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Photography on board?


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We've been on 4 cruises now and have bought a few of the photographs they take on board (you know, the ones that the photographer sets you up with poses for, on formal/theme nights etc). I know that these can get pretty expensive, and IMHO are overpriced.


I was just wondering if anyone's managed to get someone to stand behind the photographer with their own digital camera to get a shot? I'm not sure if this is even allowed (I suspect not)...or not. And if not, why not - its not as if you are paying extra for the photographer...alot of the time they seem to be the ones roping you in.



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We've been on 4 cruises now and have bought a few of the photographs they take on board (you know, the ones that the photographer sets you up with poses for, on formal/theme nights etc). I know that these can get pretty expensive, and IMHO are overpriced.


I was just wondering if anyone's managed to get someone to stand behind the photographer with their own digital camera to get a shot? I'm not sure if this is even allowed (I suspect not)...or not. And if not, why not - its not as if you are paying extra for the photographer...alot of the time they seem to be the ones roping you in.




I suspect the photography who made the time and effort to set up the lighting and backdrop might take offense to someone coming up from behind and taking the shot for free. It sounds no different than peeking over someone's desk at their work, and taking credit for someone else's job.

You should have pelnty of opportunity to takes photgraphs on the ship without ambushing the photographers.

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the photos seem to be expensive if you did not price photos taken by profesional studios on land. If you have someone graduating from HS, you will be shocked how much those photos will be, or if you want to have a portrait photo taken in a studio, you will be surprised how much they do cost.

The photos taken on the ship have to cover the cost of the cameras, equipment, the personnel ( the photographers and the people working behind the scenes) the chemicals and their high cost of disposal - all of that amounts to many thousands of dollars. I just read on one of the posts posted by someone working on the ships that "his" particular cruise ship paid $72 thousand just for the disposal of the chemicals from one cruise. So taken everything in consideration perhaps the high price of the pictures is justified.

In my mind I would think that taken the picture with someone's camera of the people that are posing for the photographer is wrong.


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the photos seem to be expensive if you did not price photos taken by profesional studios on land. If you have someone graduating from HS, you will be shocked how much those photos will be, or if you want to have a portrait photo taken in a studio, you will be surprised how much they do cost.


The photos taken on the ship have to cover the cost of the cameras, equipment, the personnel ( the photographers and the people working behind the scenes) the chemicals and their high cost of disposal - all of that amounts to many thousands of dollars. I just read on one of the posts posted by someone working on the ships that "his" particular cruise ship paid $72 thousand just for the disposal of the chemicals from one cruise. So taken everything in consideration perhaps the high price of the pictures is justified.

In my mind I would think that taken the picture with someone's camera of the people that are posing for the photographer is wrong.





Thanks for your response. I understand the costs of development might be high, but I always thought maybe the costs of photographs are being subsidised by the amount of photos that are taken, put on display, and never bought?


I don't always need such a high quality of print, and thought they might be nice just as "regular" photos - if that makes sense.


I was wondering what the "official" policy on this is, and what other people do?

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Perhaps, a better way to phrase my query is: would it be possible to stand in front of their backdrops - even without the photographer positioning you - and take your own photograph?

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Thanks for your response. I understand the costs of development might be high, but I always thought maybe the costs of photographs are being subsidised by the amount of photos that are taken, put on display, and never bought?


I don't always need such a high quality of print, and thought they might be nice just as "regular" photos - if that makes sense.


I was wondering what the "official" policy on this is, and what other people do?



there is plenty of places on the ship that you can take your own photos and many of those photos will serve you just fine but doing it behind the back of the photographer who is earning his living by taken the photos is not right in my opinion. The display is their property for them to be used.

They do take hundreds and hundreds of photos that no one will buy, but they are doing it because our human nature is such that if we see it and got it in our hand ..... we might buy it.

You might be surprised that a portrait of you or your family taken and printed on the ship ( especially the very large size) will cost you less on the ship than in a land based studio.


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Perhaps, a better way to phrase my query is: would it be possible to stand in front of their backdrops - even without the photographer positioning you - and take your own photograph?



