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QM2 Fails Inspection


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Actually it was a voluntary inspection and they were invited onboard at the lines connivance which just happened to be NYC




This has been corrected hasn't it? Good lord imagine how much worse this would look for Carnival/Cunard if the inspection had been planned and ended up failing the health check so miserably?Safe to say I think whoever is in charge of standards now at Cunard will be correcting these awful mis-steps.

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Just off QM2 and no one mentioned there was a problem nor was there mention of a new inspection being conducted our week. The ship appeared shipshape to me and I saw lots of cleaning going on our week. If anything it might be too much! I had to use a public bathroom one evening and went to one near DR and it was closed for cleaning. So I went to the other bathroom on opposite end of ship and it was closed for cleaning. So I went back to previous one thinking it would be finished and there was an out of order sign on the stall. Ended up going all the way back to my cabin. This is a big ship and you can't walk it so easy or fast when you are looking for a bathroom.

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Just off QM2 and no one mentioned there was a problem nor was there mention of a new inspection being conducted our week. The ship appeared shipshape to me and I saw lots of cleaning going on our week. If anything it might be too much! I had to use a public bathroom one evening and went to one near DR and it was closed for cleaning. So I went to the other bathroom on opposite end of ship and it was closed for cleaning. So I went back to previous one thinking it would be finished and there was an out of order sign on the stall. Ended up going all the way back to my cabin. This is a big ship and you can't walk it so easy or fast when you are looking for a bathroom.


Sorry F5Loar, but I'm laughing because your post is too true! Whenver I needed to use the loo, I went back to my cabin. Of course it took more than 10 minutes to get there, but I walked fast.

As an aside, one afteroon when the elevators where frozen (which seemed to happen on several occasions on that voyage) I walked down the stairs, one hand on the handrail. The handrail was covered in some kind of gloop. Then I was faced with finding a place to wash the goop off my hands...it was like I was in a Monty Python script :)

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This doesn’t surprise me at all that the QM2 has failed this inspection. After my Christmas experience in which lipstick marks, and what could only be described as dirt were found at the bottom of a cup. My dining companion was served fish that was distinctively off. the cleanlines of the pool was also questionable.

My personal observation was poor management. The crew were doing their best but seemed not to be trained properly and weren’t sure where to go to resolve issues or ask for direction.

The ship also seemed understaffed but again this may have been due to the noro virus outbreak. Personally I hope this is a wakeup call and that the QM2 is brought back up to standard and perhaps they will re train their staff and managers.

This wouldn’t put me off the QM2 as there are still too many good things about the ship that have nothing to do with this inspection. The QM2 is still an ocean liner and for any type of extended voyage I will still choose the QM2 even if it means bringing on a kettle and some pot noodles. I have already booked a QM2 world segment as no other ship can compare for this type of voyage IMHO.

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This doesn’t surprise me at all that the QM2 has failed this inspection. After my Christmas experience in which lipstick marks, and what could only be described as dirt were found at the bottom of a cup. My dining companion was served fish that was distinctively off. the cleanlines of the pool was also questionable.

My personal observation was poor management. The crew were doing their best but seemed not to be trained properly and weren’t sure where to go to resolve issues or ask for direction.

The ship also seemed understaffed but again this may have been due to the noro virus outbreak. Personally I hope this is a wakeup call and that the QM2 is brought back up to standard and perhaps they will re train their staff and managers.

This wouldn’t put me off the QM2 as there are still too many good things about the ship that have nothing to do with this inspection. The QM2 is still an ocean liner and for any type of extended voyage I will still choose the QM2 even if it means bringing on a kettle and some pot noodles. I have already booked a QM2 world segment as no other ship can compare for this type of voyage IMHO.


The QM2 is also the absolute best ship in which to cross an ocean. We are doing our second crossing on her in August, and our third cruise on the QM2 overall. She handles rough seas better than almost any ship we have been on. And compare the cost of a trans-Atlantic crossing to a biz class airfare -- the QM2 wins every time. So let's hope she gets her act together for the next inspection -- I really don't want to bring my kettle and pot noodles on board!

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  • 2 weeks later...
What score do you expect QM2 to receive on the official Center for Disease Control/Vessel Sanitation re-inspection report?


The result of the USPH inspection which was carried out on July 27 2011 was very positive at 92, the problem areas that were identified were apparently in the King’s Court area and were technical in their nature with temperatures not being reached in such things as dishwashers and similar matters. The very good thing was that there were no possible contamination issues in any of the bars or restaurants. The inspection was carried out by the most senior of the PH inspection staff and reportedly they were very happy with what they found. The QM2 was built in 2003 and mechanical failures/problems will occur over time and unfortunately no-one can foresee when they might arise, I believe that these matters will be addressed between now and the conclusion of the dry dock in November which should return the ship to its former glory.

