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Home Lines employees/memories?

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OK - ArubaGal - I actually know who you are! I came upon this thread quite by accident. I don't know why I typed Giuseppe's name into the computer - but I guess it was meant for me to set the record straight on a few things. Giuseppe had only two serious girl friends while working for Home Lines. Those two would be you and me! I knew about your history with GG (except for the fact that you still occasionally would see him). I began seeing Giuseppe in 1981. He was the love of my life! This lasted steady until 1986. I too went on more cruises than I can remember. We would also rent a cottage in Bermuda many times during the summer. I was also in New York almost every single Saturday. The only Saturdays that I was not there was when I would be getting off a cruise or still in Bermuda. I guess that is when he had the opportunity to cheat. I never wanted to believe that he would cheat on me during those times, but considering the surroundings, the lifestyle and all the available girls, it was inevitable. I basically preferred to keep my head in the sand about that because I knew how he felt about me. Giuseppe stayed in my home more times than I can count. He called me on a weekly basis from Bermuda, or from the Carribean. He also called me quite frequently from Italy, though I never got to go there like you did. He used to bring me back beautiful shoes from Milan. I did get to spend an uninterrupted week with him in Florida. He flew in early from Italy and we spent the week in Ft. Lauderdale before he had to board the ship. I still have a box filled with all the Valentines day cards and post cards from Italy.


So now here's the beginning of the end. One Saturday in October, right before Giuseppe went home to Italy, he asked me if I believed that a man could love two women. I told him NO!. He told me that he loved me and then quickly changed the subject. I didn't catch on. The week before Christmas, Giuseppe called me several times from Italy to tell me that he loved me and missed me....later to find out that Giuseppe was calling me while on his honeymoon! The day he got back to New York, he sat me down and said that he had something to tell me and that he did not want me to hear it from somebody else. He told me that he got married. Needless to say, the bottom dropped out of my world. I told him that I could no longer see him. He begged me not leave him! Needless to say, two weeks later I was back with him. We continued our relationship as if nothing changed, but I was truly devastated. Then came the birth of his first son. I was heartbroken. One year after that came the birth of his second son. This was more than I could handle......the end! Though I still carry that torch...and always will!


My best friend was Giuseppe Loria's girlfriend from 1982 through the end. They were absolutely inseperable. Giuseppe Loria also spent many overnights in my home.


Cousin Lilo tragically was killed in a car accident on one of his trips home to Italy. Giuseppe was devastated. If I remember correctly, Lilo left behind a young wife and son.


Sorry to be so long winded...but what I am really trying to say here is that ArubaGal, I know for a fact that you had a very special relationship with Giuseppe. So special, that every Saturday for years, when he was not looking, I would check the passenger list for your name. I even think one time we ended up on the same cruise. I think you were with your mother, but not sure. I did hear that you cruised with your husband!


I also had a very, very special relationship with Giuseppe and I will not let the fact that he occasionally cheated on me diminish what I had with him. In retrospect, that was the life!


I hope this answered the rest of your questions.



This is some story....amazing....:eek:

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Hi everyone haven been on line for a few weeks my mom fell and fractured her hip so I have been really busy Im really amazed by what I just read from Bermudablueyes I use to get weekly phone calls too but I was not that involved with GG like ArubaGal and Bermudablueyes only on my yearly cruises to Bermuda. I'm really for feeling for you girls but what was in the past is gone and just think of the good times and memories and Im sure we will all laugh abt our adventures with home lines some day. Hope everyone is doing well.:)

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Hi everyone haven been on line for a few weeks my mom fell and fractured her hip so I have been really busy Im really amazed by what I just read from Bermudablueyes I use to get weekly phone calls too but I was not that involved with GG like ArubaGal and Bermudablueyes only on my yearly cruises to Bermuda. I'm really for feeling for you girls but what was in the past is gone and just think of the good times and memories and Im sure we will all laugh abt our adventures with home lines some day. Hope everyone is doing well.:)


Hi crusinsue, So sorry to hear about your Mom, I hope she's on the mend and feeling better soon


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CrusinSue, so sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she is on the mend.


I have not been on in quite awhile also. There have been alot of major changes going on at work...excessing of employees, job restructuring, schedule changes etc. I have been there 25 years, and no one felt secure in their job per se. Long story very short..I no longer have Saturdays off (thank goodness I don't need to be in NYC every Sat! LOL ) and my hours have been changed a little bit. Most of us are very unhappy, but at least we still have jobs. It's been a very stressful month and I've been pretty upset and depressed. Not in the most sociable of moods. Anyways, The dust has settled, and it is what it is. Time to move on.


So, imagine my surprise when I finally stopped by here last night! WOW. This saga just keeps getting better! Gals, we need to write a book...you can't make this stuff up!

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Bermudablueeyes...I just spent over 45 minutes with a lengthy reply to your posting, and went to post it, and lost the entire content....arrrrgh....I will post again in a day or two....or would you prefer to chat via email? Thanks for your answers to my questions...appreciated.

