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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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How are you doing it? I'm down about 80 and I'm missing food! Hard to stay motivated!!!


Well Linda, some days I am doing it and others days I struggle with a capital S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E!!! I do try and keep my thoughts and words positive (I always say "remember" instead of "don't forget") and work hard to focus on my successes rather than on where I've stumbled. To keep moving forward is key for me. Although, I must admit, I am far from perfect in this department, but I do think I am FAR better at it than I was before. And a good look at my before photo never hurts, especially when I put it beside the one of me with both my legs in one pant leg of my old favourite "before" pants!!! Moral of the story, find a good anchor for yourself and find new, WW friendly foods to love!! It will push away the memory of other foods you've enjoyed but which may not be the best choice for you now!


Dried fruits do not count as a free food as other non-dried or non-modifided fruits. Even though regular fruit has 0 points, I stick to just 2 a day. Fruit contains natural sugar and it can add up if I over-do it.




and dried fruit is hyper-concentrated so the sugar is really in there!! They do have loads of fibre though and I often will have a couple of organic dates a day (one of those new foods I love!). I try to stick to organic dried fruits to avoid hyper-concentrated pesticides. Watch out too for certain dried fruits that are coated in palm oil and/or honey. Be sure to read the label!! Whatever though, I still think over-indulging in some dried fruits is light years better than over-indulging in cheezies!!



Have a spectacular week-end everyone and think of me while I am trying to eat well while dining out tonight, in celebration of our 27th (already? Wow!) wedding anniversary!! It's also our May long weekend up here in Canada so I'll need to be extra good!!



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Hi everyone!

Just joined weight watchers online. I have never done WW before so am interested in how I will do. So far it seems to be OK. Counting points seems to be fairly easy with all the mobile stuff.

I gained a lot from a thyroid problem and am hoping to get back to where I was two years ago.

Would like to lose about 15 pounds before my first cruise in July and 60 pounds overall.


Thanks in advance for helping me stayed motivated!:D

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Hi everyone!

Just joined weight watchers online. I have never done WW before so am interested in how I will do. So far it seems to be OK. Counting points seems to be fairly easy with all the mobile stuff.

I gained a lot from a thyroid problem and am hoping to get back to where I was two years ago.

Would like to lose about 15 pounds before my first cruise in July and 60 pounds overall.


Thanks in advance for helping me stayed motivated!:D


Welcome to the group. Good luck with both your goals . Where are you cruising in July? I well remember my first cruise 11 years ago ( to Alaska). I was hooked even before the ship left the dock in Vancouver.



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Well guys my cruise is almost here, doing the single digit dance! :D

Congrats to everyone who are losing weight and getting healthier!

I am quite happy with my weight loss so far, I'm 18lbs down since January, I love being able to eat what I want and drink libations added in. I am losing on a slow steady pace. Yes, I go over my points and I do cheat at times when I want to go out and have fun, (did a UF pub crawl last week, we set a record for world's largest).

I have ate good breakfast/lunch/snacks and what I wanted to for dinner this month so my stomach will let me eat all the good things on the cruise, by doing so, I have steadily maintained my weight loss this month, which tells me when I do reach my goal weight I now know how to do this without gaining weight.

I have come to the conclusion this is a lifetime program that does work, which is how I am viewing it. When I return from the cruise I am going to buckle down within my points and see how much I can lose before our Nov cruise (surprise for DH). Excited that I am enjoying this program and losing weight I know I will be able to keep off.

My bags are packed and Paradise awaits,

Bon Voyage everyone, I'll report back in a couple of weeks!:)

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Well guys my cruise is almost here, doing the single digit dance! :D


Congrats to everyone who are losing weight and getting healthier!


I am quite happy with my weight loss so far, I'm 18lbs down since January, I love being able to eat what I want and drink libations added in. I am losing on a slow steady pace. Yes, I go over my points and I do cheat at times when I want to go out and have fun, (did a UF pub crawl last week, we set a record for world's largest).


I have ate good breakfast/lunch/snacks and what I wanted to for dinner this month so my stomach will let me eat all the good things on the cruise, by doing so, I have steadily maintained my weight loss this month, which tells me when I do reach my goal weight I now know how to do this without gaining weight.


