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Finally back home, the whole trip amounted to 1,006 miles. We left about 9am Thursday and got there about 5:30. Didn't get to do anything else but wedding stuff, Bill didn't feel well most of the time. He will definetly have to go to the dr this week as soon as he can get in. We did have some wonderful walleye fish for the rehersal dinner and also for the wedding dinner, along with chicken and wild rice. It was at a beautiful resort on Gull Lake.


Very glad to be home though, and Tink doesn't seem any different this time, but glad to see us.


I seem to be able to eat most anything as long as I take little pieces and get it in my mouth. Very frustrating and time consuming but I was really feeling weak from just not eating. Some of the stitches are not quite as sore either so that helps.

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Sharon, was the driving a bit longer than you had originally figured? That seemed to be a very long time to be driving. What was it like 8 1/2 hours? It sounds like you are starting to heal somewhat. I hope Bill is feeling better as well. Hopefully he can get to the Dr and start the therapy for the breathing as well. I am keeping my fingers crossed today for weigh-in tonight.


Very hot today and tomorrow here and then I heard for Wednesday it is going into the 70's. I am glad to here that all went well for Tinker as well. Nice to get away, but always nice to be back in your own surroundings.




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It's wonderful that you did this, Kathy, and thanks to all the others who kept this going.


My detox isn't with pills, but with clean eating. I've been drinking Kombucha tea a few times a day and drinking a lemon cayenne detox Kombucha. I'm trying to figure out if my issue could be allergies. I get little odd symptoms with wheat and sometimes with meat.


My biggest challenge, though, is night time eating. A zombie comes out when the sun goes down and makes me eat all kinds of things. :)


Does anyone else have trouble with nighttime eating?

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Sandy, it is good to hear back form you as well. I used to have the very same problem as you at night, and I have done so much better now. Especially with portion control. I fix things on smaller plates, that keeps my serving sizes smaller as well. When we eat out, I only eat 1/2. They most often give way too much anyway.


Like I had said, my cousin tried to get me in his group with these diet supplements. But they were pills, and I do not do pills very well. So I was turned off with that. Now your's sound much better. It is also important to detoxify your system. I am always hearing how we have to detox ourselves.


Once again I was surprised that I had lost .8 at weigh-in last night. I feel fat and blotted, so I do not know how I am continuing to loose a little each week.


Sharon, how are you doing? Is you mouth area getting any better?


Michele, I tried doing your cheat meals over the weekend. But I am going to have to give it more time. I would like to try it during the week rather than over the weekend. I like what you said about your brain being part of the problem. I feel the same way.



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Kathy good for you, you have been consistently losing a little bit all along, and it does add up! We did get to the dr yesterday, Bill had a blood test, we should get the results back today or tomorrow, and he is going to be scheduled for a CT scan to see how his lungs are doing. He seems not to be doing very well, each day seems to be able to do a little less than the day before without getting out of breath. Very scary but we are trying to remain calm until we see the results of everything.


I have lost a few more stitches but still have them in the corner of my mouth and inside my lip. So still can't open my mouth very wide to get food in. I have been eating a lot of soup and taking small little pieces of everything else. Have not lost any more weight but am staying the same.


Sandy, I have the same problem at night, always looking for "something good" to eat and it usually turns out to be ice cream.

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Sharon, I am glad that you are loosing some more of the stitches. Hopefully in another week you will start feeling better once again. None of us wants to be loosing weight from being sick. Yes, I have been loosing a small amount over the past few weeks. Yet I still feel fat. But I guess I should take the loss in small amounts and be happy with that.


I will pray for your Bill that the tests help to determine why he is not feeling good, and that the Dr can do something to help him to feel better.




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Its funny you said that about still feeling fat, I measured my waist and hips and even though I am down in weight the measurements were only about 1/2 in difference. So where did the 10 pounds come from? I did a walk this afternoon with the Get Moving group. We met at a high school in Lake Geneva and walked through a state park to the lake. It was very hot and humid but there was a nice breeze by the lake.


Wondering if we are really going to get the predicted rain tonight or not.

