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No Kids in CL but Adults at DreamWorks Breakfast & Getting Face-Painting??

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Let's be logical. If the breakfasts are this popular...offer them every morning. If people like them, offer them for lunch too. Also, if face painting is that popular, have it every evening. I just don't see how this is that complicated!



Fair point, but I'm guessing RCCL offers only a few of these events (three breakfasts, one or maybe two fairly short face-painting sessions) because they involve a certain cost. In other words, they involve time spent by crew member--either putting on the costumes, ushering the "animals" through the breakfast areas, doing the face-painting, etc.


So there's a certain amount of work/cost involved. If they started offering these events at every meal and the face-painting all day everyday, they'd have to bring on more crew members--either that or other services would disappear in place of these things. Or they could start charging for these events, which would not be optimal for anyone (except perhaps RCCL!).

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Are the chocolate breakfasts only held during the Character breakfasts? I like the chocolate breakfast but am not really interested in seeing the Characters, but if I have to I will.


I did not see any other chocolate breakfast offered. I dont know why posters are talking about fighting. I didnt fight, just went in at the scheduled time. They had 4 different chocolate type breads on a bread board they bring over. I had two of the chocolate milk shakes. i did the chocolate waffle, but it was like a frozen waffle, so next time I will order something else and try it.


I dont see why folks are making such a big deal of adults who want to attend. I dont get it.


PS for those talking about crew members time on the face painting. We spent time talking to the balloon lady who was a friend of the lady face painting. She said she went to look at what RCL wanted and went to utube and learned how to blow up balloons into animals, never did it before.


She was friends with the face painter and set up next to each other, who had the same deal. They gave them the cruise free, but in return they spend so much time doing whatever craft they said they did that RCL was looking for. The balloon lady did mostly only kids if that makes people feel better, adults were not asking for the balloons. They were cute too.


They are NOT RCL crew. They were on the cruise having a good time like everyone else, they just had to work so many hours a day.


RCL provides these people to entertain everyone. Its not limited to kids. I cant rock climb or zip line, broke both shoulders, I dont do a lot of the things, so why begrudge me what I can do and have fun.

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Oasis you went and lined up before the doors opened and then they took you to a table. There were no assigned tables and everyone could see about equally, though I was behind a serving area and could not see where they performed really. But it had nothing to do with when you got your tickets, just had to do with which table they sat you at. You could have easily asked to sit nearer the area where they performed .. had I known and been there before, but I enjoyed the window seat with limited visibility.


But each character came around one by one to each table and you could interact with them and get your picture taken.


Freedom handled things differently as you were assigned a table. Each character did come around to each table and I thought it was great that we could take our own pictures. But there was not much of a program so basically it was introduce the Character, watch the character dance around for a minute or two, then wait for character to make it around to your table. In all fairness to RC, this was still pretty new on the Freedom so perhaps they have improved it.


When I looked through the pictures we took, I was mortified to see our 5 year old grandson was poking Gloria in the stomach with his fork:o.



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Unless I missed something recently, RCCL is attempting to attract more families on board. Families come in all age groups. Many times you have grandparents paying for their children (adults) and grandchildren.


Where does it state that the character breakfast is for children only?



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Are the chocolate breakfasts only held during the Character breakfasts? I like the chocolate breakfast but am not really interested in seeing the Characters, but if I have to I will.



It was in the main dining room on the regular menu. I think it was Friday morning.

Chocolate waffles, milkshake, etc.


This was on the regular side NOT the character breakfast side !

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Maybe if there was a limit of booking one breakfast and not all three,there would be room for others to go to at least one....


Then have the option to book a second or third last minute,if there are openings..


To book all three and have others deprived of the opportunity doesn't seem quite fair to me.

Agreed.You are very polite to use the expression,"doesn't seem quite fair".


