend, she is legally changing her last name to his! Don't know what she expects to accomplish with that, except to make people think they are married when they arent.


I hope your Bill is successful with the swimming, if he is I"ll have to go more often and really swim instead of just float around on my noodle. Also he will be able to get the surgery he needs to have.

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Sharon, he is dong laps and when he is finished he is totally spent. How did you see Bill's son in the paper? That really sounds nuts. I have not heard of that before. Are they really getting married or what is up with her changing her name?


It sounds like you had a very full weekend. Bill bought some Groupons for a Chicago cruise on the Spirit Of Chicago or Mystic Blue. They are 3 hour dinner cruises. So we are going to have to plan to go downtown to do that sometime in the near future. One of our employees ended in the hospital on Friday. So I have been doing her work as there is no one else that can do it. So I have been going crazy with doing my stuff and hers as well. I even went in on Saturday and Sunday.


I would like to go with Bill sometime but it would have to be on a weekend. It also sounds like he is not just floating around but really putting a max effort into this. Like I said before, if he looses this weight in this short period of time from doing that. Then certainly we both will have to take a different approach at our own practices.


Today seems like a nice day to be working outside.




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Sharon, I finished my last PT session last night. It was just too expensive. He did give me some sheets of workouts that I can do at home. So I have to somehow motivate myself to do the stuff myself. The yoga classes go until the end of the month.


Another beautiful day today. Get out and enjoy.




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Yes, it is another great weather day, I wish they would all be like this! I didn't do much outside, guess I just fooled around to long and then had to go up to Walmart and post office. Now just waiting for Bill to get home, we'll have dinner and then I'll go to line dance lessons.


Don't know whats up with that silly girlfriend of Bill's son, she may change her name but that doesn't mean she's married to him! I think its a stupid thing to do. He has no intentions of marrying her.


I have decided not to continue with the curves, I"m not going to join, its just too much money for the benefit I feel like I'm getting from it. So I don't feel right about continuing to go, even though it was a 30 day free trial.


Bet the dinner cruise will be nice, I"ve seen it on Groupon too, but we don't get down there very often. I also saw the segway tour again, I would like to do that with a girlfriend, I know Bill wouldn't be able to do it.


Its good your Bill is getting into the swimming, maybe like you said you can go with him, we really enjoy going, especially like a Sunday night when most of the "tourists" have went home. It is supposed to be a really good workout and easy on the joints. I love to swim, one of my most favorite exercises or just relaxations.


Hope your coworker gets back to work soon, you sure don't need anymore work, and especially to work on the weekend, thats a real bummer!

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Sharon, she came back last night and they had her working for a few hours. They picked her up from the hospital and took her right to work. I really think that was pushing it a bit. But she was in today. She is a diabetic and it got out of control.


Now you are not going to believe this. Bill called me up a while ago and told me that he has lost 11 pounds thus far. Do you believe that. Although remember a few years ago how fast I was loosing the pounds, and now they are just hanging around. Perhaps he is going through the same thing. But anyway it looks like he is right on target to loose the 20 pounds. The doctor said he had to loose 10 pounds and Bill said he was going to loose 20 pounds just to play it safe.


That girl sounds like a nut case to go to all of that just to change her name. Now the club he is going to has summer hours and for the weekend they close at 2 pm. They have open swim form noon to 2. So we would have to be there before that to avoid all of the kids.


Well have fun at the dancing tonight. I think it was a good decision to not continue with curves. Just like me not continuing with the PT, just too expensive. So it looks like Bill called it right not going to the PT and doing it on his own. What a rat he is for loosing that so fast.




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