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The result of the USPH inspection which was carried out on July 27 2011 was very positive at 92, the problem areas that were identified were apparently in the King’s Court area and were technical in their nature with temperatures not being reached in such things as dishwashers and similar matters. The very good thing was that there were no possible contamination issues in any of the bars or restaurants. The inspection was carried out by the most senior of the PH inspection staff and reportedly they were very happy with what they found. The QM2 was built in 2003 and mechanical failures/problems will occur over time and unfortunately no-one can foresee when they might arise, I believe that these matters will be addressed between now and the conclusion of the dry dock in November which should return the ship to its former glory.


That's good news for the QM2 and her many fans. I hope that management and staff will continue to pay attention to the ship's sanitation, and that this great ocean liner will never be subjected again to the humiliation of a failed inspection.

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The result of the USPH inspection which was carried out on July 27 2011 was very positive at 92, the problem areas that were identified were apparently in the King’s Court area and were technical in their nature with temperatures not being reached in such things as dishwashers and similar matters. The very good thing was that there were no possible contamination issues in any of the bars or restaurants. The inspection was carried out by the most senior of the PH inspection staff and reportedly they were very happy with what they found. The QM2 was built in 2003 and mechanical failures/problems will occur over time and unfortunately no-one can foresee when they might arise, I believe that these matters will be addressed between now and the conclusion of the dry dock in November which should return the ship to its former glory.


My first reaction was delight upon hearing that QM2 passed its re-insepction.

But my second reaction was somewhat skeptical: when a passenger on board reports the results of CDC/VP scores, and reports "most senior of the PH inspecton staff were very hapy with what they found", I question both the the source and the spin. The report that has yet to be published on the CDC website.

A score of 92 is not "very positive". Considering that the ship has been high alert since the failing inspection, I am suprised that the resulting score was only 92.

Note: I don't question the accuracy of capnpugwash report of the Inspection report score. Obviously he was given this information and he would not have made it public without permission. But the added spin leaves me very confused.


Respectfully, yet confused -Salacia

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My first reaction was delight upon hearing that QM2 passed its re-insepction.

But my second reaction was somewhat skeptical: when a passenger on board reports the results of CDC/VP scores, and reports "most senior of the PH inspecton staff were very hapy with what they found", I question both the the source and the spin. The report that has yet to be published on the CDC website.

A score of 92 is not "very positive". Considering that the ship has been high alert since the failing inspection, I am suprised that the resulting score was only 92.

Note: I don't question the accuracy of capnpugwash report of the Inspection report score. Obviously he was given this information and he would not have made it public without permission. But the added spin leaves me very confused.


Respectfully, yet confused -Salacia



Considering the amount of time Capnpugwash has spent on QM2 recently and his gift for gab, I would not be at all surprised if he were on a first name basis with all parties involved. :)

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Considering the amount of time Capnpugwash has spent on QM2 recently and his gift for gab, I would not be at all surprised if he were on a first name basis with all parties involved. :)


Yes, of course, you are right. It's just that I don't understand information posted sans attribution, especially when it it reads like a press release. -Salacia

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My first reaction was delight upon hearing that QM2 passed its re-insepction.

But my second reaction was somewhat skeptical: when a passenger on board reports the results of CDC/VP scores, and reports "most senior of the PH inspecton staff were very hapy with what they found", I question both the the source and the spin. The report that has yet to be published on the CDC website.

A score of 92 is not "very positive". Considering that the ship has been high alert since the failing inspection, I am suprised that the resulting score was only 92.

Note: I don't question the accuracy of capnpugwash report of the Inspection report score. Obviously he was given this information and he would not have made it public without permission. But the added spin leaves me very confused.


Respectfully, yet confused -Salacia


There is no spin here, you obviously confuse me with the New York Post. The ship is 8 years old and unfortunately machinery wears out especially when it is in constant use as a result of the schedule of this vessel, to remedy the niggly technical problems by replacing the machines will probably require enormous expense which in the current economical climate is unlikely to happen, this means that 92 is a good score. I won't dignify your stance by commenting further.

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There is no spin here, you obviously confuse me with the New York Post. The ship is 8 years old and unfortunately machinery wears out especially when it is in constant use as a result of the schedule of this vessel, to remedy the niggly technical problems by replacing the machines will probably require enormous expense which in the current economical climate is unlikely to happen, this means that 92 is a good score. I won't dignify your stance by commenting further.