I have come to the conclusion this is a lifetime program that does work, which is how I am viewing it. When I return from the cruise I am going to buckle down within my points and see how much I can lose before our Nov cruise (surprise for DH). Excited that I am enjoying this program and losing weight I know I will be able to keep off.


My bags are packed and Paradise awaits,


Bon Voyage everyone, I'll report back in a couple of weeks!:)


I love the attitude. You are so right when you say this is a lifetime program. and you have mastered the secret to staying healthy and within your goal.

Have a great cruise and enjoy ALL it has to offer!



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Keystonemama - congrats! I am down about 18 since Feb but I don't seem to think that's enough loss. I've slacked for the past couple weeks badly, not keeping track and eating unhealthy. I have managed to stay at the same weight though so hopefully I'll be ok. :o

Have fun on your cruise!!!!

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Welcome to the group. Good luck with both your goals . Where are you cruising in July? I well remember my first cruise 11 years ago ( to Alaska). I was hooked even before the ship left the dock in Vancouver.




I'm cruising twice in July. One with my girlfriends to grand Cayman and Cozumel and one later in the month with my husband to grand Turk, Dominican republic, Curacao, and Aruba. They will be my sixth and seventh cruise overall. I love cruising and waking up in a different place almost everyday.


I'm finding weekends to be hard because all my friends want to go out to eat and I want to eat everything like they are. I think I did pretty well last night. Stayed within my points and brought most of my dinner home . We'll see how tonight goes.

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I just found this thread! Too late for me I leave in 3 days for my cruise.:eek:

I will have to look you all up when I get back!:D I'm sure I'll have even more weight to lose by then. But I do like the Points plus system I just have to get motivated! Happy Losing and Happy cruising!

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WI was Sunday. Maintained with exactly the same weight as last week. If I calculated correctly, Next week will be the one where I make LifeTime!!! Sooooo excited!


Good Luck at Weigh Ins, and congrats to all of our losers this week!



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WI was Sunday. Maintained with exactly the same weight as last week. If I calculated correctly, Next week will be the one where I make LifeTime!!! Sooooo excited!


Good Luck at Weigh Ins, and congrats to all of our losers this week!




Lifetime, wow!! Very exciting and congratulations for all your hard work paying off!!


I had a less than stellar week. Between our anniversary and a couple of outings with friends, well, let's just say, "we reap what we sow" will likely be my reality at my WI tomorrow. Oh well, this too shall pass and it's off to the gym tonight and back on track now that the long (CDN) weekend is over!!


Have a good week everyone!



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WI was Sunday. Maintained with exactly the same weight as last week. If I calculated correctly, Next week will be the one where I make LifeTime!!! Sooooo excited!


Good Luck at Weigh Ins, and congrats to all of our losers this week!




Congrat on the great job of maintainance, Annette. What a lot of work you have done, and the feeling that you can now do this forever, must be such a great one. I do hope to get there myself this time. I now know that this is a lifelong commitment.



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Just returned from WI. I gained almost a full pound last week. I also thought that I was tracking well. So I decided that it is probably portion size that is doing me in. I picked up the WW food scale and will begin using it this evening. If that doesn't help (at a good price), I will have to rethink my entire approach. I know that I am still shifting weight as clothes are fitting - or not- in an entirely new way. I just want to see a lower number on the scale. What a journey!!



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Remember too that fluid retention can sometimes be a factor with the scale. I agree with Annette though, this is definitely not a race! I wish it were faster but I look at it from the perspective that while the last 30 are so hard for me to shed, I am getting really good at maintaining!

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Hi everyone! We returned from our cruise yesterday and we will leave for home today. Bermuda was beautiful. I did really well the first few days with my drinks and meals, then I blew it all over the place for the second half of the trip. I did not have enough water, and I stopped asking for half portions and forgot to say no to pretty much everything :( .


The good news is that I am now back on track and I will face the scale in the morning.



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Welcome back Cherie!


OK, so you went "overboard" a little bit... here's the GOOD NEWS... For half the trip you made choices you were happy with! Think about this time last year. Would you have made those same choices? Or have you "learned" a thing or two? I'm betting you took the stairs a few more times this go round than you may have in the past as well!


