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I am more than a bit concerned...


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I have never done anything like that or ever would. On the other hand, if I was fat, I just wouldn't parade around in a bathing suit in public That's just me. Glad I am more on the skinny side though.


Seriously? Maybe they should cover up with a robe so you can complain about that too. The ignorance that runs rampant on these boards never ceases to amaze me.


There is a problem on these boards that for some reason they feel the need to critique everything everyone else does. Why do people care so much about what strangers are doing? If they aren't bothering you then MYOB.


I do like the comment "glad I'm on the skinny side". And I'm a millionaire. See I can post whatever I want too. Doesn't mean its true.

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I know this question was asked of someone else, but having lost 110 lbs and been that 'fat' person before, I just wanted to chime in.


No, I wouldn't have stopped swimming, but at the same time, even when I was at my heaviest, I knew to wear a bathing suit that was as flattering as possible to my ample figure. I don't care how much self confidence someone has as a plus size woman, there are a rare precious few women who could pull off a string bikini.


That wasn't your original comment but way to backtrack. You said why would a fat person wear a bathing suit in public. NOT that they should wear one appropriate for their size.


I find former fat people to be extremely judgemental and hypocritical of other overweight people.

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How feel in my skin has nothing to do with this.


My desire to NOT have my picture posted has everything to do with this.


But what your not understanding is that we go to foreign places and take pictures of natives all the time and no one thinks anything of it. People are going to be people and for that matter we just can't control them, so we have to be comfortable with who we are and understand that there are people that are ridiculous and will do things that are silly. We should not allow others to steal our joy on a boat or not.

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Are you saying that you are seeing these pictures on Cruise Critic? I am on this board alot and I do not recall seeing pictures of people.




I agree...I have been on these boards every night for the past 3 months and have not seen one picture???

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Like many others, I go through phases of reading CC and not. Once I have a cruise booked, I read the site almost daily.


I have noticed in the last few weeks/months (at least compared to before) a lot of people posting pictures of strangers to make fun of them/poke fun/etc. etc.



I am now starting to second guess my cruise because I am worried I am going to be paranoid that someone is going to take a picture of me to then post and make fun of me on a website...



why do people do this? Yes I get that we all judge people, and something said in the moment to a friend is completely different than taking a photo and then posting that photo in your review.


I've never been worried before in my other cruises, but now after seeing several reviews and threads with people posting pictures of strangers I'm not as excited as I should be for my cruise.


Unfortunately, it's just a sad fact of life. People who do this crap are from all walks of life - the trashy, the party animal, the rich snob.

It happens on cruises, grocery stores, the park, the bus.


Its no more likely to happen on a cruise than it is anywhere else.

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I take a lot of pictures when I travel. I have learned to look beyond my subject before posting a pic to FB or photo website. I took a really nice picture of my DH and posted it on FB. It wasn't long before someone pointed out a woman in the background, bent over in her swim suit. You couldn't see her face and nothing out of the ordinary for a cruise, just a very unflattering view. Once the first comment was made, it had a snowball effect. Trying to teach myself to look beyond my subject BEFORE I take a pic now. BTW, that picture came off my page right then.

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Okay, so I had to find the infamous "Klassy" blog... I read the offending review. Yeah....


....so I enjoy a good joke. And I found half of their posts fairly amusing. I laughed out loud quite a few times. But there were some definite missteps and at the end of the whole thing I left with this impression:


These kids are overly-cynical, probably born with silver spoons in their mouths (because, seriously, who has the kind of money to continually cruise with a line they claim to hate for the sheer sake of comedy?), they're the kind of lurkers on Yahoo articles and the like, who post comments about what a waste of time it was to read, yet they'll go to extreme measures to waste their time further by going on and on about it. And, in keeping with true attention-wh0re fashion, they are fueled by how many thumbs-up and "likes" they get. They'll even give you a "Klassy gift" for liking something or joining in on their pessimistic revelry. One of these winners even got banned from drinking. Carnival isn't great about enforcing anything when it comes to selling anyone alcohol, because, let's face it, that's how they make their money, so to be cut off in an official written document says something about the "klassyness" of the authors. I saw the two photos of the "robust" women. Totally out of line. And, also a little ironic, considering the positive light they portrayed of themselves in their photos. I have a couple helmets and a short bus they could borrow.


I laughed a lot in the beginning, but toward the end of the stupid thing, I just felt pretty angry. Those kinds of people are the reason that so many people get offended with the "Wal-mart of the Seas" comments. And the people who call it that, defend themselves ever so cleverly by including the caveat "well, if you like Wal-mart, that's okay, but WE don't." Like that isn't snobby. Like they don't think they're better than you. Like we're too stupid to understand sarcasm. To me, people who prefer to pay $2 extra for salt in an upscale store have a skewed logic.


