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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Skinnytaste.com has a very delicious dessert; Red, White and Blueberry Trifle no cooking involved, plenty of fresh fruit and only 4 points!! In order to fluff it up, I did use a little mascarpone cheese I'm the cool whip mixture. This is a must try!!

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I've been doing well the last few days, sticking to plan. But today my boss brought in cookies his girl friend baked. My favorite kind too. I told him thanks, but please get them out of here. He put them over in the guy's break room, though the guys are rarely here. So there they'll sit for God knows how long. I just keep looking at the picture I have on my bulletin board of the Labadee zip line because I already booked it for my cruise in Feb 2014. My goal is to celebrate getting to my goal with a ride on the zip line. Keeping my fingers crossed that I keep my eye on the prize!

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Good for you Tracey! When you can picture something that you really want to do, that picture is so much better than even one taste of a special cookie.

Keep it up, and you will be ziplining in Labadee!


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Two days with no traffic on this topic? I guess I need to come out of lurkdom to bump it!


Haven't posted since before we went on our cruise last October. Since the cruise, I'd been kind of slacking on tracking all food intake, and have been fluctuating with exercise. As a result, not too much progress, and in fact, have gone up a few pounds and plateaued there.


Now, in the last couple of weeks, I've recommitted to tracking, and am keeping to around my daily allowance with maybe a couple of points a day into the weekly allowance, most days. Weekends are harder but I'm doing my best to at least track everything I eat. Also working strength training back into my activities, and the pounds are starting to trickle off again.


Have had losses the last couple of WIs (1.2 and 1), and hoping the next couple are as successful. Going out to eat for our anniversary next Saturday, but fortunately WI is that morning, so I'll have the week to recover before the next WI!


Have a trip to England planned for July, and I'd like to reach goal before then. Also have a Disney Cruise booked for next January.


Though I haven't been posting, I have been reading this board for inspiration and motivation, and I applaud everyone's successes!

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I agree Trish, where is everyone? Great job on getting back to tracking and losing weight again. Keep that picture of London in your head, especially when you're tempted by something. And yes, track it all, no matter how well you do or don't do. I'm trying to be as honest as I can, even the couple times I've gone off my food plan. I figure it's a plus as long as I'm honest. I'm glad you came out of lurking. :)

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Is everyone still out there? Did everyone go on a cruise? lol Had my WI this morning, so happy that I lost 2.4 lbs. Lost the .6 that I had gained last week, and then some. So glad to be back on track. How is everyone else doing?

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Is everyone still out there? Did everyone go on a cruise? lol Had my WI this morning, so happy that I lost 2.4 lbs. Lost the .6 that I had gained last week, and then some. So glad to be back on track. How is everyone else doing?

I am here.:) Congrats on the weight loss! I did not do WI last week, had a tooth pulled and was on soft foods so mostly ate ice cream and pudding for the week.:eek:


Anyhoo, back on track this past week and had WI this morning...lost 1.6lbs. Woohoo! Lost 8 lbs total.


I tried all last year different diets and never lost a lb...in fact I gained. Been on WW these few weeks and now I only have 7 more lbs to go. I am impressed with WW for sure.

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Yikes ready2cruzagain, a week of ice cream and pudding? Definitely not conducive to weight loss! But it sounds wonderful, except for the pain part of course. Hopefully you're feeling better now. Congrats on the loss that you had this week! That's awesome. So glad to hear that WW finally worked. I really like the points program, it's so easy to follow.

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Congrats to Ready2cruz and to Tracey on your losses. No official WI for me again this week as we just arrived back home from our winter in the south. Unofficially, I have lost 1 .6 pounds as I have been suffering from the flu all week. I had no hunger and had to force myself to eat soup and yogurt and snack on fruit. No exercise and little food is NOT the way to lose for a healthy loss. I am almost back to normal again and will go to an official WW meeting on Wednesday. Tomorrow will also be the beginning of tracking for me as I can start to feel an appetite returning.


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Had another good WI this morning, 2 lbs. Didn't use more than a couple of my weekly points per day most days, except last Sunday, when I had a pretty large helping of spaghetti for supper. Had the rest of the week to "recover" from that. If you're going to indulge, best to do it early in the week! :D


Hoping for another week of successful tracking and losing. Might be a little more of a challenge since friends of DHs family will be in town and we may be expected to go out to dinner with them sometime this coming week. I can try to choose something relatively healthy, and maybe only eat half of what I get.