Bottomline - no. The photographers will tell you that you are not allowed to photograph their backdrops. You would be better off finding some picturesque settings around the ship on your own and having someone snap for you. I took photos for a couple on their balconey at sunset because they asked me to (with their cameras). If you want the pro-backdrops, you pay the pro fee.

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Sometimes the photo settings are a characteristic location within the ship - such as the staircase in the Grand Lobby. Observe where the photographers position people in these locations and take a photo there some time when the photgraphers aren't on duty. Nothing wrong with that (although the professional photographs might still come out better).

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We now have a digital camera, and can adjust the brightness and sharpness of the photos ourself. The backdrop in that professional photo is white, you can stand/sit against any wall on the ship or in your cabin to take a similar photo.


If I was the professional photographer - of course I would never allow anybody stealing my income from me by taking their photos.

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DH and I saw somebody doing this...posing for pro photos, while a friend snapped...

The photographer told the friend loudly in no uncertain terms that it wasn't allowed... drawing lots of attention from the queue waiting.

So.... no, it's definitely not allowed!

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The photography backdrop as another mentioned are only for the use of the photographer. Think of a professional photographers studio and backdrop that you might see at some shopping mall, think it proper to drop in and ask if you can just take a few shots with your on camera, after all they are open and the space is free :D


As another mentioned there are other spots where nice pictures can be staged, but no question they corner off some of the better spots. Generally there are two main stairways and if you get their early enough before 1st sitting you can mimic the staiway picture if you got a fast 2.8 zoom or prime with a DSLR and off camera flash.;)


One can always get in their fancy suits and gowns and do it early in the morning on a deserted ship and have their pick of spots for free.

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Smuggle booze, water, and who knows what else :D


I know I know you can drink a lot and it costs sooo much ;)


Since I can afford a $3000 cruise, I really can't afford a $20 picture. How can I scam the system? :eek:
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What's next? Taking pictures of the photographs hanging in the photo gallery?



I am so sory but you are way too late with this "great suggestion' ....... it has been done already.

I witnessed that and did not know what to do: look the other way, call the authority ( I am sure security was aware of that, because they have number of cameras watching that area very carefully- some people have sticky fingers ) or say something to the "professional photographers". It did bother me to see that but I was not sure if they were doing something illegal or just unethical.

What would you do ?


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I am so sory but you are way too late with this "great suggestion' ....... it has been done already.

I witnessed that and did not know what to do: look the other way, call the authority ( I am sure security was aware of that, because they have number of cameras watching that area very carefully- some people have sticky fingers ) or say something to the "professional photographers". It did bother me to see that but I was not sure if they were doing something illegal or just unethical.

What would you do ?



When the person was bragging to me about doing this and asked what I thought... I wasn't sure how to respond either. I ended up telling them that isn't something I would do because I feel that is stealing money from the photographer. Their response was the photographer is overcharging and makes money from everyone who buys. I asked what makes them special that they don't have to pay and they walked away. Guess I didn't make a friend that day.

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When the person was bragging to me about doing this and asked what I thought... I wasn't sure how to respond either. I ended up telling them that isn't something I would do because I feel that is stealing money from the photographer. Their response was the photographer is overcharging and makes money from everyone who buys. I asked what makes them special that they don't have to pay and they walked away. Guess I didn't make a friend that day.



you got more guts than I have ........ I did not know what to do and did not want to make any 'close friends'.

I do know that the work of the photographers is protected and if I want to take the photograph that I purchased on board the ship to a local 'place' to have copies made, I do have to have 'their' waiver.

I really do not know what is the legal 'standard' for making photos of 'their' ( ship's photographer's) photos in the ship's display. I would think the same standard applies as having copies made by local 'places'...... but I do not know that for sure.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing your experience.


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My hobby is photography and although I am not professional I often get asked to photograph friends and family weddings. There is nothing more annoying than having people standing over my shoulders taking pictures that I have lined up. I am sorry I think it's rude and gets in my way:mad:


Last year we cruised Alaska, the photographers were using a sunset backdrop - outside was the most amazing purple sunset we have ever seen. There were about 5 couples waiting to have their photos taken with a backdrop, out side there was us and one other couple :confused: With digital photography it costs you nothing to take a picture. Take 20 and I guarantee that you will get that one shot that you were after.