So, my take on the OP's stance -- I totally understand your fear. I'm not all too comfortable with my body either, and I'm not what most would classify as "fat", but I wouldn't be caught dead in a string bikini. But, you know, if "klassy" folk like those blog authors took a picture of me and came up with some less-than-inspired caption for it, I would go through some variations of grief in stages. I would start out feeling like crap, super self-conscious, probably - no, definitely - asking boyfriend the question that every man hates, "Am I fat??" But after a while, I would realize what kinds of people do things like that. People who are so dissatisfied with life that they'll pay thousands of dollars to have a terrible time, just so they can get lots of attention when they blog about how pathetic they are? People who obviously have deep-rooted issues with self-esteem stemming from some traumatic and unresolved elementary school playground incident? And this is when I would get angry. I might even get back at them somehow, because I'm just as petty and vengeful as the next shallow person when my pride has been damaged. And then I'd sit back and laugh. Or you could take the high road and pat yourself on the back. Either way, there are options.


Bottom line is, anyone with any sense of "klass" could see through a blatant cry for attention. It's fine to have an opinion, but "klassyness" also goes hand in hand with a forgotten concept called "tact". Those who have forgotten how to exercise said concept are usually the ones who are walking around congratulating themselves on being so gosh-darn clever.


Be glad you are above such nonsense. :D -- end rant

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There are some strange people on here hiding behind their computer.


However the vast mafority of people here are good people who are very helpful to others.


Have no clue why anyone would need to post a picture of another to make fun of them.


I agree with golf - most people like to help others - it's human nature. Before my first cruise I felt that people on here were extremely kind and helpful. After being on a few cruises - I was glad to give advice and hints to people going on their first cruise.


There are a lot of questions people have that some think are only common sense, but can be confusing to say the least.

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Okay, so I had to find the infamous "Klassy" blog... I read the offending review. Yeah....


These kids are overly-cynical, probably born with silver spoons in their mouths (because, seriously, who has the kind of money to continually cruise with a line they claim to hate for the sheer sake of comedy?), they're the kind of lurkers on Yahoo articles and the like, who post comments about what a waste of time it was to read, yet they'll go to extreme measures to waste their time further by going on and on about it. And, in keeping with true attention-wh0re fashion, they are fueled by how many thumbs-up and "likes" they get. They'll even give you a "Klassy gift" for liking something or joining in on their pessimistic revelry. One of these winners even got banned from drinking. Carnival isn't great about enforcing anything when it comes to selling anyone alcohol, because, let's face it, that's how they make their money, so to be cut off in an official written document says something about the "klassyness" of the authors. I saw the two photos of the "robust" women. Totally out of line. And, also a little ironic, considering the positive light they portrayed of themselves in their photos. I have a couple helmets and a short bus they could borrow.


As someone who was with that group, on that cruise - let me jump in here for a moment. There is no one in the group who is spoiled or "born with a silver spoon in their mouth". We just have been told by quite a few folks that we should "give Carnival another try" - so we did. I can tell you that we all went into the cruise hoping to be proved wrong and to eat crow...but it unfortunately fell below our already low expectations.


As for the drinking - the majority of our group didn't drink at all. And frankly - the person who was "cut off" really wasn't that much worse than people we saw throughout the cruise. We just decided to wheel her in a wheelchair that the group already had which drew attention of security. Oh - and security told us that they had already sent letters to 20 cruisers by the 2nd day which was a low amount for a spring break cruise. I think it happens more than everyone realizes, most people just don't post photos of it.


Parody and humor come in many forms. The website that the trip report came from is extremely popular...it just doesn't necessarily jive with the CC crowd...nor should it.


I laughed a lot in the beginning, but toward the end of the stupid thing, I just felt pretty angry. Those kinds of people are the reason that so many people get offended with the "Wal-mart of the Seas" comments. And the people who call it that, defend themselves ever so cleverly by including the caveat "well, if you like Wal-mart, that's okay, but WE don't." Like that isn't snobby. Like they don't think they're better than you. Like we're too stupid to understand sarcasm. To me, people who prefer to pay $2 extra for salt in an upscale store have a skewed logic.


Why is saying that a bad thing? I would pay an extra $2 for salt if it meant a better experience in the store with shorter lines and better service. Just like I would pay a small amount more for a better cruise with better food and better service.

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OP, what exactly is the difference if someone posts a picture of people on their review in a complimentary way.