Then we have our anniversary dinner Saturday, and my cousin and his family are coming next week, so that's at least one more meal out. When it rains, it pours, I suppose. Wish me (and my willpower) luck!


Nikki, sorry about you having the flu, and glad to hear your appetite is returning. I'm sure you'll remain on track for your next meeting. Congrats to all the losses this week!

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Trish, way to go girl! And your strategy for eating out sounds right too. You're right about raining and pouring tho' It seems that weeks can go by with very few temptations and then bam! Eating out can happen 3 times in a row. I ate a regular meal last night and even indulged in a glass of wine. So I guess I am officially well and will track starting this morning.


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Yes Bravo to you seavoyager. How amazing to be able to lose weight, go on an almost 3 week cruise and lose the added weight in such a short time. I am struggling to lose 5 pounds. I must give myself a shake and get very serious about this. I am going to begin attending meetings again on Wednesday and hopefully that will be the shot I am needing.


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Way to go Trish & seavoyager! That's awesome and exciting. Glad to hear everyone doing so well. Nikki, I hope you're feeling better, that sucks being so sick. Not the way to lose healthfully. Hang in there.


I can feel you all about eating out. I'll be eating out twice for dinner this week, the second being the night before WI. The first place is diner like food, my plan is to go with the salad bar and fill up on that, light on dressing of course. The 2nd place is more upscale, going to study the menu carefully online beforehand to hopefully pick what's best for me, and not be tempted by yummy fattening things. If I don't so so well, it's just one night of one week, and I'll know why the WI wasn't so great. Get back on the horse, right?


Glad you're getting back to your meetings Nikki, I bet that helps you a lot.

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Yes Bravo to you seavoyager. How amazing to be able to lose weight, go on an almost 3 week cruise and lose the added weight in such a short time. I am struggling to lose 5 pounds. I must give myself a shake and get very serious about this. I am going to begin attending meetings again on Wednesday and hopefully that will be the shot I am needing.





Attend meetings YES


Track YES


Get focused and get control of your environment. YES


Move more. YES ....I strongly recommend using my buddy AL** to help you with this


The program is there and it works



Make YOU priority #1






** AL = Activity Link

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How's everyone doing? It's been quiet around here. I'm doing well with tracking and sticking to my points. Went out to dinner last night. I wanted something fattening, but was good and went with the salad bar. It wasn't a very good salad bar, but I made the best of it. It's just one meal, they don't all have to be great. Out to dinner again tomorrow night, but will be with a friend who just joined WW, so we'll be supporting each other to make the best choices. WI is the next day, so I really don't want to splurge. I'm not feeling comfortable enough yet to treat myself.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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It has been quiet. I lost .8 lbs this past week. Looking at my tracking, nothing out of the ordinary, except for two weeks now I've kicked up my exercise program. I think I'm secretly hoping I'm building muscle, hence the slowing in the weight loss area.

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I rejoined WW this afternoon. It has been 5 weeks since I had an official WI and I was happy to learn that I have lost 1.75 pounds since then. Seeing as how I wasn't tracking and haven't been walking on a regular basis, I am not at all displeased with that result. I began tracking properly again and also walked about 20 minutes on the treadmill. I also had a glass of wine mixed half and half with mineral water with my neighbour to celebrate her new furniture so I hope that I didn't overdo my first day. I counted the wine, and ate very sensibly so no harm done. I intend to use a measuring tape to keep track of my measurements and can celebrate loss of inches as well this time. I intend to check upper arm, thigh, and calf measurements as well as the regular bust, waist and hip inches. I think I will do the measurement once a month and see how they correspond to weight loss.


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Is everyone still out there? Did everyone go on a cruise? lol Had my WI this morning, so happy that I lost 2.4 lbs. Lost the .6 that I had gained last week, and then some. So glad to be back on track. How is everyone else doing?


Yes! LOL. Just got back from our B2B on Allure of the Seas. Talk about an amazing ship with great food! LOL. I was pleasantly surprised to see that despite eating dessert twice a day for 14 days, I had only gained 3 lb. But my body is weird. I can't seem to gain and I definitely can't seem to lose much ever, so maybe it likes to be where it is.