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CrusinSue, so sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she is on the mend.


I have not been on in quite awhile also. There have been alot of major changes going on at work...excessing of employees, job restructuring, schedule changes etc. I have been there 25 years, and no one felt secure in their job per se. Long story very short..I no longer have Saturdays off (thank goodness I don't need to be in NYC every Sat! LOL ) and my hours have been changed a little bit. Most of us are very unhappy, but at least we still have jobs. It's been a very stressful month and I've been pretty upset and depressed. Not in the most sociable of moods. Anyways, The dust has settled, and it is what it is. Time to move on.


So, imagine my surprise when I finally stopped by here last night! WOW. This saga just keeps getting better! Gals, we need to write a book...you can't make this stuff up!


Hi ArubaGal, sorry to hear about the strife at your work place. Please, I have not had a full time job in over a year and not for lack of trying. I hope that changes very soon, COBRA is very expensive and soon to end.. Oh well...like you said it is what it is....

I can not imagine what went through your mind when you read Bermudablueeyes' post. I was wondering when we were going to hear from you. It really is so true, a book, a Life Time movie...something....I never heard such goings on on any other cruise lines...leave it to those Italian guys...LOL


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Thank you so much SueseaQ for your wishes for my Mom it is really appreciated she is doing much better and is now walking in rehab of course with some help. :o


Hi crusinsue, I'm glad your Mom is doing better. My prayers are with you for her continued recovery.


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SueSeaQ, how can I pull myself away from this board! LOL. I did need a little time to digest what I had read. Reality is that relationships end and new ones begin. We love deeply, hurt deeply. This whole experience has been quite intriguing. But it helps bring answers to our nagging questions, and helps put things to rest after many years and allows us to close a door that has remained ajar.


I feel Bemudablueeyes' pain also. She hung in there for a long time. But that's what love does to us....we perservere and hope against all odds that things will change.


Bermudablueeyes, if you are still around here, I would love to chat with you. If either by email or phone; that might be better...your decision.

Some things are just too personal for a bulletin board! I did not know about you, but, I was out of the picture except for the "rekindlings" , so how would I? I am glad that you made each other happy. Sounds like he had matured quite abit since our relationship, but then again, we were young, during our time. I apologize if my random comings and goings unknowingly caused you any pain. Curious about when we may have sailed together, and when he actually got married. The past is the past, we both enjoyed what we had with a very special person.

You blew me out of the water, for sure, but I am glad that you posted, and answered various questions. I'm sure this has

been somewhat uncomfortable and difficult for you also. Thank you for acknowledging that ours had been a special relationship...I needed to hear that. Thank you. All was not lost!

So tragic about Lilo..his son was his whole world.


Hope to hear from you!

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Hi Arubagal thank you so much for your thoughts for my Mom she is doing much better and is now starting to walk on her own with the help of a walker Im having the same going on for me work also Im working in two differnt depts which has been stressful I start at 5:30 am and dont have a set time to leave anymore. I too cant stay away from theis thread anymore it was so hard to believe what GG was doing to the hearts of so many women. I really feel the hurt you and Bermudblueeyes must have felt what a dog to play with the feelings of two caring girls.I hope all turns out good for you a work yes thank God we still have jobs. Take care and I hope we can all meet some day it would be awesome. Susan:)

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Hi SueseaQ thank you so much for you thoughts and your prayers for my Mom she is doing much better and is starting to walk alot more on her own I hope someday we can meet it would be awesome :) Susan


Hi Susan (Great name ;)!) and Arubagal. It really would be nice if we could get together some time. There has been so much talk about doing so on this thread, but never seemed to come to fruition. We should try to set a date and place and whoever can come , comes. The GG saga really blows my mind. Those guys really got away with so much "stuff" what with their very charming ways and adorable faces :cool:.

And Susan, glad to hear your Mom's doing better. Moms are very special. My Mom passed almost 3yrs ago and I still miss her so much.


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hope both of you are doing well and yes I would love to meet all of you it would be awesome yes yes yes we are the sisterhood of Home Line Cruises:p Thank you both so much for your kind wishes for my Mom I really do appreciate it very much Chat with you soon

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Yes, it would be nice to all meet up. It's a sisterhood of sorts!


hope both of you are doing well and yes I would love to meet all of you it would be awesome yes yes yes we are the sisterhood of Home Line Cruises:p Thank you both so much for your kind wishes for my Mom I really do appreciate it very much Chat with you soon



LOL I would have to agree "sisterhood " is a good description....Sisterhood of Home Lines Cruises... definitely more intriguing that the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.....:D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Arubagal, What a great find but C'mon now I'm sure that towel is priceless to you, no amount high enough !?! LOL

I found all my cruise documents from my second cruise on the Atlantic, including boarding passes, daily newsletters, passager list (remember those?) Learn to speak Italian little booklet thingy all neatly tucked away in the Home Lines folder that was on the desk in my cabin....AHHH yes, memories indeed. Now if I can only find a brochure for the Homeric from 1987, then I would really be happy.