You adults do realize that it is just another adult in that costume? Personally, I agree with the OP that the breakfast should be for the children and their parents. I cannot imagine why anyone else would want to be there. I would think my husband was crazy if he wanted to sign up for this and he would think I had lost it if I even suggested it.
So funny! p.s. - I don't get people going to Disney without kids. To each their own.


Somehow, reading all of this, it sure doesn't seem very relaxing to cruise on one of these big ships. I didn't have an real desire to book one. Now the desire is even less, if that were possible.


Shrek, show reservations, character breakfasts. Blah.



Yes! The idea that you need to prebook for all these activities seems to go against the idea of a vacation.

Plus it leads to people making reservations they won't show up for.

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Maybe if there was a limit of booking one breakfast and not all three,there would be room for others to go to at least one....


Then have the option to book a second or third last minute,if there are openings..


I know you know a lot more than I do about RCL so I dont get this. You can only prebook ONE character breakfast. ONE.


The only way to book more than one is to do it once onboard. At least that was what we were told. There is no way online to book more than one.

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sheesh. do not allow your children in front of these people at Christmas...they might push them down to get to Santas lap first!


they may be in the kiddie pool as well....they can, they paid for it. Heck, why not order off the kids menu too?


its not a matter of whether or not you paid for it, but if its appropriate as an adult in the year 2011 to see pretend characters from a movie when there are children that couldn't have the same benefit. shame on you.


my own children would give up their seat at a character breakfast for a little ones joy, and they are both under 13.

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sheesh. do not allow your children in front of these people at Christmas...they might push them down to get to Santas lap first!

Wow... all of this just because adults want to share in some fun. I suspect you're the one that might be doing the pushing based on the anger so many people show here in response to this.


Heck, why not order off the kids menu too?

Ummmm, many adults do. What is wrong with ordering the food on there as an adult? Picky eaters are often given that menu as an option.


its not a matter of whether or not you paid for it, but if its appropriate as an adult in the year 2011 to see pretend characters from a movie when there are children that couldn't have the same benefit. shame on you.


I'm still not clear on how these characters are more kid appropriate than adult. The movies they were in were written to appeal to both sets. Maybe the adult humor in them went over a lot of the parents heads. If Shrek and Fiona didn't appeal to adults then why are there so many costumes available for adults to purchase? You won't see adult Dora and Diegos or Kai-Lan's running around.


For the record, I'm the one that helps the little kids around me when I see they're struggling to get something or do something and their parent is busy or distracted. I'm the one that on Saturday helped a kid I didn't know that was around 7 at a wedding buffet while his mother was busy with the younger child. I'm the one that notices when a toddler is looking at the wrong things when their parent is trying to take their picture and then gets their attention and stands behind the parent so they'll focus in the right spot. Yeah.... I'm a big old meany who doesn't care about kids having fun. :)

Edited by sherilyn70
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I'm still not clear on how these characters are more kid appropriate than adult. The movies they were in were written to appeal to both sets. Maybe the adult humor in them went over a lot of the parents heads. If Shrek and Fiona didn't appeal to adults then why are there so many costumes available for adults to purchase? You won't see adult Dora and Diegos or Kai-Lan's running around.


lots and lots of people make a very strong correlation between cartoons/animation and children. That cartoons can't be for anyone other than children. They remember Saturday mornings and watching cartoons while eating bowlfulls of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs. At somepoint, they stopped. They "grew out of it", associating it with "kids stuff". They conveniently forget that cartoons like "The Flintstones" were actually prime time network television programs. And those programs were certainly NOT intended to be exclusively for children. It's no different than "The Simpsons". And there are several current cartoons (animated TV shows) that are decidely ADULT. South Park. Family Guy. just to name a few.



Like Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty, Shrek and Fiona are NOT children. They are adults. So, yeah, adults can clearly relate to those characters and the issues they face.

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Is every activity inherently "adult only" or "kids only". I'll say no.. Not every activity. But are some? Sure.. But which ones?