Use your surroundings, ask fellow cruisers to take your picture. Look out for people that seem to have some serious cameras, they probably know how to get you in the best light and you may even make some new friends. We have some great pictures of us in Alaska and all we did was ask.:D


Happy cruising


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Use your surroundings, ask fellow cruisers to take your picture. Look out for people that seem to have some serious cameras, they probably know how to get you in the best light and you may even make some new friends. We have some great pictures of us in Alaska and all we did was ask.:D


Happy cruising



I'm a very amateur hobby photographer, definitely of the 'if I take enough some of them will turn out OK' school, and I take many of the photos because they will make good scrapbook pages too. However, I do have a problem in that in albums (photo or scrap) it looks like I've never been anywhere interesting, as I come back from a trip with 1500 photos of places and family and sometimes there's one blurred one of me when one of the kids has been persuaded to take the camera. Now I'm travelling with just DH I think I'll be totally obliterated from vacation records! Obviously I need to be less inhibited (or inhibited by DH's obvious mortification) in asking 'strangers' to take snaps of us :)

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I'm a very amateur hobby photographer, definitely of the 'if I take enough some of them will turn out OK' school, and I take many of the photos because they will make good scrapbook pages too. However, I do have a problem in that in albums (photo or scrap) it looks like I've never been anywhere interesting, as I come back from a trip with 1500 photos of places and family and sometimes there's one blurred one of me when one of the kids has been persuaded to take the camera. Now I'm travelling with just DH I think I'll be totally obliterated from vacation records! Obviously I need to be less inhibited (or inhibited by DH's obvious mortification) in asking 'strangers' to take snaps of us :)



Hi CraftyEC and Fellow Brit:D


If you see other couples taking pictures of each other, offer to take their photo for them, 99% will jump at the chance. Most of the time they then offer to take yours without you needing to ask:)


Try and find something that screams where you are - when in New York I take pictures of taxi's, fire escapes, policemen, etc. In the Caribbean use beaches, palm trees, local flowers. In port there is often a huge sign with the port name on it. Take its picture and use that as a header in your scrap book.


I hope these tips help you a little,



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I have no problems finding 'title' photos, I'm just a bit of an inhibited Brit when it comes to asking someone else to take a photo of me and my DH, who by this time will be trying to crawl under a large inanimate object in his intense embarassment!


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I will never forget the time I was in Vegas, and a couple had just gotten engaged in the gardens of the Flamingo. I offered to take their photo against one of the waterfalls, & they were so happy & loved the shot. I turned around and had 4 more couples wanting me to take their photos, too. My DH does get embarrassed when I offer - but he's just gonna have to get over it. I've had people be hesitant, maybe thinking I'm gonna take off with their camera, but mine's usually bigger than theirs & when they see that, they usually just hand their camera over. I'm not a pro, but I do have a fairly good eye for composition.

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I've noticed that most of our photos are of only one of us so we are trying to get pictures of the two of us now. We've tried to pay attention and if we see another couple we will ask if they want us to take their picture. They almost always offer to take ours. I agree with gordonchick that sometimes they look at us like we are thieves, but most of the time they are happy to get a couple photo.

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:mad: I was once on a cruise where the guy ahead of us handed me his camera to snap a few photos while he and his girlfriend posed. Didn't know why he asked but I also did not know "the rules" about no photos! :confused: So as the photographer and I prepare to take photos the guy goes down on one knee and proposes to his girl. The Photographer MISSED :eek: all of the photo ops cause he was too busy yelling at me to stop taking photos! I tried to explain to him that there was a proposal going on but due to the language barrier he continued to fuss at me for attempting to take a photo. OPPORTUNITY MISSED!!!! Some would say it was my fault....Don't even think I managed to get one photo snapped, he just saw me aiming the camera. After the scene the photographer made died down the couple went thru the motions again in order to capture the moment. Sad. My photos would have in no way been anything close to the quality of that professional. I think the guy just wanted candid photos in addition to the professional ones for memories.:cool:

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