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40 lbs by Sept 2005


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Hey Jill - It's always fun to buy those smaller sizes! Have a great trip!


Hi snowcamper - sorry about the gain:(! You just have to stock up the store with some lo-cal snacks! :rolleyes: And find time to swim in the pool after clearing out the weeds! I've been very active this week AND this weekend, but have been CRAVING and eating chocolate - I need to lock it up away from me!! Aaarrgghh!


And sarapdot - as long as the scale is moving in the right direction, slow is OK! :p After my cholcolate binge, I don't know what this next week will bring!

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Well I made it through Girlguide camp without any problems:) . I even managed to be down 2 lb's too, total 21 now I guess I am on the downward side now ;) .


Speaking on Low fat treats, personally I am afraid to even let them pass my lips as it will weaken my will power. Like last night I went to a barbeque and fully intended on being extra good however the chocolate raspberry cheesecake called my name and down the hatch it went. I did manage to take a very small peice and when seconds came around I managed to pass but it sure was hard. Cheesecake is my all time favorite . I find that the less choices that I have the better I seem to do with losing weight. I know it sounds boring but it will be all worth it as I am trying a little bit of this and a little bit of that on the Century in Novemeber :D .


Have a great week everyone


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I would like to join this thread also. I am sailing on September 17.


I have a ton to loose, but set my goal at 35 pounds. I weighed in this morning and ma down 14 pounds.


I have been having a horrible time this past few days. On Sunday I had the munchies really bad and today I wanted cheesy pizza so bad I couldn't stand it. I was good and had my Healthy Choice dinner instead. Actually, luckily the people I go to lunch with were gone so I stayed at the office. This afternoon a co-worker asked me to go the DQ and I managed to have ice water.


I have 21 pounds to go to my first goal and then I will take it from there.


A few months ago I bought a lovely piece of furniture that sits between my kitchen and livingroom and gathers dust. Actually, I think it is called a treadmill. HA HA I need to get in gear and use the darned thing. We paid over $400 for this obstacle we walk around. HA HA

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welcome doughboy. Lean quisine? makes a great cheese pizza, in fact all there pizza's are great. snowcamper, swimming is great exercise. just jump in and swim! Have a great one everybody! Jill;)

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Hi guidinggirl & doughboy! Way to go to both of you! :D


Doughboy - when the cravings hit, sometimes it's best to indulge "a little", like guiding girl did with her small piece of cheesecake. And like Jill said, there's a lot of good "healthier" pizzas out there. I've made my own "pizzas" at home with pita bread, spaghetti sauce - light on the cheese & heavy on the veggies. Or if only the "real thing" will do, does your local pizzeria sell by the slice?


And guidinggirl - I had a lowfat "make your own sundae" this weekend - everything in moderation! But the big problem with "lowfat" treats is they are usually heavier on sugar, which can be worse! :(


I try to read labels all the time now, but I really goofed a few weeks ago. I bought my BF what I thought were "healthier" snacks for his lunch - those Hostess fruit "pies" (actually the store brand 4/$1, but the ingredients are the same). A week later, after he had already a few, HE decided to read the label - almost 400 calories, more than 50% (I think) of the % daily value of saturated fat, because it's made with LARD! :eek: Aaaaccckkk! Now I read everything, even if I'm buyng it just for him!

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Hey you guys! My husband and my friend who is on the diet with me loooovveee the Lean cuisine pizza's. Not the french bread, the roasted vegi, mushroom spinach and margaritta pizza's. They say they are the best. I haven't tried them. Thought you pizza lovers might give them a shot.:D

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I'd love to join you all to stay motivated. I've been doing ww for about 13 wks. As of last Thursday, I was down a total of 13 lbs. (4.6 lbs last wk). I've had a couple of 2 lbs weight gain weeks followed by the 4.6 lb drop last week. I took the month of May off was vacationing from dieting and exercising so that's when I started gaining the 2 lbs for 2 wks in a row. I'm thinking - here we go again paying to gain! At this point, I knew that I had to make a change or I would gain back all that I lost. On June 6th I kicked up my exercising :eek: ! I start every morning by doing a 70 minute exercise video (Florence Joyner) and Monday - Friday I walk 3 miles at lunch (got caught in down pour once so far) and 2 miles at home on the treadmill. So far, the only thing I do on the weekends is my Flo Jo video. It consists of cardio, toning & abs. Also drink lots of water - 24 ozs during morning exercise another 24 ozs in the evening and 32-64 ozs during the day at work. Was drinking an additional 24 oz in the evening, but it was interferring with my sleep schedule - yep, up at 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. for a bathroom run :) Need to work on drinking more during the weekend. I know that I drink at least 24 ozs.


