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*OFFICIAL CC GROUP CRUISE*"Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" CARNIVAL MAGIC, FEB 26,2012


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Well to tell the truth, it's really less then 14 month, but who's counting;).

Tomorrow is tuesday (or monday for all of those who got the day off). Try not to work too hard.

Bobbie's having surgery and we'll all be thinking about ya.

Marie is boarding the Carnival Spirit for a 7 day cruise (and that is something we don't want to think about, since we are not going). Have fun Marie and Chelle.

And Betty is scouting out Hawaii for us (with her bum knee). Poor Betty

Tomorrow lets keep our fingers crossed that we hear back from Laura on our business page so I can start posting some of this stuff.

I emailed Johna and asked about a cocktail party on one of our sea days. I know that on the Veterans cruise we all paid $12 for one hour of unlimited drinks and had a great time. So, I hope we can do the same for this cruise. I'll let ya'll know what she says.

Our other Cathy was going to check on hotels, but I haven't heard from her nor has she posted. But, we still have plenty of time. Al, from the veterans cruise, gave me the name of the lady at the Holiday Inn and her number. So, that might be another place to consider. We will wait to hear back from Cathy.

Well they are bringing me work, so I will just say good night for now.

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Just another day a work for me. This is rough after having 3 days off.

Marie, are you still sleeping? Get up it is time to board the Spirit. You and Chelle have a super time.

Bobbie, fingers and toes crossed all will go well today. I will be thinking of you for sure.

Betty, I know you are enjoying those Islands, pain and all.


Rich, if someone would buy our stupid condo we would be on our way to RETIREMENT.


We had that cocktail party on the Crown and had a blast as well.


Lori, I am with you also, why does't someone just give us money for nothing.


Mimi, back to reality for you.


Off to Looney land, have a great day.

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Good afternoon SMDers. Pouring rain (blowing sideways) here all morning. Its called tropical storm Hermine and she is not in a very good mood right now.

Anyway, finally some good news. I got an email back from Johna. It seems that yes we can have a cocktail party. She is checking with Carnival on the price (we paid $12 on the veterans cruise). She will need a head count and a money order at least 40 days prior to the cruise. Details we can work out and again once we get business page, we can put it up there. Yes, something else to look forward to:D.

Time to get some lunch. Talk later.

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Good Afternoon SMDers! Oooh that cocktail party sounds like fun Rich!


Went for a drive around the neighborhood today. Found two awesome bakeries (I didn't eat at them, just browsed), bought a loaf of bread. Talked to my Mom for awhile, went supermarket shopping...again. Did some laundry started cooking dinner and that's about it. Andy is coming home on the early side and we're going to practice biking (this will not turn out well as it is very blustery out there).


Hope all is well... prayers to Bobbie.

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Good afternoon, SMDers!

Rich, hang on tight and oh ya you know Kenny and I will be in on the cocktails for sure. I will not eat any coconut anything except a pina colada which doesn't seem to bother me. I will be ready for drinks.:D

Mimi, good luck with the bike ride. Does Andy have a helmet?

Well time to lurk a bit, steamed shrimp exter heavy on the seasoning and extra horshradish on the cocktail sauce. YUMMY


Cheers, just poped a Coor's Light, thinking of you and your TS Rich and prayers to our Bobbie.

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Ya'll know I just hate it when you sit and type out something a hit the submit buttom and it freezes and nothing happens and nothing gets posted:mad:.

So, here I go again. I got and email back from Johna about the cocktail party. At this time, the party is still $12 pp for one hour of unlimited drinks (thats both drinks they serve and call drinks). She can not set it up until 30-40 prior to the cruise, so it may change, but we will deal with that then.

I told ya'll that Hermine (the tropical storm) was not in a very good mood. I walked out the front door only to find one of the tree branches had broke. Mind you, this is not a small tree. The branch is in most of the front yard and half of the street. So, tomorrow, I will be enlisting Wests help in cutting up the branch. Hopefully the city will come and get it so I don't have to load it up on a trailer and take it to the landfill.

Getting busy again

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Hi Rich, Cathy, Poofy, and anyone else!

The cocktail party sounds great Rich. I was reading another thread where they were talking about the cocktail parties. I thought some were even for 1 1/2 hrs for a little more $$. Sounds like a good deal for the $$. I don't think there'll be a problem getting enough people for that.

Bummer about that tree. Sounds like it could make a lot of firewood! My DD had a tree come down on her power lines to her house last Friday. No storm, just high winds. The neutral line broke so she was having big power surges. Luckily she was home and understood what what happening and turned off the main breaker. Only her cable box was fried and since she had surge protrectors on her tv, computer and stove they were ok-good thing since the surge protectors got fried! We have high winds again today, gusts up to 45-50---was 88 today, high of 65 tomorrow. Fall is here I guess.

Hope the rest of your night goes by quick, as well as Hermine!

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Good morning, sibs and bros!

Rich, sorry about that dang tree branch and hopefully the rain has stopped and she has moved on.

Lori, great thinking on your DD's part turning off the main breaker.