Hearing you say you are back on track tells me that you have learned a thing or two :p


I hope you didn't beat yourself up over this while you were vacationing. In the end, this way of eating is a journey that must last a lifetime, and along the way, life happens:rolleyes:. We will face challenges. Some we will conquer, and others will defeat us. How we respond next, is what will make or break us!


I'm glad you reported back. And I hope that you will be a conqueror of the scale tomorrow~



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Welcome back, Cherie. I too, love Bermuda and find it so beautiful.

I am so proud of you for conquering at least half the cruise. But even more so for the great attitude that you are displaying about what happens from here. The important thing is that the past is over and you are on the correct track for getting your life back in order. Cruising is supposed to be enjoyable and if we need to work extra hard before and after a cruise, so be it. We all know that this lifestyle is important and it makes us better able to enjoy a cruise in better health.



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I havn't been on the WW thread in quite awhile. I rejoined last May 2011 to lose some extra weight and hit my goal of 130 lbs and a size 8 dress for my Oct 2011 wedding. I was able to wear a size 8 dress but missed by goal weight by 10 lbs. After the honeymoon and Holiday season, a few pounds very slowly crept back on as I was not totally diligent in doing my tracking and getting in my activity points, hence a gain of 17 lbs. I am used to eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch each and every day and doing the same-ole work out each and every day. My WW leader suggested that I mix it up a little and, voila, last week I tried a few new food combinations and a new workout routine. I lost 5lbs at my weigh in last week and hopefully, tomorrow I will do good as well.


Wishing everyone a great week.






Cari in Indy



SW: 172.5

CW: 153.0

GW: 130.0




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I havn't been on the WW thread in quite awhile. I rejoined last May 2011 to lose some extra weight and hit my goal of 130 lbs and a size 8 dress for my Oct 2011 wedding. I was able to wear a size 8 dress but missed by goal weight by 10 lbs. After the honeymoon and Holiday season, a few pounds very slowly crept back on as I was not totally diligent in doing my tracking and getting in my activity points, hence a gain of 17 lbs. I am used to eating the same thing for breakfast and lunch each and every day and doing the same-ole work out each and every day. My WW leader suggested that I mix it up a little and, voila, last week I tried a few new food combinations and a new workout routine. I lost 5lbs at my weigh in last week and hopefully, tomorrow I will do good as well.


Wishing everyone a great week.






Cari in Indy



SW: 172.5

CW: 153.0

GW: 130.0










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Hey. Cari, nice to see you posting here.

I went to my WI this morning and I was down another 2 pounds. So total this time is 13.5 pounds. About 12 more to go to reach my goal and then the tough part of maintaining for life. I feel so much better, have more energy, some new clothing and am able to wear things I couldn't wear last summer, so I am a happy camper. I still hope to lose more and want to thanks others for their constant encouragement.



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I have to report with a HUGE smile that I did WI yesterday and I was down .8!!:eek: Not sure how it happened, but I lost on the cruise! I think it was my best WW WI ever! I was very proud.


Thank you for your support and feedback! You all rock!


I have no goal for this week except to stay op. I have just started walking miles again, and I am allowed up to 3 miles a day. I am doing a WW 5k on Sunday if all goes well this week.



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I have to report with a HUGE smile that I did WI yesterday and I was down .8!!:eek: Not sure how it happened, but I lost on the cruise! I think it was my best WW WI ever! I was very proud.


Thank you for your support and feedback! You all rock!


I have no goal for this week except to stay op. I have just started walking miles again, and I am allowed up to 3 miles a day. I am doing a WW 5k on Sunday if all goes well this week.




AWESOME!!!!! I am very VERY happy for you! Thanks for coming back and sharing with us! These are the stories that keep me going!!!



Keep on tracking!


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I have to report with a HUGE smile that I did WI yesterday and I was down .8!!:eek: Not sure how it happened, but I lost on the cruise! I think it was my best WW WI ever! I was very proud.


Thank you for your support and feedback! You all rock!


I have no goal for this week except to stay op. I have just started walking miles again, and I am allowed up to 3 miles a day. I am doing a WW 5k on Sunday if all goes well this week.




Congrats, Cherie. Isn't it great when the loss is completely unexpected? and to have done it on a cruise is even better. I hope that the WW walk goes well for you. I am also doing it and will be thinking of you and hoping that all turns out okay.



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