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Sharon, we got the rain here after midnight, about 3/4" and very high winds as well. The wind is blowing briskly today. I am going to have to measure myself as well. I just feel bloated. So how much rain did you get? That sounds like a good walk you did yesterday. Thank goodness for the breeze.


Now we went from 90 yesterday with a real feel temp close to 100 and now today it is in the 70's.We took the train downtown yesterday as I had a glaucoma test and all was OK. Now Bill had to go back down today as he has a sist on his eye lid and they are going to biopsy it.


How is your Bill doing?




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All we got last night was a little lightning,, no rain or wind. Nice today, lower temps and humidity. I got the rest of the grass cut today, finally!

Got the blood test results back, he has to increase the prednsone by one more pill a day. That should help reduce inflamation and hopefully make him feel better. The CT scan is Friday morning which tell us quite a bit.


I have lost a couple more stitches, can almost get my mouth open now. Still have them inside my lip and cheek.


Good about your eye test, hope the biopsy for Bill turns out good also.

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Sharon, yes very mild and much cooler temps. The Dr did not do the biopsy on Bill. She wants to check it and see how it is doing in December, or sooner if needed. Hopefully the increase in the med for your Bill will help him out. Also the CT tomorrow. Doesn't it seem like all we are doing is going to the Dr's?


It was a nice night for bocce, a little on the cool side for some. We lost. One week we win and 1 week we loose.




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Yes, we are all having some problems lately, time for everyone to start to feel better I'd say! That's kind of good news that they are waiting until Dec hopefully it will still be alright by then or gone.


I did not go to swimming again today, actually other than the walk the other night I have not done any exercise for quite a while. I have been taking and picking Bill up from work, he wants to go and I think its good for him, but just don't want him to drive yet. Maybe by next week he can drive himself and I can get back into my routine also.


I really like the last couple of days, the temps are just right and you can do things outside without getting too hot. I know some people like it really warm but this suits me just fine.


Too bad about losing at bocce but seems like its more of a social thing than really competitive, so as long as you have fun and enjoy it what does it matter.

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Sharon, it is good that you have been taking it easy, and also driving Bill around until he starts doing better and you as well.


I also enjoy these cooler temps. We have fun at bocce. But then there are those who loose sleep when they loose and are always finding excuses to complain about their loss. It is only a game and the most important thing, is that everyone has a good time. But there are always sore looser's.




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Another nice day, looks like it could rain, but so far it hasn't. Guess we are supposed to get some on the weekend but who knows.


We got up early and Bill had his CT scan, we probably won't hear anything until Monday and thats just as well. We don't have to think about it until then. I have only a couple of stitches left in my mouth, wish they would come out, everything is so stiff and since I haven't opened my mouth for a while it needs to be stretched or something. It doesn't look quite right but maybe after I use it again for a while it will, hopefully.


What happened to our other gals, it was nice they stopped in for a bit.


No plans for the weekend, how about you two?

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Sharon, I only hope that your life and both of your health issues work favorably for you. This has been real uncomfortable and painful for you. But it was something that had to be done as well.


Yes, it has been very windy and just spitting rain all day. But like you said, I guess the real heavy stuff is tonight and into tomorrow. I guess very humid tomorrow. But the past few days have been very pleasant at night.


This weekend could be filled with things to do. First my friend who I should be walking with, texted me last night and asked if I was interested in attending a country music festival outside near her town in Indiana. So I may do that on Sunday. Then every year in another town in Indiana, it is called Pirogue Feast. So I may go to that on Saturday and meet up with some friends as well.


Yes, I have been wondering what has happened to Michael, and Kim as well as Sandy.




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Thanks for your kind words Kathy,, I guess time will tell how things are going to go.


I did see the weatherman from channel 2 at the perogue fest last night on tv, looked like it had lots of food and fun.


No rain again today but hot and humid again, hope they are right when they say cooler drier air is coming tomorrow.


Didn 't do much today might go to the resort for a while, Bill's daughter, granddaughter and son in law are going. That good entertainer we like is there. Might take the portable oxygen with us just in case.