Summer is still here with a high of 92. I don't want it to get too cool as I have to get clothes from the storage if it does.:(

Well off to work so I will chat later.

Bobbie, how are you feeling today?

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Good afternoon ya'll. Back here in Corpus for a few days.

Anyone believe in random kindness. Last night I told West we couldn't go to Corpus because of the tree branch. I tikd him that I needed hom to help me in the morning cut it up. So he went over to my house to look at it. Then he went and got the chainsaw out of the shed and started cutting up the branch (remember all this while I'm at work). While he was out there, one of the lady's that live up the road 4-5 houses drove by and stopped. She said that when it stopped raining her husband and son might help him and that he should get out of the rain. He told her that he had to get it done and thanked her. Then a few mintues later her husband (with this huge chainsaw), son and 2 duaghters came up and asked what they could do. West said that the husband cut through the branches like it was nothing and him and the two girls dragged all the branches to the back yard (he said the son was worthless, being 15-16 and wanted to know how much he was getting paid). West said that they knocked it out in a little more then an hour and everyone was soaked. He thanked them and told the girls (who said that they were girl scouts) that when they started selling the cookies, to come and see me. Of course, I will be buying cookies.

Then he calls me at work and tells me that we can go to Corpus because the branch is done. Can ya'll belived that? So just remember, that there are still people out there that are willing to help and not ask for anything in return!.

OK, Bobbie hope your doing well.

Hi Cathy p, Lori, Andrea, Mimi, Sheryl and everyone else.

Talk later.

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Good afternoon ya'll. Back here in Corpus for a few days.


Anyone believe in random kindness. Last night I told West we couldn't go to Corpus because of the tree branch. I tikd him that I needed hom to help me in the morning cut it up. So he went over to my house to look at it. Then he went and got the chainsaw out of the shed and started cutting up the branch (remember all this while I'm at work). While he was out there, one of the lady's that live up the road 4-5 houses drove by and stopped. She said that when it stopped raining her husband and son might help him and that he should get out of the rain. He told her that he had to get it done and thanked her. Then a few mintues later her husband (with this huge chainsaw), son and 2 duaghters came up and asked what they could do. West said that the husband cut through the branches like it was nothing and him and the two girls dragged all the branches to the back yard (he said the son was worthless, being 15-16 and wanted to know how much he was getting paid). West said that they knocked it out in a little more then an hour and everyone was soaked. He thanked them and told the girls (who said that they were girl scouts) that when they started selling the cookies, to come and see me. Of course, I will be buying cookies.


Then he calls me at work and tells me that we can go to Corpus because the branch is done. Can ya'll belived that? So just remember, that there are still people out there that are willing to help and not ask for anything in return!.


OK, Bobbie hope your doing well.


Hi Cathy p, Lori, Andrea, Mimi, Sheryl and everyone else.


Talk later.


What a cool story! Make sure you buy LOTS of those GS cookies!!!

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Rich, what a great story that is. Yes, there are really super people out there willing to help and love those GS. I buy all their flavors.YUM!


Hi, everyone else, running late as I had the dogs out longer so chat later.

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Thank you Cathy p and Rich for asking.

I am feeling much better today..Yesterday was kind of a bummer day. Lots of pain and stiffness.


Today some pains now and again but not as much as yesterday.


Nice story Rich about your neighbors helping with the tree branch.

Makes you restore your Faith in humanity.:)


Hi to Lori and anyone who I miss...only read last page or two and can`t remembered who posted..CRS...:eek:


Poofy...hi to Poofy too...sorry I left you out...forgive me...lol

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Bobbie, hang in there you will be up and about in no time. Here is to you, my sib a sip of the ole Coor's Light. YUM!!

Well time for looking for a present for my almost 22 year old grandson, nope not the DGS we all love and hate at times. HEE HEE. This is my good one. Chat later, hi to all!!:)

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Afternoon ya'll. Back home from Corpus and time to kick back and get ready for some football. Kickoff game tonight.

Bobbie, glad your doing better. Maybe you should hook up with Cathy and exercise the hand with a Coors Light:eek:.

Hey Mimi, I that ya'll already had everything organized?

Lori, yup, I will have lots of GS cookies pretty soon.

OK, just to let Marie and Betty know we are thinking about them:).

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Hi all,

Just a quick stop by. I know I'm only working 2 days a week but the climbing up of 3 flights of stairs carrying heavy books is taking it's toll on me. Can't do the elevator because of my claustrophobic issues. What a mess I am!!

Need to go rest but wanted to say hi.

Bobbie.....glad to hear you are getting better.

Rich...amazing story.

Cathy P....shop away for that worthy grandson!!

Hey Mimi, Lori and anyone else I might have missed. See you over on FB!

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Bobbie, are you feeling any better today?

Rich, I love company to drink with no problemo!:D

Sheryl, 3 flights of stairs?? OMG I can't even imagine. I have a hard time dealing with my 1 flight.

Mimi, I miss you, girlfriend. I want to hear all about your packing and cooking.

Only a high of 78 today so maybe fall is on it's way.