No matter good or bad reasons .. everyone shoots pictures and sometimes they catch people in them who would rather not be posted all over CC. I know I feel that way when people post my picture. It never occurs to them to ask. They think its being nice, so I rarely say anything.


Again, I'm not talking about 'accidentally' catching someone in a photo (flattering or not)


I'm talking about taking a deliberate photo of a complete stranger with the intention of posting it. Where the stranger IS the subject matter.


We all catch people in our photos, that is understandable and hard (if not impossible) to avoid in certain places.

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You do realize you are in a public place and anyone has the right to take a picture of anything and post it any way they choose? Now, if they make money off of it I believe they have to give you a portion of that, but I can't be sure. As someone else mentioned, they only way to guarantee you are never photographed and displayed is to live you life in your home and how boring that would be?


I never questioned the legality of it.



That doesn't mean I have to like it, engage in it, or encourage/support it.

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I never questioned the legality of it.



That doesn't mean I have to like it, engage in it, or encourage/support it.


Just like I feel about smuggling (while though not illegal it is against the rules Carnival set up).


But, nothing I will say here will ever stop one single person who currently smuggles to stop smuggling. So, in reality, about 100 people who don't know what you look like know that you don't want your picture taken. Okay.

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Just like I feel about smuggling (while though not illegal it is against the rules Carnival set up).


But, nothing I will say here will ever stop one single person who currently smuggles to stop smuggling. So, in reality, about 100 people who don't know what you look like know that you don't want your picture taken. Okay.


Great point!

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Unfortunately it's NOT illegal for someone to take your picture while you're out and about.. if you're on private property that's a different story.

IMHO though, taking a picture of someone for the sole purpose of making fun of them, is morally reprehensible... but you can't take legal action.


Nope, private property is the same story if viewed from a public place. That's why the papparazi make so much money.


Honestly, if you're wearing something that is worthy of wasting bandwidth on, perhaps you should re-think your fashion choice.


Spandex is NOT for everyone...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Technically, there are protections regarding your photo or "likeness" -- particularly if the use is either commercial, or disparaging and harmful, and if you are a subject of the photo.


If I snap your photo while on a cruise and post it here or anywhere else in an insulting way, you probably have at minimum a right to demand its removal from the site. You may have legal grounds if the use constitutes an egregious misappropriation of your likeness or invasion of privacy. Posting a photo along with a snarky or insulting comment simply adds fuel to the fire. Likewise for posting a series of invasive personal photos shot with a zoom lens, for example.


Your claim may be diminished if you were in a public place and not a subject in the photo -- unless the comment in the post is "look at the person in the left background."


In my job (graphic arts and website development) I routinely reject client photos because appropriate releases have not been signed, or the photo isn't even owned by them (which constitutes a copyright violation in addition to misappropriation of likeness). In addition, there are cases in which a former employee leaves and makes a request to have all photos of him or her removed from the company website, or removed from future brochures. Unless they've signed away rights to their likeness, they have a right to expect their request to be honored.

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Like many others, I go through phases of reading CC and not. Once I have a cruise booked, I read the site almost daily.


I have noticed in the last few weeks/months (at least compared to before) a lot of people posting pictures of strangers to make fun of them/poke fun/etc. etc.



I am now starting to second guess my cruise because I am worried I am going to be paranoid that someone is going to take a picture of me to then post and make fun of me on a website...



why do people do this? Yes I get that we all judge people, and something said in the moment to a friend is completely different than taking a photo and then posting that photo in your review.




I guess I missed those posts?:confused:

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OP, what exactly is the difference if someone posts a picture of people on their review in a complimentary way. No matter good or bad reasons .. everyone shoots pictures and sometimes they catch people in them who would rather not be posted all over CC. I know I feel that way when people post my picture. It never occurs to them to ask. They think its being nice, so I rarely say anything.


I cannot foresee the day here in the U.S. when it will be illegal to take someone's picture in an open pubic situation as it is in some countries we have visited. What is bothering me in this particular exchange is that apparently some of my fellow Americans are deliberately continuing a practice which offends other nationalities which includes taking someones picture without prior permission. Despite our own occasional thinking, we do not, nor should we control the morals and mores of other nationalities. Perhaps we could start a "mini-United Nations" - one ship at a time.

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OP, don't worry about what everyone else thinks. It will just make you crazy and upset.


I have not seen the thread you are talking about, but I know there are some instances on a cruise that I think back and hope no one took a picture of me and posted it, but if they did... oh well. I have seen my pic in a few posts where I am in the background and I always think the same thing.... I am fat. LOL Who cares. Have a great cruise and don't worry about other people, because they are not worth your time or worry. :)

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