I've completed my exercising for the day. Since I took the day off, I did Flo Jo and walked 5 miles on my treadmill. I'm pretty psyched looking forward to seeing if I dropped another 4 lbs this week. Weigh in is in 1 hr. I'll let you know how I did.


I've read that the healthy weight loss is 2 lbs per week. Is it unhealthy for me to lose more than 2 lbs? I'm 5'8" and about 40-50 lbs over weight.



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PatM, way to go with the excercise!!!!! I am impressed.


Like you, I need to get more water down during the day. In the evening I have cut back so I don't the the potty-hop in the middle of the night.

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Thanks Doughboy - now I need to keep it up for at least 12 more weeks then I'll take a mini vacation on the AOS. After that, I'll get back on track and hopefully can cut back on some of the exercising. However, I must walk on the treadmill daily even if its only for 1 mile because when I purchased it (Nordictrack) I assured my dh that it was a great investment for us so I can't let it become a hanger or dust collector. DH is taking his walk as I type. He's walking to strengten his back.


Weigh in today only down 2 lbs since last Thursday. Very happy that it wasn't a gain!



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Pat -- WTG!


Two things


1 - I'm not a medical person, but I don't think it's unsafe to lose an average of 2 lbs per week at this time, especially since you say you still have up to 50 lbs to lose. (The closer to goal you get, the harder it will be, of course.) But it's a mistake to severely reduce calories if you stop losing at that rate. It only puts you in "starvation mode".


2 - It really is possible to drink TOO much water. You seem to be drinking almost 1 gallon (128 oz) a day during the week. If you also drink any other beverages, you might be drinking too much. You only need to drink about 8 - 8 oz glasses per day (64 oz.), plus a little more when exercising or otherwise sweating heavily. When you drink too much water (more than a gallon a day), your body can lose some of its water-soluble vitamins & minerals through sweat or going to the bathroom. (I had a friend who did this while dieting - she was drinking 1-2 gallons of water per day! She went to the doctor because she started feeling tired all the time, but she knew she was eating enough calories. It was too much water.) And be sure to take a multi-vitamin every day!

Good luck & keep up the good work!

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Hello everyone!:p I just got back from my weighin and I am down 1.6 from wednesday.:D I knew it was just water weight. I just hope I can stay below 170 now. I have been hovering around for to long. Now that I'm down to 168 I do not want to see 170 again!!

Sharonela - I may have read your post wrong, but everything that I have heard including what LA Weightloss suggest is that 2 pounds pounds a week is a very healthy rate.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm going to be grilling today. I got about six pounds of chicken I'm going to cook on the grill and freeze. I also got some fresh vegi's. YUM!:p

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hello everyone!:p I just got back from my weighin and I am down 1.6 from wednesday.:D I knew it was just water weight. I just hope I can stay below 170 now. I have been hovering around for to long. Now that I'm down to 168 I do not want to see 170 again!!


Sharonela - I may have read your post wrong, but everything that I have heard including what LA Weightloss suggest is that 2 pounds pounds a week is a very healthy rate.


Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm going to be grilling today. I got about six pounds of chicken I'm going to cook on the grill and freeze. I also got some fresh vegi's. YUM!:p


Hope everyone has a great day!


Congrats on the loss, Sarapdot! :D 170 is my next hurdle too, just passed the 180 mark last week! And double YUM on the grilled chicken!


I don't think either of us are "wrong" here about how much you should be able to safely lose in a week. Most weight loss experts talk about average loss per week, NOT that you'll actually lose 2 (or more) lbs every week. So some weeks you might lose 3 or some weeks you might lose only .5 lb. The mistake some people make is, if they don't lose 2 or more EVERY week, they sometimes cut their calories too much, which makes it even harder to lose. I was trying make the point that losing about 2 lbs per week is a healthy AVERAGE, not a GOAL you have to hit every week. In trying to be brief, I think I made myself unclear! :o I think substituting the word "unsafe" for the word "unhealthy" was an error on my part. Sorry!


