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If tips are so important, include them in the cost of the cruise


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MK - ever bought a house? That $149K pricetag isn't $149K either.


Most consumers don't take the time to read what they are buying - that is the issue.

When I book a cruise I read before I buy - just like I do on any large item purchase. "We reserve the right to add $9 per person per day if oil exceeds $70 barrel". I add it to the base fare immediately 9X7X2=$126.00 ($9 times 7 day cruise times the two of us). "Gratuties will be added to your sign and sail card at $10 per day per person" and I again add 10X7X2= $140.00 (now of course the 10 is 11.50).

Enough examples, I add this together and that is the cruise rate. Then I do the same for airfare (don't forget those bag fees), hotel, drinks, excursions, etc. Then I come up with a total bottom figure - and VIOL - my budget for the vacation. Now some of the expenses might not apply (like the fuel supplement or breakfast for day of cruise if the hotel has free breakfast) - but with my budget - I know what I am paying.

Bottom line - Carnival has raised the going rate for gratuities. My thought on it: "IT IS WHAT IT IS - deal with it!"

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Amazing how hidden charges are not really hidden:D



Let's just be honest and up front with the consumer and put all costs in the advertised price.


I don't see an asterisk for port fees, taxes or gratutites? They are really hidden!

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The Love Boat was a television show. Let's move to reality now.


Besides I have seen the Love Boat (even the new one in the late 90's) and I don't even remember any tipping going on. In fact it seemed everything on the Love Boat was free -- even the drinks!!!


You obviously never paid close attention to Gopher's mumbling about cheap tippers ;)

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The original poster should save everyone time and just post what their real problem is......I'm cheap and don't want to forced to pay tips and I am also too ashamed to admit it so why won't businesses just hide the cost in the price so I'm not confronted with my inner cheapness.


Everything else you say is mute, the best way to protest this practice would be to not participate with any businesses that have additional fees, not whine incessantly "it's not fair" like an 8 year old.

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You think? Son/Daughter, I seriously doubt that. You have no.flippin.idea LOL Bless your heart!


And you have no flipping idea about me either, but you continue to try to pigeon hole me into what you think I am. You don't even know if I'm male or female.

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Nothing is hidden it is cleary printed out for all with comprehension abilities.



that's right...nothing is hidden....just got the email today about the price going up. yep, not hidden...but my price changed even after i made final payment. but you are correct, not hidden....just a little switcharoo.


oh, what, fuel surcharge..yes, i realize when you booked you didn't have to pay that, but now you do. oh, and we are going to give our crew a pay raise, but you have to pay it. Sure you can take it back away from them...if YOU DARE! :mad:


tell me, what other service industry in the world changes it's charges? do you receive your bill at a restaurant table and then by the time you get to the cash register have it changed? I don't know anywhere else where charges change after final payment has been made.

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The original poster should save everyone time and just post what their real problem is......I'm cheap and don't want to forced to pay tips and I am also too ashamed to admit it so why won't businesses just hide the cost in the price so I'm not confronted with my inner cheapness.


Everything else you say is mute, the best way to protest this practice would be to not participate with any businesses that have additional fees, not whine incessantly "it's not fair" like an 8 year old.



I want to pay the tip. I have no problem. My problem is the low balling that cruise lines do with their pricing then only to add on tons of charges later.


Just state up front. Be honest with the consumer what the cost is up front.

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And you have no flipping idea about me either, but you continue to try to pigeon hole me into what you think I am. You don't even know if I'm male or female.


I am guessing that you are an "attorney" who lives in NY and has her grandmother pay for cruises. this is simply based upon your posting style.

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i what baffles me even more is why so many people (on the boards in particular) are so willing to take it and be grateful about it. .


Me personally?? Because I am very grateful for the service I get...I am appreciative of the work those crew members put in, the hours are horrendous, the living conditions are something I could never deal with and the passengers are definitely something I wouldn't be able to deal with...also because I used to work for tips. My MIL raised 5 kids on tips. There are jobs out there that are service jobs, pay very little and I understand that tipping is something you do.