What's "adult"?? A Happy Hour? yeah. I suppose that's pretty much an adult activity. Just hanging out in a bar/lounge? Adult.. But in a family friendly envionment like an RCI cruise ship, a bit less so than a dedicated happy hour. Well behaved kids sitting there having a Shirley Temple or Roy Rogers should be just fine. A late night comedy show with "R rated" language? Yeah.. probably adult. the night club at night? yeah.. adult.



What abou children only? A Character breakfast? I dunno. A little more borderline. I don't think it's as clear cut as the happy hour. It's true that adults may loves them some Shrek. Me? I like Shrek.. But not enough to go to a character breakfast. A character padarde? Ehh... i would not go out of my way and go and stand around waiting for it to start just to see it. If Shrek was walking around the ship, posing for pictures, I MIGHT stop and pose for one if there wasn't much of a wait. What other events or activities are clearly "children only"?? Face painting? Probably. The merry-go-round on Oasis and Allure? I say no.


I think it's pretty clear this is something that should be for children. Little children believe the characters are actually REAL. Adults are just going for a few laughs. I would never want to take a spot away from a child who might treasure the memory just because I wanted to see a staff member prance around in a costume.


IMO, it doesn't matter if the humour in the actual movies is adult, and I agree there is some. I seriously doubt those characters are attempting to appeal to the adult audience. They are not going to be wisecracking. They're going to dance around and take pictures with children. So why potentially deprive a child of experiencing something that is really special to them?

Edited by SusieV
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Personally, it isn't an issue for me whether or not the cartoon is adult appropriate. As an adult, I just believe it is appropriate to allow children the first opportunity to participate if there is limited space. I understand that not everyone feels the same way.

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Personally, it isn't an issue for me whether or not the cartoon is adult appropriate. As an adult, I just believe it is appropriate to allow children the first opportunity to participate if there is limited space. I understand that not everyone feels the same way.


This is exactly what its all about - no one wants to deny anyone having fun - however - no one wants to see a child denied so an adult can have "fun":confused:

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I think it's pretty clear this is something that should be for children. Little children believe the characters are actually REAL.


My 5 year old stepson wouldn't tell you they're real. He understands it's a person in a costume just like you and I do. We don't idolize fake cartoon characters in our house. We do however dress up and he loves to wear his Darth Vader outfit. Now when we talk about santa... well we tell him we know him and that when kids grow up they get to work with him like we do, so we can call him up and tell him what he wants. But he also knows that santa at the mall isn't real. How else do you think you can explain the 10 he sees in the course of a week and why they all looked different?

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I don't think an adult reserving for 3 character breakfasts is considered "sharing".


And it also isn't possible to do online as many have stated... so if they got 3 spots then it's because they went and talked to someone on the ship and seats were still open.

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It is possible. I have 3 and I don't go on the Allure until December.


Then apparently there seems to be no rhyme or reason into how their system works and RCI really should improve upon that.


But I still simply see nothing wrong with an adult even choosing to go for all 3. We're all on vacation and I don't see why a child is more entitled to do something than an adult when it comes to the character breakfasts. They have a ton of activities geared towards just kids and could easily do those instead... just like us adults could go play in the casino or drink (neither of whcih interest me) instead. I'm on vacation to have fun, not entertain someone elses kids. But that's part of why I'm going at a time of year when kids typically aren't on the ship; so there's not going to be any conflict.

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Wow!! That strikes me as extremely selfish for lack of a better word. And somewhat curious. A grown adult going to not one but ALL THREE character breakfasts???


Sorry to not mince words, but for some families, a cruise might be the trip of their (and their kids') lifetimes. The memories that they (won't) have since you've booked a space at ALL THREE character breakfasts... well, I don't really know what to say.


Maybe I will bring my kids into the CL during cocktail hours. Just kidding. I won't. I believe in a certain level of decorum. Too bad us folks are sometimes in the minority.