Off to work and hi to all I have missed. I really do miss our Marie, Chelle and Betty.

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Good Morning SMDers!


Rich, I am doing the "anal organizing" now. Like labeling cabinets and drawers with my label maker. I need to get to IKEA (I was going to go this weekend and then plans changed because I felt lazy) for drawer dividers.


Still got some boxes to get through. Many of which were packed up 2-4 years ago and have sat in storage closets. I've got a growing pile for Goodwill. Mostly linens. Wish I could have a yard sale to make some cash on this stuff but the complex doesn't allow that. Not worth the effort to post on craigslist to make a quarter on pillowcase. So Goodwill it is, and good karma to my future. :)


Cathy, we had the delicious, scrumptious , and painstakingly torturous task of making a gourmet dinner of chicken nuggets from Trader Joe's last night. I know people, turning the oven on and placing nuggets onto a pan is definitely advanced culinary expertise. Served with a impeccable in-season dipping sauce of Le Ketchup, enjoyed with the entertaining delight of the kickoff to the NFL.


I am at a crossroads with what to make tonight.


Bobbie, how are you feeling?


How's everyone doing?

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Good Morning SMDers!


Rich, I am doing the "anal organizing" now. Like labeling cabinets and drawers with my label maker. I need to get to IKEA (I was going to go this weekend and then plans changed because I felt lazy) for drawer dividers.


Still got some boxes to get through. Many of which were packed up 2-4 years ago and have sat in storage closets. I've got a growing pile for Goodwill. Mostly linens. Wish I could have a yard sale to make some cash on this stuff but the complex doesn't allow that. Not worth the effort to post on craigslist to make a quarter on pillowcase. So Goodwill it is, and good karma to my future. :)


Cathy, we had the delicious, scrumptious , and painstakingly torturous task of making a gourmet dinner of chicken nuggets from Trader Joe's last night. I know people, turning the oven on and placing nuggets onto a pan is definitely advanced culinary expertise. Served with a impeccable in-season dipping sauce of Le Ketchup, enjoyed with the entertaining delight of the kickoff to the NFL.


I am at a crossroads with what to make tonight.


Bobbie, how are you feeling?


How's everyone doing?

Mimi, I am laughing my azz off thinking of your nuggets and le ketchup. YOu should think of reviewing restaurants you would be fantastic doing that.


Tonight is out to dinner night. Since we did the bar last Friday, tonight is just dinner. We have a new Italian place that opened not far from here and some peeps from work said it was great. I don't know.

They approved my Friday afternoon off on the 24th so we shall leave for Richmond then and stay 2 nights . YEA!! I am excited. I just have to put my poor puppies in the vet.:(

Off to pay bills, maybe.

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Good morning, SMDer's!

Beautiful day in Va Beach today. Just took the dogs to the groomers and I think I came close to being attacked. Read thru my Liberty Looney thread as I am too lazy to retype it.


Calling a new Real Estate Agent today as my contract ended with the other one yesterday.


Chat later.

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Good morning Cathy and everyone else.


Another day here at work and things are slow right now but, that can change it a flash.

Still nothing from Laura on the business page. I will email her again.

Check back later (gota read the Looney board!)

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Come join us for the "Spirit of the 'Magic'al Dream" cruise.


This official CC group cruise is from Feb 26th through Mar 4, 2012 with the following itinerary.


Sunday, Feb 26 GALVESTON, TX 4:00pm


Monday, Feb 27 FUN DAY AT SEA


Tuesday, Feb 28 COZUMEL, MEXICO 8:00am 4:00pm


Wednesday, Feb 29 GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 9:00am 4:00pm


Thursday, Mar 01 MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA 9:00am 6:00pm


Friday, Mar 02 FUN DAY AT SEA


Saturday, Mar 03 FUN DAY AT SEA


Sunday, Mar 04 GALVESTON, TX 8:00am



A reduced deposit of $25 per person is available for double occupancy guarantee cabins in the categories above until August 20, 2011 or while inventory lasts. The second deposit of $225 per person for those who book at the reduced deposit is due Augsut 29, 2011. The full deposit of $250 per person is due for triple, quad, suite and cabin assignments at the time of booking. The final payment for the group is due November 13, 2011.


Guests may also book at the Early Saver rate advertised on Carnival's website with the full per person, non refundable deposit but will not receive the group amenity.


There is a $50 cancellation penalty per cabin.




$100 OBC per cabin

Cruise Critic Pins (one per person)

Discount on all other Cruise Critic Logowear


For pricing information please email me rwzikeatyahoo.com and I will gladly forward them to you.


To book this Cruise Critic Group Member Cruise, please contact Johna at Crucon.com (JohnaN@crucon.com) or call her at 1-800-493-6609 . Please be sure to state that you are interested in booking into the OFFICIAL CRUISE CRITIC GROUP CRUISE for the Carnival Magic, Feb 26, 2012.

There will be organized tours at each port, a meet and greet aboard ship as well as one the night prior at our group hotel, and a lot more fun.


Come join the fun. All aboard


Who's in???



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