Hope all is well with you.

Crusinsue if you are out there hope all is well and that your Mom is doing much better.

Edited by SueseaQ
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Hi SueseaQ yes Im out here today at work really been crazy for me My Mom is doing really well she might be coming home this wk end or the begging of next week I have been juggling two jobs visiting with her takeing care of my Dad and the house plus trying to get ready for my cruise on the Caribbean Princess (77 more days) yes Im still at it. But I really do need this vacation nine days of fun drinking flirting (just flirting) and Im going to try to relax a little.Hi Arubagal hope all is well with you Take care girls and I will be chating with you soon. Thanks for asking about my Mom Sue I really appreciate it.:)

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Crusinsue, glad to hear your Mom is recovering well. It's hard being a caretaker and still working. Been there. For moms, it's all worth it.


SueSeaQ, I saved a lot of my cruise stuff. I'll see if I have a brochure.


Well, been busy packing and getting ready for vacation...2 weeks at our timeshare in Aruba....it is my mental health retreat. We count down all year. We have a good size group of friends who all are there the same 2 weeks. Lots of sun, fun, good meals and some alcohol;). 3 more days!


If I don't get back on here, have a good few weeks!!

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Hi Arubagal have a safe and wonderful time have a drink for me enjoy relax and have fun. Talk to you when you return By the way I still have all my menues from all my cruises with Home Lines I dont know if you remenber they would sell the packages that included every thing from the week of your cruise. Take care :)

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Hi ArubaGal and Cruisinsue, I am sooo jealous, you both have great vacations to look forward to. No vacations for me this year thanks to still not having been able to get a full time job :mad::(.

I keep looking at a cruise to Bermuda on the Veendam in 2010 and so wish I could book it and honestly, though it sounds crazy I am very tempted to do so with the hope that by then, I will be employed full time. I've never sailed on HAL before but I hear their cruises are very nice. Do you remember how the Home Lines ships used to sail to Bermuda and the HAL ship would be sailing right along with us? I really could use some Bermuda right now, but that will have to wait.

ArubaGal, if you happen to visit this thread before you leave, have a wonderful time. It sounds like it will be a blast. Let us know how everything goes.

Cruisinsue, I'm sure we will be chatting before your cruise. Are you going on the 9 day from Brooklyn to Bermuda, San Juan, St. Thomas and Grand Turk? I did that itinerary on the Crown in 2006 and it was a great cruise. My neice is going on the Caribbean Princess for that cruise on June 29 of this year, she is so excited, counting down the days. It was her choice for a 21st Birthday celebration.

Ciao ciao

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Hi Sue yes you will be hearing from me before my cruise yes it is the 9 day one I also did the Crown Princess in 2006 It was Aug 25 to Sept 3 Last year I did the Caribbean Princess also I really do love these ports and every year we try to do something different plus leaving from Brooklyn is so easy we usually leave at 9:30 I'm the first pick up in philly and my cousins live in south new jersey so we are usually on our way by then and we arrive at the terminal around 11:00 or give or take a few mins and we are on board not later than 12:15 we were very lucky last year we were picked to the chef's table have you done that? What an awesome experience we are going to try again this year. It is so worth the $75.00 we are also going to sign up for the ultimate ship tour I really do need this vacation Im really starting to feel the stress I will pray that you find a full time job soon be positive good things will come your way. Take care and I will chat with you soon.;)

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Hi Sue, We were on the Crown July 28th to Aug 7th 2006. Although it is nice to see different ports, my first 7 cruises were all to Bermuda from NYC and of course the last one I took was the 2006 cruise on the Crown. I absolutely love Bermuda best of all the islands but, that being said, having lived in Brooklyn till 2 years ago, those cruises were a no-brainer. NOt having to fly anywhere to pick up a ship is VERY important to me :).

The Crown cruise was my first Princess cruise and I wasn't even aware of the Chef's Table experience. It sounds great. I hope you get picked again. The Ultimate ship tour also sounds great, you'll have to let us knwo how that goes.

I really enjoyed the Princess cruise. Celebrity was nice, I didn't like NCL at all. I think I liked Princess because I noticed alot of the people in charge were Italian and I heard them speaking Italian, and, well, you know where I'm leading with this one don't you??:D:p LOL

I wish Princess would take one of their smaller ships and start a NYC to Bermuda cruise again (Hamilton and St. George preferably - not too fussy, am I ;)) . It looks like HAL has realized (again) there is a market for it for those who do not prefer the NCL experience. It looks like their 2010 cruises are booking up pretty quickly this far out in advance. Have you ever sailed on HAL? I hear the service and food are very good.

Thanks for the prayers for the job, I hope something full time comes up very soon, I really need a vacation too. Even thought I'm currently only working per diem, I'm caring for my Dad who has several health issues and can't be left alone.

I'm sure ArubaGal is having a great time, lucky her!

Take care, we'll chat again soon.

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