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Serious question about passangers.

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As a parent that is a natural concern..but you cannot allow your fears to become the child's fears..You have to live your life..I would not worry about it..NCL screens their employees...that doesn't mean a sex offender didn't slip through the cracks..but I would not be overly concerned about it..go and enjoy yourself..

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My goodness!! What was a 6 year old doing in a hot tub with an old man to begin with?? They don't even belong in the hot tubs and where were his parents?


When my DD was young, she loved the kids club on the ship and I trusted the cruise line to keep her safe and they did. I made her go. So if she cried when I left her, I saw her laughing and having a good time an hour later with al lthe kids her age as they paraded around the decks in pirate costumes and such. Let them go where it is safe. Plus these ships have survelience camera's almost everywhere. I know we cannot put our trust in everyone, but I did trust the rusie line and the crew of the ship to keep my DD safe and entertained. When she wasn't with them, it was our turn to keep an eye on her and we made sure we did. Some parents let the kids run wild like they are in their own back yard and that is how trouble starts. We went in the pool together, we ate together, we walked around together. If you can't keep your eyes on your kids then leave them home or bring a sitter with you. I know it's your vacation but these are our babies, our precisous cargo, our little girls and boys. They look to us to keep them safe so let's do our best.

Sorry I got away on this a little but I don't want to see any child in a predicament like this. So sad.


Thanks for saying what I was thinking, Lowtyd.


It appears to have happened in the water zone. http://www.cruiselawnews.com/2010/06/articles/sexual-assault-of-minors/sexual-predator-abuses-6-year-old-aboard-royal-caribbeans-liberty-of-the-seas/

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How about a check for thieves, murders, gays, Arabs, and people who wear jeans when they definitely shouldn't. Of course, there are checks run. But everything on a ship other than (I hope) the bathrooms are on video camera all the time. What do you think is going to happen? Where would the perpetrator go? Over the side? Please.

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Many of these crimes on cruise ships such as "rape" are due to the "victim" drinking or having round heels. Why would any single woman go into a man's room with a guy she barely met? Why is it necessary to drink yourself into insensibility. It is always necessary to keep your wits about you. There is no need to think that rapists and perverts are around every corner, but if you are paying attention, you don't need to worry about it. Pay attention to your children. Pay attention to yourself.

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Thanks for everyone's input.


NO my child will not be left alone; go to pool by herself, buffet or roam the halls alone! If any parent lets their child do that, then they are not a parent at all!!


Don't get me wrong, I am not some crazy over protective mother. I just want to make sure that my daughter is safe & I don't want to have to worry about some pervert staring at my daughter play in a pool while she's in her bathign suit. It's happened at a beach before & I almost stabbed the basterd in his eyes!!!


Someone also mentioned about a SO getting a passport. Not all cruises require a passport. All you need is a birth certificate and a photo i.d.

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How about a check for thieves, murders, gays, Arabs, and people who wear jeans when they definitely shouldn't. Of course, there are checks run. But everything on a ship other than (I hope) the bathrooms are on video camera all the time. What do you think is going to happen? Where would the perpetrator go? Over the side? Please.



How many incidents have happened where the Perp has commited a crime on a child & days, weeks, months go by & the child doesn't say anything due to fear?? By that time, the incident has happened, the passanger/perp is long gone etc. He didn't need to jump off the ship in this case.

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I understand your concern which is why I am a SUPER overprotective mom on the ship. Yes, my kids are allowed in the kids clubs. But they are never allowed out of my sight for one second outside that club (freaks me out when I see people say that their 7 year olds run for ice cream :eek:)


The case on the Liberty of the Seas was just another reminder of WHY I don't let my kids out of my sight. ;) I was on Freedom AND Independence (Liberty's sister ships) and I have pictures of the hot tubs filled to overflowing with kids - NO ADULTS in sight. Although the signs clearly state "Adults must accompany all children 16 and under in the hot tubs" (Common sense really)


The ships are small floating cities. I don't allow my kids to wander around my small town alone. They are not going anywhere on the ships without me.

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I'm weltek's DH, I am a Parole officer for sex offenders in Wisconsin. I can assure you SO's do get passports. They are limited from leaving the country while on supervision, but judges routinely allow them a stay of their sentence to do so. After supervision there is really nothing holding them back, a quick call to the registry is all that is required--think of OTR truckers who are registrants, they get their letter every 90 days and that's about it.


I know for a fact one of my guys is discharging in March 2012 and his family is planning a congratulatory cruise in May. He has to pay a fee and get a permit to enter Canada, but they already have that. I think it was around $400, but he wants to do it legally, so he was willing to pay it.


I? was subject to an officer of NCL.. gratifying himself in the spa sauna. I reported it, investigation and lot's of depositions later, I have no idea what happened.


