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If tips are so important, include them in the cost of the cruise


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If tips are so important, then just include them in the cost of the cruise.


But, wait, for "business" reasons, they'd like to be able to quote a low entry price and then tack on taxes, fees, and tips later to make it up to the price they want in the first place.


None of these so called add-on charges are optional. Of course they will tell you the "tips" are optional, but then everyone in the cruise industry and their shils posting on these boards will inundate you with heavy manipulation to "encourage" you to tip the "optional" amount.




We should encourage our legislators to create a law that requires businesses to quote the final price that one has to pay.


Yes just what we need, more government in our business. How about letting them try and get the mess that we are currently in straightened out.:rolleyes:

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Many nicer restaurants add an 18% grat. And almost every restaurant adds 18% to parties of 6 or more. And if you did want to adjust/remove tips onboard, it's very easy to do. You take you about 15 seconds. Try some herbal tea. Relax.


I call bulls**t on the "Many nicer restaurants add an 18% grat." statement. That, my friend, is simply not true. I travel allot and eat regularly at Morton's, the Palm, Maggiano's Little Italy, Carmine's, Fishbones, and Ruth Chris's. Not one of those "nicer" restaurants has ever charged my party of 6 or less one single penny to the bill and called it a gratuity.


Maybe for 8 or more at one table, but not 6 or under.

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Yes just what we need, more government in our business. How about letting them try and get the mess that we are currently in straightened out.:rolleyes:


How did we get into this mess? From unsavory business practices like what the cruise lines employ with their pricing.


I'm asking it to be simplified, to make it easier and transparent for the consumer.


Sometimes we need rules to stop the chaos. Removing rules is not the answer.


What is we removed all stop signs? I mean there are crashes every day at intersections still... the stop signs must be causing all the problem right?

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What costs do you want included in the price??


Base Fare



Port Charges


Air Fare

Pre and Post cruise hotels





Specialty Restaurants




Where does a cruise line draw the line at what is included?? If this is what you want, price cruises on Regent or Crystal as most of the above are included.


What you won't see is ANY mass market cruise line building the above into their prices and advertising that way as none of their competitors do.



Those are optional and discretionary charges THAT ARE NOT ADDED UP FRONT EVER, so I'm never talking about those.


I'm talking about the ones that are required to be added on that you don't have the option to not add on, like taxes, port fees and gratuties.


I'm talking about making it easier for the consumer to price shop and compare prices. If something is required to be paid like with the cost of the cruise then it should be advertised as such.

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I call bulls**t on the "Many nicer restaurants add an 18% grat." statement. That, my friend, is simply not true. I travel allot and eat regularly at Morton's, the Palm, Maggiano's Little Italy, Carmine's, Fishbones, and Ruth Chris's. Not one of those "nicer" restaurants has ever charged my party of 6 or less one single penny to the bill and called it a gratuity.


Maybe for 8 or more at one table, but not 6 or under.


I said many, not all. I'm very impressed at the restaurants you've been to. Wow! You must be so successful. Any other point in your expletive filled rant?

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How did we get into this mess? From unsavory business practices like what the cruise lines employ with their pricing.


I'm asking it to be simplified, to make it easier and transparent for the consumer.


Sometimes we need rules to stop the chaos. Removing rules is not the answer.


What is we removed all stop signs? I mean there are crashes every day at intersections still... the stop signs must be causing all the problem right?


Are you equating this 1.50 a day raise to the mortgage debacle and systemic over extension in credit in our country over the past 30 years? Wow.

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I said many, not all. I'm very impressed at the restaurants you've been to. Wow! You must be so successful. Any other point in your expletive filled rant?


I wouldn't really consider 1 expletive to be a "expletive filled rant".


I think the poster was trying to say that a lot of fancy restaurants and most all other lower end restaurants do not have an automatically added gratuity.


Although as the OP, I never advocated this for restaurants.


I really want the cruise lines to start advertising the actual cost of the cruise. And make the tips mandatory on cruise lines -- because tips are so important on cruise lines to their staff -- it actually pays all their wages.

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Those are optional and discretionary charges THAT ARE NOT ADDED UP FRONT EVER, so I'm never talking about those.