Personally, when I get great service it gives me absolute joy to tip.

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tell me, what other service industry in the world changes it's charges? do you receive your bill at a restaurant table and then by the time you get to the cash register have it changed? I don't know anywhere else where charges change after final payment has been made.


Yes, and Im saying we need to stop this now. We as a society need to end it. Because it's spiraling out of control.


The only price that is advertised and marketing should be the final cost.

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Me personally?? Because I am very grateful for the service I get...I am appreciative of the work those crew members put in, the hours are horrendous, the living conditions are something I could never deal with and the passengers are definitely something I wouldn't be able to deal with...also because I used to work for tips. My MIL raised 5 kids on tips. There are jobs out there that are service jobs, pay very little and I understand that tipping is something you do.

Personally, when I get great service it gives me absolute joy to tip.


Me too. I'm just saying that the cost that Carnival advertises shouldnt be a low ball figure. They should advertise the actual cost of the cruise up front without any addons later.


And make the tipping mandatory and up front. No tipping , no cruise.

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I am guessing that you are an "attorney" who lives in NY and has her grandmother pay for cruises. this is simply based upon your posting style.


Nope. I've never had another account on this system. I'm a young college kid that hasn't gone on many cruises.


But, what I see in the business world scares me today. And I think we need to put an end to it.


We need up front and honest pricing for the consumer.

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You can still have all this and a beer too!


All I'm asking is that Carnival and other cruise lines publish the true cost to cruise. Heh, I invented a marketing term. The TCTC... The "True Cost To Cruise".


I feel this is what they should publish. Not some low ball price that has tons tacked on later.


Just be up front and honest with the consumer and show the really cost of the cruise up front. Whatever that may be.


And then later they can break it down for you however you'd like and make anything optional for you if you want a credit or refund.


So your plan will cost me more cash. How is this better for the consumer?

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Nothing is hidden it is cleary printed out for all with comprehension abilities.



that's right...nothing is hidden....just got the email today about the price going up. yep, not hidden...but my price changed even after i made final payment. but you are correct, not hidden....just a little switcharoo.



That's actually a really hidden cost. After you buy something then they come back and tell you that you owe more. Reminds me of when I bought a car once.

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Nothing is hidden it is cleary printed out for all with comprehension abilities.



that's right...nothing is hidden....just got the email today about the price going up. yep, not hidden...but my price changed even after i made final payment. but you are correct, not hidden....just a little switcharoo.


oh, what, fuel surcharge..yes, i realize when you booked you didn't have to pay that, but now you do. oh, and we are going to give our crew a pay raise, but you have to pay it. Sure you can take it back away from them...if YOU DARE! :mad:


tell me, what other service industry in the world changes it's charges? do you receive your bill at a restaurant table and then by the time you get to the cash register have it changed? I don't know anywhere else where charges change after final payment has been made.


The fuel charges are NOT HIDDEN CHARGES....and gratuties are optional.....

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So your plan will cost me more cash. How is this better for the consumer?


Nope, won't cost you anything different than what you're paying now.


Might actually be less. Because the cruise lines will have to compete on pricing of the real cost of the cruise. They can offer up some low ball fake price that no one really pays.


They now need to compete on the actual cost that you would have paid anyway.

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The fuel charges are NOT HIDDEN CHARGES....and gratuties are optional.....



Anything this is not included in the advertised cost is hidden.


It doesn't matter if there is an asterisk or not. The asterisk trick was invented in the 70's as a way to "hide" costs from the advertised price. LOL.

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So if you technically don't pay until the end of the cruise what's the problem? And technically you could have went right down to the guest services and had the charged removed.....


sure, technically you can. i don't think anyone is opposed to paying tips. telling one how much, and then, out of the kindness of their hearts, charging that amount...that's what's wrong.


my first cruise experience was horrible in the dining room. if anytime ever tips should have been removed for those servers, it would have been then. thankfully and CC friend had us moved to their table and from then on my dining experience and cruise was great. the head waiter and asst. waiter for 2 nights rec'd tips that they did not deserve!

now i could have waited in line for over an hour the last night to fix this problem, but i decided my time was more important.


next time you go out to eat, you and your spouse, how would you feel if the waitress said..."i'm charging my tip in advance to you" regardless of the service i provide. see how that works out for ya.