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Sharon, it has been hot and humid the past 2 days and we never got any real rainfall just yet. I guess this week will be a bit cooler.


Did you go to the resort over the weekend or are you going today? I am going to that country festival with my friend this afternoon. We were planning to go to the pirogue fest on Saturday, but we never went.


So now we are off to brunch at the place we have gone to on Sunday's. Once again I hope you get good results this week on Bill and also hope your recover is progressing along as well.




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We went to the resort last night, everyone came that we thought would. Bill just watched and was sorty he couldn't dance but glad that he could at least go and listen. We did not go swimming, he was thinking it was too hard to get his swimming suit on and then get dressed again.


My pet sitter asked me to let her dog out an 2 more she had at her house watching for customers. She had a family picnic and her helpers were all busy. She wanted to pay me but I told her, you get paid because its your business, I don't want to get paid because I was just doing a favor for a friend. So she wants to take us out for pizza, don' t know if we will take her up on it or not.


well tomorrow is Monday, don't know if we'll hear anything or not.

Hope your week goes well.

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Sharon, the country fest was good yesterday, but around 4 the temp really started to change and by the time I was coming home, I had really gotten chilled, as I did not have a jacket with me. Today cooler and very windy. Many are complaining about the cooler whether. However, after the winter we just went through, I would never complain about 50's or 60's at all. I would rather have these temps versus the real hot stuff, that I am sure we will be seeing.


I hope you hear something this week about Bill's test. It was good that you were able to go to the resort yesterday. Even though Bill did not dance, at least he was able to get out and watch and enjoy the music.


I agree, what are friends for if you cannot do someone a favor without compensating you for doing it.


The jerk left for STL this morning. He did not tell me when exactly he is coming back. So I have no idea if he will be gone for a few days or a week.


How are you doing?




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What country starts did you see over the weekend? Bet there was lots of people there. We have Country Thunder up in Twin Lakes, WI. We don't go because it is so terribly crowded but alot of good country starts sing.


We have not heard anything about the test yet, thought we would hear yesterday but didn't. I have still been taking Bill to work and picking him up, he is pretty tired by the end of the day. I told him this morning he should think about not going in every day or at least come home sooner. He is making a pork roast in the slow cooker today. We will bring it home when I pick him up and have it for dinner tonight and tomorrow night.


I cut grass yesterday afternoon and then went for the walk with the church group in the evening. It was a nice night to walk, cool but comfortable. This morning after dropping Bill off I met Rose and she drove us up to East Troy for a walk with the Get Moving Walworth Co group. We walked 3 miles.


I still have one stitch in my cheek that is driving me crazy, it pinches and the strings get caught in food when I try to eat. I don't think its going to dissolve or it would have by now. I'm thinking of trying to cut the end off, just wondering if they can get the rest out if I do that. Also one of the stitches in my lip came out but the bottom part is still in and it is very sore. I tried to eat an ear of corn last night and could not get my mouth open wide enough. I had to cut the kernels off and eat it that way. I am really not happy with what he did to my face. I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever be the same or not. I go back to him Aug 13, and its supposed to be all wonderful by then, bet its not.


Good the jerk is gone, probably be for a few days anyway before he comes back with stuff for you to do.

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Sharon, I am sorry to hear that you are still in so much discomfort. That seems like a long time to wait until 8/13. Hopefully by then most is all cleared up. If you face or mouth area is not good, what do you plan to do?


Taking Bill to work and picking up is a good idea. But I think he should try cutting down going everyday until he is feeling better.


I remember you were talking about the Big Thunder each year. This was small local and I doubt anyone you would have heard of. Just a lot of local vendors, one being my friends daughter and husband who used to have their own restaurant around here and now only do these local fests and that is all. It seems to keep them busy and profitable as well. Small local acts singing on a real make shift stage as well, in a church parking lot area.


At least you have been able to get outside and do the walking. The temps have been cool enough to do so. I know around here a lot of people are complaining about the cooler temps. But after the winter we just went through, you will never hear me complaining. We both know all too well what our alternative would be.


Yes, the jerk is coming back on Wednesday. He always seems to have all of this mystery surrounding him.