I'm talking about the ones that are required to be added on that you don't have the option to not add on, like taxes, port fees and gratuties.



Tips always have been and always will be optional. You have total control of the method you wish to tip. Adding them to the fare would then take that control from the consumer as they could not be adjusted, removed, etc.

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Are you equating this 1.50 a day raise to the mortgage debacle and systemic over extension in credit in our country over the past 30 years? Wow.


No, but many people posting here have brought it up.


30 years ago if one were to say their were problems in the mortgage industry then everyone would laugh and say there are bigger problems to worry about.


Yet, look what the mortgage industry became in 30 years!


So, I say let's stop this now with the cruise industry and not let it become a mortgage industry in 30 years!


Let's stop it now and make it easier for the consumer to understand pricing and require the cruise industry to advertise up front pricing that includes all of the required costs in the price that is advertise.


I'm just asking the cruise line to simplify and not advertise low ball prices that no one really pays.

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Tips always have been and always will be optional. You have total control of the method you wish to tip. Adding them to the fare would then take that control from the consumer as they could not be adjusted, removed, etc.


And therein lies the problem. Since cruise lines are having us pay for their staff labor completely with the tips. Cruise line staff are very dependant on the tips. They can't afford to live without all the tips. It puts them in a bad social experiment.


I say make the tips mandatory and just include them right in the cost of the cruise and advertise it as such.


You can always give a little more tip directly to those deserving individuals. This is done all the time on the cruise lines right now.


I think cruise lines need to be more up front about their pricing.

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Have you ever looked at your cell phone bill? My $69.00 plan costs me a lot more than that every month. Most of us don't need to have our hands held to book a cruise, and if you think this is going to change the world, you have lots to learn.

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And therein lies the problem. Since cruise lines are having us pay for their staff labor completely with the tips. Cruise line staff are very dependant on the tips. They can't afford to live without all the tips. It puts them in a bad social experiment.


I say make the tips mandatory and just include them right in the cost of the cruise and advertise it as such.


You can always give a little more tip directly to those deserving individuals. This is done all the time on the cruise lines right now.


I think cruise lines need to be more up front about their pricing.


Cruise Lines do not pay staff totally through gratuities - they provide a salary (albeit small), room, board, medical and I will assume some type of travel assistance to get to and home from the ship if they fulfill the terms of their contract. That is a fixed cost built into your fare and IS mandatory.


Optional gratuities are just that - optional. Figure out the amount you want to pay and factor that into your pricing.


Making gratuities mandatory and part of the fare leads to labour law issues, added taxes and increased commissions payable to TA's who sell a cruise. In the end, it adds up to more increases in cost to the consumer.


A better alternative is leave the system the way it is and be a smarter consumer. Know what you are buying and take 37 secs and figure out the final cost yourself. If you are happy with it, buy it. If not don't.


This isn't rocket science.

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Have you ever looked at your cell phone bill? My $69.00 plan costs me a lot more than that every month. Most of us don't need to have our hands held to book a cruise, and if you think this is going to change the world, you have lots to learn.


I agree phone bills are a big problem and we need to fix that too.


Have you ever looked at the Nutrition Facts on food. That was added despite the food industry fighting against it tooth and nail.


Let's require cruise lines to simplfy their pricing so the consumer doesn't have to do any extra work to determine the true cost of the cruise.

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Cruise Lines do not pay staff totally through gratuities - they provide a salary (albeit small), room, board, medical and I will assume some type of travel assistance to get to and home from the ship if they fulfill the terms of their contract. That is a fixed cost built into your fare and IS mandatory.


Optional gratuities are just that - optional. Figure out the amount you want to pay and factor that into your pricing.


Making gratuities mandatory and part of the fare leads to labour law issues, added taxes and increased commissions payable to TA's who sell a cruise. In the end, it adds up to more increases in cost to the consumer.


A better alternative is leave the system the way it is and be a smarter consumer. Know what you are buying and take 37 secs and figure out the final cost yourself. If you are happy with it, buy it. If not don't.


This isn't rocket science.



Nothing great in this world was ever created by just leaving things the way they are.


Change is good. Even if we learn from change that it wasn't a good idea.


All I'm asking in that cruise lines simplify their pricing for the consumer. Don't advertise low-ball pricing that no one really pays.


