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Concordia customers suing for all of this money, be happy your alive!!!


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There are a lot of opinions on this thread but unfortunately none of them count unless one of us gets empaneled on the jury;). It's all going to play out as it's going to play out.

Aint ever going to a jury..but settlement will go in favor of the pax..survivor or not

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Yes, I get the long range issues. However, if you know anything about PTSD recovery, you know that, with intensive therapy and the desire to move on from the incident(s), recovery IS possible. I am not going to elaborate details here, but I can assure you, the events that caused my PTSD are far worse than the events that the people who walked away from the Concordia went through. Use your imagination and try to fathom what could be the worst thing that could happen to a young female child from approximately 3 months to 6 years of age and perhaps you'll get some idea. Sorry. Don't see these people deserving anything greater than what they are getting (again, those that walked away with only loss of personal property).


You have no right to judge other peoples experience because you lived through your own. Everyone is affected by things differently.


I'll use my profession as an example. Some people are so traumatized by the absolute cruelty we see that they walk away with ptsd and need therapy beyond the cisd provided. Some work for 30 years and sleep soundly. Everyone is affected differently. Everyone has different thresholds for coping.


You also will know that intense therapy is costly and not everyone is insured so who is going to cover the therapy? You honestly think 14k is going to replace their stuff and pay for therapy?


They were in reasonable fear for their lives. That would traumatic me.


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

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Taking a few associate's level classes in criminal justice or legal studies does not make one a lawyer, nor does having an interest in the law or even getting a high score on the LSAT. None of that gets a person into law school, nor does going to law school inherently qualify one to pass the bar exam and practice law.


Little Miss, your first post said you don't understand. Your subsequent posts are your opinion and you're certainly entitled to have an opinion. But you definitely don't understand the law and although people have attempted to explain the law to you, you still don't understand it.


Clearly, you don't agree with how the law works. Fine. You've drawn a few very strange responses out of the woodwork to vindicate your position ("No matter how you spice it up with sensational statements, the Costa Concordia simply pulled into port, disembarked passengers, and isn't able to leave port yet.").


But you aren't just stating an opinion, you are taunting people. Did I read correctly that you are a clinical therapist? Why are you baiting people in a public forum and minimizing what fellow passengers have gone through?


Ok just to clarify, never once said I was a Lawyer but was asked a question that I answered... Bad move because of people such as yourself who try to use those answers against me. See what you don't understand when the question about me taking higher Ed law classes was asked, I was supposed to respond as having none, but to his surprise that wasn't the case further supporting the fact that you are entitled to an opinion whether you have law classes or not. The same with the fact when stating that I was a clinical therapist, I was presented with not knowing anything about PTSD and then my own profession was revealed. Lastly, the cute little statement about the Concordia simply pulling into port, disembarking and not leaving port yet.... Not my statement but it was ingenious might I add. Oh yeah and associates level courses.... Sorry to disappoint but they were post Doctorate graduate level courses. ( don't wanna burst your bubble) oops, there I go divulging stuff about me again... Watch it'll come back up later

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Yes..the proceeds from the lawsuit..not your own money. Your own money goes into the retirement fund. No victim of ptsd should have fo fund their own therapy..espe ially when someone else..who can afford to pay caused the problem. Btw if a company doesnt provide safe working environment and you are attacked on their property ...they are responsible....heck if i dont fix my loose front step and you fall are paralyzed and cant provide....i am responsible...and insurance companies know that...and that is why they charge me homeowners liability premiums,..again...i am amazed by some peoples idea of what constitutes excessive litigation


No, I meant put the money already paid, i.e. the 15Kpp, and the refund of the cruise (say, 1Kpp--not sure what the rates were for this cruise). Sixteen K can go a long way in paying for therapy. Not to mention, if the person is employed insurance does cover some parts of therapy as well.


Look, I'm not saying the survivors of the Concordia are not going through hell. I'm quite sure they are, in fact. And if not now, perhaps in the future. I get it. Really, I do. I just question the "need" for a gazillion dollars. Again, if recovery is desired, it can be accomplished. And it doesn't cost a million dollars to do so.

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I like how the thread on the Costa boards is titled Greedy Costa Concordia passengers suing for all this money.


The op claims that she is stating her opinion but clearly the title of the thread is to get a reaction from people and stir up an argument.