And, everyone's average weekly loss is different. Early on, when I still had to lose 80+, I lost an average of 1.5 to 2 lbs per week (with a 1 week high of 5 lbs), now it's more like 1 to 1.25 lb per week. But some weeks I still lose 3 & some weeks I lose only .25, or gain .25. As long as my trend still heads down instead of up, I'm happy!

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Hi All - Thanks for the welcome. :)


Sharonella: Hmm so the tiredness comes from all the water! Some days I am sooo tired - those are probably the days that I'm drinking 128+ oz. I'll try to cut back at work and take little sips instead of the bigger gulps. For my evening walk, I'll try eating crushed ice instead of drinking water.


I don't think I'm losing at an unhealthy/unsafe rate. I'm not dropping 2 lbs/week ... I've had a couple of 2 lb gains two weeks in a row :-( Guess what I'm looking for was more than 2 lbs off. Was hoping since I increased my exercising that the weight would just melt off and the water was used to flush the fat from my system :D I am such a dreamer ;) I'm looking for a quick fix. It took me 9 years (quit smoking) to gain all the weight and now I want it all off over night. I know that's not going to happen, but this time I'm going to give it my all to get rid of the extra baggage this year. If I can give up the cigarettes, I can do ANYTHING. If I'm 20 lbs lighter by September, that will be ok too because I know that I'm really on my way this go round. I still feel that with the extra exercising that the weight loss should be greater than 2 lbs. I guess I need to/can adjusted my exercise schedule if its not going to help take off additional pounds.


Sarapdot: WTG! Down to 168. Can't wait to see those numbers again. Did it take a long time to get here?


Have a great weekend and stay cool.



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I need somewhere to go when my hands are craving an evening snack!! I am starting this later than a lot of you, but I would like to lose at LEAST 20 ponds before our October 2nd cruise. So, my goal will be 20, I have lost 2 since Monday, leaves 18 to go! I am just working on keeping a healthier diet and trying to get in the exercise. I work part time in a bank and am the mother of two boys-3 years and 9 mos. They keep me hopping:) We live in a very rural area so there is no gym:( The closest is an hour away. So I really need find a video I like and commit to it! Hopefully with all the support I have seen given on this board I can make it!!



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The craving thing is really getting to me. I just want to eat. I am not hungry, it guess it is my hobbie!!


I weighed in this morning and I am down one more. 15 down 20 more until my first goal. I thought it would work better for me to have a lot of smaller goals than one HUGE goal.


I found something really good in the frozen ice cream isle. It is Luigi's Italian Ice. I think that they are 120 calories, but you have to scoop it out of the container, so it takes quite a while. I live in a very humid area and this cold treat is wonderful.

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Hello everyone!:D I just got back from my weigh in and I am down another 1.8 since Friday!:p I'm so excited. I have been hard core the past week. I have not even had a taste of anything that I'm not supposed to eat. My friend that is on the plan with me has not been doing very well for the past few months, she's been cheating alot and getting me to do it with her. She has decided to have a baby now and will not be able to continue on the plan once she gets pregnant. She can continue after she has the baby. So, I'm on my own. I'm gonna make sure that everyone on my cruise thinks I'm the hottest girl there!:p I have a new swim suit that I need to fit into!



Hope everyone has a good day!

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Weighed in this morning was down 2 pounds. Finally progress in the negitive direction. Yippee. Probably from the extreme heat here in Indiana over the weekend. I coach a baseball team and we had 5 games Thurs-Sun. I know where I lost most of the weight. Clothes were a lot heavier when I removed them compared to when I put them on.


Weight loss per week: I also have been told on more than one occasion that 2 pounds per week average was a good guide. I also have taken some physical education classes, and one of my professors (a health professor) also instructs that 1 percent of body weight loss per week on average in a good guide to losing weight. So a person weighing 150 should lose 1.5 pounds and peolpe weighing 300 could lose about 3 pounds. Just another thought on the whole process.



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Hi Pat!