Anyway, I am trying to motivate to track again but being back for 3 days has me running like crazy to do laundry and catch up on work and everything else. So I think I am going to just take a break this week and start again next week. A weekend at home will do me good to just relax. :)


I also need to go to a meeting sometime. I am lifetime and need to do my WI once a month and I may miss it this month due to the travels. Darn it!



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Still here!! Busy with the end of the year stuff. Its hard to beleive another school year is coming to an end and the children are so over this whole learning!


I am still tracking, doing my movements (bike, WII, and have added walking with hubby). We are walking now to build up to when we do the cruise to Alaska. Him hip replacement me bad knees. We only walk a little now but will be able to increase it in time. One thing I can not understand is how can I ride the stationary bike, do the steps on the WII and other things but no pain in the knees but when I walk the pain starts up. It makes me bad!! I was always a walker and so enjoyed it. Guess I got to keep it up and see what happens.

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I rejoined WW this afternoon. It has been 5 weeks since I had an official WI and I was happy to learn that I have lost 1.75 pounds since then. Seeing as how I wasn't tracking and haven't been walking on a regular basis, I am not at all displeased with that result. I began tracking properly again and also walked about 20 minutes on the treadmill. I also had a glass of wine mixed half and half with mineral water with my neighbour to celebrate her new furniture so I hope that I didn't overdo my first day. I counted the wine, and ate very sensibly so no harm done. I intend to use a measuring tape to keep track of my measurements and can celebrate loss of inches as well this time. I intend to check upper arm, thigh, and calf measurements as well as the regular bust, waist and hip inches. I think I will do the measurement once a month and see how they correspond to weight loss.



Great decision to rejoin



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Still here!! Busy with the end of the year stuff. Its hard to beleive another school year is coming to an end and the children are so over this whole learning!


I am still tracking, doing my movements (bike, WII, and have added walking with hubby). We are walking now to build up to when we do the cruise to Alaska. Him hip replacement me bad knees. We only walk a little now but will be able to increase it in time. One thing I can not understand is how can I ride the stationary bike, do the steps on the WII and other things but no pain in the knees but when I walk the pain starts up. It makes me bad!! I was always a walker and so enjoyed it. Guess I got to keep it up and see what happens.


Glad to hear you both are pushing thru the pain!!! Keep up the good work. doing a little each time will pay off and before you know it, you'll be ready to enjoy the beauty of Alaska.

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I rejoined WW this afternoon. It has been 5 weeks since I had an official WI and I was happy to learn that I have lost 1.75 pounds since then. Seeing as how I wasn't tracking and haven't been walking on a regular basis, I am not at all displeased with that result. I began tracking properly again and also walked about 20 minutes on the treadmill. I also had a glass of wine mixed half and half with mineral water with my neighbour to celebrate her new furniture so I hope that I didn't overdo my first day. I counted the wine, and ate very sensibly so no harm done. I intend to use a measuring tape to keep track of my measurements and can celebrate loss of inches as well this time. I intend to check upper arm, thigh, and calf measurements as well as the regular bust, waist and hip inches. I think I will do the measurement once a month and see how they correspond to weight loss.



Congrats on the weight loss. I never did my measurements, and am sorry now that I didn't!

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I've been up and down by a pound or two for months now. I have 15lbs left and I was hoping to have it off by summer. My cruise isn't till Christmas (Hawaii!!) and I have to have it off by then. I will continue to take it slow and NOT gain back the 25lbs that have come off since August. I feel great and my clothes fit! A few more pounds and I will need to go shopping. My dh says my pants are baggy.

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How's everyone doing? It's been quiet around here. I'm doing well with tracking and sticking to my points. Went out to dinner last night. I wanted something fattening, but was good and went with the salad bar. It wasn't a very good salad bar, but I made the best of it. It's just one meal, they don't all have to be great. Out to dinner again tomorrow night, but will be with a friend who just joined WW, so we'll be supporting each other to make the best choices. WI is the next day, so I really don't want to splurge. I'm not feeling comfortable enough yet to treat myself.

Hope everyone is doing well.


I love this! It is just one meal and they all don't have to be great! I must remember this. Thanks!

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