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The original poster should save everyone time and just post what their real problem is


I've posted it at least a dozen times now.


My real problem is Carnival posting low-ball cruise costs that don't have anything to do with the final cost of the cruise.


I believe they should only be allowed to advertise/market the actual total cost of the cruise.


If there is an asterisk or anything to read later then it is hidden and it's not being up front to the customer.

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I've posted it at least a dozen times now.


My real problem is Carnival posting low-ball cruise costs that don't have anything to do with the final cost of the cruise.


I believe they should only be allowed to advertise/market the actual total cost of the cruise.


If there is an asterisk or anything to read later then it is hidden and it's not being up front to the customer.


It's saying look here young 23 year old.....read the fine print.

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....and gratuties are optional.....


If the gratuties are optional then why don't they give us the option to add them on?


It's funny how it's the option to remove them. Doesn't really sound in my favor.


Which is why I propose that we make the tips mandatory. And then we include them in the total cost of the cruise.


Cruise lines should be required to only advertise the total cost of the cruise without any additional charged added on later.

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once again, it would be ensure. you don't insure tips, proper service, or anything. :rolleyes:


my car is insured. is that correct? or literally...you insure nothing? or anything? i'm confused as you apparently are too. lol. just remember, while correcting someone and pointing the finger, you have a few pointing right back at you.


i was not going to comment on your little point...i think everyone is completely aware of ensure/insure....but the word is tIps not tEps....and insure just fits better. but thanks for you grammar lesson. now move on. we have had a English lesson for today.

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I want to pay the tip. I have no problem. My problem is the low balling that cruise lines do with their pricing then only to add on tons of charges later.


Just state up front. Be honest with the consumer what the cost is up front.


Me thinks doth protest to much...tis cheapness that is the true villian here.

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my car is insured. is that correct? or literally...you insure nothing? or anything? i'm confused as you apparently are too. lol. just remember, while correcting someone and pointing the finger, you have a few pointing right back at you.


i was not going to comment on your little point...i think everyone is completely aware of ensure/insure....but the word is tIps not tEps....and insure just fits better. but thanks for you grammar lesson. now move on. we have had a English lesson for today.


Actually the word is tip, not tips so by your erroneous logic that would be "to insure tip".


The words ensure and insure are not interchangeable just because they sound the same.

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MK - ever bought a house? That $149K pricetag isn't $149K either.


Most consumers don't take the time to read what they are buying - that is the issue.

When I book a cruise I read before I buy - just like I do on any large item purchase. "We reserve the right to add $9 per person per day if oil exceeds $70 barrel". I add it to the base fare immediately 9X7X2=$126.00 ($9 times 7 day cruise times the two of us). "Gratuties will be added to your sign and sail card at $10 per day per person" and I again add 10X7X2= $140.00 (now of course the 10 is 11.50).

Enough examples, I add this together and that is the cruise rate. Then I do the same for airfare (don't forget those bag fees), hotel, drinks, excursions, etc. Then I come up with a total bottom figure - and VIOL - my budget for the vacation. Now some of the expenses might not apply (like the fuel supplement or breakfast for day of cruise if the hotel has free breakfast) - but with my budget - I know what I am paying.

Bottom line - Carnival has raised the going rate for gratuities. My thought on it: "IT IS WHAT IT IS - deal with it!"



The problem with this is that most consumers don't do this. And I feel as a socierty we shouldn't do things to mislead people or take advantage of those that aren't reading everything.


Not everything in life should be on your own... mess up and so sad sucka.


Let's help people! Let's work to make things easier and change things for the better. Simplify!


Let's require that Carnival just make it easy for all of us as just publish what the actual cost is in their advertising and marketing.

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