You can keep everything how it is now -- just make it so they have to advertise the true cost to cruise -- rather than the price without all the add-ons.

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Morning Patti :)


Hope Landon made out ok yesterday. Safe to say he didn't have a ball but hope he did alright.



Good morning too. And thank you for posting even though you are off topic. By posting you keep this thread to the top for everyone to see!


Thank you!

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A better alternative is leave the system the way it is and be a smarter consumer. Know what you are buying and take 37 secs and figure out the final cost yourself. If you are happy with it, buy it. If not don't.


This isn't rocket science.



Yup. Well said. Next drink is on us.


The continuing 'dumbing down' of America is to blame.


Thinking is becoming a lost art for many.


A smarter consumer votes with the wallet.


Pick the cruise line that you like.





OCCUPY CARNIVAL is our plan.


We are heading out on a Carnival cruise shortly.

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No problem whatsoever. :) I wish we could "change" things to the way they were say 30 years ago. IMHO it was a much better world then. Landon is fine, and to be on topic, it is sad that you are unable to read well enough to know how much a cruise costs. Tipping is small beans compared to what I spend on souveniers!!

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I wouldn't really consider 1 expletive to be a "expletive filled rant".


I think the poster was trying to say that a lot of fancy restaurants and most all other lower end restaurants do not have an automatically added gratuity.


Although as the OP, I never advocated this for restaurants.


I really want the cruise lines to start advertising the actual cost of the cruise. And make the tips mandatory on cruise lines -- because tips are so important on cruise lines to their staff -- it actually pays all their wages.


they lost me when they threw in maggiano's as a fancy restaurant (and i'm a maggiano's fan!@).

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Yup. Well said. Next drink is on us.


The continuing 'dumbing down' of America is to blame.


Thinking is becoming a lost art for many.


A smarter consumer votes with the wallet.


Pick the cruise line that you like.





OCCUPY CARNIVAL is our plan.


We are heading out on a Carnival cruise shortly.


Ah, but that's anarchy according to the OP.

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I call bulls**t on the "Many nicer restaurants add an 18% grat." statement. That, my friend, is simply not true. I travel allot and eat regularly at Morton's, the Palm, Maggiano's Little Italy, Carmine's, Fishbones, and Ruth Chris's. Not one of those "nicer" restaurants has ever charged my party of 6 or less one single penny to the bill and called it a gratuity.


Maybe for 8 or more at one table, but not 6 or under.


I think that is slowly changing. I have seen a few restaurants that add gratuity for 6 or more people....


A better alternative is leave the system the way it is and be a smarter consumer. Know what you are buying and take 37 secs and figure out the final cost yourself. If you are happy with it, buy it. If not don't.


This isn't rocket science.



Thinking is becoming a lost art for many.


It's kinda scary...


I noticed over the past decade, when you go into some dept. stores and they are having a sale...they not only have the sign screaming 20% OFF!!!!, they have above each rack a list..

Reg $28...now $22.40

Reg $32...now $25.60




The more people don't have to use their brains, the smaller they are going to become. Things are way too easy. It can't be good in the grand scheme of things.

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I think that is slowly changing. I have seen a few restaurants that add gratuity for 6 or more people....






as have i. and then they don't point it out.


and i have seen people try to tip on top of that!


looks like a lot of folks here have no problem have additional monies taken out of their wallets.

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Yup. Well said. Next drink is on us.


The continuing 'dumbing down' of America is to blame.


Thinking is becoming a lost art for many.


A smarter consumer votes with the wallet.


Pick the cruise line that you like.


I agree


All the cruiselines outline their tipping policy in their brochures. Wait, you have to read them to find out. Sorry, that may take a few minutes to do. You should also ignore all the other information so you can complain later that no one told you. Documents that you recieve also have information and guidelines about your cruise. Sorry again, that involves reading the documents.

When you plan a vacation, do you do any reseach? Again, that takes reading and thinking.

Did you ever purchase a car? There are many different fees involved with that. Do you read that paperwork?


The internet has so much information, but why use it for researching when I can complain.

I prefer to do my research and be an educated consumer (wasn't that a commercial?), than do things blindly.

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