I feel like this thread was started to create trouble (quite frankly more then the kids in the CL thread ever did!) I do understand the annoyance that an adult's choice to go to the character breakfast or get their face painting might cause if you don't get to go.


But is that child's life really going to get because they didn't get to see a person dress up in a costume? Is it really going to ruin the whole vacation? Could it be a disappointment? Sure! I more then understand that, I really do - but it is only a huge deal if you let it be a huge deal. In the grand scheme of things this is such a tiny thing to get angry about? Ruin the trip of a lifetime? Really?

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We're all on vacation and I don't see why a child is more entitled to do something than an adult when it comes to the character breakfasts.



For me, this is where the disparity is. I completely respect your opinion and your right to do as you choose. I just have a philosophical difference with this statement. I agree that no one's life will be ruined if they don't get to go to a character breakfast.

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Then apparently there seems to be no rhyme or reason into how their system works and RCI really should improve upon that.


But I still simply see nothing wrong with an adult even choosing to go for all 3. We're all on vacation and I don't see why a child is more entitled to do something than an adult when it comes to the character breakfasts. They have a ton of activities geared towards just kids and could easily do those instead... just like us adults could go play in the casino or drink (neither of whcih interest me) instead. I'm on va cation to have fun, not entertain someone elses kids. But that's part of why I'm going at a time of year when kids typically aren't on the ship; so there's not going to be any conflict.


So riddle me this; you are on the ship and have attended 2 of the 3 character breakfasts. You are waiting to get into the 3rd breakfast and you overhear a family with two small children, ages 6 and 8 years old turned away because the event is sold out. You would have no qualms sitting down knowing that there are a couple of kids that will not have the opportunity to experience this at all....even though you have seen two different shows and you know they have seen none? Really, there is nothing wrong with that? Shame on you for thinking that way. I can't for the life of me imagine going into a venue that I had been to twice already ....knowing there were children outside that were being denied. Your logic says that since you can't participate in the 'tons of kids activities' and the kids can't go to the casino or drink... then it is a level playing field?

Edited by Wilda
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So riddle me this; you are on the ship and have attended 2 of the 3 character breakfasts. You are waiting to get into the 3rd breakfast and you overhear a family with two small children, ages 6 and 8 years old turned away because the event is sold out. You would have no qualms sitting down knowing that there are a couple of kids that will not have the opportunity to experience this at all....even though you have seen two different shows and you know they have seen none? Really, there is nothing wrong with that? Shame on you for thinking that way. I can't for the life of me imagine going into a venue that I had been to twice already ....knowing there were children outside that were being denied. Your logic says that since you can't participate in the 'tons of kids activities' and the kids can't go to the casino or drink... then it is a level playing field?


I don't think that the person you quoted said anything about going to all 3...


Wow... I just came over because we were talking about booking the Oasis or Allure and honestly.. I'm wondering if I should pass too. Maybe pass on RCCL all together. We have no children and we LOVE the Shrek movies... we've been talking about the new Puss in Boots movie and look forward to seeing it too. Basically you are telling me that because I am an adult I should not be able to go with my husband to one of the breakfasts unless there is room after all the kids..... on a cruise that I paid for.


I work hard all year, I make the money that pays for my bills, and I will pay for my cruise as a way to relax, have fun and participate in what there is for me and what I feel like. If it's open to me, yes, I would book this breakfast, and as a person with responsibilities and bills to pay I wouldn't feel badly in the least relaxing, unwinding and having fun on vacation.


The kids seriously don't have access to these characters in the kids camps at all? I absolutely have trouble believing that. Here's a level playing field... adults can't go to the kids camps (not that I'd want too), kids can't go to the casino or drink..... The breakfasts sound like they are for everyone to enjoy, with or without kids. And no, if the breakfast was my only chance to enjoy the characters, get picture etc, and the kids have other chances... no, I wouldn't feel badly.

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