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Yes, I get the long range issues. However, if you know anything about PTSD recovery, you know that, with intensive therapy and the desire to move on from the incident(s), recovery IS possible. I am not going to elaborate details here, but I can assure you, the events that caused my PTSD are far worse than the events that the people who walked away from the Concordia went through. Use your imagination and try to fathom what could be the worst thing that could happen to a young female child from approximately 3 months to 6 years of age and perhaps you'll get some idea. Sorry. Don't see these people deserving anything greater than what they are getting (again, those that walked away with only loss of personal property).


I get what happened and you have my deep sympathy...but obviously they either were not prosceuted..couldnt be,...maybe? Also..financially you probably had no one to sue.....but if you did you should have if that was even possible....gone after their assets if possible. But did you pay for the therapy or did your insurance..or the state pay for it? Or did the ones that allowed it to happen pay for it?


Your situation cannot really be compare to the pax...they know who caused it..who has the funds to cover expenses.and who should pay. Doesnt diminsh your trauma......but this issue is different

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Wow, some of these comments are unbelievable. I guess I'll just continue to agree to disagree, but I will say to Little Miss, I certainly hope you don't tell your clients to suck it up and move on, as you're implying the Concordia survivors should do. Also I hope and pray that you (as well some of the other negative posters) never go through a traumatic event like this. :)


My profession is to work with my clients and see that their mentally and emotionally ok. Part of my therapy is putting action plans into place and it works every time. Also, why does my post or opinions have to be negative? What about the post that say the cruise line and the captain should pay pay pay.... Are they any less negative? I'm not saying they shouldn't pay I'm just saying when is enough enough that's all

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I get what happened and you have my deep sympathy...but obviously they either were not prosceuted..couldnt be,...maybe? Also..financially you probably had no one to sue.....but if you did you should have if that was even possible....gone after their assets if possible. But did you pay for the therapy or did your insurance..or the state pay for it? Or did the ones that allowed it to happen pay for it?


Your situation cannot really be compare to the pax...they know who caused it..who has the funds to cover expenses.and who should pay. Doesnt diminsh your trauma......but this issue is different


I paid for it. And yes, the total was over 15K. And I agree this is different.

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I do have to question what this thread is doing in the Carnival Cruise Lines forum when it belongs over on the Costa Cruises forum.


Carnival Corp is the parent of both companies but Carnival Cruise Lines is a distinctly separate cruise line than Costa Cruises. Is not this forum expected to be used to discuss experiences on Carnival Cruise Lines ships only?

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Ok so their belongings, but millions? Every day we work and risk our lives just going out of our front doors, sure it was gross negligence, but he is paying for that and so is the corporation. Compensate for what was lost.... Why all the other stuff? I still don't get it, but maybe it's just me...


Pretty easy to say, standing on the outside looking in. Put yourself on that ship, in that situation, with all that chaos, and danger, and still be able to stand and tell me you are happy with a refund, and I will tell you that you are telling a lie.


These folks deserve much more.



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What you're not grasping is that Carnival has written the contract to be air tight so as to avoid idiotic law suits like the one filed by SURVIVORS of this tragedy. I mean seriously, they are getting 15K PER PERSON for what? Pain and suffering, loss of personal items. That seems fair to me. Now, if there was loss if life, of course there should be more compensation. But the 15K person is for people who walked away. I don't know about you, but DH and I don't sail with 30K worth of goods. Fifteen thousand PER PERSON would be more than enough to compensate us for what was likely the scariest moment in these people's lives. But the fact remains, they lost nothing but personal goods. I hope CCL fights every greedy, ridiculous law suit they get. Give the money these greedy people are asking for to the people who actually deserve it, those who had loss of life (or their survivors). Seriously. It's people like you who've made this country so greedy and litigious, IMHO.



I love this lady!!! ^^^^^^^

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15000 wont pay the bills if i lose my job due to this traumatization..nor support the families of the dead...all due to corporate and captain incompetence


Well in that case and like I stated before in the case of loss of life or physical anguish more would be acceptable but not for the regular joe that walked away unharmed... Yet he got something too

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and what if it doesn't?


Personally..i am a bootstrapper type of person..and would deal ratio.ally with it..so i have no fear for myself....and even thouvh i wasnt on the zhip i am realistic enough to know that not everyone is that strong and may need therapy....but that isnt reLly the point anyway...the point is costa negligence aand putting their pax KNOWINGLY in harms way....i think evryone agree to costa negligence by now..and if not should go back a read the reports.


Please excuse the zpelling issues..i hate using a touch screen

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I do have to question what this thread is doing in the Carnival Cruise Lines forum when it belongs over on the Costa Cruises forum.