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Well today is Wed so I guess your boss came back, hope he didn't mess up your day too much.


I don't think there is much I can do abiut my mouth I sure don't want it cut ir more stitches. I guess I will just hope it stretches open some more.


I finished up the mowing for another week today. It was a really nice day temp wise.


We were just getting home after I oicked up Bill and saw we had missed the call from the dr. I called right back but it went to voice mail. Hope they call us back, we are wanting to know the results.


I am going to visit with the girls tonight,Bill is going to stay home.

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Sharon, it is good that you were able to get out and visit last night. Did you have a good visit?


We never got any rain yesterday. Perhaps today. Last night was bocce and we lost once again. It was a good night weather wise.


Hopefully today you will hear the results for Bill and something positive will come from it all. For you, hopefully as time goes on you will feel better and you will be able to feel good once again about yourself.


I have 2 weedings to attend this weekend. The first is tomorrow 100 miles northwest of us, in Kildeer, IL. The second is on Saturday much closer to us.


The jerk comes back work here today, as he flew back yesterday. Enjoy and have a good day today,




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We did talk with the nurse, she read the report but could not tell us what it meant. The part we did understand was the fibrosis is progressing. So not good news, she then set up an a ppointment with the pulmonary dr for Aug 5th. I imagine he will be able to tell us more. So decided to stay home with Bill instead of going to visit the girls.


This morning I went to the swimming class after I took Bill to work. I picked him up a little early because the Get Moving walk group had a walk at 5pm.This was my 7th walk, I need 10 to get the free ride on the boat in Lake Geneva. There are enough walks left so I should be able to get 10 walks in. I won one of the 3 prizes tonight, last walk I won also, too bad I can't be so lucky in other areas.


Did I tell you all the stitches are now out? They are but everrthing is very stiff and if I open my mouth too wide it almost tears at the corner. I hope it gets better but I don't know.


Are the weddings for relatives or friends, good thing they didn't come on the same day, you would have had to pick one or the other.


how many more bocce games do you have to go? It was a nice night to be outside.

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Sharon we are leaving today at 4 for the first wedding. Both are friends. Today is the daughter of one of my friends that I play bunco with. Tomorrow is the mother of the girl today. Sounds kind of crazy, doesn't it? Have you heard of this town before that we are going to today? I think it is by Arlington Heights.


OK, we just finished game 11 in bocce, and we play 16 games total. However we have had 1 rainout. So that means we have actually played 10 games as we have 1 make up game at the end. At the start of the season, we have 3 rainout games built into the schedule. That means we can makeup 3 games at the end of the season if they get rained out. If we do not have any rainout's then everything is over. Our banquet is the week following the third rainout date regardless.


No you did not tell me about all of your stitches being out. That is good news. I could see where your mouth would be stiff. Through your own natural stretching it each and everyday, it will get back to where it once was.


So next Tuesday is the date the Dr will explain everything to you. That is not too long to wait. But it was good that you decided to stay home with Bill. I can also understand the nurse not telling you, even though she most likely know everything anyway. But she is not allowed to say anything.


I was not aware that you have been winning things. What have you won thus far? I also did not know by completing 10 walks put you into that boat trip. All of this sounds like great incentives to get everyone involved.




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I know where Arlington Heights is, the town is straight up rt 14, but it is pretty spread out so not sure where you would be going to the wedding. That is strange that the daughter is getting married and then the mother.



I have won several restaurant coupons, like $20 off a dinner, I have won a game called electro darts, its for outside. No points just rounded, not sure how you play. Last night I won a shoulder exerciser. You evidently hook it onto something and then pull the cords out. Like I say why can't I win the lottery instead!


Finally Friday, don't know what we are doing, Bill is usually pretty tired by the end of the day. Just had one of our friends call and ask if we were going to the dance place. She said if not they would stop by an Italian place by them and bring spaghetti dinner for all of us. I told her no thanks I already have dinner planned but they could stop over anyway. I will let her know after we get back home and see how he is feeling today.


Have a fun time at your wedding this weekend,

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