To to the OP, yes of course be cautious, hope NCL has done there job, but do your job as a parent as well, because ultimately you are responsible for your child's well being.

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From the articles I've seen on this, you have more to fear from someone you know than from a stranger on a cruise ship. I can already tell that you're going to keep your child close to you, as I plan to do, which is wise.

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I work in a prison and most of the sex offenders I see there are the grand-father's, father's, brother's and uncle's of the victim. In the majority of cases it's not a stranger you have to worry about.

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Thanks for everyone's input.


NO my child will not be left alone; go to pool by herself, buffet or roam the halls alone! If any parent lets their child do that, then they are not a parent at all!!


Don't get me wrong, I am not some crazy over protective mother. I just want to make sure that my daughter is safe & I don't want to have to worry about some pervert staring at my daughter play in a pool while she's in her bathign suit. It's happened at a beach before & I almost stabbed the basterd in his eyes!!!


Someone also mentioned about a SO getting a passport. Not all cruises require a passport. All you need is a birth certificate and a photo i.d.


Staring at people is not a crime. However, stabbing someone in the eye is a crime. If you are that worried about your daughter stay home and lock your doors.

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Staring at people is not a crime. However, stabbing someone in the eye is a crime.


True. While the OP's feelings are certainly understandable acting out on them would only land the OP in hot water. You can't go out in public without this "threat" existing.

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Two things that are amazing to me when these discussion pop up every so often.

Both of the web sites that are usually posted as "proof" that there is a huge problem belong to lawyers that specialize in suing cruise lines for these type of problems. A lot of info posted with no supporting info. You will see many listings of supposed problems with only a small number of links to support the "problems".

Of course there have been and will be a certain number of problems aboard ship, but if you perform "due diligence" your child will be fine.

However, if we now have to fear someone getting upset and stabbing someone in the eyes because they perceive someone is looking at their child in the "wrong way" we have a big issue. What in the world is the "wrong way", if you hang out at a pool, there will be tons of people sitting and watching, it's what people do. There is not much to look at except a lot of people in bathing suits. If your afraid that someone might see your child in the swimsuit, perhaps they don't belong at the pool. I don't think people watching at the pool/beach is illegal.:confused:

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Both of the web sites that are usually posted as "proof" that there is a huge problem belong to lawyers that specialize in suing cruise lines for these type of problems.


I saw it on our news. So I didn't see it on a lawyer site. ;)



I don't think there is any problem with warning parents to be extra vigiliant with their children. :)

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I don't think there is any problem with warning parents to be extra vigiliant with their children. :)

Totally agreed. I have no problem being an over-protective parent and I was probably that times 10 on my daughter's first cruise. It won't be any different for my upcoming one either ... :)

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The amount of generalization and reactionary statements in threads like this is mind numbing. I guess that's the case when someone is passionate about something.


Cruises are safer than the world around us (the cruising demographic is certainly less likely to commit crime) but you still need to remain diligent. So, what's diligent? Someone stated if you don't have your kid with you at all times you're not a good parent. Really? My 14 and 16 year olds basically had run of the ship for large blocks of time. They are courteous, respectful, smart kids. They're also bigger than mom and catching dad in a hurry. I didn't worry about them or how they were going to handle themselves. So I'm a bad parent now? My 10yo daughter didn't go anywhere with herself, but sometimes her chaperone up to the soft serve was her 11yo cousin or her brother. Does this make me a bad parent? If you think so we're going to have some words.


Kids are safer on the ship than at the splash pool at the local community center or mall. Be smart, but also be reasonable. As was stated by another, if you are worried that anyone looking at your kid in their bathing suit is somehow a predator or pervert, then maybe you and your child would be better off on your private balcony or your own back yard.

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Someone stated if you don't have your kid with you at all times you're not a good parent. Really? My 14 and 16 year olds basically had run of the ship for large blocks of time.


Maybe I missed that post, but I don't think anyone said that. The OP is talking about her 5 year old. And in my posts I am referring to my young children. Comparing what teens do without their parents on the ship and a 5 year old is like comparing apples and grapes. ;)

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Maybe I missed that post, but I don't think anyone said that. The OP is talking about her 5 year old. And in my posts I am referring to my young children. Comparing what teens do without their parents on the ship and a 5 year old is like comparing apples and grapes. ;)



Yes the comment was directed towards someone who claimed that a 7 year old was running free on the ship with no supervision. There is a difference between a 5 year old and a 15 year old alone on a cruise ship.