I have to agree with capnpugwash. As a boat owner, I am constantly throwing money down a pit (called the marina) to keep everything ship shape. So it must be very challenging for an 8-year old ship like the QM2 that does so many ocean crossings to always have all the equipment functioning perfectly. Having said that, I would expect a score of 92 is less than what management at Cunard is shooting for, and that it will only get better.

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I have to agree with capnpugwash. As a boat owner, I am constantly throwing money down a pit (called the marina) to keep everything ship shape. So it must be very challenging for an 8-year old ship like the QM2 that does so many ocean crossings to always have all the equipment functioning perfectly. Having said that, I would expect a score of 92 is less than what management at Cunard is shooting for, and that it will only get better.


You do know that the word "boat" stands for Break Out Another Thousand, right? ;)

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There is no spin here, you obviously confuse me with the New York Post. The ship is 8 years old and unfortunately machinery wears out especially when it is in constant use as a result of the schedule of this vessel, to remedy the niggly technical problems by replacing the machines will probably require enormous expense which in the current economical climate is unlikely to happen, this means that 92 is a good score. I won't dignify your stance by commenting further.


Capnpugwash, if I have offended you, I apologize as that was certainly not my intent.

To explain further why I believe the latest re-inspection score of 92 is not a good score for QM2, her inspection scores for 2009 and 2010 average 98.25*. As far as machinery wearing out, would not other ships face the same problem? Aren't there many ships older than QM2 with better inspection scores?


If I understand correctly, you feel that 92 is a good score because it is not economically feasible for Cunard to replace machinery at this time. Frankly, don't know what machinery needs to be replaced, but it's not very reassuring to think that cost cutting measures have reached a point where much lower Vessel Inspection scores are to be considered "very positive" or even "very good". -Again, that is only my opinion (or stance, as you call it).


BTW, I don't read the NYPost.:)






*The previous CDC scores for QM2 were:

6/10/2011 =84 (failure)


7/19/2010 = 98

1/04/2010 = 97

8/23/2009 = 98

4/14/2009 = 100


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  • 3 weeks later...
Thaxed, I agree with you that Cunard is unlikely to "drop the ball again any time soon". Just a small point, but I believe the Corrective Action Report you referred to was issued by Cunard (or its representatives on board), but has not yet been confirmed by the Center for Disease Control, Vessel Sanitation Program. (CDC/VSP). To quote from their website:

VSP requires all ships to submit corrective action statements for deficiencies. This vessel submitted the following corrective action statement; however, VSP does not verify that the deficiencies have been corrected until after conducting the next vessel inspection or re-inspection.

So I guess we should stayed tuned for the results of the re-inspection. My bet is that the score will be dam near perfect.





That report does actually list the actions taken on the day of the inspection;




2 Galley Passenger Main Aft Pot Wash 26 3

DESCRIPTION: A large wire mixer in the clean utensil storage rack was found with a dried spinach leaf on it.


Corrective Action This was corrected during the inspection and the mixer was rewashed. Staff have been instructed to inspect equipment thoroughly after

washing. Increased checks by supervisors will be made on cleaned equipment. The routine checks of cleaning standards will be included on the cleaning schedule for the area.

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Oh, I can see the headlines now...


..."Cunard passengers felled by dried spinach leaf".


Sir Martin




Sir Martin, Yes, I seem to remember there was a problem with E.coli, was the source spinach? Good to laugh off the thought the we pay good money to eat from dirty plates, right?


And then there are stories like this:



BRUSSELS — The EU is to invest 2.2 million euros in research on the new killer E.coli strain which infected almost 4,000 people and left 51 dead across Europe and caused massive losses to vegetable farmers.

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That report does actually list the actions taken on the day of the inspection;




2 Galley Passenger Main Aft Pot Wash 26 3

DESCRIPTION: A large wire mixer in the clean utensil storage rack was found with a dried spinach leaf on it.


Corrective Action This was corrected during the inspection and the mixer was rewashed. Staff have been instructed to inspect equipment thoroughly after

washing. Increased checks by supervisors will be made on cleaned equipment. The routine checks of cleaning standards will be included on the cleaning schedule for the area.



With all due respect, please read the inspection report again and note where points were subtracted.

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Just a couple of questions for all of you who are worried about the cleanliness of the QM2.


1. Did the QM2 pass inspection?


2. If you are truly worried about what the cleanliness of the QM2 might do to your health then just why would you even consider sailing on her?

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