I didn't mean to scare you about the water! But when you exercise is when you should definitely drink more. Maybe not "gulp" large quantities during the day. Try to "spread out" your water. Eight 8oz glasses = 2 quarts. Drink about 1 quart by lunch, another quart by dinner, & then another 16+ oz when you exercise, or if it's very hot. (I try to limit my liquids after dinner, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night! That's when I have a Polar flavored seltzer drink (0 cal), & sip it through the evening.) Of course, if you feel thirsty - DRINK! I think you only need to "worry" about having too much water when you start having over a gallon (128 oz) a day.


If you are really feeling fatigued tho, maybe you need to rethink when you are eating what. And when you take your vitamins (always with food). I try to eat a little bit of protein with everything. If you eat a little protein with every meal or snack, it takes longer to digest than the carbs in the veg & fruits, & will give you fewer "lows" during the day. And LO-fat dressing is better than NO-fat for your salad - the small amount of fat in LO-fat dressing helps you better digest the fat-soluble vitamins & minerals in the veggies!


And definitely eat something about 1 hr before you exercise & within 1 hr after. Just 1/2 an apple with 1T peanut butter is enough to "get you through".


I don't recommend this next thing for everyone, but sometimes I take 2 multivitamins a day, if I feel "draggy" later in the day. But if I do take the 2nd one, I make sure I take it at least 8 hours after the 1st one, based on the fact that your body usually doesn't store most vitamins & minerals (especially the water-soluble ones), & it excretes most of what it doesn't need at the time. So later in the day, you could be needing more vitamins, even if what you took in the morning had mostly 100% RDAs!


Anyway, the better "supplement solution" (which I am trying to organize myself into) is to take a multi in the AM, then later in the day, take some additional "individual" vitamins & minerals. The US RDA for vitamins & minerals are just MINUMUM average requirements, & most of us need more than that to achieve & maintain optimum health, especially if we exercise & restrict calories, & we don't always eat the right variety of foods to get everything we need. I'm still researching this (you can have too much of some vitamins & minerals, like A & iron), but I think it will go a long way in helping me eliminate the fatigue I occasionally feel later in the day.

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Way to go to all of you who are posting losses! Woohoo! :D Hope my weigh-in Thursday is just as good!


And Dan - I agree with you on the fact that the heavier you are, the more you can lose. That's always what makes it toughest to lose that last 10-20 lbs!


And Doughboy - I love Italian Ice! I remember eating them as a kid with the little wooden "paddle" from the ice cream man! That took even longer to eat that way! And I think I've even seen some "lower sugar" varieties out there!


Heidi - Keep your hands & mind busy! Find a "non-messy" hobby that you can pick up & put down at a moment's notice - I know having kids means only having little bits of time to yourself! Do you like puzzles? Try www.conceptistech.com (Free registration & they never sell your info to anyone!) They have several types of picture-forming logic puzzles that I am absolutely addicted to (If I had to choose between a chocolate & one of their puzzles, I just might choose the puzzle!:eek: ) I'm never in front of the TV without working on one! Or just plain old crossword or variety puzzle magazines! Or my sisters knit & crochet for Linus project which makes blankets for sick kids in hospitals.


Keep up the good work, everyone! I know it's "cookout time"! But we can do it!

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Yes!!! Another 2 lbs's this week total 23 lbs and I managed to get through a weekend at a Motorcycle rally with lots of bbq hotdogs and fried onions ( not for me but my hubby endulged) but it was sure tempting. The really neat thing was that I actually had quite alot of room in my riding chaps, not like last year when they were cutting off circulation in my legs and I really had to suck in my tummy to do up the belt.


Again I contribute my success to carefull planning of meals and making sure that I was satisfied before going around the smells of the free food stuff ( and free food is sure hard to deal with) like when you go to costco and they have all the free samples, wow, I use to try every single sample and make a whole meal by the time I left the store.


I have been a little lax on the exercise but did walk yesterday and will plan to walk each day this week.


Oh I did try mixing tuna and horseradish and a little mayo. Wow,:D it sure does add pazzaz to the old taste buds. I suggest that you all try it. Thanks for that tip.


We should take a tally on total amount of lbs lost by all who are taking this challenge. It would be an interesting tidbit to know and then compare it to some object that weighs x amount of lbs.


All have a great day, this is really motavating for me to continue, so thanks and good luck.


Angela ;)

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