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Someone stated if you don't have your kid with you at all times you're not a good parent. Really? My 14 and 16 year olds basically had run of the ship for large blocks of time. They are courteous, respectful, smart kids. They're also bigger than mom and catching dad in a hurry. I didn't worry about them or how they were going to handle themselves. So I'm a bad parent now? My 10yo daughter didn't go anywhere with herself, but sometimes her chaperone up to the soft serve was her 11yo cousin or her brother. Does this make me a bad parent? If you think so we're going to have some words.




I'd like to hope we don't just blow smoke up people's patooties here. It's a legitimate concern. On another forum, a poster is thinking about letting her 7/8 year old go to the pool by himself, buffet, etc. I'd like parents and everyone to know the facts and decide for him/herself what steps are necessary.


I know some of these people in these forums lack commen sense, I hope you're not one of them. I also hope you have read what everyone has stated on here. One person said that a 7/8 year old [above quote] parent's posted they were thinking of letting their child go to the pool, buffet etc by themselves. That's what I was refering to. Would you let your 10 year old go to the pool by herself, no adult or chaperone??? If so , I would say you're not a fit parent if you don't take into consideration the dangers that may happen.


And for my response about the man at the beach, I failed to mention he was 'fondling himself'. He had left when myself and a lifeguard confronted him about it. Claimed he was scratching himself. Well that was a very long itch he had!!


When you have incidents like this that happen, you are more likely to be paranoid.

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OP....I think you have a right to be concerned. I also believe you will use common sense and probably won't have any problems on your cruise.


That being said, is the cruise demographic any more civilized and righteous than others? I don't think so. Watch some of the animals at the buffet or the drunks roaming the halls at night for a little insight into the character of some of your cruise neighbors. Is that person a child molester? Probably not, but he's also not the person I would choose to come in contact with on a daily basis either. Who knows? Maybe there are more white collar criminals on cruise ships. LOL....How would we know?


In other words, most people that I've run into on ships are fine. The jerks are pretty obvious and your common sense should guide you.

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... I don't want to have to worry about some pervert staring at my daughter play in a pool while she's in her bathing suit. It's happened at a beach before & I almost stabbed the bastard in his eyes!!! ...


Wow. Now I am worried about ME going on a cruise. I love young children and go out of my way to smile and get a smile from them. Their sweet innocence and love of life often brighten my day. I am male and over 50.


Will some parent think I am some pervert because I am looking at their cute little girl? Are their certain things somebody can do to make them appear to be a pervert. I want to avoid those gestures, etc.



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Wow. Now I am worried about ME going on a cruise. I love young children and go out of my way to smile and get a smile from them. Their sweet innocence and love of life often brighten my day. I am male and over 50.


Will some parent think I am some pervert because I am looking at their cute little girl? Are their certain things somebody can do to make them appear to be a pervert. I want to avoid those gestures, etc.




I am also a male over 50 (for a couple of days now:)) and share similar concerns. For some weird reason children and animals like me on sight, but I avoid acknowledging the presence of small children like the plague. I go down a different aisle in the supermarket if I see a kid in a basket - they always seem to smile/wave/giggle when looking at me and the parents turn around and shoot me frowns and daggers of "what are you doing messing with my child". However, I rather have a parent being suspicious than one that is negligent. Any "guilty until proven innocent" attitudes towards me is easily trumped by the need for the protection of the young.

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I understand your concern which is why I am a SUPER overprotective mom on the ship. Yes, my kids are allowed in the kids clubs. But they are never allowed out of my sight for one second outside that club (freaks me out when I see people say that their 7 year olds run for ice cream :eek:)


The case on the Liberty of the Seas was just another reminder of WHY I don't let my kids out of my sight. ;) I was on Freedom AND Independence (Liberty's sister ships) and I have pictures of the hot tubs filled to overflowing with kids - NO ADULTS in sight. Although the signs clearly state "Adults must accompany all children 16 and under in the hot tubs" (Common sense really)


The ships are small floating cities. I don't allow my kids to wander around my small town alone. They are not going anywhere on the ships without me.

I understand you are a very protective mother and that is great, so please don't take this the wrong way......If you are concerned about your kids safety, then why do you show pics of your young children in your signature along with the upcoming cruise you have planned on a very public website??? I have always been curious why parents post pics of their young kids on here and Facebook and all the other public sites, but then they are always worried about their safety.....There is no way I would ever post pictures of my young kids on a public website then advertise where and when I will be on vacation with them.

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And for my response about the man at the beach, I failed to mention he was 'fondling himself'. He had left when myself and a lifeguard confronted him about it. Claimed he was scratching himself. Well that was a very long itch he had!!


That little bit of information changes everything and would have been nice to know from the get go. Your maternal response is certainly more understandable knowing that (but of course stabbing the person in the eye would have still landed you in hot water). Glad you were able to respond appropriately.


OK - I have to ask. I understand the "drinking" part but what the heck does "having round heels" mean???


A "push-over", someone who is "easy".

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