Carnival Corp is the parent of both companies but Carnival Cruise Lines is a distinctly separate cruise line than Costa Cruises. Is not this forum expected to be used to discuss experiences on Carnival Cruise Lines ships only?

Sad thing is that it is over there TOO:rolleyes:

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Well in that case and like I stated before in the case of loss of life or physical anguish more would be acceptable but not for the regular joe that walked away unharmed... Yet he got something too


According to poster..vanessa...it could take 35 years for ptsd to kick in....as a therpist type of person you must have heard stuff.like that before...so should they wait to sue in the future? I think not.

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If you scar my emotions due to your incompetence..i.e. as in ptsd....then you took something personal away from me....


I really dont understand all this defending of the ship....and i dont believe in frivolous lawsuits...but i am educated and realistic enough to know this would never be a frivoulous lawsuit


Again $15000 is enough to pay for therapy, where most of us would use insurance any way. You know what let me stop BSing here and go to the Concordia page and just post

My Therapeutic services and see how many will get up off of their $15000 to treat this PTSD they have including the ones who walked away.

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I completely disagree. Those that lost their life or had a family member lost absolutely should get a big settlement. My argument is only for those who lost personal belongings and otherwise walked away. They are the ones getting 15K pp, a complete refund of their cruise, and expenses home. That is plenty.


Nobody "walked away". They were on a ship which was sinking. You make it sound like people simply walked down the gangway off the ship. They crawled and scrambled over the sides of a ship which was tipped over. And which, for all they knew, was about to go under. And which, if the weather had been different, would have sunk. For the sake of your argument you are trivializing the situation.

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What you're not grasping is that Carnival has written the contract to be air tight so as to avoid idiotic law suits like the one filed by SURVIVORS of this tragedy. I mean seriously, they are getting 15K PER PERSON for what? Pain and suffering, loss of personal items. That seems fair to me. Now, if there was loss if life, of course there should be more compensation. But the 15K person is for people who walked away. I don't know about you, but DH and I don't sail with 30K worth of goods. Fifteen thousand PER PERSON would be more than enough to compensate us for what was likely the scariest moment in these people's lives. But the fact remains, they lost nothing but personal goods. I hope CCL fights every greedy, ridiculous law suit they get. Give the money these greedy people are asking for to the people who actually deserve it, those who had loss of life (or their survivors). Seriously. It's people like you who've made this country so greedy and litigious, IMHO.


Actually the contract provisions in tickets are almost always considered not enforceable in U.S. courts when the case involves gross criminal negligence by an employee of a company. This has been proven true in many previous court cases in the U.S. envolving cruise lines, amusement parks, youth sports clubs, etc.


Let's provide an example, if several people fall and hurt themselves on a cruise ship in stormy weather and no negligence is involved by the crew then the ticket contract is enforceable. In the case that a cruise ship sinks with many deaths due to criminal gross negligence by the captain and officers then the ticket contract will not be held enforceable in court generally.


I expect it is only a matter of time before the courts in Miami/Dade clear the path for Carnival Corp/Costa to be sued in the U.S. over the Concordia disaster.

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I would just be happy to be alive and compensated for my belongings.


You can sit here all day long and say you would be happy with the initial offer but until you are in that situation you don't know how you would feel. I don't care what anyone says until it happens to you, you don't know what your reaction would be.


LittleMiss, I agree 100% with BeachChik. Unless you were a passenger on on the Concordia, you absolutely cannot say with 100% certainty that you would just be happy to be alive and compensated for your belongings. Period. Done.

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I paid for it. And yes, the total was over 15K. And I agree this is different.


Do you then agree that even the survivors would probably need a larger payout than offered? Even if just for potential medical costs?

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My profession is to work with my clients and see that their mentally and emotionally ok. Part of my therapy is putting action plans into place and it works every time. Also, why does my post or opinions have to be negative? What about the post that say the cruise line and the captain should pay pay pay.... Are they any less negative? I'm not saying they shouldn't pay I'm just saying when is enough enough that's all


You had more credibility until you claimed that your therapy works every time. There is NO therapy that works every time. If there was we would not continue to have traumatized service men- we could just do your therapy and all fixed.

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Fined by whom? And the money goes where?


CCL was clearly at fault and should pay the piper. There should also be punitive damages because of the inexcusable cowardice of the crew.


Fined by country registered in and money distributed towards belongings and perished loved ones easy

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